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DOGS este listat pe Binance acum este rândul lui BLUM. 🪂💰💸🤑 Descoperă Blum, cea mai recentă senzație cripto! Lansat de foști angajați Binance și susținut de Binance Labs, Blum Crypto introduce o platformă incitantă Telegram Mini Bot pentru airdrops și farming. 🔹Înscrieți-vă:👇🏻 🔹Puncte agricole: Puteți câștiga puncte pur și simplu făcând clic și cultivand în aplicație. Strângeți-vă punctele la fiecare 8 ore și continuați să repetați pentru a acumula și mai multe. 🔹Câștigarea de puncte suplimentare: Finalizați sarcini în aplicație pentru a câștiga puncte, invitați prieteni pentru puncte bonus și jucați jocuri pentru a strânge și mai multe puncte și diamante gratuite! 🔹Experiența utilizatorului: Câștigați până la 500 de puncte BLUM și maximizați-vă recompensele! 🔹De ce iese în evidență Blum Crypto: Fondată de foști angajați Binance și afiliată la Binance Labs, această platformă oferă o modalitate simplă de a cultiva, de a finaliza sarcini și de a câștiga recompense.#BlumCrypto#BLUM#dogs#notcoin #Toncoin
DOGS este listat pe Binance acum este rândul lui BLUM. 🪂💰💸🤑
Descoperă Blum, cea mai recentă senzație cripto! Lansat de foști angajați Binance și susținut de Binance Labs, Blum Crypto introduce o platformă incitantă Telegram Mini Bot pentru airdrops și farming.
🔹Puncte agricole:
Puteți câștiga puncte pur și simplu făcând clic și cultivand în aplicație. Strângeți-vă punctele la fiecare 8 ore și continuați să repetați pentru a acumula și mai multe.
🔹Câștigarea de puncte suplimentare:
Finalizați sarcini în aplicație pentru a câștiga puncte, invitați prieteni pentru puncte bonus și jucați jocuri pentru a strânge și mai multe puncte și diamante gratuite!
🔹Experiența utilizatorului:
Câștigați până la 500 de puncte BLUM și maximizați-vă recompensele!
🔹De ce iese în evidență Blum Crypto:
Fondată de foști angajați Binance și afiliată la Binance Labs, această platformă oferă o modalitate simplă de a cultiva, de a finaliza sarcini și de a câștiga recompense.#BlumCrypto#BLUM#dogs#notcoin #Toncoin
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Alertă urgentă pentru utilizatorii Binance! 🚨 💥 Câștigați 20.000 de câini în plus! 💥 🔐 Acționează rapid! Utilizatorii Binance pot acum să obțină încă 20.000 de câini prin simpla conectare a contului lor. Această ofertă este limitată și disponibilă numai pe principiul primul venit, primul servit! Cum se revendică: 1. Deschideți Telegram și căutați „CÂINI”. 2. Faceți clic pe prima opțiune afișată. 3. Alegeți „Exchange” din meniu. 4. Selectați „Binance” când vi se solicită. 5. Introduceți adresa și nota necesară. 6. Accesați Binance, navigați la pagina „Spot”, faceți clic pe „Depozit”, căutați „CÂINI” și introduceți adresa și nota. 🏆 Odată procesată airdrop-ul, vei primi 20.000 #DOGS direct în contul tău Binance! 🔥 Nu ratați! Revendicați-vă bonusul și votați pentru **Mastering Crypto** în Binance Creator Awards pentru a vă arăta sprijinul! 💬 Răspândiți vestea! Distribuie această postare și ajută-i pe alții să profite de această oportunitate incredibilă!#Launchpool#DOGS
Alertă urgentă pentru utilizatorii Binance! 🚨 💥 Câștigați 20.000 de câini în plus! 💥
🔐 Acționează rapid! Utilizatorii Binance pot acum să obțină încă 20.000 de câini prin simpla conectare a contului lor. Această ofertă este limitată și disponibilă numai pe principiul primul venit, primul servit!
Cum se revendică:
1. Deschideți Telegram și căutați „CÂINI”.
2. Faceți clic pe prima opțiune afișată.
3. Alegeți „Exchange” din meniu.
4. Selectați „Binance” când vi se solicită.
5. Introduceți adresa și nota necesară.
6. Accesați Binance, navigați la pagina „Spot”, faceți clic pe „Depozit”, căutați „CÂINI” și introduceți adresa și nota.
🏆 Odată procesată airdrop-ul, vei primi 20.000 #DOGS direct în contul tău Binance!
