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Omnia Protocol announced its partnership with Chainalysis. 🤝🔗 Omnia Protocol recently announced an exciting collaboration with Chainalysis, a prominent provider of Blockchain intelligence solutions. With over two years of reliance on Chainalysis for platform protection, serving more than 15 million users, this partnership aims to bolster compliance measures and offer a seamless experience across 45+ chains. The commitment to prioritizing compliance and security underscores their dedication to providing peace of mind to their diverse user base. Moving forward, they anticipate strengthening their collaboration with Chainalysis to enhance trust and security within their ecosystem, promising further updates on the partnership's impact on platform security and integrity. #chainalysis #OMNIA #OmniaProtocol #

Omnia Protocol announced its partnership with Chainalysis. 🤝🔗

Omnia Protocol recently announced an exciting collaboration with Chainalysis, a prominent provider of Blockchain intelligence solutions.

With over two years of reliance on Chainalysis for platform protection, serving more than 15 million users, this partnership aims to bolster compliance measures and offer a seamless experience across 45+ chains.

The commitment to prioritizing compliance and security underscores their dedication to providing peace of mind to their diverse user base.

Moving forward, they anticipate strengthening their collaboration with Chainalysis to enhance trust and security within their ecosystem, promising further updates on the partnership's impact on platform security and integrity.

#chainalysis #OMNIA #OmniaProtocol #

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Indonesian groom scams wife's family, stealing $2.5 million. 🇮🇩🤑 In a shocking turn of events, a wealthy family in Jakarta, Indonesia, fell victim to a cunning scheme orchestrated by their newly-welcomed son-in-law. Promising to expand the family fortune through cryptocurrency investments, the groom managed to deceive not only his newfound relatives but also his own wife. This unfortunate incident sheds light on the sinister underbelly of the financial world. Shortly after joining the family, the son-in-law began visiting distant relatives, regaling them with tales of the lucrative potential of cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum. Entranced by his financial acumen, the relatives welcomed him with open arms, unsuspecting of his ulterior motives. As trust was gained, the son-in-law then turned his attention to his wife, persuading her to entrust their wealth to his care for investment in cryptocurrencies. Tragically, it was revealed that the son-in-law had exploited the allure of cryptocurrencies to swindle the entire family, amassing a staggering $2.5 million (40.500.000.000,00 IDR) in ill-gotten gains. This reprehensible act of crypto fraud serves as a cautionary tale for all. Indonesian authorities are diligently pursuing the son-in-law, issuing warnings against such scams as cryptocurrency popularity continues to rise. As the allure of digital currencies grows, so too does the prevalence of such nefarious activities. It's imperative for individuals to remain vigilant and exercise caution when navigating the ever-evolving landscape of financial investments, lest they fall prey to similar schemes of deceit and exploitation. #Indonesia #crypto #Megadrop #bitcoinhalving #BullorBear

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