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Yuki Nao
Yescoin 空投:Telegram 上的新賺錢方式
Yescoin 是一種創新而有趣的賺取加密貨幣的方式。通過使用 Yescoin Swipe-To-Earn Telegram 應用程序,您只需滑動手機屏幕即可輕鬆賺取 $YES 硬幣。它很有趣,就像玩遊戲一樣,但您不是切水果,而是賺取數字貨幣。以下是一份分步指南,可幫助您入門並使用 Yescoin 最大化您的收益。
加入 Yescoin 電報機器人
加入 Yescoin Telegram Bot:單擊此鏈接加入並獲得您的第一筆獎勵:
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💰💰💰💰Notcoin (NOT) 今天漲幅達 47% 的原因

開發人員使用 X 將代幣與比特幣進行比較後,宣佈了 NOT 空投第一階段。
Notcoin (NOT) 今天上漲了 45% 以上。該代幣的市值超過 7.3 億美元。

項目團隊最近在 X 上將 Notcoin 與比特幣進行了比較,聲稱 NOT 數量有限且分散廣泛,但比 BTC 便宜。

他們還觀察到,2013 年比特幣的市值爲 5 億美元時,比特幣的價格達到 100 美元。

同樣在 5 月 26 日,Notcoin 宣佈了 NOT 空投第一階段。用戶必須鏈接他們的錢包才能查看他們的空投分配。

Notcoin (NOT) 任務可以實現獎勵堆疊。

上週,Decrypt 報道稱,Notcoin 發佈了一項新目標,讓用戶可以被動加密代幣。

他們提到了遊戲的新“任務”。這些與代幣發佈前的任務不同。任務現在被動地而不是一次性地獎勵 NOT 代幣。

根據 Notcoin 的培訓說明,這些任務引導玩家通過“合作伙伴項目”社區,並獎勵他們大約各種加密遊戲和應用程序的代幣。

遊戲中的級別決定了 NOT。更高的級別有更多的 NOT 獎品。質押 Notcoin 會增加級別,每個月末質押的金額決定排名。

玩家在白金級別獲得最多的 NOT 代幣。


一款要求用戶觸摸虛擬金幣才能贏取 Notcoin 現金的社交點擊遊戲在 2024 年初開啓了 Notcoin 傳奇。

Notcoin 生態系統圍繞 NOT 代幣展開,這是一種社區驅動的代幣,允許用戶以多種方式參與。

用戶可以在發現新的 Web3 商品和服務時使用 NOT 代幣。他們還可以玩新的 Notcoin 遊戲並賺取 NOT。

最近,Notcoin 向 Telegram 創始人 Pavel Durov 捐贈了超過 10 億個 NOT 代幣(710 萬美元)。

#notcoin #altcoins #BinanceLaunchpool $NOT
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$1000SATS 正在飆升。在獲得 0.00025 美元的支撐後,它現在瞄準了其第一個目標 0.0067 美元,交易量大幅增加。預計 $BTC 也將跟隨這一趨勢。
之前我們追蹤到它的漲幅爲 70%。
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🚨 突發新聞 🚨 TapSwap 會員人數突破 2800 萬,並宣佈重大區塊鏈更新!🌐🚀

親愛的 TapSwappers,

我們非常高興地宣佈,我們的社區已發展到令人難以置信的 2800 萬會員!您的支持和熱情甚至超出了我們的最高期望,促使我們對我們的項目做出重大改變。


爲了更好地適應我們龐大且不斷增長的社區,我們正在做出重大轉變:我們將在新的區塊鏈上推出我們的代幣,不再使用 Solana。這一變化不僅是積極的,而且對於確保我們平臺的可擴展性和效率也是必要的。