🔥 Nu ratați! Revendicați-vă bonusul și votați pentru **Mastering Crypto** în Binance Creator Awards pentru a vă arăta sprijinul!
💬 Răspândiți vestea! Distribuie această postare și ajută-i pe alții să profite de această oportunitate incredibilă!#Launchpool#DOGS
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Începând cu doar 100 USD, l-am transformat în 5.500 USD învățând modele de diagrame cu lumânări și folosindu-le în tranzacționare. Nu era vorba de noroc sau de decizii aleatorii; era vorba despre înțelegerea pieței, identificarea tiparelor cheie și realizarea unor mișcări inteligente. 💸 Îmi împărtășesc sfaturi pentru care alții taxează foarte mult, așa că nu uitați să ne votați! Faceți clic pentru a vota și ajutați-ne să vă oferim în continuare conținut grozav. Diagramele cu lumânări arată cum se mișcă prețurile pentru lucruri precum acțiunile sau cripto. Fiecare „sfeșnic” arată prețurile de deschidere, de închidere, ridicate și scăzute pentru o perioadă stabilită. Corpul sfeșnicului arată prețurile de deschidere și de închidere, în timp ce liniile de deasupra și de dedesubt (numite fitiluri sau umbre) arată cele mai mari și cele mai joase puncte. Secretul succesului meu a fost să învăț modele specifice de sfeșnic care oferă indicii despre mișcările viitoare ale pieței. Iată câteva modele cheie care m-au ajutat: 1. **Model Doji**: Când prețurile de deschidere și de închidere sunt aproape aceleași, acest model arată indecizia pe piață. Poate însemna că tendința este pe cale să se schimbe. Când am văzut un Doji, m-am pregătit pentru o potențială schimbare în direcția pieței. 2. **Model de învăluire**: Acest model semnalează o inversare. Un model de înghițire optimist are loc atunci când un sfeșnic mic roșu este urmat de unul verde mai mare. O înghițire în urs este opusul. Descoperirea acestor modele m-a ajutat să surprind devreme schimbările pieței. 3. **Hammer and Hanging Man**: Ambele arată similar, dar înseamnă lucruri diferite. Un ciocan apare în timpul unui trend descendent și poate semnala o inversare ascendentă. Un om spânzurat se întâmplă într-un trend ascendent și sugerează o inversare descendentă. Acestea m-au ajutat să găsesc posibile puncte de cotitură pe piață. 4. **Shooting Star și Inverted Hammer**: Ambele sunt modele de inversare. Steaua căzătoare apare după un trend ascendent și semnalează o inversare în jos, în timp ce ciocanul inversat sugerează o inversare ascendentă într-un trend descendent. Recunoașterea acestor modele m-a ajutat să îmi ajustez tranzacțiile și să maximizez profiturile. Învățând și stăpânind aceste modele, am știut când să cumpăr și să vând. Am folosit, de asemenea, managementul inteligent al riscurilor, cum ar fi stabilirea stop-lossurilor pentru a limita pierderile.
Începând cu doar 100 USD, l-am transformat în 5.500 USD învățând modele de diagrame cu lumânări și folosindu-le în tranzacționare. Nu era vorba de noroc sau de decizii aleatorii; era vorba despre înțelegerea pieței, identificarea tiparelor cheie și realizarea unor mișcări inteligente.
💸 Îmi împărtășesc sfaturi pentru care alții taxează foarte mult, așa că nu uitați să ne votați! Faceți clic pentru a vota și ajutați-ne să vă oferim în continuare conținut grozav.
Diagramele cu lumânări arată cum se mișcă prețurile pentru lucruri precum acțiunile sau cripto. Fiecare „sfeșnic” arată prețurile de deschidere, de închidere, ridicate și scăzute pentru o perioadă stabilită. Corpul sfeșnicului arată prețurile de deschidere și de închidere, în timp ce liniile de deasupra și de dedesubt (numite fitiluri sau umbre) arată cele mai mari și cele mai joase puncte.
Secretul succesului meu a fost să învăț modele specifice de sfeșnic care oferă indicii despre mișcările viitoare ale pieței. Iată câteva modele cheie care m-au ajutat:
1. **Model Doji**: Când prețurile de deschidere și de închidere sunt aproape aceleași, acest model arată indecizia pe piață. Poate însemna că tendința este pe cale să se schimbe. Când am văzut un Doji, m-am pregătit pentru o potențială schimbare în direcția pieței.
