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TON链,区块链的“精装修烂尾楼” 一个被神化的区块链闹剧 TON链,号称“区块链技术新巅峰”,自上线以来便在币圈掀起了一股不小的浪潮。从它吹嘘的“百万TPS”到所谓的“Telegram血统”,再到它的分片技术,TON链的包装可谓精致到让人拍案叫绝。然而,当我们揭开这层光鲜的外衣,却发现这个项目在技术和生态上是一个彻头彻尾的笑话。 TON链的存在证明了一个道理:包装越精美,内容越值得怀疑。接下来,让我们从技术到生态,从治理到现实,全面剖析这个币圈的“精装修烂尾楼”,看看它是如何在光环下不断崩塌的。 第一部分:技术承诺成空话 1. “百万TPS”:纸上谈兵的技术神话 TON链最引以为豪的卖点之一是它的“百万TPS”(每秒事务处理能力)。然而,这个百万TPS的说法完全是理论上的数据,它并未在真实环境中实现过。 在区块链领域,TPS的提升往往意味着去中心化的削弱。TON链为了吹嘘性能,采用了一种高度中心化的节点架构,使得它的TPS在理论值上显得很高,但实际应用中却漏洞百出: 测试数据不可信:TON链的性能测试完全基于理想环境,比如少量用户、固定网络条件等。在真实的分布式环境中,网络延迟和通信效率直接导致它的性能下降得触目惊心。中心化问题严重:为了追求高TPS,TON链采用了中心化的节点分布方式,这与去中心化的核心理念背道而驰。换句话说,它不过是一个“披着区块链外衣的伪高性能系统”。 2. 分片技术:自吹自擂的伪创新 TON链声称采用了最先进的分片技术,能够将交易负载分配到多个分片上,以提高整体性能。然而,这个分片机制的问题多得让人怀疑它的设计是否经过了充分验证: 跨分片通信效率低下:分片技术的核心在于高效的分片间通信,而TON链在这一点上表现极差。跨分片交易延迟高、成功率低,这样的技术根本无法支撑复杂的链上应用。分片不均衡问题严重:在实际应用中,某些分片的交易量极高,而其他分片几乎处于闲置状态,这直接导致了资源利用率低下。 3. PoS-BFT共识机制的短板 TON链采用了PoS与BFT结合的共识机制。然而,这种共识机制在TON链上的实现存在严重缺陷: 节点集中化:TON链的验证节点数量有限,大部分节点由少数利益相关者控制,这使得它的共识机制更像是“少数人说了算”。易受攻击:节点的高度集中使得TON链更容易遭受恶意攻击。只需控制少数节点,就可以对整个网络发起攻击,这种安全性根本无法让人放心。 第二部分:生态建设的虚假繁荣 1. 开发者生态的窘境 区块链项目的核心竞争力在于开发者社区的支持。然而,TON链的开发者生态可以用“荒芜”二字形容: 开发工具简陋:TON链的官方开发工具缺乏必要的功能支持,甚至连最基本的调试工具都没有。这让开发者在构建DApp时倍感挫败。文档质量低劣:TON链的开发文档充满错误和不完整的描述,开发者需要耗费大量时间自行摸索。 2. DApp生态的尴尬 TON链上几乎没有值得一提的去中心化应用。目前的DApp数量屈指可数,而且大多是一些简单的转账工具或无趣的小游戏。这种生态现状让人不禁发问:TON链的技术优势到底为谁服务? 3. 用户活跃度低迷 用户是区块链项目的核心。然而,TON链的用户数据一直惨淡: 钱包活跃用户少:TON链的钱包用户增长缓慢,与主流区块链项目相比差距巨大。交易量低:链上的交易量严重不足,这不仅说明用户兴趣有限,也反映出整个生态的吸引力不足。 第三部分:治理模式的伪去中心化 TON链宣称采用去中心化的治理模式,但实际上它的治理高度集中在少数利益相关者手中: 节点分布不均:TON链的大部分验证节点都由少数几家机构掌控,普通用户几乎没有话语权。治理权高度垄断:所谓的社区投票只是摆设,真正的决策权掌握在开发团队和早期投资者手中。 第四部分:路线图与现实的差距 TON链的路线图列满了宏伟的目标,比如“扩展性提升”“智能合约优化”等。然而,这些目标大多停留在PPT阶段,真正落地的项目少之又少: 承诺过多,交付过少:TON链的每一次更新都伴随着大量的宣传,但实际交付的功能却寥寥无几。技术创新不足:TON链的大部分技术亮点都是从其他项目借鉴而来,所谓的创新不过是“换汤不换药”。 结语:泡沫终将破灭 TON链的存在是币圈“技术泡沫”的又一典型案例。它的技术能力被严重夸大,生态建设乏善可陈,治理模式中心化问题严重。 区块链行业需要真正的技术创新,而不是用华丽辞藻包装出来的伪项目。TON链看似风光,但它的每一处细节都在暴露出一个事实:这是一个包装精美的泡沫,注定无法长久存在。 结论很简单:TON链,币圈的“精装修烂尾楼”,再怎么刷漆上色,也掩盖不了它的问题。 {future}(TONUSDT) {future}(HMSTRUSDT) {future}(DOGSUSDT) #TON #HMSTR #Dogs


1. “百万TPS”:纸上谈兵的技术神话
2. 分片技术:自吹自擂的伪创新
3. PoS-BFT共识机制的短板
1. 开发者生态的窘境
2. DApp生态的尴尬
3. 用户活跃度低迷

