Binance Square
The SEC just declared war on crypto. Uniswap is the LARGEST decentralized exchange (DEX) in existence. Has over $2 trillion in total volume since its launch in 2018. Ranked #1 in most metrics including over $6.1B in TVL. Today Uniswap Labs received a Wells Notice from the SEC. This is typically the step right BEFORE a lawsuit. This is like the SEC sueing the NASDAQ and expecting tech stock trading to continue in the United Stated. It wouldn't. It would all be pushed off shore. Will the crypto market survive attack like this? HIT ONE FOLLOW

The SEC just declared war on crypto.

Uniswap is the LARGEST decentralized exchange (DEX) in existence.

Has over $2 trillion in total volume since its launch in 2018.

Ranked #1 in most metrics including over $6.1B in TVL.

Today Uniswap Labs received a Wells Notice from the SEC.

This is typically the step right BEFORE a lawsuit.

This is like the SEC sueing the NASDAQ and expecting tech stock trading to continue in the United Stated.

It wouldn't. It would all be pushed off shore.

Will the crypto market survive attack like this?


Отказ от ответственности: на платформе опубликованы материалы и мнения третьих лиц. Не является финансовой рекомендацией. Может содержать спонсируемый контент. См. Правила и условия.
Ответов: 1
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