2. **Model de învăluire**: Acest model semnalează o inversare. Un model de înghițire optimist are loc atunci când un sfeșnic mic roșu este urmat de unul verde mai mare. O înghițire în urs este opusul. Descoperirea acestor modele m-a ajutat să surprind devreme schimbările pieței.
3. **Hammer and Hanging Man**: Ambele arată similar, dar înseamnă lucruri diferite. Un ciocan apare în timpul unui trend descendent și poate semnala o inversare ascendentă. Un om spânzurat se întâmplă într-un trend ascendent și sugerează o inversare descendentă. Acestea m-au ajutat să găsesc posibile puncte de cotitură pe piață.
4. **Shooting Star și Inverted Hammer**: Ambele sunt modele de inversare. Steaua căzătoare apare după un trend ascendent și semnalează o inversare în jos, în timp ce ciocanul inversat sugerează o inversare ascendentă într-un trend descendent. Recunoașterea acestor modele m-a ajutat să îmi ajustez tranzacțiile și să maximizez profiturile.
Învățând și stăpânind aceste modele, am știut când să cumpăr și să vând. Am folosit, de asemenea, managementul inteligent al riscurilor, cum ar fi stabilirea stop-lossurilor pentru a limita pierderile.
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CLICK AICI PENTRU A CÂȘTIGA UTD GRATUIT 🤑🤑🤑🎁🤑🤑 Dezvăluirea puterii portofelului Binance Web3: o schimbare de joc în DeFi Peisajul tehnologiei financiare trece printr-o transformare semnificativă, cu finanțarea descentralizată (DeFi) în prim-plan. Binance Web3 Wallet este un portofel de active digitale de pionierat, fără custodie, care revoluționează lumea fintech. În acest blog, vom aprofunda în caracteristicile și beneficiile portofelului Binance Web3, explorând de ce este o opțiune atractivă pentru gestionarea activelor dvs. digitale. Ce este Binance Web3 Wallet? Binance Web3 Wallet este un portofel cu active digitale cu custodie personală, integrat perfect în aplicația Binance. Oferă acces fără efort la serviciile DeFi și acceptă o gamă diversă de active digitale în mai multe blockchain-uri, inclusiv Ethereum, BNB Chain și Polygon. Caracteristici cheie: - Configurare simplificată: creează-ți portofelul direct în aplicația Binance pentru o experiență fără probleme. - Backup securizat în cloud: Bucurați-vă de securitate suplimentară și ușurință de recuperare cu backup-uri criptate în cloud. Descoperiți avantajele portofelului Binance Web3 și votați-vă pentru a vă împărtăși opinia. Alăturați-vă conversației și explorați potențialul acestei soluții inovatoare de portofel.#BinanceBlockchainWeek#BinanceWeb3Wallet!
Dezvăluirea puterii portofelului Binance Web3: o schimbare de joc în DeFi
Peisajul tehnologiei financiare trece printr-o transformare semnificativă, cu finanțarea descentralizată (DeFi) în prim-plan. Binance Web3 Wallet este un portofel de active digitale de pionierat, fără custodie, care revoluționează lumea fintech. În acest blog, vom aprofunda în caracteristicile și beneficiile portofelului Binance Web3, explorând de ce este o opțiune atractivă pentru gestionarea activelor dvs. digitale.
Ce este Binance Web3 Wallet?
Binance Web3 Wallet este un portofel cu active digitale cu custodie personală, integrat perfect în aplicația Binance. Oferă acces fără efort la serviciile DeFi și acceptă o gamă diversă de active digitale în mai multe blockchain-uri, inclusiv Ethereum, BNB Chain și Polygon.
Caracteristici cheie:
- Configurare simplificată: creează-ți portofelul direct în aplicația Binance pentru o experiență fără probleme.
- Backup securizat în cloud: Bucurați-vă de securitate suplimentară și ușurință de recuperare cu backup-uri criptate în cloud.
Descoperiți avantajele portofelului Binance Web3 și votați-vă pentru a vă împărtăși opinia. Alăturați-vă conversației și explorați potențialul acestei soluții inovatoare de portofel.#BinanceBlockchainWeek#BinanceWeb3Wallet!