TON UPDATED SIGNAL :COIN NAME : $TON SIGNAL TYPE : LONG🚀 {spot}(TONUSDT) If we see 1 hour time frame, we should see a asending triangle in this chart. And candels already break out the resistance level of pattern. But if you see the ema bands they recently squazing , and now pointing upward momentam. How ever candels are going to supporting level of volume figure. So we expecting this market going to bullish more. Total3 market also makeing a symetrical traingle.That's why we are also hopeing that coin are also pumping. Ema & volume figure supporting upward momentam. ENTRY : 5.766 TP: 5.998 SL: 5.730 #TON #Crypto2025Trends #ATASurgeAnalysis #CryptoETFMania #BitwiseBitcoinETF


If we see 1 hour time frame, we should see a asending triangle in this chart. And candels already break out the resistance level of pattern. But if you see the ema bands they recently squazing , and now pointing upward momentam. How ever candels are going to supporting level of volume figure. So we expecting this market going to bullish more.

Total3 market also makeing a symetrical traingle.That's why we are also hopeing that coin are also pumping. Ema & volume figure supporting upward momentam.

ENTRY : 5.766
TP: 5.998
SL: 5.730
#TON #Crypto2025Trends #ATASurgeAnalysis #CryptoETFMania #BitwiseBitcoinETF
$TON Coin's Price Journey From Launch to New Heights 2021: Launched at $4.44 2022: Experienced lows of $0.8081 2024: Reached new highs of $8.03 TON Coin's journey has been remarkable, showcasing its growth and resilience in the crypto market! #TONUSDT #TON #BtcNewHolder
$TON Coin's Price Journey From Launch to New Heights

2021: Launched at $4.44

2022: Experienced lows of $0.8081

2024: Reached new highs of $8.03

TON Coin's journey has been remarkable, showcasing its growth and resilience in the crypto market!

#TONUSDT #TON #BtcNewHolder
Según el CEO de Telegram, Pavel Durov, la red social ha pagado una parte importante de su deuda de US$2.000 millones y es rentable por primera vez. Tambien ha superado los US$1.000 millones en ingresos totales en 2024 y tiene más de US$500 millones en reservas de efectivo y criptomonedas. Esto es una buena noticia para la criptomoneda #TON a largo plazo, la cual se mantiene en US$5 por moneda por ahora. Estimo que en el 2025 esta criptomoneda puede subir a US$10 y superar su maximo historico de US$8. Advierto que tengo tenencia de TON por la publicidad que publica Telegram en mi canal.
Según el CEO de Telegram, Pavel Durov, la red social ha pagado una parte importante de su deuda de US$2.000 millones y es rentable por primera vez. Tambien ha superado los US$1.000 millones en ingresos totales en 2024 y tiene más de US$500 millones en reservas de efectivo y criptomonedas.

Esto es una buena noticia para la criptomoneda #TON a largo plazo, la cual se mantiene en US$5 por moneda por ahora. Estimo que en el 2025 esta criptomoneda puede subir a US$10 y superar su maximo historico de US$8. Advierto que tengo tenencia de TON por la publicidad que publica Telegram en mi canal.
"Криптовалюты 2025: что скрывается за кулисами рынка?"Когда вы в последний раз задавали себе вопрос: зачем я здесь, на крипторынке? Заработать, приумножить капитал, поймать волну хайпа? Всё это звучит правильно, но… слишком просто. За кулисами криптовалют скрывается нечто большее. 2025 год принесёт на рынок не только новые возможности, но и новые вызовы. Пока большинство видит лишь заголовки и графики, те, кто понимает, что скрыто за этими линиями, получают реальные шансы. Готовы взглянуть глубже? Рынок раздора: паника или возможности? Сегодня крипторынок похож на арену: одни ждут краха, другие — нового роста. Что видите вы? Если ваше внимание сосредоточено на хайповых проектах и быстрых иксах, возможно, вы упускаете главное. -Криптовалюты на грани масштабного принятия. С каждым днём проекты внедряются в реальный мир: от платёжных систем до интеграции в соцсети. -Игроки с крупным капиталом готовятся к наступлению. Фонды, банки и корпорации уже тестируют блокчейн-решения. Но важный момент: наиболее ценные активы часто лежат вне зоны прямой видимости толпы. Как отличить золото от песка? Рынок криптовалют переполнен проектами. Какие из них выживут и преуспеют? Давайте рассмотрим три примера, которые сегодня на слуху: 1. TON: от Telegram к блокчейну будущего. Эта экосистема только начинает раскрываться. Telegram уже интегрирует крипту в повседневную жизнь миллионов, а TON становится мостом между традиционным интернетом и Web3. Потенциал: интеграции с мессенджером, массовое принятие. Риск: высокая зависимость от экосистемы Telegram. 2. SOL: не просто сбои, а возможности. Да, Solana сталкивалась с техническими трудностями. Но её команда активно улучшает сеть, а проекты на её базе продолжают развиваться. Экосистема Solana — это не просто блокчейн, а платформа для нового поколения децентрализованных приложений. 3. DOGE: мем или больше? Dogecoin — это уже не просто шутка. Поддержка Илона Маска и популярность среди широкого круга пользователей делают её мощным инструментом массового принятия крипты. Неочевидная истина: куда смотрит толпа — туда лучше не идти. Криптовалюты — это не только про деньги. Это про будущее: децентрализацию, свободу, инновации. Пока толпа обсуждает, растёт ли цена или падает, умные инвесторы смотрят на: -Инфраструктуру проектов. -Поддержку технологий крупными игроками. -Глобальные тренды в крипторегулировании. 2025 год станет годом возможностей для тех, кто думает наперёд. Пока толпа концентрируется на мелочах, настоящий успех ждёт тех, кто видит стратегическую картину. Подпишись, чтобы не упустить главное! Криптовалютный рынок меняется каждый день. Чтобы быть впереди, нужно следить за трендами, понимать, как устроена система, и вовремя действовать. Я делаю сложное простым, а важное — доступным. Не оставайся в стороне. Подпишись, чтобы оставаться в игре. #CryptoNewss #Binance #TON #solana #DOGECOİN

"Криптовалюты 2025: что скрывается за кулисами рынка?"

