Binance Square
Dan Altman
Discounts before Bitcoin halving; the market is falling! It's a perfect time to start buying, to get your average price lowest, and acquire more coins. Instead of running away, perhaps you have already lost some money in the spot market, it's time to start depositing new money and buying more coins. Broke people are panicking when the market is falling. Rich people are getting excited when the market is falling. Broke people have a broke mindset, bad habits, insecurities, low self-esteem, lack of faith, and are always angry. Rich people have a rich mindset, good habits, high confidence, high self-esteem, faith, and most of the time they are happy and positive. Broke people have negative thoughts. Rich people have positive thoughts. Broke people don't hang out with the rich. Rich people don't hang out with the poor. They are different! Shalom.

Discounts before Bitcoin halving; the market is falling!

It's a perfect time to start buying, to get your average price lowest, and acquire more coins.

Instead of running away, perhaps you have already lost some money in the spot market, it's time to start depositing new money and buying more coins.

Broke people are panicking when the market is falling.

Rich people are getting excited when the market is falling.

Broke people have a broke mindset, bad habits, insecurities, low self-esteem, lack of faith, and are always angry.

Rich people have a rich mindset, good habits, high confidence, high self-esteem, faith, and most of the time they are happy and positive.

Broke people have negative thoughts.

Rich people have positive thoughts.

Broke people don't hang out with the rich.

Rich people don't hang out with the poor.

They are different!


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