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Alertă Airdrop Hamster Kombat! 🐹💥 Ești gata să participi la cel mai interesant airdrop al anului? Iată cum vă puteți revendica partea cu Hamster Kombat: 1. **Crypto Prepared:** Asigurați-vă că aveți niște HAM în portofel. Cu cât ții mai mult, cu atât șansele tale de câștig sunt mai mari! 2. **Rămâneți conectat:** Urmărește Twitter, Telegram și alte canale oficiale ale lui Hamster. Fii informat și la curent! 3. **Alăturați-vă comunității:** Implicați-vă în Hamster’s Telegram, Discord și alte platforme. Cu cât ești mai activ, cu atât poți câștiga mai multe recompense! 4. **Finalizează sarcini:** Termină toate sarcinile atribuite pentru a-ți asigura locul în airdrop! Pregătește-te să eliberezi puterea Hamster Kombat! 🚀#hamesterairdrop #CryptoNews #AirdropBinance
Alertă Airdrop Hamster Kombat! 🐹💥
Ești gata să participi la cel mai interesant airdrop al anului? Iată cum vă puteți revendica partea cu Hamster Kombat:

1. **Crypto Prepared:** Asigurați-vă că aveți niște HAM în portofel. Cu cât ții mai mult, cu atât șansele tale de câștig sunt mai mari!
2. **Rămâneți conectat:** Urmărește Twitter, Telegram și alte canale oficiale ale lui Hamster. Fii informat și la curent!
3. **Alăturați-vă comunității:** Implicați-vă în Hamster’s Telegram, Discord și alte platforme. Cu cât ești mai activ, cu atât poți câștiga mai multe recompense!
4. **Finalizează sarcini:** Termină toate sarcinile atribuite pentru a-ți asigura locul în airdrop!
Pregătește-te să eliberezi puterea Hamster Kombat! 🚀#hamesterairdrop
😱🔥DOGS move from Binance: It will be the first stock exchange🐶🦴 #Binance announced that Dogs (#DOGS ), which will show a new performance on Launchpool, has increased. DOGS will be listed on Binance after Launchpool, and Binance will be the first exchange to list DOGS. TRY pair will also be opened According to the statement, users will be able to earn DOGS by staking their BNB and FDUSD for three days starting from 00:00 UTC on August 23, 2024. DOGS will be listed on August 26 at 12:00. The cryptocurrency will be opened with trading pairs DOGS/USDT, DOGS/BNB, DOGS/FDUSD and DOGS/TRY. It has a supply of 550 billion A Ton meme coin born in the Telegram community, KÖPEKLER has a maximum supply of 550 billion units. 4 percent of this amount, or 22 billion units, remains for Launchpool. DOGS, when tapped on Binance, will be in circulation 516 billion 750 million DOGS, equivalent to 93.95 percent of the total supply. DOGS, the TON blockchain-based meme coin that has been rapidly spreading on Telegram and reaching a literal frenzy, is coming to Binance Launchpool. The cryptocurrency will be listed on the exchange after Launchpool and, according to Binance, will be the first exchange to list DOGS. #BinanceLaunchpoolDOGS #memecoins
😱🔥DOGS move from Binance: It will be the first stock exchange🐶🦴
#Binance announced that Dogs (#DOGS ), which will show a new performance on Launchpool, has increased. DOGS will be listed on Binance after Launchpool, and Binance will be the first exchange to list DOGS.
TRY pair will also be opened According to the statement, users will be able to earn DOGS by staking their BNB and FDUSD for three days starting from 00:00 UTC on August 23, 2024.
DOGS will be listed on August 26 at 12:00. The cryptocurrency will be opened with trading pairs DOGS/USDT, DOGS/BNB, DOGS/FDUSD and DOGS/TRY.
It has a supply of 550 billion A Ton meme coin born in the Telegram community, KÖPEKLER has a maximum supply of 550 billion units. 4 percent of this amount, or 22 billion units, remains for Launchpool. DOGS, when tapped on Binance, will be in circulation 516 billion 750 million DOGS, equivalent to 93.95 percent of the total supply.
DOGS, the TON blockchain-based meme coin that has been rapidly spreading on Telegram and reaching a literal frenzy, is coming to Binance Launchpool. The cryptocurrency will be listed on the exchange after Launchpool and, according to Binance, will be the first exchange to list DOGS.
