Binance Square
Phoenix Group
Worldcoin has announced the launch of its new blockchain World Chain World Chain, a new blockchain designed for humans, is set to launch later this summer. It aims to prioritize blockspace for verified humans over bots, offering gas allowances for casual transactions. Integrated with the #Worldcoin protocol $WLD and secured by Ethereum $ETH , World Chain seeks to scale to 1 billion users. With features like verified addresses and free gas allowances, World Chain aims to minimize friction for users and developers alike.

Worldcoin has announced the launch of its new blockchain World Chain

World Chain, a new blockchain designed for humans, is set to launch later this summer. It aims to prioritize blockspace for verified humans over bots, offering gas allowances for casual transactions. Integrated with the #Worldcoin protocol $WLD and secured by Ethereum $ETH , World Chain seeks to scale to 1 billion users. With features like verified addresses and free gas allowances, World Chain aims to minimize friction for users and developers alike.

Отказ от ответственности: на платформе опубликованы материалы и мнения третьих лиц. Не является финансовой рекомендацией. См. Правила и условия.
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