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7月将是行情爆发的转折点,新一轮上涨行情即将来临?比特币上周重点强调过,一定要关注周线级别的走势,今天早上8点周线级别收线,目前来看58000附近就是调整极限,后续可能还会震荡或者调整,但是大的方向已经走出来了,无论再怎么调整,7月份将会进入逐渐上升的阶段,可以理解为温和上涨。 伴随着大盘企稳,一些山寨也会出现拉盘行情,大家一定要珍惜7月份到12月份的机会,这中间会有很多爆富的机会出现。 六月已经结束,七月已经到来,正是比特币价格有望强劲上涨的时期, 基于什么数据和迹象来做出这样的观点? 7月份比特币价格历史数据 根据2013年至今的历史比特币价格表现数据,我们可以看到,2013年、2018年、2020年、2021年和2022年6月期间,比特币均出现负值表现。也就是说,6月份比特币价格下跌,然后7月份比特币价格再次大幅上涨。 目前阶段,2024 年有可能重演这一事件,因为 6 月比特币表现不佳,因此,今年7月,很多人都期待比特币会出现积极的表现。 算力回撤指数大幅下降 此外,第二个迹象是, 矿工算力回撤指数较2022年底-2023年初大幅下降。 当时,市场对 FTX交易所崩盘产生了FUD ,比特币价格在16000美元左右,矿商纷纷关停“投降”。因为开采1个BTC的成本高于BTC的市场价格,导致矿工亏损。 此后,比特币价格从 16,000 美元持续上涨至 73,000 美元。 目前,这一数据强化了比特币将很快反弹的事实。 本周有哪些波动风险要注意? 虽然七月的第一天,比特币就展现了久违的涨幅,但是否已经反转趋势,还有待时间观察。以下整理本周可能会对市场带来波动的几个观察重点: 全球制造业及服务业PMI 周一至周三会陆续释出美国S&P 跟ISM 的PMI 指数,欧洲也会发布HCOB 的PMI 指数。 美国非农就业 除了PMI 之外,美国周五晚间会有非农就业资料发布。经济学家预计失业率可能维持在4%、平均时薪预计较去年6 月成长3.9%,为三年来最小年度增幅。 联准会FOMC 会议纪要 周三晚间,联准会将公布6 月联邦公开市场委员会(FOMC) 会议纪要,能更进一步分析官员的态度。不过大部分官员的态度在近几个月明显趋向保守,因此预期应该不会有太大波动。 目前山寨板块的一些思考: 持有弱势的准备调仓,比如你选择以前拉跨的单个币,可以调到有过拉升幅度高的强币,以前这个板块太弱,调强资金多,容易炒作的板块,比如AI板块,SOL板块,BRC20板块等; 部分山寨有的价到了历史新低,有的回到了去年8~10月的价格,再等等就可以一点点建仓了,它们比比特币更能够看出再走W底了,项目方比我们更着急赚钱,只有拉盘提高筹码的价,才能赚更多,后面肯定不止这个价,有些已经再偷偷进来了。 很多人总是慢半拍,快到底部或者正在建底部的时候贪心一直等更低,而不去分批建仓,行情来了的时候又像没睡醒,牛走了才回过味来。 短期能有炒作山寨的点就两个:围绕以太坊即将审核的ETF做的基础架构,二层,质押板块,还有就是全流通的观察板块等,可以当作MEME来看,再反弹,可以往这上面看。 本周关注4件大事 1.周二鲍威尔发表说话 2.周三20:15,发布美国6月ADP就业人数  3.周五20:30,发布美国6月非农就业人口  4 .最重要的,应该在7月15号之前应该有门头沟进一步消息利好市场 行情虽然有所反弹,但稳定币还是流出状态,不要跌了割肉,涨了追高跌了别割肉,这行情很多山寨都跌到起涨点了,留一部分子弹如果二探继续抄底涨了别追高,除非你空仓那就没办法,更多子弹等门头沟消息进一步落地后打出大资金直接布局点 ETH 就行了,这是最明确也是最稳的方案 ! 五穷六绝七翻身,当前最好的局面就是7月初门头沟事件妥善解决,延迟赔付或分批赔付,通胀数据下降,美联储降息预期提高,那么新一轮牛市就会发动!




六月已经结束,七月已经到来,正是比特币价格有望强劲上涨的时期, 基于什么数据和迹象来做出这样的观点?