#BinanceLaunchpoolDOGS #memecoins
Vote and Earn 5 USDT 🥳🎁 🚀💥 Elon Musk has just sent shockwaves through the Dogecoin community with an unexpected tweet that has everyone talking! In a surprise move, Musk tweeted: Dogecoin is the people's crypto.🌕🐕 This simple yet powerful message has not only captured the attention of crypto enthusiasts but also sent Dogecoin's value soaring. Musk’s tweet is a significant boost for Dogecoin, a cryptocurrency that began as a meme but has gained a substantial following, partly due to Musk's previous playful endorsements. This latest post reignites excitement and speculation about Dogecoin's future. 📈💸 The immediate reaction has been electric, with Dogecoin’s market seeing a notable increase as fans and investors rush to get in on the action. The tweet reaffirms Musk’s support and has led many to wonder if this is a sign of bigger things to come for the popular coin. 💪🔮 The crypto community is abuzz with theories about potential new developments, partnerships, or even future endorsements from Musk. As always, the influence of high-profile figures like Musk can drive massive shifts in the market, and this latest post is a testament to that power. 🔍📊 As Dogecoin enthusiasts celebrate this unexpected boost, the broader crypto market watches eagerly to see how this will unfold. Stay tuned for what could be the next big chapter in Dogecoin’s journey! 🌟🚀#MtGoxRepayments #CryptoMarketMoves #BlackRockETHOptions
Vote and Earn 5 USDT 🥳🎁
🚀💥 Elon Musk has just sent shockwaves through the Dogecoin community with an unexpected tweet that has everyone talking! In a surprise move, Musk tweeted: Dogecoin is the people's crypto.🌕🐕 This simple yet powerful message has not only captured the attention of crypto enthusiasts but also sent Dogecoin's value soaring.
Musk’s tweet is a significant boost for Dogecoin, a cryptocurrency that began as a meme but has gained a substantial following, partly due to Musk's previous playful endorsements. This latest post reignites excitement and speculation about Dogecoin's future. 📈💸
The immediate reaction has been electric, with Dogecoin’s market seeing a notable increase as fans and investors rush to get in on the action. The tweet reaffirms Musk’s support and has led many to wonder if this is a sign of bigger things to come for the popular coin. 💪🔮
The crypto community is abuzz with theories about potential new developments, partnerships, or even future endorsements from Musk. As always, the influence of high-profile figures like Musk can drive massive shifts in the market, and this latest post is a testament to that power. 🔍📊
As Dogecoin enthusiasts celebrate this unexpected boost, the broader crypto market watches eagerly to see how this will unfold. Stay tuned for what could be the next big chapter in Dogecoin’s journey! 🌟🚀#MtGoxRepayments #CryptoMarketMoves #BlackRockETHOptions
The amount of resources, talent, and effort that #Binance invests in proactively creating a more secure ecosystem is unparalleled. 💪 If you ask me, "Why Binance?" This is definitely one of the reasons. We always put the well-being of users and the industry first.
The amount of resources, talent, and effort that #Binance invests in proactively creating a more secure ecosystem is unparalleled. 💪
If you ask me, "Why Binance?" This is definitely one of the reasons. We always put the well-being of users and the industry first.
Hamster Kombat Airdrop: Eligibility Details To get in on the Hamster airdrop, make sure you’re ticking all the boxes: SHOW some LOVE please VOTE Me 1. Hold the Right Crypto:Keep a certain amount of the designated cryptocurrency, like HAM, in your wallet to qualify. 2.Stay Connected: Follow Hamster’s official social media channels—Twitter, Telegram, and more. 3. Join the Community:Become an active member of Hamster’s community, whether it’s on Telegram, Discord, or other platforms. 4. Complete the Tasks: Don’t forget to finish all the tasks assigned for full eligibility in the airdrop!#hamsterkombat24
Hamster Kombat Airdrop: Eligibility Details
To get in on the Hamster airdrop, make sure you’re ticking all the boxes:
SHOW some LOVE please VOTE Me
1. Hold the Right Crypto:Keep a certain amount of the designated cryptocurrency, like HAM, in your wallet to qualify.
2.Stay Connected: Follow Hamster’s official social media channels—Twitter, Telegram, and more.
3. Join the Community:Become an active member of Hamster’s community, whether it’s on Telegram, Discord, or other platforms.