Когда вы в последний раз задавали себе вопрос: зачем я здесь, на крипторынке? Заработать, приумножить капитал, поймать волну хайпа? Всё это звучит правильно, но… слишком просто. За кулисами криптовалют скрывается нечто большее.
2025 год принесёт на рынок не только новые возможности, но и новые вызовы. Пока большинство видит лишь заголовки и графики, те, кто понимает, что скрыто за этими линиями, получают реальные шансы. Готовы взглянуть глубже?
Рынок раздора: паника или возможности?
Сегодня крипторынок похож на арену: одни ждут краха, другие — нового роста. Что видите вы? Если ваше внимание сосредоточено на хайповых проектах и быстрых иксах, возможно, вы упускаете главное.
-Криптовалюты на грани масштабного принятия. С каждым днём проекты внедряются в реальный мир: от платёжных систем до интеграции в соцсети.
-Игроки с крупным капиталом готовятся к наступлению. Фонды, банки и корпорации уже тестируют блокчейн-решения.
Но важный момент: наиболее ценные активы часто лежат вне зоны прямой видимости толпы.
Как отличить золото от песка?
Рынок криптовалют переполнен проектами. Какие из них выживут и преуспеют? Давайте рассмотрим три примера, которые сегодня на слуху:
1. TON: от Telegram к блокчейну будущего.
Эта экосистема только начинает раскрываться. Telegram уже интегрирует крипту в повседневную жизнь миллионов, а TON становится мостом между традиционным интернетом и Web3.
Потенциал: интеграции с мессенджером, массовое принятие.
Риск: высокая зависимость от экосистемы Telegram.
2. SOL: не просто сбои, а возможности.
Да, Solana сталкивалась с техническими трудностями. Но её команда активно улучшает сеть, а проекты на её базе продолжают развиваться. Экосистема Solana — это не просто блокчейн, а платформа для нового поколения децентрализованных приложений.
3. DOGE: мем или больше?
Dogecoin — это уже не просто шутка. Поддержка Илона Маска и популярность среди широкого круга пользователей делают её мощным инструментом массового принятия крипты.
Неочевидная истина: куда смотрит толпа — туда лучше не идти.
Криптовалюты — это не только про деньги. Это про будущее: децентрализацию, свободу, инновации. Пока толпа обсуждает, растёт ли цена или падает, умные инвесторы смотрят на:
-Инфраструктуру проектов.
-Поддержку технологий крупными игроками.
-Глобальные тренды в крипторегулировании.
2025 год станет годом возможностей для тех, кто думает наперёд. Пока толпа концентрируется на мелочах, настоящий успех ждёт тех, кто видит стратегическую картину.
Подпишись, чтобы не упустить главное!
Криптовалютный рынок меняется каждый день. Чтобы быть впереди, нужно следить за трендами, понимать, как устроена система, и вовремя действовать. Я делаю сложное простым, а важное — доступным.
Не оставайся в стороне. Подпишись, чтобы оставаться в игре.
#CryptoNewss #Binance #TON #solana #DOGECOİN
Почему все знают про USDT, на России. А те кто живёт в Европе нет. Бинанс не чего не пишет про это в уведомлении, и 6 бирж где у меня крипта не пишут про это.
Notcoin (NOT) is a virtual cryptocurrency integrated into a tap-to-earn game on the Telegram platform, built on The Open Network (TON) blockchain. Players earn Notcoins by tapping a button on the screen, making it a simple and engaging experience. Market Overview: As of December 29, 2024, Notcoin is trading at approximately $0.006465, with a 24-hour trading volume around $71.78 million. The current market capitalization is approximately $662 million, with a circulating supply of 102.46 billion NOT coins. Analyst Perspectives: Analysts note that Notcoin's integration with Telegram's gaming ecosystem has contributed to its rapid user adoption. However, they caution that the token's value is highly speculative, driven largely by user engagement and the novelty of the tap-to-earn model. The lack of a clear utility beyond the game raises concerns about its long-term sustainability. Considerations for Investors: Investing in Notcoin carries significant risk due to its speculative nature and reliance on user participation within the game. Potential investors should conduct thorough research, assess their risk tolerance, and consider the token's limited utility before making investment decisions. #Notcoin👀🔥 #TON #CryptoRegulation2025 #Crypto2025Trends #MarketRebound $NOT $TON $BNB {spot}(NOTUSDT)
Notcoin (NOT) is a virtual cryptocurrency integrated into a tap-to-earn game on the Telegram platform, built on The Open Network (TON) blockchain. Players earn Notcoins by tapping a button on the screen, making it a simple and engaging experience.

