Binance Square
Most people are retards, That’s why, You NEVER follow the crowd. When everyone is heading towards one place, Be very careful. It never works out. Take “Friend tech” for example, Everyone thought it was the next big thing. Even “Threads” on Instagram. Everyone wanted to be early. Everyone made an account. But when "everyone" does something, it never works out. Now look at those apps, Completely DEAD. On the other hand, When TikTok first came out, Everyone thought it was for 12-year-olds and stayed away from it. No one wanted to use it. Now every single business wants to be on it. It’s the same with #crypto. When everyone is chasing a project, be careful. But when no one is talking about it, And the utility is strong, Stick with it.

Most people are retards,

That’s why,

You NEVER follow the crowd.

When everyone is heading towards one place,

Be very careful.

It never works out.

Take “Friend tech” for example,

Everyone thought it was the next big thing.

Even “Threads” on Instagram.

Everyone wanted to be early.

Everyone made an account.

But when "everyone" does something, it never works out.

Now look at those apps,

Completely DEAD.

On the other hand,

When TikTok first came out,

Everyone thought it was for 12-year-olds and stayed away from it.

No one wanted to use it.

Now every single business wants to be on it.

It’s the same with #crypto.

When everyone is chasing a project, be careful.

But when no one is talking about it,

And the utility is strong,

Stick with it.

Отказ от ответственности: на платформе опубликованы материалы и мнения третьих лиц. Не является финансовой рекомендацией. См. Правила и условия.
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