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PITBULL PROGNOZA PE TERMEN SCURT PIT a revenit în sfârșit la viață când lumânarea de ieri s-a închis în verde. Acțiunea prețului se situează acum deasupra modelului de pană de scădere urcare în graficul zilnic. Ținta ascendentă este încă 53. În acest moment, PIT se tranzacționează la 32. După cum am menționat ieri, avem o serie de rezistență KDJ de-a lungul 0,00000000032-33. În acest preț, s-au produs vânzări uriașe și, cel mai probabil, au rămas comenzi de vânzare. Așa că așteptați-vă la o călătorie grea de-a lungul acestei zone. Acum câteva ore, o lumânare a încercat să răstoarne rezistența, sărind până la 36. Cu toate acestea, ordinele de vânzare în așteptare au fost completate, ceea ce a adus înapoi la 32. A fost o călătorie sălbatică pentru PITBULL, dar 53 vine. Ține-te bine. #pitbulltoken100x #pitbulltoken #pitbull #BNB‬

PIT a revenit în sfârșit la viață când lumânarea de ieri s-a închis în verde.

Acțiunea prețului se situează acum deasupra modelului de pană de scădere urcare în graficul zilnic.

Ținta ascendentă este încă 53.

În acest moment, PIT se tranzacționează la 32.

După cum am menționat ieri, avem o serie de rezistență KDJ de-a lungul 0,00000000032-33.

În acest preț, s-au produs vânzări uriașe și, cel mai probabil, au rămas comenzi de vânzare.

Așa că așteptați-vă la o călătorie grea de-a lungul acestei zone.

Acum câteva ore, o lumânare a încercat să răstoarne rezistența, sărind până la 36.

Cu toate acestea, ordinele de vânzare în așteptare au fost completate, ceea ce a adus înapoi la 32.

A fost o călătorie sălbatică pentru PITBULL, dar 53 vine. Ține-te bine. #pitbulltoken100x #pitbulltoken #pitbull #BNB‬
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Rețineți cuvintele mele, în ziua în care $PIT vă va lovi, veți fi cu toții surprinși. Este tokenomica și ecosistemul nu este pe măsură. VEZI SPATIUL#pitbulltoken1000X#pitbull #1000xgem #pitbulltoken #gemcoin #memecion
Rețineți cuvintele mele, în ziua în care $PIT vă va lovi, veți fi cu toții surprinși. Este tokenomica și ecosistemul nu este pe măsură. VEZI SPATIUL#pitbulltoken1000X#pitbull #1000xgem #pitbulltoken #gemcoin #memecion
PITBULL IS A DEAD TOKEN We heard that a lot, but how can this token die when it was created to be indestructible in the first place? Upon creation liquidity was burned making it rug and scam proof forever. In every transaction 2% of it is added to the burn address. In a span of three years, more than 60% of PIT has been burned. As transaction volume grows, the burning will likewise grow, until there will only be a few tokens left in the market. Upon creation, token was turned over to the community. The PITBULL TOKEN ARMY is a solid number of 527thousand holders. Some are active and some are not. The active ones, are brave fighters. They are willing to take a bullet for the token and are willing to fight for it non-stop. Why because they know that PIT is x1000. If you've been holding PIT or would like to know more about it, feel free to FOLLOW. #pitbull100x #pitbulltoken #BNB

We heard that a lot, but how can this token die when it was created to be indestructible in the first place? Upon creation liquidity was burned making it rug and scam proof forever.

In every transaction 2% of it is added to the burn address. In a span of three years, more than 60% of PIT has been burned. As transaction volume grows, the burning will likewise grow, until there will only be a few tokens left in the market.

Upon creation, token was turned over to the community. The PITBULL TOKEN ARMY is a solid number of 527thousand holders. Some are active and some are not.

The active ones, are brave fighters. They are willing to take a bullet for the token and are willing to fight for it non-stop. Why because they know that PIT is x1000.

