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💵 Scufundați-vă în tărâmul CryptoNews cu cea mai recentă predicție de preț $DOGE ! 🚀 Dacă Dogecoin depășește 0,23 USD și depășește USDC, vor reapariția șoapte că ajunge la 1 USD. Deși obținerea unei creșteri de 5 ori pe această piață taur ar putea fi o provocare pentru Dogecoin, nu este dincolo de tărâmul posibilităților. Imaginați-vă că BTC depășește 100.000 de dolari, împingându-și capitalizarea de piață peste 2 trilioane de dolari. Pentru ca Dogecoin să atingă 1 USD, capitalizarea sa de piață ar trebui doar să crească la aproximativ 144 de miliarde de dolari, doar 7% din capitalizarea de piață a Bitcoin. Să presupunem că dominația BTC scade la 40% pe măsură ce capitalizarea sa de piață depășește 2 trilioane de dolari, iar plafonul de piață cripto, excluzând Bitcoin, atinge 3 trilioane de dolari. Cu o capitalizare de piață de 144 de miliarde de dolari, Dogecoin ar reprezenta mai puțin de 5% din capitalizarea pieței cripto, excluzând Bitcoin. Aceste cifre de creștere nu sunt exagerate pentru îndrăgita monedă meme. În lumea imprevizibilă a cripto, orice este posibil. Comercianții nu ar trebui să respingă posibilitatea unui Dogecoin de 1 USD în 2024 sau 2025. 🐕📈 #Dogecoin
💵 Scufundați-vă în tărâmul CryptoNews cu cea mai recentă predicție de preț $DOGE ! 🚀
Dacă Dogecoin depășește 0,23 USD și depășește USDC, vor reapariția șoapte că ajunge la 1 USD.
Deși obținerea unei creșteri de 5 ori pe această piață taur ar putea fi o provocare pentru Dogecoin, nu este dincolo de tărâmul posibilităților.
Imaginați-vă că BTC depășește 100.000 de dolari, împingându-și capitalizarea de piață peste 2 trilioane de dolari. Pentru ca Dogecoin să atingă 1 USD, capitalizarea sa de piață ar trebui doar să crească la aproximativ 144 de miliarde de dolari, doar 7% din capitalizarea de piață a Bitcoin.
Să presupunem că dominația BTC scade la 40% pe măsură ce capitalizarea sa de piață depășește 2 trilioane de dolari, iar plafonul de piață cripto, excluzând Bitcoin, atinge 3 trilioane de dolari. Cu o capitalizare de piață de 144 de miliarde de dolari, Dogecoin ar reprezenta mai puțin de 5% din capitalizarea pieței cripto, excluzând Bitcoin.
Aceste cifre de creștere nu sunt exagerate pentru îndrăgita monedă meme. În lumea imprevizibilă a cripto, orice este posibil.
Comercianții nu ar trebui să respingă posibilitatea unui Dogecoin de 1 USD în 2024 sau 2025. 🐕📈 #Dogecoin
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Bitcoin Halving și Altcoins: Ați auzit de înjumătățirea Bitcoin? Este un eveniment mare în lumea cripto și poate afecta și prețurile altor criptomonede. Să o descompunem într-o engleză ușoară. Imaginați-vă că Bitcoin este o mină de aur uriașă. La fiecare zece minute, minerii găsesc Bitcoin noi, ca pepite de aur. Dar înjumătățirea este ca și cum ați lovi un filon de aur mai mic! La fiecare patru ani, cantitatea de noi mineri Bitcoin se reduce la jumătate. Deci, ce înseamnă acest lucru pentru alte criptomonede, numite și altcoins? Ei bine, este un joc de ghicituri. Iata de ce: Petrecere Altcoin după înjumătățire? Uneori, după o reducere la jumătate, Bitcoin devine mai scump. Investitorii ar putea apoi să-și ia profiturile din Bitcoin și să caute alte investiții interesante, cum ar fi altcoins. Acest lucru ar putea determina creșterea prețurilor altcoinelor! Ai răbdare! Nu asa de repede! Investitorii ar putea fi, de asemenea, foarte precauți înainte de înjumătățire, punându-și banii în Bitcoin pentru siguranță. Acest lucru ar putea însemna că prețurile altcoinelor scad temporar. Linia de jos? Nimeni nu știe sigur ce se va întâmpla cu prețurile altcoin-urilor după o reducere la jumătate. Piața cripto este ca o junglă sălbatică, plină de surprize. Iată câteva lucruri de reținut: Cercetați-vă: nu urmăriți doar mulțimea! Cercetați orice altcoin care vă interesează înainte de a investi. Gândiți-vă pe termen lung: nu vă lăsați prinși de fluctuații de preț pe termen scurt. Investește în proiecte în care crezi pe termen lung. Răspândiți riscul: nu vă puneți toate ouăle într-un singur coș! Investește într-o varietate de criptomonede, inclusiv Bitcoin și altcoins, pentru a-ți distribui riscul. Înțelegând înjumătățirea Bitcoin și rămânând informat, vei fi mai bine pregătit să navighezi în lumea interesantă a altcoins. Vă rugăm să urmăriți
Bitcoin Halving și Altcoins:

Ați auzit de înjumătățirea Bitcoin? Este un eveniment mare în lumea cripto și poate afecta și prețurile altor criptomonede. Să o descompunem într-o engleză ușoară.

Imaginați-vă că Bitcoin este o mină de aur uriașă. La fiecare zece minute, minerii găsesc Bitcoin noi, ca pepite de aur. Dar înjumătățirea este ca și cum ați lovi un filon de aur mai mic! La fiecare patru ani, cantitatea de noi mineri Bitcoin se reduce la jumătate.
Deci, ce înseamnă acest lucru pentru alte criptomonede, numite și altcoins? Ei bine, este un joc de ghicituri.
Iata de ce:
Petrecere Altcoin după înjumătățire? Uneori, după o reducere la jumătate, Bitcoin devine mai scump. Investitorii ar putea apoi să-și ia profiturile din Bitcoin și să caute alte investiții interesante, cum ar fi altcoins. Acest lucru ar putea determina creșterea prețurilor altcoinelor!

Ai răbdare! Nu asa de repede! Investitorii ar putea fi, de asemenea, foarte precauți înainte de înjumătățire, punându-și banii în Bitcoin pentru siguranță. Acest lucru ar putea însemna că prețurile altcoinelor scad temporar.

Linia de jos? Nimeni nu știe sigur ce se va întâmpla cu prețurile altcoin-urilor după o reducere la jumătate. Piața cripto este ca o junglă sălbatică, plină de surprize.
Iată câteva lucruri de reținut:
Cercetați-vă: nu urmăriți doar mulțimea! Cercetați orice altcoin care vă interesează înainte de a investi.

Gândiți-vă pe termen lung: nu vă lăsați prinși de fluctuații de preț pe termen scurt. Investește în proiecte în care crezi pe termen lung.
Răspândiți riscul: nu vă puneți toate ouăle într-un singur coș! Investește într-o varietate de criptomonede, inclusiv Bitcoin și altcoins, pentru a-ți distribui riscul.

Înțelegând înjumătățirea Bitcoin și rămânând informat, vei fi mai bine pregătit să navighezi în lumea interesantă a altcoins.
Vă rugăm să urmăriți
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#Istoricul ultimelor 3 înjumătățiri: Primul În 2012, alergarea a început la 48 de zile după înjumătățire. Al doilea În 2016, alergarea a început la 259 de zile după înjumătățire. Al treilea În 2020, alergarea a început la 149 de zile după înjumătățire. Reducerea la jumătate a anului 2024 este aproape. data estimată a reducerii la jumătate în 2024 este 19 aprilie. Fii pregătit, fă-ți propriile cercetări și apoi investește.
#Istoricul ultimelor 3 înjumătățiri:

Primul În 2012, alergarea a început la 48 de zile după înjumătățire.

Al doilea În 2016, alergarea a început la 259 de zile după înjumătățire.

Al treilea În 2020, alergarea a început la 149 de zile după înjumătățire.

Reducerea la jumătate a anului 2024 este aproape.
data estimată a reducerii la jumătate în 2024 este 19 aprilie.
Fii pregătit, fă-ți propriile cercetări și apoi investește.
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Alerta: 299.999.998 DOGE (echivalentul a 66.498.839 USD) au fost transferați dintr-un portofel necunoscut într-un alt portofel necunoscut.

