According to Odaily, Bitwise Chief Investment Officer, Matt Hougan, has stated that the political shift in Washington D.C. regarding cryptocurrency has been underestimated. He pointed out that the crypto industry has amassed significant political power in Washington. If this change had been recognized earlier, the market would have already reached new heights.

Hougan believes that once Wall Street embraces crypto assets, the market will experience a significant leap. The Bitwise CIO's comments highlight the growing influence and acceptance of cryptocurrency in the political and financial spheres. This shift could potentially lead to a surge in the market, indicating a promising future for the crypto industry.

However, it's important to note that the acceptance and integration of cryptocurrency into mainstream finance and politics is a complex process. It requires not only understanding and acceptance from key players but also comprehensive regulations and policies to ensure its safe and effective use. As such, while the political shift in Washington is a positive sign, the full impact of this change on the cryptocurrency market remains to be seen.