4. Complete the Tasks: Don’t forget to finish all the tasks assigned for full eligibility in the airdrop!#hamsterkombat24
DOGS Token Listing Date Changed to August 23rd! Exciting news, Binance community! Due to overwhelming demand, the DOGS token listing date has been moved up to August 23rd! Initially scheduled for August 20th, the new date aims to ensure a smoother launch, catering to the massive interest from over 6 million users requesting direct payments. What led to this change? The response to DOGS token has been phenomenal, surpassing expectations! With over 6 million requests for direct token distribution, the team decided to adjust the listing date to accommodate this unprecedented demand. What does this mean for investors? This change demonstrates the immense popularity and anticipation surrounding DOGS token. The adjusted listing date allows for a more organized and efficient launch, ensuring a better experience for all participants. Key Takeaways: - New listing date: August 23rd - Over 6 million users requested direct token distribution - Adjustment ensures a smoother launch Stay tuned for updates! Follow Binance for the latest news, and get ready for the DOGS token listing on August 23rd! Happy trading, and thank you for being part of the Binance community! #ListingUpdate #PowellAtJacksonHole #Write2Earn! #BlackRockETHOptions #BinanceTurns7
DOGS Token Listing Date Changed to August 23rd!
Exciting news, Binance community!
Due to overwhelming demand, the DOGS token listing date has been moved up to August 23rd!
Initially scheduled for August 20th, the new date aims to ensure a smoother launch, catering to the massive interest from over 6 million users requesting direct payments.
What led to this change?
The response to DOGS token has been phenomenal, surpassing expectations! With over 6 million requests for direct token distribution, the team decided to adjust the listing date to accommodate this unprecedented demand.
What does this mean for investors?
This change demonstrates the immense popularity and anticipation surrounding DOGS token. The adjusted listing date allows for a more organized and efficient launch, ensuring a better experience for all participants.
Key Takeaways:
- New listing date: August 23rd
- Over 6 million users requested direct token distribution
- Adjustment ensures a smoother launch
Stay tuned for updates!
Follow Binance for the latest news, and get ready for the DOGS token listing on August 23rd!
Happy trading, and thank you for being part of the Binance community!
#ListingUpdate #PowellAtJacksonHole #Write2Earn! #BlackRockETHOptions #BinanceTurns7
In the first 7 months of 2024, #Binance prevented $2.4B in potential user losses. 🤯 How? A hybrid approach of AI & manual reviews allows us to detect suspicious transactions and take quick action to protect users. Always user-focused! More details here. ⤵️ #AI Disclaimer: Includes thrid-party opinions. No financial advice. May include sponsored content. 
In the first 7 months of 2024, #Binance prevented $2.4B in potential user losses. 🤯
How? A hybrid approach of AI & manual reviews allows us to detect suspicious transactions and take quick action to protect users.
Always user-focused! More details here. ⤵️
Disclaimer: Includes thrid-party opinions. No financial advice. May include sponsored content. 
$𝟐𝟎𝟎 $USDC 𝐆𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐲 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝟏𝟎 𝐅𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐬! We are excited to announce a special giveaway sponsored by 𝐎𝐟𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐁𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐒𝐪𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐞! 🎁 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐒𝐮𝐠𝐠𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧: Fibo retracement is a must check TA instrument after this kind of moves! I believe #BTC will set a local range high between 0.618 and 0.5 Fibo levels! After range high establishes, #BTC is likely to go down to recent lows. Thus I wouldn't buy just yet, just let the range form to understand the lows and highs! 𝐑𝐞𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐝: $200 $USDC USDC for 10 lucky followers! 𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐨 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐩𝐚𝐭𝐞: 1. Quote my Post about the current crypto market debate: Will BTC go up or down? 2. 𝐈𝐦𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐭: Make sure to quote the post on Binance Square, not just comment below. 3. Don’t CopyPaste others content. Will be disqualified if you do Get involved, share your thoughts, and stand a chance to win! 💸 ———— Giveaway Deadline: 𝟏𝟒 𝐀𝐮𝐠𝐮𝐬𝐭 —————— ALL The Best🙌🏻 #MarketDownturn #Givaway #USDC✅ @Binance Square Official
$𝟐𝟎𝟎 $USDC 𝐆𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐲 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝟏𝟎 𝐅𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐬!
We are excited to announce a special giveaway sponsored by 𝐎𝐟𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐁𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐒𝐪𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐞! 🎁
𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐒𝐮𝐠𝐠𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧:
Fibo retracement is a must check TA instrument after this kind of moves! I believe #BTC will set a local range high between 0.618 and 0.5 Fibo levels!