299.999.998 DOGE (echivalentul a 66.498.839 USD) au fost transferați dintr-un portofel necunoscut într-un alt portofel necunoscut.
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Dogecoin copiează fractalul 2020 care a făcut ca prețul DOGE să crească cu 15.800%? Acțiunea continuă a prețurilor a Dogecoin (DOGE) reflectă fractalii din 2020 care și-au văzut prețul explodând cu peste 15.800% până la un nivel record de 0,76 USD în doar șase luni. Tendința prețului Dogecoin în 2024 față de 2021 Fractalul grafic Dogecoin de mai jos evidențiază asemănările dintre performanța continuă a prețurilor a DOGE și cele înregistrate după finalizarea pieței ursului 2018-2020. De exemplu, în 2018-2020, Dogecoin a experimentat o mișcare laterală prelungită în intervalul de la 0,0012 USD la 0,0056 USD. Această fază a avut loc la nivelurile de bază ale graficului, între liniile de retragere Fibonacci 0,236 și 0,0, subliniind o perioadă de echilibru relativ al pieței cu volatilitate scăzută. #write2earn…. #DOGE冲冲冲
Dogecoin copiează fractalul 2020 care a făcut ca prețul DOGE să crească cu 15.800%?

Acțiunea continuă a prețurilor a Dogecoin (DOGE) reflectă fractalii din 2020 care și-au văzut prețul explodând cu peste 15.800% până la un nivel record de 0,76 USD în doar șase luni.

Tendința prețului Dogecoin în 2024 față de 2021
Fractalul grafic Dogecoin de mai jos evidențiază asemănările dintre performanța continuă a prețurilor a DOGE și cele înregistrate după finalizarea pieței ursului 2018-2020.

De exemplu, în 2018-2020, Dogecoin a experimentat o mișcare laterală prelungită în intervalul de la 0,0012 USD la 0,0056 USD. Această fază a avut loc la nivelurile de bază ale graficului, între liniile de retragere Fibonacci 0,236 și 0,0, subliniind o perioadă de echilibru relativ al pieței cu volatilitate scăzută.
#write2earn…. #DOGE冲冲冲
Binance Offers $5th Reward for Insider Trading Tip-offs Crypto exchange Binance has announced that it will offer a $100,000 to $5 million reward for those who provide them with reports on potential insider trading or corruption within the exchange. On March 16, Binance announced that it would list the Solana-based memecoin Book of Meme (BOME) on the exchange. The token was paired with Bitcoin (BTC), Tether (USDT), First Digital USD and the Turkish lira. In addition, Binance Futures said that it will also list a USDS-M BOME perpetual contract with up to 50x leverage. Ahead of the Binance listing, a crypto whale bought 314 million BOME tokens for $2.3 million on the Raydium decentralized exchange (DEX) at an average price of $0.0074. After the listing, the value of the tokens pumped to a high of $0.026, making the tokens worth around $8 million. Book of Meme token price chart. Source: CoinGecko After the listing, the trade was flagged, sparking community discussions — with some alleging that this was an insider trade. On Reddit, a community member asked if they thought it was a lucky trade or an insider tip, while another floated the idea that the trader could be an insider from Binance. In a statement on X , Binance said it had launched an investigation into the insider trading allegations related to the listing of BOME within the exchange. Binance said that, during its preliminary investigation, the person at the center of the allegations had “no connection with Binance.” Binance announcement on in sider trading investigation. Source: Binance Within the announcement, Binance also urged the community to continue to report any potential insider trading or other misconduct related to the exchange. The trading platform said it would provide a reward of $100,000 up to $5 million to those who send them relevant reports and promised to keep the sender’s identity a secret. The exchange said that they would thoroughly investigate and make their findings public. #BOME #Write2Earn‬
Binance Offers $5th Reward for Insider Trading Tip-offs

Crypto exchange Binance has announced that it will offer a $100,000 to $5 million reward for those who provide them with reports on potential insider trading or corruption within the exchange.

On March 16, Binance announced that it would list the Solana-based memecoin Book of Meme (BOME) on the exchange. The token was paired with Bitcoin (BTC), Tether (USDT), First Digital USD and the Turkish lira. In addition, Binance Futures said that it will also list a USDS-M BOME perpetual contract with up to 50x leverage.