目前阶段,2024 年有可能重演这一事件,因为 6 月比特币表现不佳,因此,今年7月,很多人都期待比特币会出现积极的表现。


此外,第二个迹象是, 矿工算力回撤指数较2022年底-2023年初大幅下降。

当时,市场对 FTX交易所崩盘产生了FUD ,比特币价格在16000美元左右,矿商纷纷关停“投降”。因为开采1个BTC的成本高于BTC的市场价格,导致矿工亏损。

此后,比特币价格从 16,000 美元持续上涨至 73,000 美元。





周一至周三会陆续释出美国S&P 跟ISM 的PMI 指数,欧洲也会发布HCOB 的PMI 指数。


除了PMI 之外,美国周五晚间会有非农就业资料发布。经济学家预计失业率可能维持在4%、平均时薪预计较去年6 月成长3.9%,为三年来最小年度增幅。

联准会FOMC 会议纪要

周三晚间,联准会将公布6 月联邦公开市场委员会(FOMC) 会议纪要,能更进一步分析官员的态度。不过大部分官员的态度在近几个月明显趋向保守,因此预期应该不会有太大波动。








4 .最重要的,应该在7月15号之前应该有门头沟进一步消息利好市场

行情虽然有所反弹,但稳定币还是流出状态,不要跌了割肉,涨了追高跌了别割肉,这行情很多山寨都跌到起涨点了,留一部分子弹如果二探继续抄底涨了别追高,除非你空仓那就没办法,更多子弹等门头沟消息进一步落地后打出大资金直接布局点 ETH 就行了,这是最明确也是最稳的方案 !

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There are many copycats now, especially e-marketplaces. ETFs are about to pass. Don't sell them easily after buying them. If there is no bull market this year, the cycle will be over next year. If the cost is low enough, you must hold on. Don't get used to selling in the shock, and then get thrown off as soon as you drive. But don't fill your pockets with messy inscriptions, runes, and other things... Just buy some targets that will still exist in the next round. The premise for being able to catch the main rising wave is that the target still exists. Whether it will return to zero, it is easy to judge with simple rational thinking. There is a saying that the targets on the market are still "overvalued". In mid-2017, I often heard this statement. It is indeed expensive. There are always junk projects with valuations of hundreds of millions of dollars. This depends on personal opinion. Later, these very expensive targets with valuations of hundreds of millions of dollars were all valued at tens of billions of dollars. The average increase in the market is about 20-50 times, and if a few dark horses are bought, it will be 1,000 times. If you let me smell it, yes, I will smell it. Many targets in the speculative market are difficult to value, and the most lucrative profits are the part of the bubble. It is unrealistic to just want to eat the bubble and not participate in blowing the bubble. After smelling it, I think it is not expensive now, and the decline is limited.
There are many copycats now, especially e-marketplaces. ETFs are about to pass. Don't sell them easily after buying them.

If there is no bull market this year, the cycle will be over next year. If the cost is low enough, you must hold on. Don't get used to selling in the shock, and then get thrown off as soon as you drive.

But don't fill your pockets with messy inscriptions, runes, and other things... Just buy some targets that will still exist in the next round. The premise for being able to catch the main rising wave is that the target still exists. Whether it will return to zero, it is easy to judge with simple rational thinking.

There is a saying that the targets on the market are still "overvalued". In mid-2017, I often heard this statement. It is indeed expensive. There are always junk projects with valuations of hundreds of millions of dollars. This depends on personal opinion. Later, these very expensive targets with valuations of hundreds of millions of dollars were all valued at tens of billions of dollars. The average increase in the market is about 20-50 times, and if a few dark horses are bought, it will be 1,000 times.

If you let me smell it, yes, I will smell it. Many targets in the speculative market are difficult to value, and the most lucrative profits are the part of the bubble. It is unrealistic to just want to eat the bubble and not participate in blowing the bubble.
After smelling it, I think it is not expensive now, and the decline is limited.
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Biden's super miserable poll: 70% of voters do not trust him to be president again, and the meme coin BODEN plummeted 95% from its historical high!After the US presidential election debate ended last Friday, rumors of Biden's possible withdrawal from the election continued. The latest poll showed that 70% of voters believed that Biden was no longer suitable for the presidency. And its meme coin BODEN has also plummeted 95% from its historical high. The first televised debate of the 2024 US presidential election officially ended last Friday, but the performance of the current President Biden was not satisfactory, which not only attracted ridicule from the Republicans, but also caused concerns within the Democratic Party about whether to replace the candidate. According to US media, Biden is carefully discussing with his family whether to continue to seek re-election or simply withdraw from the election.

Biden's super miserable poll: 70% of voters do not trust him to be president again, and the meme coin BODEN plummeted 95% from its historical high!