雖然我們還沒有透露新的區塊鏈,但有很多猜測!它會是 TON 區塊鏈還是 BNB?我們相信下一步將改變遊戲規則,我們保證這一公告將具有重大意義! 🌐💥


🎮 領取您的 TapSwap 代幣 🎮

🔵 免費領取 👇

社區驅動的增長 🌍

這一變化是由我們令人難以置信的社區推動的。我們的動力來自您的熱情和奉獻精神,我們迫不及待地想要揭開將 TapSwap 提升到新水平的新區塊鏈。


您認爲新的區塊鏈可能是什麼?請在下方留下您的評論並與我們分享您的想法! 🗨️👇

#buythedip #PEPE‏ #FIT21 #ETHETFsApproved #MbeyaconsciousComunity


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Shelly Wernett



Crypto Bisons - Marketing and News
🚨 𝗖𝗿𝘆𝗽𝘁𝗼 門票:每晚 $29 – 每晚平均價格! 🚨

📈 昨天,$NOT Coin 飆升了 40%,但不要被愚弄——這一飆升似乎是針對空頭交易者的人工拉昇。許多空頭頭寸被清算,價格可能會回調至通常的 0.006 美元至 0.0055 美元區間。

🔍 投資者,小心!大玩家和鯨魚的市場操縱可能會造成這些突然的變化。加密貨幣新手?以下是您需要了解的內容:

🔻 清算:當交易者的投資跌得太低時,就會發生這種情況,迫使他們賣出以限制損失。這可能會引發連鎖反應,影響許多交易者。

🔍 市場操縱策略:

- 虛假買賣訂單誤導他人
- 價格操縱觸發自動交易
- 大規模市場控制影響價格
- 虛假市場活動欺騙交易者

💡 保護自己:

- 瞭解市場機制
- 設定明確的投資限額
- 不要盲目跟風
- 警惕突然的價格變化

⚠️ 投資加密貨幣有風險。隨時瞭解情況,保持警惕,做出明智的決定。
Parrot Bamboo
🚨 突發新聞:伯恩斯坦預測比特幣將在 2024 年達到 90,000 美元,2025 年達到 150,000 美元

資產管理公司伯恩斯坦管理着 7250 億美元的資產,預測比特幣將在 2024 年達到 90,000 美元,2025 年達到 150,000 美元。這一樂觀預測凸顯了人們對比特幣長期潛力及其作爲金融市場重要資產的作用日益增長的信心。敬請關注比特幣邁向新高度的更多更新!

#Bitcoin #Crypto #Bernstein #btc $BTC
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updates crypto
#Not 🔥towards 🌙

Notcoin 已達到第 100 名,下一個目標是幣安交易所第 80 名!查看 $0.01

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Johnathan Gudgell Ihzj
#MyFirstFeedPost Hello, Binance Square! Binance Square is best event good
Hey All! Been a while since i posted!
Today I will Share $BTC 1H Chart!
We are currently holding our trendline, but if we were to break that trendline i expect us to be visiting point A, around 66k-67k area. If we break those further, a visit to point B may also happen! Just a quick market update!
Comment What you think BTC Will Do!
#ETHETFsApproved #EarnFreeCrypto2024 #altcoins
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📢 How to Earn With Binance Without trading ...?🚨
Here is the top 5 Binance earning features to Earn free cryptocurrencies , Reward & earn money 💰

1. Binance Megadrop 🏂
2. Binance Earn 🧑‍🎄
3. Binance launchpool 🕵️
4. Learn & Earn 🧑‍🏫
5. Write 2 earn on square 📝

Lets explained How these five Binance features Work ⭐

1. Binance Megadrop 🏂

Binance Megadrop is a platform that combines Binance Simple Earn and Web3 Wallet to offer early access to token projects before they are listed on the Binance exchange , Some of the key features of Binance Megadrop include:

- *Early access to token projects*: One of the main features of Binance Megadrop is giving users early access to selected Web3 projects before their official listing on the Binance exchange.
- *Integration with Binance Simple Earn*: Binance Megadrop is closely integrated with Binance Simple Earn, a feature that allows users to earn rewards by locking their BNB in fixed-term products.
- *Engagement through Web3 quests*: Another significant aspect of Binance Megadrop is the inclusion of Web3 quests. These quests are designed to engage users and encourage them to learn more about the blockchain ecosystem.
- *Reward Distribution*: The rewards in Binance Megadrop are distributed in the form of new tokens from the projects featured on the platform.