Ahead of the Binance listing, a crypto whale bought 314 million BOME tokens for $2.3 million on the Raydium decentralized exchange (DEX) at an average price of $0.0074. After the listing, the value of the tokens pumped to a high of $0.026, making the tokens worth around $8 million.
Book of Meme token price chart. Source: CoinGecko

After the listing, the trade was flagged, sparking community discussions — with some alleging that this was an insider trade. On Reddit, a community member asked if they thought it was a lucky trade or an insider tip, while another floated the idea that the trader could be an insider from Binance.
In a statement on X , Binance said it had launched an investigation into the insider trading allegations related to the listing of BOME within the exchange. Binance said that, during its preliminary investigation, the person at the center of the allegations had “no connection with Binance.”
Binance announcement on in
sider trading investigation. Source: Binance
Within the announcement, Binance also urged the community to continue to report any potential insider trading or other misconduct related to the exchange.
The trading platform said it would provide a reward of $100,000 up to $5 million to those who send them relevant reports and promised to keep the sender’s identity a secret.

The exchange said that they would thoroughly investigate and make their findings public.
#BOME #Write2Earn‬
🔰 Meme coins are undergoing a price correction as BOME, WIF, PEPE, and FLOKI witness declines. ⏩ BOME's price plunged nearly 50% following a remarkable 3000% surge.#bome A significant BOME holder cashed in over $3.62 million from a recent sell-off.#btc 💥💥 ✅ Book of Meme (BOME) gained traction starting last Friday, and within just three days of its launch, Binance listed the meme coin on its exchange. This move propelled its price up by 3,000% on Saturday.💥💥 #HotTrends #bome #bome #Write2Earn‬
🔰 Meme coins are undergoing a price correction as BOME, WIF, PEPE, and FLOKI witness declines.

⏩ BOME's price plunged nearly 50% following a remarkable 3000% surge.#bome
A significant BOME holder cashed in over $3.62 million from a recent sell-off.#btc

✅ Book of Meme (BOME) gained traction starting last Friday, and within just three days of its launch, Binance listed the meme coin on its exchange. This move propelled its price up by 3,000% on Saturday.💥💥

#HotTrends #bome #bome #Write2Earn‬
Here's a simpler version: "Here are some predictions for crypto prices in 2030: - $SHIB: $5 - $PEPE: $39 - $XRP: $2000 - $LUNC: $732 - $DOGE: $2502 Be careful of unrealistic predictions! Many videos claim these values will happen by 2024, but they're often not based on good information. If you're new to investing, be cautious! Make sure to do your own research before investing. Don't get caught up in the excitement or just follow what others say. Educate yourself and be smart about entering the market. It's important to learn from experienced investors to avoid common mistakes. Let's help new investors avoid risky decisions. Share your experiences if you've faced similar challenges. Together, let's create a community focused on making smart investment choices! #HotTrends #SHIB #DOGE $XRP $SHIB #Write2Earn
Here's a simpler version:

