Pitbull has been diving down lately, so the question is, should we worry? The answer is a big fat NO.
Well, here's the deal. Pit is the safest, lowcap, x1000 meme token in the crypto space. No one can rug it down, since no one has access to its liquidity. It was burned upon creation.
Aside from that, token is extremely DEFLATIONARY. FYI, 2% is burned in every transaction.
Whether you buy, sell, or move the token, 2% will be taken out of the supply. Yes, 2% will be lost forever.
This massive burning mechanism has burned 60% of the total maximum supply in a span of three years. So think, three years from now, how much more PIT will be left? Yup, it will be few.#pitbulltoken #pitbull100x #PİT