After the US presidential election debate ended last Friday, rumors of Biden's possible withdrawal from the election continued. The latest poll showed that 70% of voters believed that Biden was no longer suitable for the presidency. And its meme coin BODEN has also plummeted 95% from its historical high.
The first televised debate of the 2024 US presidential election officially ended last Friday, but the performance of the current President Biden was not satisfactory, which not only attracted ridicule from the Republicans, but also caused concerns within the Democratic Party about whether to replace the candidate. According to US media, Biden is carefully discussing with his family whether to continue to seek re-election or simply withdraw from the election.
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Jump! Bitcoin BTC breaks through 63,000, Ethereum ETH stands at 3,400 US dollars, this week's volatility warning: global PMI, US non-farm employment, FOMC meeting minutes...Bitcoin and Ethereum started a new wave of growth this morning (1), reaching their highest levels above $63,000 and $3,400 respectively. What global economic events are worth paying attention to in the new week? After Bitcoin hit a low of $60,055 last Saturday, it continued to fluctuate in a narrow range around $61,000. However, after breaking through $62,000 at 6 a.m. today (1), it continued to rise. At the time of writing, it reached a high of $63,422, up 4.08% in the past 24 hours. Ethereum breaks through $3,400 As for Ethereum, its trend is similar to that of Bitcoin but its growth is slightly weaker. At the time of writing, it is trading at $3,499, up 3.92% in the past 24 hours.

Jump! Bitcoin BTC breaks through 63,000, Ethereum ETH stands at 3,400 US dollars, this week's volatility warning: global PMI, US non-farm employment, FOMC meeting minutes...

Bitcoin and Ethereum started a new wave of growth this morning (1), reaching their highest levels above $63,000 and $3,400 respectively. What global economic events are worth paying attention to in the new week?
After Bitcoin hit a low of $60,055 last Saturday, it continued to fluctuate in a narrow range around $61,000. However, after breaking through $62,000 at 6 a.m. today (1), it continued to rise. At the time of writing, it reached a high of $63,422, up 4.08% in the past 24 hours.

Ethereum breaks through $3,400
As for Ethereum, its trend is similar to that of Bitcoin but its growth is slightly weaker. At the time of writing, it is trading at $3,499, up 3.92% in the past 24 hours.
在BMBA上线的一周内,该项目涨幅超过1500%,显示出市场对其高度关注和热烈追捧。同时,伴随着这一显著涨幅,BMBA的交易量也突破了330万美元。 这表明市场对BMBA的兴趣浓厚且流动性强劲。 BMBA的涨幅和交易量可能受多种因素影响: 首先,作为一个Meme项目,BMBA在加密货币市场中具有较高的知名度和吸引力,能够迅速吸引大量投资者和投机者的关注。 其次,BMBA可能具备独特的特性和优势,例如技术创新、强大的团队背景以及明确的市场定位,这些因素使得投资者对其前景持乐观态度。 最后,市场情绪和投机行为也可能在BMBA的涨幅和交易量中起到重要作用。 关注查看介绍,牛市策略布局,分享各种密码,带你了解更多百倍币!





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Rebound is inevitable but not a reversal The current market is in a phased consolidation. Yesterday, BTC rebounded near 60,000 For the short-term daily line, we should still focus on the resistance position of the first line of 63,600 The resistance position of the second line is also a key position, and we should still look at the 66,000 point line The main market of ETH is that the 3480-3520 range has reached the resistance target But it did not break through 3520, and the market followed the big cake to step back The stepping support given yesterday was the 3420 line. At the intraday level, it just touched 3420 and rebounded again After hitting the 3480 line, it fell below 3420 and touched the previous daily and four-hour support levels. The market needs to consolidate and fluctuate. After the key position of the 3520 line in this round of trend breaks through and stabilizes, we can look at the node position of 3600 points. In the early morning, the SEC quality-checked LDO pledged securities. According to my understanding, it was malicious. LDO rebounded against the trend in the past few days, and yesterday it returned directly to the starting point. I think it is a good entry point now. In the short term, it was around 2.13 before and the highest was 2.5. This time it returned to below 2.0. The support of 1.8-2.0 depends on your control.
Rebound is inevitable but not a reversal
The current market is in a phased consolidation. Yesterday, BTC rebounded near 60,000
For the short-term daily line, we should still focus on the resistance position of the first line of 63,600
The resistance position of the second line is also a key position, and we should still look at the 66,000 point line

The main market of ETH is that the 3480-3520 range has reached the resistance target
But it did not break through 3520, and the market followed the big cake to step back
The stepping support given yesterday was the 3420 line. At the intraday level, it just touched 3420 and rebounded again After hitting the 3480 line, it fell below 3420 and touched the previous daily and four-hour support levels. The market needs to consolidate and fluctuate.
After the key position of the 3520 line in this round of trend breaks through and stabilizes, we can look at the node position of 3600 points.