After range high establishes, #BTC is likely to go down to recent lows. Thus I wouldn't buy just yet, just let the range form to understand the lows and highs!
𝐑𝐞𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐝: $200 $USDC USDC for 10 lucky followers!
𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐨 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐩𝐚𝐭𝐞:
1. Quote my Post about the current crypto market debate: Will BTC go up or down?
2. 𝐈𝐦𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐭: Make sure to quote the post on Binance Square, not just comment below.
3. Don’t CopyPaste others content. Will be disqualified if you do
Get involved, share your thoughts, and stand a chance to win! 💸
———— Giveaway Deadline: 𝟏𝟒 𝐀𝐮𝐠𝐮𝐬𝐭 ——————
ALL The Best🙌🏻
#MarketDownturn #Givaway #USDC✅
@Binance Square Official
Increase Your Chances to Win $200 USDC. 🤑🪂 Don’t miss the chance to win a share of $200 USDC with this exciting campaign supported by Binance Square! 10 lucky winners will each receive $20. Here’s how to participate: There could be several reasons for a Bitcoin price drop: market fluctuations, macroeconomic conditions (inflation, interest rates), regulatory news, major investor movements, technological advances, and market sentiment. If the tension between Israel and Iran continues, I think the price will continue downward or stable. 📍Task 1: Like this post and share it by quoting it. Instead of commenting, you need to write your share as a quote of this post. 📍Task 2: Share your thoughts on the cryptocurrency world based on the following topics: 🔹Market trends and reasons for declines 🔹Predictions and tips for resilience 🔹Current portfolios and strategies This campaign is supported by the Binance Square team, and content shared with the #BinanceSquare and #BNB tags will be evaluated. Join in, share your thoughts, and increase your chances of winning! 🎈This post is jointly sponsored by Binance Square. Disclaimer: Includes thrid-party opinions. No financial advice. May include sponsored content. 
Increase Your Chances to Win $200 USDC. 🤑🪂
Don’t miss the chance to win a share of $200 USDC with this exciting campaign supported by Binance Square! 10 lucky winners will each receive $20. Here’s how to participate:
There could be several reasons for a Bitcoin price drop: market fluctuations, macroeconomic conditions (inflation, interest rates), regulatory news, major investor movements, technological advances, and market sentiment.
If the tension between Israel and Iran continues, I think the price will continue downward or stable.
📍Task 1: Like this post and share it by quoting it. Instead of commenting, you need to write your share as a quote of this post.
📍Task 2: Share your thoughts on the cryptocurrency world based on the following topics:
🔹Market trends and reasons for declines 🔹Predictions and tips for resilience
🔹Current portfolios and strategies
This campaign is supported by the Binance Square team, and content shared with the #BinanceSquare and #BNB tags will be evaluated.
Join in, share your thoughts, and increase your chances of winning!
🎈This post is jointly sponsored by Binance Square.
Disclaimer: Includes thrid-party opinions. No financial advice. May include sponsored content. 
Proud that #Binance has become the first crypto brand to reach 1 million subscribers on YouTube! 🎉 It reflects our commitment to drive blockchain adoption. Thank you to our valued community for helping us get here. Onward and upward! 🚀
Proud that #Binance has become the first crypto brand to reach 1 million subscribers on YouTube! 🎉
It reflects our commitment to drive blockchain adoption. Thank you to our valued community for helping us get here.
Onward and upward! 🚀
What's your favourite crypto podcasts, shows or newsletter? Looking for good content to add to my list of things to keep up with. All recommendations welcomed! 🙏
What's your favourite crypto podcasts, shows or newsletter?