"Here are some predictions for crypto prices in 2030:
- $SHIB: $5
- $PEPE: $39
- $XRP: $2000
- $LUNC: $732
- $DOGE: $2502
Be careful of unrealistic predictions! Many videos claim these values will happen by 2024, but they're often not based on good information. If you're new to investing, be cautious! Make sure to do your own research before investing.
Don't get caught up in the excitement or just follow what others say. Educate yourself and be smart about entering the market. It's important to learn from experienced investors to avoid common mistakes.
Let's help new investors avoid risky decisions. Share your experiences if you've faced similar challenges. Together, let's create a community focused on making smart investment choices! #HotTrends #SHIB #DOGE $XRP $SHIB #Write2Earn
If you had invested $100 in Dogecoin when Elon Musk first tweeted about the crypto on April 2, 2019, when it was trading at $0.002552, you would have acquired 39,185 DOGE. Today, with Dogecoin priced at $0.08420, your initial $100 investment would be valued at $3,299.38, yielding a hypothetical return of 3,199.4%. 💸🚀 Similarly, if you had invested $100 on July 17, 2020, when Dogecoin reached its highest price of $0.003084 after Musk's tweet, you would have obtained approximately 32,425 DOGE. With the current Dogecoin price at $0.08420, your $100 investment would now be worth $2,730.19, resulting in a hypothetical return of 2,630.2%. 💰💰 During Dogecoin's all-time high in May 2021, reaching $0.7376, those $100 investments based on Musk's tweets would have been valued at $28,902.86 and $23,916.68, respectively. 📈💵 Remember to like, follow, and tip for more updates! 👍👀💡 #HotTrends #DOGE $DOGE #write2earn….
If you had invested $100 in Dogecoin when Elon Musk first tweeted about the crypto on April 2, 2019, when it was trading at $0.002552, you would have acquired 39,185 DOGE. Today, with Dogecoin priced at $0.08420, your initial $100 investment would be valued at $3,299.38, yielding a hypothetical return of 3,199.4%. 💸🚀
Similarly, if you had invested $100 on July 17, 2020, when Dogecoin reached its highest price of $0.003084 after Musk's tweet, you would have obtained approximately 32,425 DOGE. With the current Dogecoin price at $0.08420, your $100 investment would now be worth $2,730.19, resulting in a hypothetical return of 2,630.2%. 💰💰
During Dogecoin's all-time high in May 2021, reaching $0.7376, those $100 investments based on Musk's tweets would have been valued at $28,902.86 and $23,916.68, respectively. 📈💵
Remember to like, follow, and tip for more updates! 👍👀💡
#HotTrends #DOGE $DOGE #write2earn….
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Cel mai mare deținător BOME vinde 340 de milioane de jetoane și profită de 3,62 milioane de dolari Potrivit Foresight News, cel mai mare deținător de jetoane BOME, sundayfunday.sol, a vândut 340 de milioane de jetoane BOME. Vânzarea a dus la un profit de 18.660 SOL, cu un preț mediu de vânzare de 0,0107 USD per token, însumând un profit de 3,62 milioane USD. În ciuda faptului că deține în continuare 900 de milioane de jetoane, valoarea activelor deținătorului a scăzut la 8,38 milioane USD din cauza unei scăderi de 47% a valorii BOME în ultimele 24 de ore. #write2earn…. #BOME
Cel mai mare deținător BOME vinde 340 de milioane de jetoane și profită de 3,62 milioane de dolari

Potrivit Foresight News, cel mai mare deținător de jetoane BOME, sundayfunday.sol, a vândut 340 de milioane de jetoane BOME. Vânzarea a dus la un profit de 18.660 SOL, cu un preț mediu de vânzare de 0,0107 USD per token, însumând un profit de 3,62 milioane USD. În ciuda faptului că deține în continuare 900 de milioane de jetoane, valoarea activelor deținătorului a scăzut la 8,38 milioane USD din cauza unei scăderi de 47% a valorii BOME în ultimele 24 de ore.
#write2earn…. #BOME
Solana Raises Over 655,000 SOL in 27 Presales According to Foresight News, on-chain detective ZachXBT reported that Solana has raised over 655,000 SOL (equivalent to $122.5 million) in 27 recent presales. #write2earn…. #SOL🔥🔥🔥🔥
Solana Raises Over 655,000 SOL in 27 Presales