In the early morning, the SEC quality-checked LDO pledged securities. According to my understanding, it was malicious.
LDO rebounded against the trend in the past few days, and yesterday it returned directly to the starting point. I think it is a good entry point now.
In the short term, it was around 2.13 before and the highest was 2.5. This time it returned to below 2.0. The support of 1.8-2.0 depends on your control.
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The probability of a rate cut in September is increasing! The US PCE data for May is in line with expectations of "slowing inflation", why is Bitcoin not affected?The U.S. Department of Commerce released PCE data for May yesterday (28th), showing that inflation slowed down again, which once again strengthened the market's bets that the Fed will start cutting interest rates in September. The U.S. stock market rose slightly collectively, but Bitcoin could not reverse its downward trend. Following the May CPI data and retail sales data released by the United States earlier this month showing a cooling of inflation, the Ministry of Commerce released another important indicator for measuring inflation yesterday (28), namely the May PCE (Personal Consumption Expenditures Price Index) data, showing that inflation slowed down again. Specifically: The overall PCE in May remained unchanged from the previous month, with a monthly increase of 0.3% in April; compared with the same period last year, the increase was 2.6%, and the annual increase in April was 2.7%, which was in line with market expectations.

The probability of a rate cut in September is increasing! The US PCE data for May is in line with expectations of "slowing inflation", why is Bitcoin not affected?

The U.S. Department of Commerce released PCE data for May yesterday (28th), showing that inflation slowed down again, which once again strengthened the market's bets that the Fed will start cutting interest rates in September. The U.S. stock market rose slightly collectively, but Bitcoin could not reverse its downward trend.
Following the May CPI data and retail sales data released by the United States earlier this month showing a cooling of inflation, the Ministry of Commerce released another important indicator for measuring inflation yesterday (28), namely the May PCE (Personal Consumption Expenditures Price Index) data, showing that inflation slowed down again. Specifically:
The overall PCE in May remained unchanged from the previous month, with a monthly increase of 0.3% in April; compared with the same period last year, the increase was 2.6%, and the annual increase in April was 2.7%, which was in line with market expectations.
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The cryptocurrency market has reached a temporary halt in its decline. Is this a reversal or a continuation of the decline?The long-awaited general rise in prices has arrived, but the social network has not become active. Is the script of rebound and decline going to happen again? This problem has nothing to do with the technology itself, and has little to do with the news. Because the trend tests patience and courage You doubt the market, technology, and trends. These are fatal problems. No one can help you solve them. You can only rely on yourself. Because the only person who can make you willingly invest your money in the currency is you, so no matter what the result is, it has little to do with others, let alone the market.

The cryptocurrency market has reached a temporary halt in its decline. Is this a reversal or a continuation of the decline?

The long-awaited general rise in prices has arrived, but the social network has not become active. Is the script of rebound and decline going to happen again?
This problem has nothing to do with the technology itself, and has little to do with the news.
Because the trend tests patience and courage
You doubt the market, technology, and trends. These are fatal problems. No one can help you solve them. You can only rely on yourself.
Because the only person who can make you willingly invest your money in the currency is you, so no matter what the result is, it has little to do with others, let alone the market.
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Everyone is waiting for the PCE data to be released at 20:30. The market is currently in a narrow range of fluctuations. According to the current market situation, it is hoped that there will be a decline after the data is released, and then there will be a rebound, so that low-level long orders can be properly arranged. Bitcoin is currently under pressure from 62,500 many times, followed by the strong pressure of 63,500, and the support below is between 60,800 and 60,300. The specific strategy is as follows: More at 60,800 and 60,300, the target is set at 62,500 and 63,500, and the stop loss is set at 59,800. Ethereum has support at 3,400, and secondly, 3,360 is also a long position. The upper pressure focuses on 3,500 and 3,540. Similar to Bitcoin, observe the retracement first, and then carry out low-level long orders. The specific strategy is as follows: More at 3,400 and 3,360, the target is set between 3,500 and 3,540, and the stop loss is set at 3,330. The above is only my personal opinion. Investment involves risks. Please enter the market with caution. If you want to know specific opportunities and specific decisions, click on the avatar to follow the homepage, you can get the position allocation strategy, which will teach you how to make money in the bull market and earn coins in the bear market.
Everyone is waiting for the PCE data to be released at 20:30. The market is currently in a narrow range of fluctuations.

According to the current market situation, it is hoped that there will be a decline after the data is released, and then there will be a rebound, so that low-level long orders can be properly arranged.

Bitcoin is currently under pressure from 62,500 many times, followed by the strong pressure of 63,500, and the support below is between 60,800 and 60,300.

The specific strategy is as follows:

More at 60,800 and 60,300, the target is set at 62,500 and 63,500, and the stop loss is set at 59,800.

Ethereum has support at 3,400, and secondly, 3,360 is also a long position. The upper pressure focuses on 3,500 and 3,540. Similar to Bitcoin, observe the retracement first, and then carry out low-level long orders.