Market Overview:

As of December 29, 2024, Notcoin is trading at approximately $0.006465, with a 24-hour trading volume around $71.78 million. The current market capitalization is approximately $662 million, with a circulating supply of 102.46 billion NOT coins.

Analyst Perspectives:

Analysts note that Notcoin's integration with Telegram's gaming ecosystem has contributed to its rapid user adoption. However, they caution that the token's value is highly speculative, driven largely by user engagement and the novelty of the tap-to-earn model. The lack of a clear utility beyond the game raises concerns about its long-term sustainability.

Considerations for Investors:

Investing in Notcoin carries significant risk due to its speculative nature and reliance on user participation within the game. Potential investors should conduct thorough research, assess their risk tolerance, and consider the token's limited utility before making investment decisions.

#Notcoin👀🔥 #TON #CryptoRegulation2025 #Crypto2025Trends #MarketRebound
💰#TON UPDATE 🔥 🚀 TON The Fibonacci area around $5.235 serves as a strong support. Buyers are likely to step in at this level to initiate a reversal. Price may retest the $5.23 support zone before beginning a bullish reversal. A breakout above $7.5 could lead to sustained upward momentum, targeting $12.1 in the medium term. #TON #Erinacrypto $TON {spot}(TONUSDT)

TON The Fibonacci area around $5.235 serves as a strong support. Buyers are likely to step in at this level to initiate a reversal.

Price may retest the $5.23 support zone before beginning a bullish reversal.

A breakout above $7.5 could lead to sustained upward momentum, targeting $12.1 in the medium term.
#TON #Erinacrypto $TON
🚀 $TON Staking TVL Ratio Drops – Is a Price Surge on the Horizon? 🔥 Last week, Toncoin (TON) was one of the few bright spots in a quiet crypto market, showing signs of a strong recovery as its price edges closer to $6. But what does the recent drop in staking TVL ratio mean for its future? Let’s dive in: --- 🔍 What Happens When TON Staking TVL Ratio Is Low? According to Joaowedson, a CryptoQuant analyst, the staking TVL ratio plays a pivotal role in TON’s price action: 1️⃣ March 2024 Insight: The staking TVL ratio dropped dramatically just as TON hit new highs, indicating a strong link between reduced staking and price rallies. Funds moved from staking to exchanges like Ston.FI and Dedust, increasing liquidity and demand for TON. 2️⃣ Current Scenario: Recent TVL declines suggest investors are preparing to trade TON on centralized (CEX) and decentralized exchanges (DEX). This shift increases demand, boosting the likelihood of a price rally. --- 📈 Why Is TON’s Price Likely to Rise? Market Dynamics: Lower staking TVL typically signals higher trading activity, driving up demand for the token. Historical Patterns: Similar TVL drops in the past led to significant price surges as funds flowed to exchanges. Current Recovery: TON appears to have bottomed out, with momentum building for a potential climb back to recent highs. --- 🔮 What’s Next for Toncoin? 🔼 Bullish Outlook: TON could reclaim its $6 milestone and push toward new highs if demand continues to grow. 🔽 Bearish Risks: Sustained selling pressure or broader market downturns could stall the rally. --- 💡 Pro Tip: Keep an eye on TON staking TVL trends and exchange flows for early signs of a breakout. As always, manage risks and trade responsibly. 📢 Do you think TON is headed for another rally? Share your predictions below! #Toncoin #TON #CryptoSignals #Altcoins #Write2Earn {spot}(TONUSDT)
🚀 $TON Staking TVL Ratio Drops – Is a Price Surge on the Horizon? 🔥

Last week, Toncoin (TON) was one of the few bright spots in a quiet crypto market, showing signs of a strong recovery as its price edges closer to $6. But what does the recent drop in staking TVL ratio mean for its future? Let’s dive in:


🔍 What Happens When TON Staking TVL Ratio Is Low?

According to Joaowedson, a CryptoQuant analyst, the staking TVL ratio plays a pivotal role in TON’s price action:

1️⃣ March 2024 Insight:

The staking TVL ratio dropped dramatically just as TON hit new highs, indicating a strong link between reduced staking and price rallies.

Funds moved from staking to exchanges like Ston.FI and Dedust, increasing liquidity and demand for TON.

2️⃣ Current Scenario:

Recent TVL declines suggest investors are preparing to trade TON on centralized (CEX) and decentralized exchanges (DEX).

This shift increases demand, boosting the likelihood of a price rally.


📈 Why Is TON’s Price Likely to Rise?

Market Dynamics: Lower staking TVL typically signals higher trading activity, driving up demand for the token.

Historical Patterns: Similar TVL drops in the past led to significant price surges as funds flowed to exchanges.

Current Recovery: TON appears to have bottomed out, with momentum building for a potential climb back to recent highs.


🔮 What’s Next for Toncoin?

🔼 Bullish Outlook:

TON could reclaim its $6 milestone and push toward new highs if demand continues to grow.

🔽 Bearish Risks:

Sustained selling pressure or broader market downturns could stall the rally.


💡 Pro Tip: Keep an eye on TON staking TVL trends and exchange flows for early signs of a breakout. As always, manage risks and trade responsibly.

📢 Do you think TON is headed for another rally? Share your predictions below!

