Binance Square
Spot Bitcoin ETFs have seen a positive trend with 10 consecutive days of inflows, despite experiencing difficulties at the end of April and on May 1. This comes as Bitcoin's price heads towards $69,000, following a rollercoaster ride driven by news surrounding Ethereum ETFs. The cryptocurrency industry marked a significant milestone in January when the US Securities and Exchange Commission approved nearly a dozen spot Bitcoin ETFs, attracting billions of dollars within the first few months. However, the trend changed in April with several days of outflows, the most significant being on May 1 with over $560 million withdrawn. The tide turned again in the following weeks, particularly after favorable data from the US CPI numbers for April. Since May 10, the financial products have been on an impressive streak, matching the 10-day record of inflows from March. BlackRock's IBIT leads in terms of inflows, attracting over $16.35 billion, with the possibility of surpassing Grayscale's $20 billion in the near future. In total, all ETFs have seen close to $13.7 billion in inflows. Meanwhile, Ethereum fans have seen positive developments as the US SEC approved eight spot ETH ETFs. The launch date, however, remains uncertain. Bitcoin's price responded with high volatility to the Ethereum news, but the past 24 hours have been more positive, possibly driven by the impressive inflows.

Spot Bitcoin ETFs have seen a positive trend with 10 consecutive days of inflows, despite experiencing difficulties at the end of April and on May 1. This comes as Bitcoin's price heads towards $69,000, following a rollercoaster ride driven by news surrounding Ethereum ETFs.

The cryptocurrency industry marked a significant milestone in January when the US Securities and Exchange Commission approved nearly a dozen spot Bitcoin ETFs, attracting billions of dollars within the first few months. However, the trend changed in April with several days of outflows, the most significant being on May 1 with over $560 million withdrawn.

The tide turned again in the following weeks, particularly after favorable data from the US CPI numbers for April. Since May 10, the financial products have been on an impressive streak, matching the 10-day record of inflows from March.

BlackRock's IBIT leads in terms of inflows, attracting over $16.35 billion, with the possibility of surpassing Grayscale's $20 billion in the near future. In total, all ETFs have seen close to $13.7 billion in inflows.

Meanwhile, Ethereum fans have seen positive developments as the US SEC approved eight spot ETH ETFs. The launch date, however, remains uncertain. Bitcoin's price responded with high volatility to the Ethereum news, but the past 24 hours have been more positive, possibly driven by the impressive inflows.

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Taiwanese national, Rui-Siang Lin, has been arrested and charged for operating Incognito Market, a darknet platform that facilitated over $100 million in crypto transactions through the sale of illegal drugs. Lin, known by the pseudonym "Pharoah," ran the marketplace for four years, amassing millions in personal profit. The platform, which dealt in drugs like Adderall, MDMA, LSD, and cocaine, accepted payments in Monero and Bitcoin, with Lin taking a 5% cut from each sale. Lin's arrest is a significant development in the fight against illegal activities in the crypto space. The FBI was able to identify Lin by tracing crypto transactions from the marketplace to an exchange account registered in his name. The arrest underscores the fact that, despite the perceived anonymity of blockchain transactions, law enforcement agencies have the tools to track and apprehend those who misuse the technology. Despite the negative connotations of this case, the broader market remains robust and optimistic. The incident serves as a reminder of the importance of regulatory compliance and the need for vigilance against illicit activities. As the industry continues to mature, it is expected that such incidents will become less frequent, paving the way for a more secure and trustworthy crypto environment. Lin faces multiple charges, including money laundering and narcotics conspiracy, and could face a life sentence if convicted. This case serves as a stark warning to those considering using blockchain technology for illegal purposes.

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