Binance Square
ETHEREUM Just before starting the video, I wanted to show you the ETH liquidations map. Yes, there are plenty of Stop Losses to be had in the South, but in the North, it's really impressive how many liquidations there are! That's why, in previous tweets, I've told you to get ready, because we could see a huge short squeeze! 🚀 $BTC $ETH $BNB #CryptoWatchMay2024 #buythedip


Just before starting the video, I wanted to show you the ETH liquidations map.

Yes, there are plenty of Stop Losses to be had in the South, but in the North, it's really impressive how many liquidations there are!

That's why, in previous tweets, I've told you to get ready, because we could see a huge short squeeze! 🚀


#CryptoWatchMay2024 #buythedip

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