Binance Square
Professor Mende - Founder of BONUZ Project - in Dubai UAE
🚀 BITCOIN WILL HIT $1 MILLION BY 2030 🚀 so JACK DORSEY! 🤑 Big news from Jack Dorsey, the co-founder of Twitter! He's throwing out a bold prediction that Bitcoin's price could soar to at least $1 million by 2030. And he doesn’t stop there—he thinks it could climb even higher! 💬 In a recent chat with journalist Mike Solana on Pirate Wires, Dorsey shared his optimism about Bitcoin's future. He mentioned that while the price jump is exciting, the real thrill comes from the Bitcoin community. According to him, everyone involved—from those who work on its tech to those investing in it—is boosting the whole ecosystem, pushing its value up. 🌐 Dorsey also opened up about his recent exit from the board of BlueSky, a project he kicked off as a decentralized alternative to Twitter. He expressed some disappointment, noting that BlueSky is starting to mirror the very issues he hoped to avoid, like centralization and the push for more control over content. 🔗 He’s now supporting Nostr, a platform he feels truly upholds the principles of decentralization and free speech. (that's what Dorsey believes.. I am not so sure exactly). 💸 On the business side, Dorsey’s company, Block, plans to reinvest 10% of its gross profit from Bitcoin ventures back into buying more Bitcoin every month. This move underscores his commitment to Bitcoin's growth. 👀 With all the developments, Dorsey remains a major voice in tech and finance, watching closely as his predictions and investments unfold over this decade. - Professor Mende out! #bitcoin #btc #bitcoinpricealert #PricePredictions2024 #crypto $BTC  $ETH  $SOL


🤑 Big news from Jack Dorsey, the co-founder of Twitter! He's throwing out a bold prediction that Bitcoin's price could soar to at least $1 million by 2030. And he doesn’t stop there—he thinks it could climb even higher!

💬 In a recent chat with journalist Mike Solana on Pirate Wires, Dorsey shared his optimism about Bitcoin's future. He mentioned that while the price jump is exciting, the real thrill comes from the Bitcoin community. According to him, everyone involved—from those who work on its tech to those investing in it—is boosting the whole ecosystem, pushing its value up.

🌐 Dorsey also opened up about his recent exit from the board of BlueSky, a project he kicked off as a decentralized alternative to Twitter. He expressed some disappointment, noting that BlueSky is starting to mirror the very issues he hoped to avoid, like centralization and the push for more control over content.

🔗 He’s now supporting Nostr, a platform he feels truly upholds the principles of decentralization and free speech. (that's what Dorsey believes.. I am not so sure exactly).

💸 On the business side, Dorsey’s company, Block, plans to reinvest 10% of its gross profit from Bitcoin ventures back into buying more Bitcoin every month. This move underscores his commitment to Bitcoin's growth.

👀 With all the developments, Dorsey remains a major voice in tech and finance, watching closely as his predictions and investments unfold over this decade.

- Professor Mende out!

#bitcoin #btc #bitcoinpricealert #PricePredictions2024 #crypto


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