Binance Square
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Cred că va fi o idee bună dacă Binance#MEXCși alte schimburi vor adăuga o#LOCK_TRADE_FUNCTIONALITYla aplicația lor Acest lucru este pentru a permite comercianților să blocheze o anumită tranzacție (în special tranzacții futures) odată începută, pentru a preveni închiderea neintenționată a tranzacțiilor în aplicație, fie prin comportament greșit al dispozitivului, fie prin apăsarea telefonului fără a ști. Odată ce o astfel de tranzacție anume este blocată, poate fi închisă numai după ce o parolă, amprenta sau un model de ecran sunt verificate ♦️Blocarea unei tranzacții va fi totuși la discreția comerciantului♦️ Am închis tranzacții care ar fi fost câștigul meu major, dar din cauza telefonului și a greșelilor de apăsare a unei taste și un altul răspunde 😅 #Decriptare7
Cred că va fi o idee bună dacă Binance#MEXCși alte schimburi vor adăuga o#LOCK_TRADE_FUNCTIONALITYla aplicația lor

Acest lucru este pentru a permite comercianților să blocheze o anumită tranzacție (în special tranzacții futures) odată începută, pentru a preveni închiderea neintenționată a tranzacțiilor în aplicație, fie prin comportament greșit al dispozitivului, fie prin apăsarea telefonului fără a ști.

Odată ce o astfel de tranzacție anume este blocată, poate fi închisă numai după ce o parolă, amprenta sau un model de ecran sunt verificate

♦️Blocarea unei tranzacții va fi totuși la discreția comerciantului♦️

Am închis tranzacții care ar fi fost câștigul meu major, dar din cauza telefonului și a greșelilor de apăsare a unei taste și un altul răspunde 😅

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Airdrop Hunters Colegii mei entuziaști Airdrop!La fel ca a avea grijă de o fermă prosperă, navigarea prin tărâmul cripto și airdrops-urile sale necesită timp și răbdare. 🌱💧💪Așa cum semințele semănate astăzi nu vor da o recoltă până mâine, hrănirea, udarea și îngrijirea diligentă sunt esențiale pentru o recompensă rodnică. În domeniul criptomonedei, airdrops-urile reprezintă potențiala noastră recoltă. Unii vor înflori, împlinindu-și angajamentele, în timp ce alții pot dispărea în obscuritate. Acesta este un model pe care l-am observat în mod repetat.

Airdrop Hunters

Colegii mei entuziaști Airdrop!La fel ca a avea grijă de o fermă prosperă, navigarea prin tărâmul cripto și airdrops-urile sale necesită timp și răbdare. 🌱💧💪Așa cum semințele semănate astăzi nu vor da o recoltă până mâine, hrănirea, udarea și îngrijirea diligentă sunt esențiale pentru o recompensă rodnică. În domeniul criptomonedei, airdrops-urile reprezintă potențiala noastră recoltă. Unii vor înflori, împlinindu-și angajamentele, în timp ce alții pot dispărea în obscuritate. Acesta este un model pe care l-am observat în mod repetat.
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Greed_IN_Crypto#Lăcomie #Crypto Atractia de a transforma 1 USD în 7.000 USD, mai ales în lumea criptomonedelor, este incontestabil tentantă. 😍💰Spun că această realitate nu există în Crypto?Bineînțeles că da.Cu toate acestea, este important să recunoaștem că astfel de aspirații pot fi adesea conduse de o combinație de ambiție și lăcomie. 🤔💸În timp ce ambiția poate fi o forță de motivare pentru creșterea personală și succesul financiar, lăcomia poate întuneca judecata și poate duce la decizii riscante, în special pe piața cripto extrem de volatilă. ⚠️💡