#Toncoin #TON #CryptoSignals #Altcoins #Write2Earn
Toncoin price analysis #TON Toncoin’s rebound is facing selling at the moving averages, indicating selling by the bears at higher levels. The flattening 20-day EMA ($5.84) and the RSI just below the midpoint indicate a balance between supply and demand. This increases the possibility of a range-bound action in the near term.  If buyers drive the price above $6.10, the TON/USDT pair could rally to $6.50 and later to $7. Sellers are expected to mount a strong defense at $7. That could keep the price action stuck between $7 and $4.72 for some time. {spot}(TONUSDT)
Toncoin price analysis #TON
Toncoin’s rebound is facing selling at the moving averages, indicating selling by the bears at higher levels.
The flattening 20-day EMA ($5.84) and the RSI just below the midpoint indicate a balance between supply and demand. This increases the possibility of a range-bound action in the near term. 
If buyers drive the price above $6.10, the TON/USDT pair could rally to $6.50 and later to $7. Sellers are expected to mount a strong defense at $7. That could keep the price action stuck between $7 and $4.72 for some time.
What Happened Last Time TON Staking TVL Ratio Was Low? The Toncoin price rebound was one of the few cryptocurrency market bright spots last week. The market has been slow during the holidays, with Bitcoin and Ethereum unable to make an impression. Toncoin looks to be completely recovering as its price approaches $6. A pseudonymous expert says a recent on-chain phenomena shows TON's price rise is only starting. What Happened Last Time TON Staking TVL Ratio Was Low? Joaowedson, a CryptoQuant analyst, wrote a Quicktake on Toncoin pricing and staking TVL ratio. The expert says TON lockups affect pricing. The Quicktake analyst said that investors sell assets to trade when prices rise. Also, the TON ecosystem's TVL measure has dropped in recent weeks. Joaowedson remarked that Toncoin's price appeared to have bottomed out as the staking TVL ratio dropped. Thus, Toncoin price increases are more likely. Investors typically move staked cash to exchanges for speedy trading. Demand for the token rises, raising prices. History shows that the staking TVL ratio shrank dramatically in March 2024 as the TON price reached new highs. Joaowedson noted that while staking interest declined, money migrated to controlled exchanges (CEX) and decentralized exchanges (DEX) like Ston.FI and Dedust, raising their TVL. Price rises due to demand are more likely when investors trade their assets. If so, Toncoin may rebound to its recent highs. #TON #Crypto2025Trends #CryptoETFMania #CryptoRegulation2025 #MarketRebound $TON $ADA $ARB
What Happened Last Time TON Staking TVL Ratio Was Low?

The Toncoin price rebound was one of the few cryptocurrency market bright spots last week. The market has been slow during the holidays, with Bitcoin and Ethereum unable to make an impression.

Toncoin looks to be completely recovering as its price approaches $6. A pseudonymous expert says a recent on-chain phenomena shows TON's price rise is only starting.

What Happened Last Time TON Staking TVL Ratio Was Low?
Joaowedson, a CryptoQuant analyst, wrote a Quicktake on Toncoin pricing and staking TVL ratio. The expert says TON lockups affect pricing.

The Quicktake analyst said that investors sell assets to trade when prices rise. Also, the TON ecosystem's TVL measure has dropped in recent weeks.

Joaowedson remarked that Toncoin's price appeared to have bottomed out as the staking TVL ratio dropped. Thus, Toncoin price increases are more likely.

Investors typically move staked cash to exchanges for speedy trading. Demand for the token rises, raising prices.

History shows that the staking TVL ratio shrank dramatically in March 2024 as the TON price reached new highs. Joaowedson noted that while staking interest declined, money migrated to controlled exchanges (CEX) and decentralized exchanges (DEX) like Ston.FI and Dedust, raising their TVL.

Price rises due to demand are more likely when investors trade their assets. If so, Toncoin may rebound to its recent highs.

#TON #Crypto2025Trends #CryptoETFMania #CryptoRegulation2025 #MarketRebound $TON $ADA $ARB
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Nếu bây giờ được nhận 1M #Sui
Tôi sẽ bán ngay và ngay lập tức
Vì sao ư? #SUI🔥🔥🔥🔥 bây giờ giống như là đã được nấu sôi trên bếp lửa
Bạn hiểu ý tôi nói chứ! Việc Hold #SUI- chỉ diễn ra ở thời điểm nó còn mát mẻ và thuần khiết thôi. Còn ở hiện tại nó đang sôi,sờ là bỏng.Hold là nhâph viện thở oxy
Thay vào đó hãy bán nó ngay và tìm kiếm những cơ hội khác tốt đẹp hơn
Ví dụ: #TON hay #ZK còn tươi,còn xanh $SUI Giảm giá

#TON Tăng giá

#Zk Tăng giá
The recent price rebound of Toncoin ($TON ) is drawing attention, especially after a period of stagnation in the broader cryptocurrency market. According to CryptoQuant analyst Joaowedson, a low staking TVL (Total Value Locked) ratio in the $TON ecosystem has historically led to price increases. When staking TVL decreases, investors tend to move assets to exchanges for quicker trading, boosting demand and, in turn, raising the price of $TON . The expert pointed out that this pattern occurred in March 2024, when the TON price surged as staking interest declined and more funds flowed into centralized and decentralized exchanges. With the price now hovering around $6, Toncoin could be setting up for another price rise if history repeats itself. The current range between $4.72 and $7 suggests that a breakout above $6.10 could trigger further rallies, potentially reaching $6.50–$7. {spot}(TONUSDT) #TON #Crypto2025Trends #MarketRebound
The recent price rebound of Toncoin ($TON ) is drawing attention, especially after a period of stagnation in the broader cryptocurrency market. According to CryptoQuant analyst Joaowedson, a low staking TVL (Total Value Locked) ratio in the $TON ecosystem has historically led to price increases. When staking TVL decreases, investors tend to move assets to exchanges for quicker trading, boosting demand and, in turn, raising the price of $TON . The expert pointed out that this pattern occurred in March 2024, when the TON price surged as staking interest declined and more funds flowed into centralized and decentralized exchanges. With the price now hovering around $6, Toncoin could be setting up for another price rise if history repeats itself. The current range between $4.72 and $7 suggests that a breakout above $6.10 could trigger further rallies, potentially reaching $6.50–$7.

