According to PANews, the Deputy Director of the Cultural Finance Research Center at Tsinghua University's Wudaokou School of Finance, Liang Junjian, presented the 'Cultural Industry Investment and Financing Research Report' at the 2024 Beijing Cultural Forum's Cultural Industry Investors Conference. The report highlights several significant trends in the cultural finance market based on statistical data.

Firstly, the cultural industry bond market is increasingly playing a vital role. This development indicates a growing reliance on bonds as a financing tool within the cultural sector. Secondly, listed companies are leveraging the mergers and acquisitions market to enhance quality and increase volume. This trend suggests that companies are actively seeking strategic acquisitions to bolster their market positions and expand their operations.

Additionally, in the private equity market, there is a continuous flow of financial resources into emerging sectors such as artificial intelligence, virtual reality, the metaverse, and digital assets. This influx of investment underscores the growing importance and potential of these innovative fields within the cultural industry. The report's findings provide valuable insights into the evolving dynamics of cultural finance and the strategic directions being pursued by industry stakeholders.