Binance Square
We've successfully hit all the targets during the $BTC fall, as predicted in advance. Our short call at 67k reached all targets at 61800, securing a remarkable 150% on 20x leverage, thanks to patience and accurate analysis. Stay tuned for more updates and follow us for future trades! 🚀 #BTCAnalysis #ProfitableTrades ** Also check the quote post for the last support mentioned ** $BTC $ETH $BNB $SOL $XRP $MEME $PEPE $FLOKI $ENA $OP $COS #Fed #Megadrop #BinanceLaunchpool

We've successfully hit all the targets during the $BTC fall, as predicted in advance.

Our short call at 67k reached all targets at 61800, securing a remarkable 150% on 20x leverage, thanks to patience and accurate analysis.

Stay tuned for more updates and follow us for future trades! 🚀 #BTCAnalysis #ProfitableTrades

** Also check the quote post for the last support mentioned **


#Fed #Megadrop #BinanceLaunchpool

The recent fall in #BTC / $BTC was indeed well predicted. The reason for this dump was BTC moving within a rising wedge pattern under the 4H timeframe. A rising wedge is a bearish pattern, especially on breakdown.

As shown in the chart below, BTC was hovering around 67k and facing multiple rejections, indicating a breakdown from the current rising wedge structure.

Key support levels were identified at:
- S1: 64500
- S2: 62900
- S3: 61700

Although we observed a potential trend reversal around 62900, upward trend confirmation requires the formation of more candles.

Trading fam, let's grow together! 🚀 Like, repost, and follow for maximum gains! 💰📈 #TradingCommunity
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