#TON #Crypto2025Trends #MarketRebound
TON/USDT Bullish Breakout Alert: Could $TON Skyrocket to $50?$TON is the talk of the crypto town! With an exciting bull flag pattern forming on the higher time frames (HTF), traders and investors alike are keeping a close eye on what could be one of the biggest breakout opportunities in the market. If you’ve been searching for your next big trade, TON/USDT might just be it. Let’s dive into the key levels, insights, and reasons why TON/USDTcould be poised for a massive move to $50. Top Levels to Watch Understanding the critical levels is essential for navigating the TON/USDTmarket. Here’s what traders need to know: Buy Zone: $5.50–$4This range offers an ideal accumulation area for those looking to position themselves in the bull market.Critical Support: $4Falling below $4 would signal bearish territory, making this a key level to hold.Breakout Point: $7A confirmed breakout above $7 could ignite explosive price action, potentially setting the stage for a rally toward $50. Pro Tip: Watch for Quick Wicks Seasoned traders know that the market often tests major support levels with quick wicks. If TON/USDT briefly dips below $4, it could present a golden entry opportunity for long-term players. Why #TON Matters $TON’s bullish setup isn’t just about the charts; the fundamentals and market sentiment are equally compelling. Strong Weekly Structure: The HTF chart structure indicates sustained bullish potential, with the current consolidation phase setting the stage for a breakout.Market Momentum: As more traders identify $TON’s bullish flag pattern, buying pressure could snowball, driving the price higher.Potential for Long-Term Gains: With $TON’s fundamentals and technicals aligning, a breakout above $7 could pave the way for exponential growth, possibly reaching $50. Risk Management Is Key While the potential rewards are enticing, it’s important to approach this trade with caution. Always: Set stop-loss orders to protect your capital.Avoid over-leveraging your positions.Monitor market conditions and adjust your strategy as needed. Community Buzz: Could TON Hit $50? The crypto community is buzzing with speculation and excitement. Some believe TON has the potential to become the next big mover in the altcoin market, while others are cautiously optimistic. What’s your take? Tag & Share If you think TON/USDT can hit $50, share this article with your network and spark the conversation. Let’s make this analysis go viral, just like the bull run we’re all anticipating! Disclaimer This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute financial advice. Always conduct your own research and consult with a professional before making any investment decisions. The crypto market is volatile, and managing risk is crucial for long-term success. Stay informed, stay safe, and happy trading!

TON/USDT Bullish Breakout Alert: Could $TON Skyrocket to $50?

$TON is the talk of the crypto town! With an exciting bull flag pattern forming on the higher time frames (HTF), traders and investors alike are keeping a close eye on what could be one of the biggest breakout opportunities in the market. If you’ve been searching for your next big trade, TON/USDT might just be it.

Let’s dive into the key levels, insights, and reasons why TON/USDTcould be poised for a massive move to $50.
Top Levels to Watch
Understanding the critical levels is essential for navigating the TON/USDTmarket. Here’s what traders need to know:
Buy Zone: $5.50–$4This range offers an ideal accumulation area for those looking to position themselves in the bull market.Critical Support: $4Falling below $4 would signal bearish territory, making this a key level to hold.Breakout Point: $7A confirmed breakout above $7 could ignite explosive price action, potentially setting the stage for a rally toward $50.
Pro Tip: Watch for Quick Wicks
Seasoned traders know that the market often tests major support levels with quick wicks. If TON/USDT briefly dips below $4, it could present a golden entry opportunity for long-term players.
Why #TON Matters
$TON ’s bullish setup isn’t just about the charts; the fundamentals and market sentiment are equally compelling.
Strong Weekly Structure: The HTF chart structure indicates sustained bullish potential, with the current consolidation phase setting the stage for a breakout.Market Momentum: As more traders identify $TON ’s bullish flag pattern, buying pressure could snowball, driving the price higher.Potential for Long-Term Gains: With $TON ’s fundamentals and technicals aligning, a breakout above $7 could pave the way for exponential growth, possibly reaching $50.
Risk Management Is Key
While the potential rewards are enticing, it’s important to approach this trade with caution. Always:
Set stop-loss orders to protect your capital.Avoid over-leveraging your positions.Monitor market conditions and adjust your strategy as needed.
Community Buzz: Could TON Hit $50?
The crypto community is buzzing with speculation and excitement. Some believe TON has the potential to become the next big mover in the altcoin market, while others are cautiously optimistic. What’s your take?
Tag & Share
If you think TON/USDT can hit $50, share this article with your network and spark the conversation. Let’s make this analysis go viral, just like the bull run we’re all anticipating!
This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute financial advice. Always conduct your own research and consult with a professional before making any investment decisions. The crypto market is volatile, and managing risk is crucial for long-term success.
Stay informed, stay safe, and happy trading!
🚀 𝙏𝙊𝙉 𝘾𝙊𝙄𝙉 𝘽𝙍𝙀𝘼𝙆𝙊𝙐𝙏 𝙄𝙉𝘾𝙊𝙈𝙄𝙉𝙂 ! 🔥 🚨ALART 🚨 . . . . . . TON has been attracting attention due to its robust technology, growing ecosystem, and increasing adoption. As a blockchain developed by Telegram, its integration with messaging services provides a unique use case, driving both utility and demand. The network’s scalability, low transaction costs, and developer-friendly features make it a top contender in the Web3 space. Recent bullish sentiment in the crypto market has added fuel to the fire. Analysts and traders are closely watching the $8 resistance zone, as a breakout above this level could trigger significant buying pressure and a rapid price surge. Buy the Dip Before the Breakout With TON showing signs of consolidation and accumulation, this could be an ideal time to buy the dip before the breakout. Many investors are anticipating a surge in trading volume as TON breaches the $8 mark, pushing it into uncharted territory. The potential upside is massive, especially for those who enter early. Key Factors to Watch 1. Volume Surge: A breakout is often accompanied by a sharp increase in trading volume. Keep an eye on market activity. 2. Market Sentiment: Positive developments or partnerships involving TON can further boost its momentum. 3. Macro Trends: A favorable macro environment in crypto markets can amplify TON’s rally. Final Thoughts TON is on the verge of a critical breakout. If the $8 resistance is surpassed, the sky's the limit for this promising blockchain project. Smart traders and investors are already positioning themselves to capitalize on the upcoming price surge. Don't miss out on this opportunity—TON could be your ticket to significant gains. Act now, and let the rally work in your favor! #TON #crypto #Binance #Breakout #BuyTheDip