The specific strategy is as follows:

More at 3,400 and 3,360, the target is set between 3,500 and 3,540, and the stop loss is set at 3,330.
The above is only my personal opinion. Investment involves risks. Please enter the market with caution.

If you want to know specific opportunities and specific decisions, click on the avatar to follow the homepage, you can get the position allocation strategy, which will teach you how to make money in the bull market and earn coins in the bear market.
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About to explode: These 4 popular altcoins will increase 100 timesAs we are about to enter July, market sentiment has undergone a major change, and the price of Bitcoin has climbed again to about $62,000. We still firmly believe that $70,000 Bitcoin is not the end of this bull market in the future. Although history will not repeat itself completely, it often has similar rhythms. Next, one of the main expectations of the market is: first, the approval of the Ethereum ETF, and second, the Fed's interest rate cut. I think these two things are very happy to happen, it's just a matter of time. Given that every pullback is still a good opportunity to add positions in batches. Ready to Explode: These 3 Popular Altcoins Could Soar 100 Times in a Bull Market!

About to explode: These 4 popular altcoins will increase 100 times

As we are about to enter July, market sentiment has undergone a major change, and the price of Bitcoin has climbed again to about $62,000. We still firmly believe that $70,000 Bitcoin is not the end of this bull market in the future.
Although history will not repeat itself completely, it often has similar rhythms. Next, one of the main expectations of the market is: first, the approval of the Ethereum ETF, and second, the Fed's interest rate cut. I think these two things are very happy to happen, it's just a matter of time. Given that every pullback is still a good opportunity to add positions in batches.

Ready to Explode: These 3 Popular Altcoins Could Soar 100 Times in a Bull Market!
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Trump did not mention cryptocurrency! Bitcoin quickly reversed and fell! The market saw a rare "decoupling" trend!On Friday (June 28), Bitcoin gave up its early Asian gains and fell back to the $61,500 level. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump did not mention cryptocurrencies in the TV debate. Bloomberg reported that Ethereum outperformed Bitcoin. Wall Street asset management giant Van Eck submitted ETF documents for the US blue chip public chain Solana to the US Securities and Exchange Commission, stimulating the SOL token to decouple from the market and surge higher. The first televised debate between the current US President Biden and Trump has ended, but no content related to cryptocurrency was mentioned, which led to a rise and then fall in Bitcoin prices.

Trump did not mention cryptocurrency! Bitcoin quickly reversed and fell! The market saw a rare "decoupling" trend!

On Friday (June 28), Bitcoin gave up its early Asian gains and fell back to the $61,500 level. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump did not mention cryptocurrencies in the TV debate. Bloomberg reported that Ethereum outperformed Bitcoin. Wall Street asset management giant Van Eck submitted ETF documents for the US blue chip public chain Solana to the US Securities and Exchange Commission, stimulating the SOL token to decouple from the market and surge higher.
The first televised debate between the current US President Biden and Trump has ended, but no content related to cryptocurrency was mentioned, which led to a rise and then fall in Bitcoin prices.
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Analysis of the intraday market of BTC and ETH on June 28: These three altcoins are about to explode, and they can achieve a 100-fold increase by the end of 2024!Market Review Yesterday, Bitcoin rebounded slightly, but failed to reach the expected value. In the evening, SOL showed positive fundamentals and is expected to apply for ETF, which slightly boosted market sentiment. However, the current BTC 4-hour and daily level upward momentum is still suppressed, with continuous long upper shadows and large resistance above. The probability of a short-term breakthrough is not high. It is expected to continue to consolidate during the day. Bitcoin rose slightly yesterday. ETF has a chance to start trading in early July. The market is optimistic about the development of trading. There is still speculation in the short term. Pay attention to the decline after the good news is exhausted and take precautions. The copycat sector rises synchronously with the mainstream. Most currencies have a slight rebound. Short-term gaming opportunities can be sought during the day.

Analysis of the intraday market of BTC and ETH on June 28: These three altcoins are about to explode, and they can achieve a 100-fold increase by the end of 2024!