According to Foresight News, on-chain detective ZachXBT reported that Solana has raised over 655,000 SOL (equivalent to $122.5 million) in 27 recent presales.
#write2earn…. #SOL🔥🔥🔥🔥
Meme Coins Going Legit Is the Worst Thing for Meme Coins Trending When Elon Musk semi-ironically endorsed dogecoin during the last bull run, most people saw it as a joke: a high-profile business guy playing with the funny money. Nobody is laughing anymore. These days, there are real institutions — from the Avalanche Foundation to Franklin Templeton — willing to say that meme coins are a legitimate use of blockchain tech. This is an excerpt from The Node newsletter, a daily roundup of the most pivotal crypto news on CoinDesk and beyond. You can subscribe to get the full newsletter here. On Solana, there’s dogwifhat {{WIF}}, sillycat (SILLYCAT) and popcat (POPCAT). On Ethereum, {{DOGE}} remains top dog. Then there’s the emerging field of “PoliFi,” short for political finance, with its roster of coins like MAGA (TRUMP), jeo boden (BODEN) and elizabath whoren (WHOREN). These would-be jokes have gained virality in the past year “due to their unique nature,” the Franklin Templeton Digital Assets team wrote in a recent report. A rally that kicked off in late 2023 has only picked up steam since the release of U.S. spot bitcoin exchange-traded funds (ETFs), the financial giant noted. In some sense, meme coins are reaching escape velocity. The Avalanche Foundation launched a “Culture Catalyst” program that has started buying up meme coins in a bid to support what it believes to be “culturally important” Web3 projects. While Franklin Templeton (which for a while sported bitcoiner's laser eyes on Twitter) attributes growing use of Ethereum and Solana in part to these token’s “opportunities to make quick profits.” See also: The Memecoin Grift and How It Threatens Ethereum Culture | Opinion And yet, meme coin projects are also seemingly doing everything in their power to self-destruct. While the conventional wisdom about meme coins is that they have “no underlying value,” more and more meme coin creators are investing time and money into making their projects stand out. It’s a risky trade.
Meme Coins Going Legit Is the Worst Thing for Meme Coins


When Elon Musk semi-ironically endorsed dogecoin during the last bull run, most people saw it as a joke: a high-profile business guy playing with the funny money. Nobody is laughing anymore. These days, there are real institutions — from the Avalanche Foundation to Franklin Templeton — willing to say that meme coins are a legitimate use of blockchain tech.
This is an excerpt from The Node newsletter, a daily roundup of the most pivotal crypto news on CoinDesk and beyond. You can subscribe to get the full newsletter here.
On Solana, there’s dogwifhat {{WIF}}, sillycat (SILLYCAT) and popcat (POPCAT). On Ethereum, {{DOGE}} remains top dog. Then there’s the emerging field of “PoliFi,” short for political finance, with its roster of coins like MAGA (TRUMP), jeo boden (BODEN) and elizabath whoren (WHOREN).
These would-be jokes have gained virality in the past year “due to their unique nature,” the Franklin Templeton Digital Assets team wrote in a recent report. A rally that kicked off in late 2023 has only picked up steam since the release of U.S. spot bitcoin exchange-traded funds (ETFs), the financial giant noted.
In some sense, meme coins are reaching escape velocity. The Avalanche Foundation launched a “Culture Catalyst” program that has started buying up meme coins in a bid to support what it believes to be “culturally important” Web3 projects. While Franklin Templeton (which for a while sported bitcoiner's laser eyes on Twitter) attributes growing use of Ethereum and Solana in part to these token’s “opportunities to make quick profits.”
See also: The Memecoin Grift and How It Threatens Ethereum Culture | Opinion
And yet, meme coin projects are also seemingly doing everything in their power to self-destruct. While the conventional wisdom about meme coins is that they have “no underlying value,” more and more meme coin creators are investing time and money into making their projects stand out. It’s a risky trade.
#Ether.Fi's Token Debuts At $4.13 After Airdrop and Binance Launchpad Distribution The stakers that have locked more than $12 billion staked on Binance Launchpad received 20 million tokens. ETHFI was trading at $4.13 with an FDV of $4.13 billio$n. The initial circulating supply is 115.2 million tokens. ETHFI, the governance token of the largest liquid restaking protocol Ether.Fi, debuted at $4.13 after the token was distributed via an airdrop and to participants of a Binance Launchpad round. At the time of writing, ETHFI was trading at $4.10 on Binance and recorded a trading volume of over $2 million in the first five minutes of trading. The token had a fully diluted value (FDV), the market value of a token if the entire supply ends up in circulation, of $4.13 billion. More than $2 billion worth of the FDUSD stablecoin and 17.3 million BNB ($10 billion) were staked on the Binance Launchpad. Launchpad stakers receive an allocation of ETHFI relative to the amount they staked. Several of the recently-listed tokens on Binance’s launchpad slumped after release: ARKM dropped from its debut price of 90 cents to 30 cents, while PORTAL fell from $3.60 to $2.08 three after being issued. The max supply of ETHFI is capped at one billion, with 20 million tokens being allocated to the Binance Launchpad and 60 million tokens being set aside for “season one” of the token airdrop, which ended on March 15. An additional 50 million tokens will be distributed after “season two.” Investors will receive 32.5% of the token’s total supply over the course of a two-year vesting schedule, whilst core contributors will receive 23.26% over three years. The initial circulating supply will be 115.2 million tokens. Ether.Fi's total value locked (TVL) has surged 117% in the last 30 days with total deposits approaching $3 billion, according to DefiLlama. Restaking is a strategy used by those that stake ether {{ETH}} and want to generate additional yield. By using a protocol like Ether.Fi, stakers receive a liquid restaking token (LRT) that can be used elsewhere on other protocols.
#Ether.Fi's Token Debuts At $4.13 After Airdrop and Binance Launchpad Distribution
The stakers that have locked more than $12 billion staked on Binance Launchpad received 20 million tokens.

