As of the latest available information, here's a summary of Solana (SOL) price predictions for June 28, 2024:

- **Cryptonews** suggests that Solana has made a significant recovery through 2023 and 2024. As of June 24, 2024, Solana is trading at **$128.68**. They predict that Solana could potentially reach new all-time highs of **$298** in 2025.

- **Changelly** reports that the current price of Solana is **$180.74** and ranks it at number 5 in the crypto ecosystem. Their forecast for June 28, 2024, suggests a slight decrease to **$137.10**.

- **** expects Solana to trade at a minimum price of **$176.90**, with a potential average cost of about **$192.49** for June 2024. They also mention a possible high of **$208.07**.

- **CoinGape** indicates that given the current market dynamics and technical indicators, Solana has a strong potential to reach the **$200** mark in June 2024.

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