TON has been attracting attention due to its robust technology, growing ecosystem, and increasing adoption. As a blockchain developed by Telegram, its integration with messaging services provides a unique use case, driving both utility and demand. The network’s scalability, low transaction costs, and developer-friendly features make it a top contender in the Web3 space.

Recent bullish sentiment in the crypto market has added fuel to the fire. Analysts and traders are closely watching the $8 resistance zone, as a breakout above this level could trigger significant buying pressure and a rapid price surge.

Buy the Dip Before the Breakout

With TON showing signs of consolidation and accumulation, this could be an ideal time to buy the dip before the breakout. Many investors are anticipating a surge in trading volume as TON breaches the $8 mark, pushing it into uncharted territory. The potential upside is massive, especially for those who enter early.

Key Factors to Watch

1. Volume Surge: A breakout is often accompanied by a sharp increase in trading volume. Keep an eye on market activity.

2. Market Sentiment: Positive developments or partnerships involving TON can further boost its momentum.

3. Macro Trends: A favorable macro environment in crypto markets can amplify TON’s rally.

Final Thoughts

TON is on the verge of a critical breakout. If the $8 resistance is surpassed, the sky's the limit for this promising blockchain project. Smart traders and investors are already positioning themselves to capitalize on the upcoming price surge.

Don't miss out on this opportunity—TON could be your ticket to significant gains. Act now, and let the rally work in your favor!

#TON #crypto #Binance #Breakout #BuyTheDip
🔥 TON/USDT Bullish Breakout Alert – Could $TON Hit $50? $TON is heating up! A bull flag pattern is forming on the HTF, and all signs point to a potential massive breakout. If you're looking for your next big trade, this could be it! Here's the must-know breakdown: Top Levels to Watch: 🔹Buy Zone: $5.50–$4 (perfect accumulation area in the bull market) 🔹 Critical Support: $4 (below this, it’s bearish territory) 🔹 Breakout Point: $7 (above this, expect fireworks 🚀). Pro Insights: 🔹 Watch for a quick wick below $4—it might be a golden entry opportunity. 🔹 A confirmed breakout above $7 could kickstart a rally toward $50, making it a long-term gem. Why It Matters: 🔹 $TON’s weekly structure is screaming bullish potential! Don’t miss this opportunity to ride the wave. 🛑 Disclaimer: This is not financial advice. Always do your research and avoid following any influencer blindly. Stay informed and manage risk like a pro. Tag & Share: Think $TON will hit $50? Share your thoughts! Let’s make this post viral—like the bull run we’re waiting for! #Crypto #Altcoins #TON $PEPE
🔥 TON/USDT Bullish Breakout Alert – Could $TON Hit $50?

$TON  is heating up! A bull flag pattern is forming on the HTF, and all signs point to a potential massive breakout. If you're looking for your next big trade, this could be it!
Here's the must-know breakdown:

Top Levels to Watch:
🔹Buy Zone: $5.50–$4 (perfect accumulation area in the bull market)
🔹 Critical Support: $4 (below this, it’s bearish territory)
🔹 Breakout Point: $7 (above this, expect fireworks 🚀).
Pro Insights:
🔹 Watch for a quick wick below $4—it might be a golden entry opportunity.
🔹 A confirmed breakout above $7 could kickstart a rally toward $50, making it a long-term gem.
Why It Matters:
🔹 $TON ’s weekly structure is screaming bullish potential! Don’t miss this opportunity to ride the wave.

🛑 Disclaimer: This is not financial advice. Always do your research and avoid following any influencer blindly. Stay informed and manage risk like a pro.

Tag & Share: Think $TON  will hit $50? Share your thoughts!
Let’s make this post viral—like the bull run we’re waiting for!