#Lăcomie #Crypto Atractia de a transforma 1 USD în 7.000 USD, mai ales în lumea criptomonedelor, este incontestabil tentantă. 😍💰Spun că această realitate nu există în Crypto?Bineînțeles că da.Cu toate acestea, este important să recunoaștem că astfel de aspirații pot fi adesea conduse de o combinație de ambiție și lăcomie. 🤔💸În timp ce ambiția poate fi o forță de motivare pentru creșterea personală și succesul financiar, lăcomia poate întuneca judecata și poate duce la decizii riscante, în special pe piața cripto extrem de volatilă. ⚠️💡
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#Bullrun BTC♦️KAS♦️SOL

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#AIRDRO La sfârșitul anului 2022 sau începutul lui 2023 (nu îmi amintesc clar data exactă), am primit un airdrop de jetoane ACS de la Coingecko, pe care le-am vândut prompt în ziua următoare, obținând câștiguri semnificative depășind 20.000 de naira nigeriană. 💰🌿🎉 În mod remarcabil, acesta nu a fost nici măcar evenimentul principal de lansare aeriană, deoarece sunt anticipate oportunități mai profitabile în viitor. Având în vedere acest lucru, încurajez cu tărie pe toată lumea să participe activ la airdrops și să revendice recompense, deoarece potențialul de beneficii financiare este substanțial. 💎🚀📈 ♦️Nu aveți nevoie de niciun link pentru a vă alătura. ♦️ Mergeți la magazinul dvs. Play și descărcați aplicația coingecko Apoi creează-ți contul și începe să faci ceea ce fac viitorii băieți mari. 😅

La sfârșitul anului 2022 sau începutul lui 2023 (nu îmi amintesc clar data exactă), am primit un airdrop de jetoane ACS de la Coingecko, pe care le-am vândut prompt în ziua următoare, obținând câștiguri semnificative depășind 20.000 de naira nigeriană. 💰🌿🎉

În mod remarcabil, acesta nu a fost nici măcar evenimentul principal de lansare aeriană, deoarece sunt anticipate oportunități mai profitabile în viitor.

Având în vedere acest lucru, încurajez cu tărie pe toată lumea să participe activ la airdrops și să revendice recompense, deoarece potențialul de beneficii financiare este substanțial. 💎🚀📈

♦️Nu aveți nevoie de niciun link pentru a vă alătura. ♦️

Mergeți la magazinul dvs. Play și descărcați aplicația coingecko

Apoi creează-ți contul și începe să faci ceea ce fac viitorii băieți mari. 😅
#meme So I have decided to always buy @ Highest price and sell @ Lowest price.

So I have decided to always buy @ Highest price and sell @ Lowest price.
#meme That you can actually buy a coin does not mean you can sell. 😅

That you can actually buy a coin does not mean you can sell. 😅
#BullRun 🐂🏃 The 🐂🏃 will begin before it will actually begin.
#BullRun 🐂🏃

The 🐂🏃 will begin before it will actually begin.
#CryptoFacts crypto is faster in making you poorer than it can make you richer. so know what you are doing before doing it.

crypto is faster in making you poorer than it can make you richer.

so know what you are doing before doing it.
#Risk $BTC $ETH The moment you were born, everything became RISKY. So why are you afraid of taking Risks❓ Just make sure you take calculated Risks.#
#Risk $BTC $ETH