If you've been holding PIT or would like to know more about it, feel free to FOLLOW. #pitbull100x #pitbulltoken #BNB
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PITBULL ESTE UN JETON MORT Am auzit asta de multe ori, dar cum poate acest simbol să moară când a fost creat pentru a fi indestructibil în primul rând? La crearea lichidității a fost arsă, făcându-l covor și dovada de escrocherie pentru totdeauna. În fiecare tranzacție, 2% din aceasta este adăugată la adresa de ardere. Într-un interval de trei ani, peste 60% din PIT a fost ars. Pe măsură ce volumul tranzacțiilor crește, arderea va crește, de asemenea, până când vor rămâne doar câteva jetoane pe piață. La creare, simbolul a fost predat comunității. PITBULL TOKEN ARMY este un număr solid de 527 de mii deținători. Unii sunt activi, iar alții nu. Cei activi, sunt luptători curajoși. Ei sunt dispuși să ia un glonț pentru jeton și sunt dispuși să lupte pentru el non-stop. De ce pentru că știu că PIT este x1000. Dacă ați deținut PIT sau doriți să aflați mai multe despre el, nu ezitați să URMĂȚI.#pitbulltoken #pitbull #BNB #holders

Am auzit asta de multe ori, dar cum poate acest simbol să moară când a fost creat pentru a fi indestructibil în primul rând? La crearea lichidității a fost arsă, făcându-l covor și dovada de escrocherie pentru totdeauna.

În fiecare tranzacție, 2% din aceasta este adăugată la adresa de ardere. Într-un interval de trei ani, peste 60% din PIT a fost ars. Pe măsură ce volumul tranzacțiilor crește, arderea va crește, de asemenea, până când vor rămâne doar câteva jetoane pe piață.

La creare, simbolul a fost predat comunității. PITBULL TOKEN ARMY este un număr solid de 527 de mii deținători. Unii sunt activi, iar alții nu.

Cei activi, sunt luptători curajoși. Ei sunt dispuși să ia un glonț pentru jeton și sunt dispuși să lupte pentru el non-stop. De ce pentru că știu că PIT este x1000.

Dacă ați deținut PIT sau doriți să aflați mai multe despre el, nu ezitați să URMĂȚI.#pitbulltoken #pitbull #BNB #holders
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PITBULL are tot ce este necesar pentru a-l face mare în spațiul cripto. Un simbol indestructibil, susținut de o comunitate puternică și rezistentă este altceva. Este evident legat de măreție. Mulți au îndoieli cu privire la token acum, mai ales când prețul său a scăzut de ceva timp. De fapt, așa merge piața, se va mișca pentru totdeauna în zig-zag. În calitate de comercianți, trebuie să anticipăm fiecare declin înainte de a veni. De ce? Fiecare scufundare este o oportunitate de a stivui și de a cumpăra ieftin. #potbulltoken #pitbull #BNB✅
PITBULL are tot ce este necesar pentru a-l face mare în spațiul cripto. Un simbol indestructibil, susținut de o comunitate puternică și rezistentă este altceva. Este evident legat de măreție.

Mulți au îndoieli cu privire la token acum, mai ales când prețul său a scăzut de ceva timp. De fapt, așa merge piața, se va mișca pentru totdeauna în zig-zag.

În calitate de comercianți, trebuie să anticipăm fiecare declin înainte de a veni. De ce? Fiecare scufundare este o oportunitate de a stivui și de a cumpăra ieftin. #potbulltoken #pitbull #BNB✅
PITBULL has all it takes to make it big in the crypto space. An indestructible token, backed up by a strong and resilient community is something else. It is obviously bound for greatness. A lot has doubts about the token now, specially when its price has been tumbling down for quite some time. Actually that's just how the market goes, it will forever move in zigzag. As traders we need to anticipate each dip before it comes. Why? Each dip is an opportunity to stack and buy cheap.#pitbulltoken #pitbull100x #pitarmy #BNB🔥
PITBULL has all it takes to make it big in the crypto space. An indestructible token, backed up by a strong and resilient community is something else. It is obviously bound for greatness.

A lot has doubts about the token now, specially when its price has been tumbling down for quite some time. Actually that's just how the market goes, it will forever move in zigzag.

