لا تبيع هذه عمله ذكاء اصطناعي !!! راح ترتفع لا تقلق و أنا منك لو عندك سيوله اشتري تحت تعوض فرق الوقت في الهبوط و المال لو ماعندك سيوله انساها
$BIO Am greșit într-adevăr pentru că am cumpărat această monedă până acum cu o pierdere de peste 1.700 de dolari și la fiecare două zile moneda scade din ce în ce mai mult, dar Dumnezeu să fie cu unul și cu oamenii Doamne, jumătate din banii unei persoane sunt de necrezut Două zile, scade cu mii, iar creșterea este cu o mulțime de 50 de dolari.
Tot ce spui, tot piața coboară, poți merge și te poți relaxa
$DOG este în creștere, alimentat de puterea Bitcoin și de sprijinul memecoin-urilor populare, cum ar fi $SHIB și $PEPE . Acest activ este pregătit pentru dezvoltare pe termen lung, iar comercianții ar trebui să fie entuziasmați de oportunitatea de a călări pe val în timp ce $DOG își continuă ascensiunea spectaculoasă. !
This is what I said a month ago, they will make everyone sell and the shoe is on everyone!! They made people taste the honey and then made them stick together and the two pilots can't fly 🤣🤣🤣🤣 They made everyone stand on one foot!! And the terrifying thing is at the end of the year!!!
$TIA Make everyone sell futures contracts at a loss. This is what happens intentionally. The enemy does not have any valuable credit. All the platforms will withdraw all the money from your pocket!!! How do you think that the
I ask myself an important question!! If they are such smart traders, how can they still be trading? They must have a lot of money in Burj Khalifa!! Secondly, Binance and the rest of the platforms are appearing, I am very aware and be careful, why does the currency not rise intentionally as long as it matches the financial volume and the percentage of buying is greater than the selling!! Why does it fall when the current long contracts are very high? Where are the rich people in digital currencies? Why can't you spread the losses and profits together!!! Have we really become a barn owned by one shepherd!! No one will become rich in these currencies after 2018. Whoever wins, loses more than the money. The best currency in this world is only USDT. I think in the near future there will be a wave that will shake the entire financial world.
It's a simple matter. No one knows who the traders call themselves professionals!! Something goes up and down, only the artificial intelligence and everyone who offers you signals for $300 or $100 a month are lying!!! It does not cost more than 30 or 50 dollars a month. Save your money for yourself