Binance Square
SEC approves #Bitcoin  #ETF for listing on all registered national securities exchanges HERE ARE TICKERS 👇 WISDOM TREE $BTCW GRAYSCALE $GBTC BLACKROCK $IBIT INVERSCO $BTCO FRANKLIN $EZBC VALKYRIE $BRRR FIDELITY $FBTC VANECK $HODL BITWISE $BITB ARK $ARKB Now is the optimal moment to engage in the purchase of BRC20's ARKB. As one of the anticipated Bitcoin spot ETF codes slated for future approval by the US SEC, the identical letter typo generates unlimited traffic. Cathie Wood's ETF project, with its inherent star power, is certain to receive acclaim from both ordinals and the BTC community. By January 10, 2024, within the SEC's fourth decision period, ARKB is poised for approval, adhering to the principle that "third time's the charm," making a fourth delay or rejection implausible. ARK's #Bitcoin spot ETF has transparently disclosed an annual fee of 0.25%, establishing itself as the inaugural issuer to publicly disclose such fees. This ETF will inevitably be listed and traded on the Chicago Exchange. Therefore, they are determined to succeed. ARK Invest and 21Shares' spot Bitcoin ETFs have been incorporated into the US Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation (DTCC), with the trading code designated as ARKB. Views are presented for reference only; caution is advised in investment decisions! Wondering where to buy and sell ARKB? A quick Google search for ARKB will direct you to a trading market page among the top results. The community has embraced the popular domain suffix "io," prefixed with "arkb." It's crucial to emphasize that the Bitcoin BRC-20 token project ARKB has no association with Ark Invest / 21 Shares. Please note that this article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal, tax, investment, financial, or other advice. BREAKING: Ark and 21Shares are going for 0.25% fee + *NO FEE* for the first six months or until $1 billion in assets for the Spot $BTC ETF! #BTC #etf #arkb #ezbc #drex $BTC $ETH

SEC approves #Bitcoin  #ETF for listing on all registered national securities exchanges












Now is the optimal moment to engage in the purchase of BRC20's ARKB. As one of the anticipated Bitcoin spot ETF codes slated for future approval by the US SEC, the identical letter typo generates unlimited traffic. Cathie Wood's ETF project, with its inherent star power, is certain to receive acclaim from both ordinals and the BTC community. By January 10, 2024, within the SEC's fourth decision period, ARKB is poised for approval, adhering to the principle that "third time's the charm," making a fourth delay or rejection implausible. ARK's #Bitcoin spot ETF has transparently disclosed an annual fee of 0.25%, establishing itself as the inaugural issuer to publicly disclose such fees. This ETF will inevitably be listed and traded on the Chicago Exchange. Therefore, they are determined to succeed.

ARK Invest and 21Shares' spot Bitcoin ETFs have been incorporated into the US Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation (DTCC), with the trading code designated as ARKB. Views are presented for reference only; caution is advised in investment decisions! Wondering where to buy and sell ARKB? A quick Google search for ARKB will direct you to a trading market page among the top results. The community has embraced the popular domain suffix "io," prefixed with "arkb." It's crucial to emphasize that the Bitcoin BRC-20 token project ARKB has no association with Ark Invest / 21 Shares. Please note that this article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal, tax, investment, financial, or other advice. BREAKING: Ark and 21Shares are going for 0.25% fee + *NO FEE* for the first six months or until $1 billion in assets for the Spot $BTC ETF!

#BTC #etf #arkb #ezbc #drex $BTC $ETH

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$SOL 资本市场大鱼吃小鱼,小鱼吃虾米,这点谁都知道,但我们是来市场上赚钱的,在币圈零和博弈的游戏中怎么去和资本对打? 大部分人只能被动的接收消息面,变成无脑跟风的人群中的一员,最终成为接盘侠。百分之90的人将在2024这轮牛市亏钱,这个是客观规律无法改变! 在牛市大部分人亏钱的原因就是玩短线合约频繁爆仓或者当手里拿的价值币跑不赢别人手里的币之后开始焦虑,于是追涨杀跌,频繁换仓,最终的结果一定是虽然经历了大牛市,别人赚的盆满钵满,自己亏的一塌糊涂! 一荣俱荣,一损俱损。 ARKB社区的口号从来不是争夺什么比特币BRC20 赛道的老大老二老三,ARKB作为将来美国sec批准的比特币现货ETF代码之一,一直以来希望和在做的都是:“让三亿人拥有比特币钱包!”这才是我们社区的理念。拒绝存量互割,壮大整个比特币生态才是我等应该做的,共同繁荣才是 BRC20 的未来和宗旨!!让我们携手共进,一起谱写未来发展的美好新篇章。观点仅供参考,投资需谨慎! 如何在币安app购买BRC20的ARKB呢?首先升级你的币安app为最新版本,旧版打不开。保证开通了币安web3钱包,且比特币链上有BTC,如果没有btc请先充值或划转。在首页搜索ARKB,就可以找到web3钱包的ARKB进行买卖交易。当然了,你也可以去unisat 搜索arkb进行交易。 少有的几个有官方网站的比特币BRC-20项目。比特币BRC-20的代币项目ARKB跟方舟Ark Invest / 21 Shares没有任何关系。 #token2049 #ETH #BTC #BNB #Binance $BTC $ETH

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