As traders we need to anticipate each dip before it comes. Why? Each dip is an opportunity to stack and buy cheap.#pitbulltoken #pitbull100x #pitarmy #BNB🔥
PITBULL SHORT TERM FORECAST We've seen PIT tumbling down for weeks now. Is there still hope for the token? Let's take a look at the chart. The daily chart has been moving within a bullish falling wedge pattern. The apex of the wedge is around 0.0000000003, which is most likely the bottom of the present down trend. If this pattern plays out, upside target is 0.00000000053. In the weekly chart, we have a strong support at around 0.0000000003-33. At the moment PIT is trading at 0.00000000032 which is well within the weekly support zone. So if you'd like to add more tokens, now is the best time to stack. #pitbulltoken #pitbull

We've seen PIT tumbling down for weeks now. Is there still hope for the token?

Let's take a look at the chart. The daily chart has been moving within a bullish falling wedge pattern. The apex of the wedge is around 0.0000000003, which is most likely the bottom of the present down trend. If this pattern plays out, upside target is 0.00000000053.

In the weekly chart, we have a strong support at around 0.0000000003-33. At the moment PIT is trading at 0.00000000032 which is well within the weekly support zone. So if you'd like to add more tokens, now is the best time to stack. #pitbulltoken #pitbull
PITBULL SHORT TERM FORECAST We've seen PIT tumbling down for weeks now. Is there still hope for the token? Let's take a look at the chart. The daily chart has been moving within a bullish falling wedge pattern. The apex of the wedge is around 0.0000000003, which is most likely the bottom of the present down trend. If this pattern plays out, upside target is 0.00000000053. In the weekly chart, we have a strong support at around 0.0000000003-33. At the moment PIT is trading at 0.00000000032 which is well within the weekly support zone. So if you'd like to add more tokens, now is the best time to stack. #pitbull100x #pitbulltoken #Bitcoin #pitarmy #hold

We've seen PIT tumbling down for weeks now. Is there still hope for the token?

Let's take a look at the chart. The daily chart has been moving within a bullish falling wedge pattern. The apex of the wedge is around 0.0000000003, which is most likely the bottom of the present down trend. If this pattern plays out, upside target is 0.00000000053.

In the weekly chart, we have a strong support at around 0.0000000003-33. At the moment PIT is trading at 0.00000000032 which is well within the weekly support zone. So if you'd like to add more tokens, now is the best time to stack. #pitbull100x #pitbulltoken #Bitcoin #pitarmy #hold
PITBULL SHORT TERM FORECAST We've seen PIT tumbling down for weeks now. Is there still hope for the token? Let's take a look at the chart. The daily chart has been moving within a bullish falling wedge pattern. The apex of the wedge is around 0.0000000003, which is most likely the bottom of the present down trend. If this pattern plays out, upside target is 0.00000000053. In the weekly chart, we have a strong support at around 0.0000000003-33. At the moment PIT is trading at 0.00000000032 which is well within the weekly support zone. So if you'd like to add more tokens, now is the best time to stack. #pitbulltoken #pitbull #pitbull100x #BNB #Binance

We've seen PIT tumbling down for weeks now. Is there still hope for the token?

Let's take a look at the chart. The daily chart has been moving within a bullish falling wedge pattern. The apex of the wedge is around 0.0000000003, which is most likely the bottom of the present down trend. If this pattern plays out, upside target is 0.00000000053.

