Binance Square
$BTC $ETH $BNB 🛑🛑🛑 BTC track spoiler 1️⃣ Once, one month or more, and that drop happened that I expected, but not in the same areas. Does the path mean the first failure? Of course it did not succeed. Why because we entered the month and there was a strong time gap, so BTC fell to the 56500 areas. Of course this does not mean a drop. This means the beginning of the BULL Run for that next week. As for 100% historical PUMP for BTC, in addition to that, my analysis was a month and a half ago. The mayor in the picture has been present for a month and a half. 2️⃣ The goal is to break through 73600, this resistance will be broken next week. BTC is on the 1D RSI indicator in the 58.57 area. The goal is to break through the 66.47 area, but the main goal is to break through 70.00, so here begins the strong and historic rise for BTC. And when we will see during the next week, we are waiting for the dates of May 28 and 29. These are the areas where BTC will start jumping to the areas 73,000 up to 85,000, and on the 1M frame we see that BTC is approaching an area in the RSI indicator, the 70.00 breakout area is now very close to the area now 69.71, so we wait until next week and then we will see a historic rise for BTC and on 4H. It began to rise, and this means that we will soon see a breach of the 69500 area, so the RSI indicator on 4H is positive, and it began to penetrate the region from 54.21 to the target of 70.00. Only several days separate us from the historical PUMP, so be promised a real, historical rise. #BTC #ETH #BNB #SOL #LINK


🛑🛑🛑 BTC track spoiler

1️⃣ Once, one month or more, and that drop happened that I expected, but not in the same areas. Does the path mean the first failure? Of course it did not succeed. Why because we entered the month and there was a strong time gap, so BTC fell to the 56500 areas. Of course this does not mean a drop. This means the beginning of the BULL Run for that next week. As for 100% historical PUMP for BTC, in addition to that, my analysis was a month and a half ago. The mayor in the picture has been present for a month and a half.

2️⃣ The goal is to break through 73600, this resistance will be broken next week. BTC is on the 1D RSI indicator in the 58.57 area. The goal is to break through the 66.47 area, but the main goal is to break through 70.00, so here begins the strong and historic rise for BTC. And when we will see during the next week, we are waiting for the dates of May 28 and 29. These are the areas where BTC will start jumping to the areas 73,000 up to 85,000, and on the 1M frame we see that BTC is approaching an area in the RSI indicator, the 70.00 breakout area is now very close to the area now 69.71, so we wait until next week and then we will see a historic rise for BTC and on 4H. It began to rise, and this means that we will soon see a breach of the 69500 area, so the RSI indicator on 4H is positive, and it began to penetrate the region from 54.21 to the target of 70.00. Only several days separate us from the historical PUMP, so be promised a real, historical rise.


🛑🛑🛑 BTC track spoiler

🛑🛑🛑 The first negative BTC path

Record this for you from the date April 28 to May 29. These are areas where BTC must remain above the 62400 areas, i.e. close below these. Negatively from 62400 to 60000, BTC’s rise ends, so we will see the beginning of a gradual collapse from 60000 to 52000 or 42000.

🛑🛑🛑 The second positive BTC path

I have not finished. Penetrating the 65400 area is the beginning of the takeoff. BTC to 85,000, breaching the 74,000 area, the real PUMP area, but before that, the assembly areas, so be promised a real rise.

The post will be pinned ☑️☑️☑️

#BTC #bitcoinhalving #BullorBear #Bullish2025 #BEARISH📉
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$BTC $ETH $SOL 🛑🛑🛑BTC Urgent urgent urgent update🛑🛑🛑 1️⃣ BTC still has a strong opportunity to PUMP today and penetrate the 69,000 area and also penetrate the 70,500 area. Do not forget that the BTC domain may rise significantly or fall depending on the situation and the entry of liquidity into the market. Also, do not forget that news has disappeared, so any drop to 67,000 is just a temporary correction, so it is expected that we will see a rise. Really strong during the coming day or days. Also, do not forget anything. ETH has a chance to rise to the 3800 areas and also to 3900. It is expected that we will see a strong rise in ETH and alternative currencies gradually. 2️⃣ And do not forget that the PEPE coin is still targeting the 0.00001500 area until 0.000017000, and also the LINK coin has not yet risen and has not taken its right to rise, so we may see a strong rise for it also to the 19,500 areas, and the SOL coin we may see starting to accumulate from now. The reason is that we may see ETF news. For the currency, so people may start accumulating the currency, and for this reason it is a very strong currency, and the DOGE currency, and we may see it strong to the areas of 0.25 to 0.35. Now we should see a gradual rise without any movement to fall or stop in the rise. Also, the dollar domain aims to fall to the areas of 4.45 to 4.30, and liquidity is still in Areas below 2.507, so the rise is real when the zone is broken again. Also, BTC, if it falls, the expected area is between 68,500 and 66,500, so the good support area is 67,000. With this indicator, the RSI is still positive in BTC, so the real rise begins next week. 3️⃣ The date of May 28 and 29 is the beginning of the rise of real BTC and ETH as well as alternative currencies. The market is starting to rise. There is no negativity on BTC on the daily, weekly or monthly candles, so it is expected that the strongest PUMP will occur next week after the close of the next week. #BTC #ETH #ETHETFsApproved #FIT21 #btc70k

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