Market Review
Yesterday, Bitcoin rebounded slightly, but failed to reach the expected value. In the evening, SOL showed positive fundamentals and is expected to apply for ETF, which slightly boosted market sentiment. However, the current BTC 4-hour and daily level upward momentum is still suppressed, with continuous long upper shadows and large resistance above. The probability of a short-term breakthrough is not high. It is expected to continue to consolidate during the day. Bitcoin rose slightly yesterday. ETF has a chance to start trading in early July. The market is optimistic about the development of trading. There is still speculation in the short term. Pay attention to the decline after the good news is exhausted and take precautions. The copycat sector rises synchronously with the mainstream. Most currencies have a slight rebound. Short-term gaming opportunities can be sought during the day.
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6 ways to control risk 1: Divide your funds into 5 parts, only enter one-fifth each time, control the stop loss of 10 points, and only lose 2% of the total funds if you make a mistake once, and only lose 10% of the total funds if you make a mistake 5 times. 2: Go with the trend. Every rebound in the downward trend is a lure to buy more, and every decline in the upward trend will create a golden pit. 3: Don't touch individual coins that have soared rapidly in the short term. High-level stagflation will naturally fall. 4: Use MACD to determine the entry and exit points. The steady entry signal is that the DIF line and DEA go out of the golden cross below the 0 axis and break through the 0 axis. The signal for reducing positions is that MACD forms a dead cross above the 0 axis and runs downward. 5: Never cover your position when you are losing money, but add positions when you are profitable. Volume and price indicators are also very important. Pay attention to the large-volume breakthrough of the currency price at the low level of consolidation, and exit decisively when the high-level stagflation occurs. Only do strong currencies with valuable upward trends. 6: Adhere to weekly review and adjust trading strategies in time. These iron laws are the experiences I have gained from personal exploration and practice, and are for your reference only!
6 ways to control risk

1: Divide your funds into 5 parts, only enter one-fifth each time, control the stop loss of 10 points, and only lose 2% of the total funds if you make a mistake once, and only lose 10% of the total funds if you make a mistake 5 times.

2: Go with the trend. Every rebound in the downward trend is a lure to buy more, and every decline in the upward trend will create a golden pit.

3: Don't touch individual coins that have soared rapidly in the short term. High-level stagflation will naturally fall.

4: Use MACD to determine the entry and exit points. The steady entry signal is that the DIF line and DEA go out of the golden cross below the 0 axis and break through the 0 axis. The signal for reducing positions is that MACD forms a dead cross above the 0 axis and runs downward.

5: Never cover your position when you are losing money, but add positions when you are profitable. Volume and price indicators are also very important. Pay attention to the large-volume breakthrough of the currency price at the low level of consolidation, and exit decisively when the high-level stagflation occurs. Only do strong currencies with valuable upward trends.

6: Adhere to weekly review and adjust trading strategies in time.
These iron laws are the experiences I have gained from personal exploration and practice, and are for your reference only!
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Two big news came from China's political arena! "Hawkish rate hike" officials defended the US dollar, gold 2327 sounded the counterattack, Wall Street funds flowed back to Bitcoin!On Friday (June 28), the US dollar index fell to 105.88. Despite a slight decline, the Fed's hawkish officials were willing to support another rate hike, supporting buying before the release of the US PCE. Gold sounded the horn of counterattack at $2,327, but it is still necessary to be cautious of unexpected PCE explosions. Wall Street funds flowed back to the Bitcoin spot ETF, stimulating the price of the currency to rebound to $61,700. China's Third Central Committee meeting to be held on July 15, two defense ministers expelled from the party The Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, which has been postponed for more than half a year, has finally been scheduled to be held in Beijing from July 15 to 18. According to the official media Xinhua News Agency, the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee yesterday listened to a report on the solicitation of opinions on the draft "Decision of the CPC Central Committee on Further Comprehensively Deepening Reforms and Promoting Chinese-style Modernization" within and outside the party, and decided to submit the draft document to the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee for deliberation after making revisions based on the opinions discussed at this meeting.

Two big news came from China's political arena! "Hawkish rate hike" officials defended the US dollar, gold 2327 sounded the counterattack, Wall Street funds flowed back to Bitcoin!

On Friday (June 28), the US dollar index fell to 105.88. Despite a slight decline, the Fed's hawkish officials were willing to support another rate hike, supporting buying before the release of the US PCE. Gold sounded the horn of counterattack at $2,327, but it is still necessary to be cautious of unexpected PCE explosions. Wall Street funds flowed back to the Bitcoin spot ETF, stimulating the price of the currency to rebound to $61,700.
China's Third Central Committee meeting to be held on July 15, two defense ministers expelled from the party
The Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, which has been postponed for more than half a year, has finally been scheduled to be held in Beijing from July 15 to 18. According to the official media Xinhua News Agency, the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee yesterday listened to a report on the solicitation of opinions on the draft "Decision of the CPC Central Committee on Further Comprehensively Deepening Reforms and Promoting Chinese-style Modernization" within and outside the party, and decided to submit the draft document to the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee for deliberation after making revisions based on the opinions discussed at this meeting.
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The chairman of the US SEC expects that the spot Ethereum ETF will be listed as early as September. Why does this guy keep throwing smoke bombs? He said before that the Ethereum ETF will be approved this summer. It will take less than a month from approval to listing. I remember that the Bitcoin ETF was approved and listed a week later. The only good signal is that the Ethereum ETF will definitely pass. Good things are worth waiting for. Be patient and wait for the wind to come. ​​​ #以太坊ETF通过
The chairman of the US SEC expects that the spot Ethereum ETF will be listed as early as September.