In the weekly chart, we have a strong support at around 0.0000000003-33. At the moment PIT is trading at 0.00000000032 which is well within the weekly support zone. So if you'd like to add more tokens, now is the best time to stack. #pitbulltoken #pitbull #pitbull100x #BNB #Binance
Mark my words, the day $PIT will strike you will all be surprised. It's tokenomics and ecosystem is second to none. WATCH THE SPACE 🔥 #pitbulltoken @Bscpitbulltoken 🔥 #10000x #1000xgem #memecoin #pitarmy
Mark my words, the day $PIT will strike you will all be surprised.
It's tokenomics and ecosystem is second to none.
WATCH THE SPACE 🔥 #pitbulltoken @Bscpitbulltoken 🔥
#10000x #1000xgem #memecoin #pitarmy
Pitbull, oluşturulmasının ardından mülkiyetinden vazgeçilen ve topluluğa verilen, kendi kendine pay alan bir tokendir. Bu güç merkeziyetsizliği, Pitbull'un, günlük bazda, belirgin şekilde gönüllü sahipler ve hızlı büyüme alanı sağlayan %100 topluluk odaklı proje gelişimini sürdürdü. İlerleyen aşamada, yatırımcıların hem topluluk hem de gelişim açısından projeye entegre edildiği benzersiz bir sosyal deney haline geldi. Binancın Web3 cüzdanı üzerinden satın alınabilir. Ytd #pitbulltoken #pitbull100x #pitbulltoken #pitbull #BNB‬
Pitbull, oluşturulmasının ardından mülkiyetinden vazgeçilen ve topluluğa verilen, kendi kendine pay alan bir tokendir. Bu güç merkeziyetsizliği, Pitbull'un, günlük bazda, belirgin şekilde gönüllü sahipler ve hızlı büyüme alanı sağlayan %100 topluluk odaklı proje gelişimini sürdürdü. İlerleyen aşamada, yatırımcıların hem topluluk hem de gelişim açısından projeye entegre edildiği benzersiz bir sosyal deney haline geldi. Binancın Web3 cüzdanı üzerinden satın alınabilir. Ytd #pitbulltoken #pitbull100x #pitbulltoken #pitbull #BNB‬
Pitbull has been diving down lately, so the question is, should we worry? The answer is a big fat NO. Well, here's the deal. Pit is the safest, lowcap, x1000 meme token in the crypto space. No one can rug it down, since no one has access to its liquidity. It was burned upon creation. Aside from that, token is extremely DEFLATIONARY. FYI, 2% is burned in every transaction. Whether you buy, sell, or move the token, 2% will be taken out of the supply. Yes, 2% will be lost forever. This massive burning mechanism has burned 60% of the total maximum supply in a span of three years. So think, three years from now, how much more PIT will be left? Yup, it will be few.#pitbulltoken #pitbull100x #PİT
Pitbull has been diving down lately, so the question is, should we worry? The answer is a big fat NO.
Well, here's the deal. Pit is the safest, lowcap, x1000 meme token in the crypto space. No one can rug it down, since no one has access to its liquidity. It was burned upon creation.
Aside from that, token is extremely DEFLATIONARY. FYI, 2% is burned in every transaction.
Whether you buy, sell, or move the token, 2% will be taken out of the supply. Yes, 2% will be lost forever.
This massive burning mechanism has burned 60% of the total maximum supply in a span of three years. So think, three years from now, how much more PIT will be left? Yup, it will be few.#pitbulltoken #pitbull100x #PİT
Pitbull has been diving down lately, so the question is, should we worry? The answer is a big fat NO. Well, here's the deal. Pit is the safest, lowcap, x1000 meme token in the crypto space. No one can rug it down, since no one has access to its liquidity. It was burned upon creation. Aside from that, token is extremely DEFLATIONARY. FYI, 2% is burned in every transaction. Whether you buy, sell, or move the token, 2% will be taken out of the supply. Yes, 2% will be lost forever. This massive burning mechanism has burned 60% of the total maximum supply in a span of three years. So think, three years from now, how much more PIT will be left? Yup, it will be few. #pitbulltoken #Binance #pitbull100x #BNB #BinanceBlockchainWeek
Pitbull has been diving down lately, so the question is, should we worry? The answer is a big fat NO.

Well, here's the deal. Pit is the safest, lowcap, x1000 meme token in the crypto space. No one can rug it down, since no one has access to its liquidity. It was burned upon creation.

Aside from that, token is extremely DEFLATIONARY. FYI, 2% is burned in every transaction.

Whether you buy, sell, or move the token, 2% will be taken out of the supply. Yes, 2% will be lost forever.

