Binance Square
Crypto PM
🚨 Attention Solana community! 🌟 The DePIN protocol has encountered an issue regarding the IO token contract address listed on CoinGecko. 🔄 It seems that the address provided on CoinGecko is not the official one announced by the DePIN protocol team. 🤔 To address this, the team has taken proactive steps and reached out to both CoinGecko and Solscan to rectify the information. 🛠️ Stay tuned for further updates on this situation as the team works to ensure accurate and reliable information for all users. 🚀 #Solana #DePINProtocol #CoinGecko #Solscan 🌐🔍

🚨 Attention Solana community! 🌟 The DePIN protocol has encountered an issue regarding the IO token contract address listed on CoinGecko. 🔄

It seems that the address provided on CoinGecko is not the official one announced by the DePIN protocol team. 🤔 To address this, the team has taken proactive steps and reached out to both CoinGecko and Solscan to rectify the information. 🛠️

Stay tuned for further updates on this situation as the team works to ensure accurate and reliable information for all users.

🚀 #Solana #DePINProtocol #CoinGecko #Solscan 🌐🔍

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