Why does this guy keep throwing smoke bombs? He said before that the Ethereum ETF will be approved this summer. It will take less than a month from approval to listing. I remember that the Bitcoin ETF was approved and listed a week later. The only good signal is that the Ethereum ETF will definitely pass. Good things are worth waiting for. Be patient and wait for the wind to come. ​​​

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The most difficult thing about trading in the cryptocurrency circle is waiting in an empty position! Patience and waiting are often the best ways to make a profit. Waiting for a good price and a perfect buying point requires time and determination. But leeks are often eager for quick success and want to make a quick profit, but they are prone to fall into the trap of chasing ups and downs. If you find that you can't stand the torment of waiting, it is better to temporarily leave the trading interface and do something else. In this way, you can temporarily forget the pressure of trading and come back to trade after your mentality is stable. Remember, trading is only a small part of life. Don't let it occupy all your time and energy. Be patient in emptying positions, patient in holding positions, patient in learning and accumulating, so that you can make steady profits in the cryptocurrency circle. The most important thing in trading is mentality. If you can stay calm and patient, you have won half the battle. Those who are eager for success and chase ups and downs will eventually leave the market at a loss.
The most difficult thing about trading in the cryptocurrency circle is waiting in an empty position!

Patience and waiting are often the best ways to make a profit. Waiting for a good price and a perfect buying point requires time and determination.

But leeks are often eager for quick success and want to make a quick profit, but they are prone to fall into the trap of chasing ups and downs.

If you find that you can't stand the torment of waiting, it is better to temporarily leave the trading interface and do something else. In this way, you can temporarily forget the pressure of trading and come back to trade after your mentality is stable.

Remember, trading is only a small part of life. Don't let it occupy all your time and energy. Be patient in emptying positions, patient in holding positions, patient in learning and accumulating, so that you can make steady profits in the cryptocurrency circle.

The most important thing in trading is mentality. If you can stay calm and patient, you have won half the battle. Those who are eager for success and chase ups and downs will eventually leave the market at a loss.
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Let’s not think about the things that were reversed. Think about how retail investors have made some good gains this year: - Manta: In just half a month, the rate of return reached 72%. - Jupiter: Through several interactions with the SOL chain, I earned 200 $JUP and 100u of $WEN. - SOL mobile phone: I bought a mobile phone and participated in the early airdrop, and the cost has almost been recovered. - Runestone: Holding 3 NFTs in the wallet can participate in the 5000u rune stone airdrop. - Dog: Holding a rune stone can get at least 5000u of $Dog. - Etherfi: Deposit 0.01E on the last day to get 900u of $ETHFI. - Eigenlayer: Deposit 10u and get at least 110 $EIGEN. - Pizza: As long as you have used unisat, you can get 800u of $Pizza. - Not: Click some buttons every day to earn about 200u of $Not. These are incentives introduced by some projects to attract users to participate. Before participating, make sure to verify the security and reliability of the project to avoid stepping into risky projects.
Let’s not think about the things that were reversed. Think about how retail investors have made some good gains this year:

- Manta: In just half a month, the rate of return reached 72%.

- Jupiter: Through several interactions with the SOL chain, I earned 200 $JUP and 100u of $WEN.

- SOL mobile phone: I bought a mobile phone and participated in the early airdrop, and the cost has almost been recovered.

- Runestone: Holding 3 NFTs in the wallet can participate in the 5000u rune stone airdrop.

- Dog: Holding a rune stone can get at least 5000u of $Dog.

- Etherfi: Deposit 0.01E on the last day to get 900u of $ETHFI.

- Eigenlayer: Deposit 10u and get at least 110 $EIGEN.

- Pizza: As long as you have used unisat, you can get 800u of $Pizza.

- Not: Click some buttons every day to earn about 200u of $Not.

These are incentives introduced by some projects to attract users to participate. Before participating, make sure to verify the security and reliability of the project to avoid stepping into risky projects.
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After 14 years of dormancy, "Satoshi's fellow miners" sold BTC and made a profit of more than 1 million times, and Bitcoin is holding the 60,000 mark!Lookonchain monitored the on-chain addresses and found that a miner's wallet that had been silent for 14 years woke up today and transferred 50 bitcoins mined in July 2010 to Binance, making a profit of more than 3.05 million US dollars. After falling below $59,000 on the 25th, Bitcoin rebounded to $62,487 on the 26th. However, the rally failed to continue. After news broke that the U.S. government's wallet sent 3,940 bitcoins (worth $240 million) to Coinbase Prime, Bitcoin fell below $61,000 again, reaching a low of about $60,700. As of press time, Bitcoin was trading at $61,010.12, down 1.42% in the past 24 hours.