This massive burning mechanism has burned 60% of the total maximum supply in a span of three years. So think, three years from now, how much more PIT will be left? Yup, it will be few. #pitbulltoken #Binance #pitbull100x #BNB #BinanceBlockchainWeek
If you're still looking for a safe, lowcap, x1000 token, checkout PITBULL. PIT is now trekking at its major weekly support which is 0.0000000003-33. If you'd like to trade this token, now is the best time to stack. PIT has been arround for 3 years now. It has gone through a lot of struggles, stumbling blocks, and even heavy blows in the crypto space. It has made it through the 2022-2023 bear market and is still arround standing strong. PIT has never stopped building and will continue to do so no matter what. The PITBULL community will fight non stop until PIT gets the spot it deserves. Why? Because we believe PITBULL is x1000. #pitbulltoken #pitbul #BNB #hold
If you're still looking for a safe, lowcap, x1000 token, checkout PITBULL. PIT is now trekking at its major weekly support which is 0.0000000003-33. If you'd like to trade this token, now is the best time to stack.

PIT has been arround for 3 years now. It has gone through a lot of struggles, stumbling blocks, and even heavy blows in the crypto space. It has made it through the 2022-2023 bear market and is still arround standing strong.

PIT has never stopped building and will continue to do so no matter what. The PITBULL community will fight non stop until PIT gets the spot it deserves. Why? Because we believe PITBULL is x1000. #pitbulltoken #pitbul #BNB #hold
Pitbull, oluşturulmasının ardından mülkiyetinden vazgeçilen ve topluluğa verilen, kendi kendine pay alan bir tokendir. Bu güç merkeziyetsizliği, Pitbull'un, günlük bazda, belirgin şekilde gönüllü sahipler ve hızlı büyüme alanı sağlayan %100 topluluk odaklı proje gelişimini sürdürdü. İlerleyen aşamada, yatırımcıların hem topluluk hem de gelişim açısından projeye entegre edildiği benzersiz bir sosyal deney haline geldi. Binancın Web3 cüzdanı üzerinden satın alınabilir. YTd #pitbulltoken #pitbul #bnb #ETH #BNB
Pitbull, oluşturulmasının ardından mülkiyetinden vazgeçilen ve topluluğa verilen, kendi kendine pay alan bir tokendir. Bu güç merkeziyetsizliği, Pitbull'un, günlük bazda, belirgin şekilde gönüllü sahipler ve hızlı büyüme alanı sağlayan %100 topluluk odaklı proje gelişimini sürdürdü. İlerleyen aşamada, yatırımcıların hem topluluk hem de gelişim açısından projeye entegre edildiği benzersiz bir sosyal deney haline geldi. Binancın Web3 cüzdanı üzerinden satın alınabilir. YTd #pitbulltoken #pitbul #bnb #ETH #BNB
Pitbull has been diving down lately, so the question is, should we worry? The answer is a big fat NO. Well, here's the deal. Pit is the safest, lowcap, x1000 meme token in the crypto space. No one can rug it down, since no one has access to its liquidity. It was burned upon creation. Aside from that, token is extremely DEFLATIONARY. FYI, 2% is burned in every transaction. Whether you buy, sell, or move the token, 2% will be taken out of the supply. Yes, 2% will be lost forever. This massive burning mechanism has burned 60% of the total maximum supply in a span of three years. So think, three years from now, how much more PIT will be left? Yup, it will be few. #pitbulltoken #pitbull100x #pitbul #BTC☀ #hold
Pitbull has been diving down lately, so the question is, should we worry? The answer is a big fat NO.

Well, here's the deal. Pit is the safest, lowcap, x1000 meme token in the crypto space. No one can rug it down, since no one has access to its liquidity. It was burned upon creation.

Aside from that, token is extremely DEFLATIONARY. FYI, 2% is burned in every transaction.

Whether you buy, sell, or move the token, 2% will be taken out of the supply. Yes, 2% will be lost forever.