The moment you were born,
everything became RISKY.
So why are you afraid of taking Risks❓
Just make sure you take calculated Risks.#
CRYPTO DEALINGS PART 2CRYPTO DEALINGS PART 2In the previous chapter of my crypto journey, I had my BNB all set and ready to dive into the world of crypto trading. But before we delve into what happened next, let me share an amusing little detour.Getting my BNB from Binance to Trust Wallet turned out to be a bit of an adventure itself – a story for another day, perhaps! 😅So there I was, anxiously waiting for the all-important CA to drop. My heart was racing, and I couldn't quite put my finger on why. Was it fear, tension, or simply a warning I was ignoring❓I decided it was the sheer tension of potentially turning a small sum into a substantial profit, even though I hadn't made it yet. Sounds funny, doesn't it❓Finally, my OG dropped the CA, right around 8 PM or maybe just a few minutes before. The moment had arrived, the hour was here, and I felt like I was about to write a profound chapter in my crypto history. 🤔With the CA copied, I rushed to PancakeSwap and executed the purchase with my BNB. Notably, if you've been following closely, you'll notice that at no point did I mention researching the token's validity or seeking advice from others. 😅 🚩As soon as I had those tokens in my wallet, I was elated. First, because I could buy a cryptocurrency by myself, and second, because I believed I was on the cusp of making a significant profit to help both myself and others. At the time, I saw it as a financial opportunity for me since I was already passing through a lot service (NYSC) and everyone's pockets were as dry as the desert. 🏜️Sleep was elusive, and I couldn't shut my eyes, but I managed to convince myself to rest briefly, with the plan to wake up around 1 AM to sell.It's important to note that I'm one of those in the crypto space who highly values taking profits. I've learned to steer clear of unnecessary greed when it comes to crypto trading.So, my goal wasn't to see my investment reach some astronomical figure before selling; a 30 or 60% increase was more than enough for me to pull the trigger.Around midnight, I woke up before my alarm could even ring. I checked my wallet and saw my initial 45 dolls tokens had grown to 120 dolls."This is a dream come true," I thought.Without hesitation, I decided to swap 100 dolls worth of the tokens, feeling ecstatic about the potential gains. Little did I know, this is where the story takes a sharp turn.Ladies and gentlemen, this was the moment I learned the hard way that just because you can buy a coin doesn't mean you can sell it. 😜I attempted to swap on, then, and even scoured YouTube for answers, but to no avail. I watched countless videos, trying every method in my mind, but I was met with failure.It was in this very moment that I encountered the dreaded concept of a "rugpull" in the flesh.After multiple futile attempts to retrieve my money, I finally resigned myself to the fact that I had made a colossal mistake by not conducting proper research before buying.The impact of this loss didn't hit me immediately, but a month later, it would become a source of immense frustration and regret. I had monthly debts to pay due to my carelessness.This was an unforgettable chapter in my crypto journey, one I wouldn't wish upon anyone. But, as they say, sometimes you need to face such experiences to build resilience and knowledge in the crypto space.