After 14 years of dormancy, "Satoshi's fellow miners" sold BTC and made a profit of more than 1 million times, and Bitcoin is holding the 60,000 mark!

Lookonchain monitored the on-chain addresses and found that a miner's wallet that had been silent for 14 years woke up today and transferred 50 bitcoins mined in July 2010 to Binance, making a profit of more than 3.05 million US dollars.
After falling below $59,000 on the 25th, Bitcoin rebounded to $62,487 on the 26th. However, the rally failed to continue. After news broke that the U.S. government's wallet sent 3,940 bitcoins (worth $240 million) to Coinbase Prime, Bitcoin fell below $61,000 again, reaching a low of about $60,700.
As of press time, Bitcoin was trading at $61,010.12, down 1.42% in the past 24 hours.
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1. How do bankers make profits The first profit point: buy low and sell high in spot. Please remember that being a banker is not charity. The coins bought are not gold or BTC. In the end, you must sell them to make a profit. The so-called pump is for the subsequent dump. The second profit point: contract funding rate. The third profit point: directly lend the coins that are not sold in the leveraged lending market. For example, Gate can be put in Yubibao to obtain an annualized rate of return of 499% +. (As shown in the figure) 2. How to hedge as a retail investor Note 1: Be wary of projects with small market capitalization but high leverage contracts. It gives large investors a very unequal competitive advantage over retail investors When users choose to buy spot and open long contracts, they have accumulated enough buyers for the project party/market maker/institutional large investors, and can start harvesting retail investors again by shipping in batches. Note 2: Projects with a high absolute value of funding rate Note 3: The dealer does not do charity, and the final cost of pulling the market must be profited by dumping the market Escape in advance, be careful to become the dealer's receiver. When the idea of ​​"this coin is a value coin, I want to hold it for a long time until the next bull market" appears, it is not far from the dealer's dumping. His purpose of pulling the market is to cultivate this user psychology and take over for himself. In the small-cap contract market, playing against the dealer is like playing Texas Hold'em with him with open cards. He is both a player and a dealer.
1. How do bankers make profits

The first profit point: buy low and sell high in spot.

Please remember that being a banker is not charity. The coins bought are not gold or BTC. In the end, you must sell them to make a profit. The so-called pump is for the subsequent dump.

The second profit point: contract funding rate.

The third profit point: directly lend the coins that are not sold in the leveraged lending market. For example, Gate can be put in Yubibao to obtain an annualized rate of return of 499% +. (As shown in the figure)

2. How to hedge as a retail investor

Note 1: Be wary of projects with small market capitalization but high leverage contracts. It gives large investors a very unequal competitive advantage over retail investors

When users choose to buy spot and open long contracts, they have accumulated enough buyers for the project party/market maker/institutional large investors, and can start harvesting retail investors again by shipping in batches.

Note 2: Projects with a high absolute value of funding rate

Note 3: The dealer does not do charity, and the final cost of pulling the market must be profited by dumping the market

Escape in advance, be careful to become the dealer's receiver. When the idea of ​​"this coin is a value coin, I want to hold it for a long time until the next bull market" appears, it is not far from the dealer's dumping. His purpose of pulling the market is to cultivate this user psychology and take over for himself.

In the small-cap contract market, playing against the dealer is like playing Texas Hold'em with him with open cards. He is both a player and a dealer.
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Solana Soars to $140 Despite Bearish Network Activity: Will Sellers Defend SOL Prices?The cryptocurrency market has rebounded from concerns about the potential sale of $9.4 billion in BTC by Mt Gox, leading to bullish momentum across various altcoins over the past day. The price of SOL has sparked buying interest, breaking above $140. Despite the gains, the gains may be temporary as SOL’s on-chain metrics and network activity indicate an underlying bearish trend. Solana’s Address Statistics Face Decline Solana’s recent gains come at a time when Bitcoin’s dominance in the cryptocurrency market is declining, suggesting that traders are shifting investments away from BTC and toward leading altcoins. On June 25, the Bitcoin Dominance Index plunged more than 1.8%, its biggest one-day drop since January.

Solana Soars to $140 Despite Bearish Network Activity: Will Sellers Defend SOL Prices?

The cryptocurrency market has rebounded from concerns about the potential sale of $9.4 billion in BTC by Mt Gox, leading to bullish momentum across various altcoins over the past day. The price of SOL has sparked buying interest, breaking above $140. Despite the gains, the gains may be temporary as SOL’s on-chain metrics and network activity indicate an underlying bearish trend.
Solana’s Address Statistics Face Decline
Solana’s recent gains come at a time when Bitcoin’s dominance in the cryptocurrency market is declining, suggesting that traders are shifting investments away from BTC and toward leading altcoins. On June 25, the Bitcoin Dominance Index plunged more than 1.8%, its biggest one-day drop since January.
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