Binance Megadrop is set to enhance the overall user experience and foster engaged innovation in the blockchain space.

2. Binance Earn 🧑‍🎄
Binance Earn is a suite of products that allows users to earn passive income on their cryptocurrency holdings ¹. It offers various products, including ²:
- *Simple Earn*: offers two types of products - Flexible Products and Locked Products
- *Launchpool*: users stake their crypto assets in DeFi projects and get rewards
- *BNB Vault*: a capital-guaranteed investment product
- *ETH Staking*: a platform to stake Ethereum
- *DeFi Staking*: access to the world of DeFi easily on Binance
- *Dual Investment*: deposit a single cryptocurrency and earn yield based on two assets
- *Binance Liquid Swap*: combines the advantages of centralized and decentralized financial services

3. Binance launchpool 🕵️

Binance Launchpool is a platform that allows users to stake Binance Coin (BNB) and ( FDUSD ) to earn tokens from new projects before they are listed on the Binance exchange . Here are some key features of Binance Launchpool ²:

- *Exposure*: Projects launched on Binance Launchpool get exposure to millions of Binance users worldwide.
- *Liquidity*: Projects listed on Launchpool will have access to world-class liquidity in multiple trading pairs.
- *Token Distribution*: Tokens will be immediately distributed to a large user base.
- *Future Synergy*: Projects will receive extensive support and advice even after listing, with access to all areas of the Binance ecosystem.

Binance Launchpool aims to help project teams focus on development while providing marketing and exposure to the Binance user base.

4. Learn & Earn 🧑‍🏫

Binance Learn & Earn is a program by Binance that aims to educate users on the blockchain industry, offering rewards in the form of cryptocurrency for completing courses and quizzes ¹ ² ³ ⁴. Here's how it works:

*Key Features:*

- *Courses and Quizzes*: Users can access various courses and quizzes related to blockchain and cryptocurrency.
- *Rewards*: Upon completing courses and quizzes, users receive a predetermined amount of cryptocurrency, such as CKB and PORTAL.
- *First-Come, First-Served Basis*: Rewards are limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis.
- *KYC-Verified Users*: Only KYC-verified users are eligible to participate and receive rewards.
- *Caps on Rewards*: There are caps imposed on the amount of rewards available to eligible users per country/region.
- *Simple Earn Locked Products*: Rewards are automatically locked in Simple Earn Locked Products for 150 days, offering 10% APR.

*Terms and Conditions:*

- Users must complete KYC to receive rewards.
- Illegally bulk registered accounts or sub-accounts are not eligible to participate or receive rewards.
- Rewards are limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis.
- Users can only claim the reward for each course after completing the respective quiz.
- The actual value of the reward received is subject to change due to market fluctuation.

*Disclaimer and Risk Warning:*

- Digital asset prices can be volatile.
- The value of your investment may go down or up, and you may not get back the amount invested.
- You are solely responsible for your investment decisions, and Binance is not liable for any losses you may incur.

5. Write 2 earn on square 📝

Write-to-Earn is a feature on Binance Square that rewards users for creating and sharing valuable content related to cryptocurrency and blockchain. Here's how it works:

_Users can earn rewards in the form of cryptocurrency (BNB or other tokens) by:_

1. Creating high-quality content (articles, images, videos, etc.) on topics like market analysis, project reviews, industry news, and more.
2. Sharing their content on Binance Square.
3. Engaging with others by commenting, liking, and sharing their content.

_Rewards are based on:_

1. Content quality and relevance.
2. Engagement generated (likes, comments, shares).
3. User participation and contribution to the community.

_Write-to-Earn aims to:_

1. Encourage quality content creation.
2. Foster community engagement and interaction.
3. Support content creators and industry experts.

By participating in Write-to-Earn, users can monetize their content, build their reputation, and contribute to the growth of the Binance Square community.

Hope you learn & understand very well these features , THANK YOU for Reading, also hit like button for supporting us more ⭐

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fuzail siddiqui
Bearish divergence and the cross have just happened on Bitcoin dominance.

This indicates that #altsesaon huge run is underway.

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