#Crypto #Altcoins #TON $PEPE
$BNB #TON #fragment place Bid and start Auction 👑💎 User Name sell 💯 Available 👑 ____ _____ @cr_runaldo 💎 95. TON @crytoboot 💎 250. TON @starsbuy_sell 💎1,666. TON @simpolecoin 💎2,200. TON @asiyausa 💎5,303. TON @machchainai 💎5,303. TON @ctigen 💎22,300. TON @newspeapar 💎26,303. TON @startop_up 💎30,303. TON
place Bid and start Auction 👑💎
User Name sell 💯
Available 👑
____ _____
@cr_runaldo 💎 95. TON
@crytoboot 💎 250. TON
@starsbuy_sell 💎1,666. TON
@simpolecoin 💎2,200. TON
@asiyausa 💎5,303. TON
@machchainai 💎5,303. TON
@ctigen 💎22,300. TON
@newspeapar 💎26,303. TON
@startop_up 💎30,303. TON
#AVAX. #TON Take a #Spot and Future trade#. #ChristmasWonderland Celebrate the New Year With $50,000 Rewards# Technical Analysis for $AVAX/USDT:✅ #XVAX The Fbonacci 0.786 level at $33.08 acts as a strong support, indicating a potential reversal zone. If this level holds, it could serve as a launchpad for further upward momentum. TARGET : $58.06: First major resistance, aligning with a previous local high. $80.03: Long-term target and a critical psychological level. Expected Movement: $TON/USDT:✅ #TON USDT The Fibonacci area around $5.235 serves as a strong support. Buyers are likely to step in at this level to initiate a reversal. Price may retest the $5.23 support zone before beginning a bullish reversal. A breakout above $7.5 could lead to sustained upward momentum, targeting $12.1 in the medium term. $TON $AVAX {spot}(TONUSDT)
#AVAX. #TON Take a #Spot and Future trade#. #ChristmasWonderland Celebrate the New Year With $50,000 Rewards#

Technical Analysis for $AVAX /USDT:✅

#XVAX The Fbonacci 0.786 level at $33.08 acts as a strong support, indicating a potential reversal zone.
If this level holds, it could serve as a launchpad for further upward momentum.


$58.06: First major resistance, aligning with a previous local high.
$80.03: Long-term target and a critical psychological level.
Expected Movement:


#TON USDT The Fibonacci area around $5.235 serves as a strong support. Buyers are likely to step in at this level to initiate a reversal.

Price may retest the $5.23 support zone before beginning a bullish reversal.

A breakout above $7.5 could lead to sustained upward momentum, targeting $12.1 in the medium term.

#TON bạn đánh giá như thế nào về tiềm năng của The Open Nethwork trong 2025 $TON {spot}(TONUSDT)
#TON bạn đánh giá như thế nào về tiềm năng của The Open Nethwork trong 2025 $TON
Hà chơi coin:
Chán con này lắm rồi
$NOT : Pioneering Web3 Integration Through GamificationNotcoin Launch & Blockchain: Introduced in 2023 on the TON blockchain, Notcoin capitalizes on TON's scalability and efficiency to deliver a seamless and robust user experience, aligning with the evolving demands of Web3 technology. Unique Proposition: As a community-driven token, $NOT integrates an innovative tap-to-earn Telegram game, simplifying Web3 adoption through engaging and interactive gamification. This unique approach positions it as a standout player in the blockchain ecosystem. Market Insights: Notcoin reached its all-time high of $0.0290 on June 2, 2024, demonstrating significant upward momentum, while its all-time low of $0.004605 on May 24, 2024, highlights substantial growth potential. This volatility may attract investors seeking high-reward opportunities. UA User Appeal: Combining gaming and blockchain technology, Notcoin effectively bridges the gap between entertainment and education, drawing a diverse audience and fostering widespread Web3 adoption. Future Outlook: With a strong foundation on the TON blockchain and an innovative strategy, Notcoin is positioned as a highly promising asset for 2025. Its gamified approach could lead to increased adoption and value growth, aligning with the rising interest in Web3. As always, conduct your due diligence and evaluate your investment strategy based on individual goals and risk tolerance. #NOT #Notcoin👀🔥 #notcoin #TON {spot}(NOTUSDT)

$NOT : Pioneering Web3 Integration Through Gamification

Notcoin Launch & Blockchain: Introduced in 2023 on the TON blockchain, Notcoin capitalizes on TON's scalability and efficiency to deliver a seamless and robust user experience, aligning with the evolving demands of Web3 technology.
Unique Proposition: As a community-driven token, $NOT integrates an innovative tap-to-earn Telegram game, simplifying Web3 adoption through engaging and interactive gamification. This unique approach positions it as a standout player in the blockchain ecosystem.

Market Insights: Notcoin reached its all-time high of $0.0290 on June 2, 2024, demonstrating significant upward momentum, while its all-time low of $0.004605 on May 24, 2024, highlights substantial growth potential. This volatility may attract investors seeking high-reward opportunities.
UA User Appeal: Combining gaming and blockchain technology, Notcoin effectively bridges the gap between entertainment and education, drawing a diverse audience and fostering widespread Web3 adoption.
Future Outlook: With a strong foundation on the TON blockchain and an innovative strategy, Notcoin is positioned as a highly promising asset for 2025. Its gamified approach could lead to increased adoption and value growth, aligning with the rising interest in Web3.
As always, conduct your due diligence and evaluate your investment strategy based on individual goals and risk tolerance.
#NOT #Notcoin👀🔥 #notcoin #TON
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