CRYPTO DEALINGS PART 2In the previous chapter of my crypto journey, I had my BNB all set and ready to dive into the world of crypto trading. But before we delve into what happened next, let me share an amusing little detour.Getting my BNB from Binance to Trust Wallet turned out to be a bit of an adventure itself – a story for another day, perhaps! 😅So there I was, anxiously waiting for the all-important CA to drop. My heart was racing, and I couldn't quite put my finger on why. Was it fear, tension, or simply a warning I was ignoring❓I decided it was the sheer tension of potentially turning a small sum into a substantial profit, even though I hadn't made it yet. Sounds funny, doesn't it❓Finally, my OG dropped the CA, right around 8 PM or maybe just a few minutes before. The moment had arrived, the hour was here, and I felt like I was about to write a profound chapter in my crypto history. 🤔With the CA copied, I rushed to PancakeSwap and executed the purchase with my BNB. Notably, if you've been following closely, you'll notice that at no point did I mention researching the token's validity or seeking advice from others. 😅 🚩As soon as I had those tokens in my wallet, I was elated. First, because I could buy a cryptocurrency by myself, and second, because I believed I was on the cusp of making a significant profit to help both myself and others. At the time, I saw it as a financial opportunity for me since I was already passing through a lot service (NYSC) and everyone's pockets were as dry as the desert. 🏜️Sleep was elusive, and I couldn't shut my eyes, but I managed to convince myself to rest briefly, with the plan to wake up around 1 AM to sell.It's important to note that I'm one of those in the crypto space who highly values taking profits. I've learned to steer clear of unnecessary greed when it comes to crypto trading.So, my goal wasn't to see my investment reach some astronomical figure before selling; a 30 or 60% increase was more than enough for me to pull the trigger.Around midnight, I woke up before my alarm could even ring. I checked my wallet and saw my initial 45 dolls tokens had grown to 120 dolls."This is a dream come true," I thought.Without hesitation, I decided to swap 100 dolls worth of the tokens, feeling ecstatic about the potential gains. Little did I know, this is where the story takes a sharp turn.Ladies and gentlemen, this was the moment I learned the hard way that just because you can buy a coin doesn't mean you can sell it. 😜I attempted to swap on, then, and even scoured YouTube for answers, but to no avail. I watched countless videos, trying every method in my mind, but I was met with failure.It was in this very moment that I encountered the dreaded concept of a "rugpull" in the flesh.After multiple futile attempts to retrieve my money, I finally resigned myself to the fact that I had made a colossal mistake by not conducting proper research before buying.The impact of this loss didn't hit me immediately, but a month later, it would become a source of immense frustration and regret. I had monthly debts to pay due to my carelessness.This was an unforgettable chapter in my crypto journey, one I wouldn't wish upon anyone. But, as they say, sometimes you need to face such experiences to build resilience and knowledge in the crypto space.
CRYPTO DEALINGS PART 1Back in 2021, I embarked on a thrilling journey into the world of cryptocurrency. It all started when I joined a Telegram group, and the group's owner made a bold promise. He said that in just two days, he would reveal the Contract Address (CA) and the name of a token we should all invest in.I eagerly counted down the days, preparing myself for the impending investment. My excitement was so palpable that my body felt like it was doing a little dance of its own. 😅Looking back, one detail that I noticed but brushed off was that the group had remained locked for the entire time I was a member. At the time, I was ignorant of this being a potential red flag, so I didn't give it a second thought.What made this adventure even more thrilling was the fact that a good friend had entrusted me with 75 dolls for a small business venture. The plan was to invest 45 dolls into cryptocurrency, potentially tripling the sum, and then returning my friend's money with interest while keeping the rest for myself. 🥳💰This idea was so exciting and motivating that, in my own world, it felt like the perfect plan. I was all set, eagerly awaiting the moment when the group owner (OG) would finally drop the CA.The day arrived, and my BNB was poised for this grand adventure... Stay tuned for the next part of my crypto journey. 🌐


Back in 2021, I embarked on a thrilling journey into the world of cryptocurrency. It all started when I joined a Telegram group, and the group's owner made a bold promise. He said that in just two days, he would reveal the Contract Address (CA) and the name of a token we should all invest in.I eagerly counted down the days, preparing myself for the impending investment. My excitement was so palpable that my body felt like it was doing a little dance of its own. 😅Looking back, one detail that I noticed but brushed off was that the group had remained locked for the entire time I was a member. At the time, I was ignorant of this being a potential red flag, so I didn't give it a second thought.What made this adventure even more thrilling was the fact that a good friend had entrusted me with 75 dolls for a small business venture. The plan was to invest 45 dolls into cryptocurrency, potentially tripling the sum, and then returning my friend's money with interest while keeping the rest for myself. 🥳💰This idea was so exciting and motivating that, in my own world, it felt like the perfect plan. I was all set, eagerly awaiting the moment when the group owner (OG) would finally drop the CA.The day arrived, and my BNB was poised for this grand adventure... Stay tuned for the next part of my crypto journey. 🌐
#Psychology #CryptoHealth No matter how good you are in fundamental, sentimental and Technical Analysis, you still do not have an idea or know what the Dev intends to do once people buy into the project and the price surges high. So I call that unsearchable analysis #Intent or #Motive #Analysis

No matter how good you are in fundamental, sentimental and Technical Analysis,

you still do not have an idea or know what the Dev intends to do once people buy into the project and the price surges high.

So I call that unsearchable analysis #Intent or #Motive #Analysis
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