ETHFI was trading at $4.13 with an FDV of $4.13 billio$n.
The initial circulating supply is 115.2 million tokens.
ETHFI, the governance token of the largest liquid restaking protocol Ether.Fi, debuted at $4.13 after the token was distributed via an airdrop and to participants of a Binance Launchpad round.
At the time of writing, ETHFI was trading at $4.10 on Binance and recorded a trading volume of over $2 million in the first five minutes of trading. The token had a fully diluted value (FDV), the market value of a token if the entire supply ends up in circulation, of $4.13 billion.
More than $2 billion worth of the FDUSD stablecoin and 17.3 million BNB ($10 billion) were staked on the Binance Launchpad. Launchpad stakers receive an allocation of ETHFI relative to the amount they staked.
Several of the recently-listed tokens on Binance’s launchpad slumped after release: ARKM dropped from its debut price of 90 cents to 30 cents, while PORTAL fell from $3.60 to $2.08 three after being issued.
The max supply of ETHFI is capped at one billion, with 20 million tokens being allocated to the Binance Launchpad and 60 million tokens being set aside for “season one” of the token airdrop, which ended on March 15. An additional 50 million tokens will be distributed after “season two.”
Investors will receive 32.5% of the token’s total supply over the course of a two-year vesting schedule, whilst core contributors will receive 23.26% over three years.
The initial circulating supply will be 115.2 million tokens.
Ether.Fi's total value locked (TVL) has surged 117% in the last 30 days with total deposits approaching $3 billion, according to DefiLlama.
Restaking is a strategy used by those that stake ether {{ETH}} and want to generate additional yield. By using a protocol like Ether.Fi, stakers receive a liquid restaking token (LRT) that can be used elsewhere on other protocols.
🚀 Follow the BOME Adventure! 🚀 💞 Are you set for what's coming? 💓 👻 Just two hours into its trading life, #BOME saw an anonymous buyer dive in with a whopping $6.45 million for 532.45 million BOME coins, shocking everyone with their instant big-time move. 😈 👹 But that was just the beginning. A mere 10 hours on, they flipped all their BOME stash for $49.5 million, pocketing a massive profit. This rapid trade shook the crypto world, creating waves. 👻 💣 Imagine, in only two days, that trader pocketed a cool $43 million profit! Their quick cash grab is buzzing in conversations for its sheer brilliance. 👻 🔥 The buzz spread, and the crypto community is now ablaze with speculation about who this secret trader might be and what lies ahead for #BOME. This standout success story has become a beacon for other investors, highlighting the boundless potential in the crypto realm. 💥 😈$BOME #HotTrends #sol #DOGE #BTC
🚀 Follow the BOME Adventure! 🚀
💞 Are you set for what's coming? 💓

👻 Just two hours into its trading life, #BOME saw an anonymous buyer dive in with a whopping $6.45 million for 532.45 million BOME coins, shocking everyone with their instant big-time move. 😈
👹 But that was just the beginning. A mere 10 hours on, they flipped all their BOME stash for $49.5 million, pocketing a massive profit. This rapid trade shook the crypto world, creating waves. 👻
💣 Imagine, in only two days, that trader pocketed a cool $43 million profit! Their quick cash grab is buzzing in conversations for its sheer brilliance. 👻
🔥 The buzz spread, and the crypto community is now ablaze with speculation about who this secret trader might be and what lies ahead for #BOME. This standout success story has become a beacon for other investors, highlighting the boundless potential in the crypto realm. 💥
#HotTrends #sol #DOGE #BTC
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