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🔔Breaking News! MicroStrategy's founder, Michael Saylor, settles a whopping $40M tax fraud case with D.C., marking the largest-ever income tax fraud recovery in the district!🚀 Saylor was sued in 2022 for allegedly dodging income taxes for over a decade while residing in D.C. The claim? He evaded more than $25M in taxes by claiming to live elsewhere.🕵️‍♂️ Despite the controversy, Saylor maintains his innocence, stating, "Florida remains my home today, and I continue to dispute the allegation that I was ever a resident of the District of Columbia." He agreed to settle to avoid the "burdens of litigation."👨‍⚖️ Interestingly, amidst the storm, MicroStrategy's shares rose 3% in pre-market trading.💹 What's your take on this? Do you think this will impact the crypto market, considering Saylor's influence? Let's discuss below!👇 #CryptoNews #TaxFraud #MicroStrategy

🔔Breaking News! MicroStrategy's founder, Michael Saylor, settles a whopping $40M tax fraud case with D.C., marking the largest-ever income tax fraud recovery in the district!🚀

Saylor was sued in 2022 for allegedly dodging income taxes for over a decade while residing in D.C. The claim? He evaded more than $25M in taxes by claiming to live elsewhere.🕵️‍♂️

Despite the controversy, Saylor maintains his innocence, stating, "Florida remains my home today, and I continue to dispute the allegation that I was ever a resident of the District of Columbia." He agreed to settle to avoid the "burdens of litigation."👨‍⚖️

Interestingly, amidst the storm, MicroStrategy's shares rose 3% in pre-market trading.💹

What's your take on this? Do you think this will impact the crypto market, considering Saylor's influence? Let's discuss below!👇 #CryptoNews #TaxFraud #MicroStrategy

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