This massive burning mechanism has burned 60% of the total maximum supply in a span of three years. So think, three years from now, how much more PIT will be left? Yup, it will be few. #pitbulltoken #pitbull100x #pitbul #BTC☀ #hold
Pitbull has been diving down lately, so the question is, should we worry? The answer is a big fat NO. Well, here's the deal. Pit is the safest, lowcap, x1000 meme token in the crypto space. No one can rug it down, since no one has access to its liquidity. It was burned upon creation. Aside from that, token is extremely DEFLATIONARY. FYI, 2% is burned in every transaction. Whether you buy, sell, or move the token, 2% will be taken out of the supply. Yes, 2% will be lost forever. This massive burning mechanism has burned 60% of the total maximum supply in a span of three years. So think, three years from now, how much more PIT will be left? Yup, it will be few.
Pitbull has been diving down lately, so the question is, should we worry? The answer is a big fat NO.

Well, here's the deal. Pit is the safest, lowcap, x1000 meme token in the crypto space. No one can rug it down, since no one has access to its liquidity. It was burned upon creation.

Aside from that, token is extremely DEFLATIONARY. FYI, 2% is burned in every transaction.

Whether you buy, sell, or move the token, 2% will be taken out of the supply. Yes, 2% will be lost forever.

This massive burning mechanism has burned 60% of the total maximum supply in a span of three years. So think, three years from now, how much more PIT will be left? Yup, it will be few.
Pitbull, oluşturulmasının ardından mülkiyetinden vazgeçilen ve topluluğa verilen, kendi kendine pay alan bir tokendir. Bu güç merkeziyetsizliği, Pitbull'un, günlük bazda, belirgin şekilde gönüllü sahipler ve hızlı büyüme alanı sağlayan %100 topluluk odaklı proje gelişimini sürdürdü. İlerleyen aşamada, yatırımcıların hem topluluk hem de gelişim açısından projeye entegre edildiği benzersiz bir sosyal deney haline geldi. Binancın Web3 cüzdanı üzerinden satın alınabilir. YTd #pitbulltoken #pitbull100x #pitbull
Pitbull, oluşturulmasının ardından mülkiyetinden vazgeçilen ve topluluğa verilen, kendi kendine pay alan bir tokendir. Bu güç merkeziyetsizliği, Pitbull'un, günlük bazda, belirgin şekilde gönüllü sahipler ve hızlı büyüme alanı sağlayan %100 topluluk odaklı proje gelişimini sürdürdü. İlerleyen aşamada, yatırımcıların hem topluluk hem de gelişim açısından projeye entegre edildiği benzersiz bir sosyal deney haline geldi. Binancın Web3 cüzdanı üzerinden satın alınabilir. YTd #pitbulltoken #pitbull100x #pitbull
#pitbulltoken $pit 🔥 çünkü çok güçlü bir topluluğa sahip #pitbull
#pitbulltoken $pit 🔥 çünkü çok güçlü bir topluluğa sahip #pitbull
Pitbull, oluşturulmasının ardından mülkiyetinden vazgeçilen ve topluluğa verilen, kendi kendine pay alan bir tokendir. Bu güç merkeziyetsizliği, Pitbull'un, günlük bazda, belirgin şekilde gönüllü sahipler ve hızlı büyüme alanı sağlayan %100 topluluk odaklı proje gelişimini sürdürdü. İlerleyen aşamada, yatırımcıların hem topluluk hem de gelişim açısından projeye entegre edildiği benzersiz bir sosyal deney haline geldi. Binancın Web3 cüzdanı üzerinden satın alınabilir. YTd #pitbulltoken #pitbull100x
Pitbull, oluşturulmasının ardından mülkiyetinden vazgeçilen ve topluluğa verilen, kendi kendine pay alan bir tokendir. Bu güç merkeziyetsizliği, Pitbull'un, günlük bazda, belirgin şekilde gönüllü sahipler ve hızlı büyüme alanı sağlayan %100 topluluk odaklı proje gelişimini sürdürdü. İlerleyen aşamada, yatırımcıların hem topluluk hem de gelişim açısından projeye entegre edildiği benzersiz bir sosyal deney haline geldi. Binancın Web3 cüzdanı üzerinden satın alınabilir. YTd #pitbulltoken #pitbull100x
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