Looking for good content to add to my list of things to keep up with. All recommendations welcomed! 🙏
Making $100 a Day on Binance**Achieving $100 a day on Binance involves using tradingclick here for reward 🎁🎁 strategies, managing risk, and analyzing the market. Here are some approaches:1. **Day Trading**: - **Identify Trends**: Use technical analysis tools to spot short-term trends and patterns. - **Set Entry and Exit Points**: Decide when to enter and exit trades based on your analysis. - **Leverage**: Use leverage carefully to increase gains, but remember it also raises risk.2. **Swing Trading**: - **Market Research**: Analyze charts and market news to capture price swings over days or weeks. - **Trade with Patience**: Wait for favorable conditions and manage your trades based on market movements.3. **Scalping**: - **Frequent Trades**: Make multiple trades throughout the day to profit from small price movements. - **Low Fees**: Ensure transaction fees are minimal to maintain profitability.4. **Arbitrage**: - **Price Differences**: Take advantage of price differences between different exchanges or trading pairs. - **Quick Execution**: Act quickly to capitalize on these differences before they close.5. **Staking and Yield Farming**: - **Staking**: Earn rewards by staking certain cryptocurrencies available on Binance. - **Yield Farming**: Provide liquidity to DeFi pools and earn rewards, though this involves higher risk.6. **Automated Trading Bots**: - **Use Bots**: Implement trading bots to automate trades based on preset strategies. - **Monitor Performance**: Regularly review and adjust the bot’s settings to match market conditions.These strategies can help you aim for $100 a day, but success requires experience and disciplined trading. #Write2Earn!
Making $100 a Day on Binance**Achieving $100 a day on Binance involves using tradingclick here for reward 🎁🎁 strategies, managing risk, and analyzing the market. Here are some approaches:1. **Day Trading**: - **Identify Trends**: Use technical analysis tools to spot short-term trends and patterns. - **Set Entry and Exit Points**: Decide when to enter and exit trades based on your analysis. - **Leverage**: Use leverage carefully to increase gains, but remember it also raises risk.2. **Swing Trading**: - **Market Research**: Analyze charts and market news to capture price swings over days or weeks. - **Trade with Patience**: Wait for favorable conditions and manage your trades based on market movements.3. **Scalping**: - **Frequent Trades**: Make multiple trades throughout the day to profit from small price movements. - **Low Fees**: Ensure transaction fees are minimal to maintain profitability.4. **Arbitrage**: - **Price Differences**: Take advantage of price differences between different exchanges or trading pairs. - **Quick Execution**: Act quickly to capitalize on these differences before they close.5. **Staking and Yield Farming**: - **Staking**: Earn rewards by staking certain cryptocurrencies available on Binance. - **Yield Farming**: Provide liquidity to DeFi pools and earn rewards, though this involves higher risk.6. **Automated Trading Bots**: - **Use Bots**: Implement trading bots to automate trades based on preset strategies. - **Monitor Performance**: Regularly review and adjust the bot’s settings to match market conditions.These strategies can help you aim for $100 a day, but success requires experience and disciplined trading.
Satoshi Nakamoto Delivered Final Words on Bitcoin 13 Years Ago Today. Thirteen years ago, on April 23, the enigmatic figure known as Satoshi Nakamoto delivered his final instructions on the Bitcoin (BTC) ecosystem. This landmark moment, occurring just four months after Nakamoto's last public statement in December 2010, marked a pivotal juncture in the trajectory of the world's leading cryptocurrency. In emails revealed from former Bitcoin Core developer Mike Hearn, Nakamoto expressed a sense of passing the torch, stating, "I've moved on to other things. It's in good hands with Gavin and everyone." Speculation abounds regarding Nakamoto's motivations for stepping back from the project. Some suggest a divergence in vision, particularly in light of efforts to align Bitcoin with initiatives like WikiLeaks donations. Others point to external pressures, such as the reported CIA inquiry into Gavin Andresen, a key figure in the cryptographic community. Good hands. Regardless of the reasons behind it, the period following Nakamoto's departure witnessed a meteoric rise in Bitcoin's prominence. From its humble origins, Bitcoin surged in popularity, capturing the imagination of tech enthusiasts and investors. The cryptocurrency's price skyrocketed, reaching unprecedented heights and establishing a new paradigm in digital finance. Today, Bitcoin stands as a testament to Nakamoto's vision, a decentralized force reshaping economies and challenging traditional financial paradigms. Despite numerous attempts to unmask the elusive creator, Nakamoto's identity remains shrouded in mystery, adding to the intrigue surrounding Bitcoin's origin story. Whether Nakamoto will ever step out of the shadows and reveal himself to the world remains one of the most intriguing mysteries in the crypto space. Disclaimer: Includes third-party opinions. No financial advice.
Satoshi Nakamoto Delivered Final Words on Bitcoin 13 Years Ago Today.
Thirteen years ago, on April 23, the enigmatic figure known as Satoshi Nakamoto delivered his final instructions on the Bitcoin (BTC) ecosystem. This landmark moment, occurring just four months after Nakamoto's last public statement in December 2010, marked a pivotal juncture in the trajectory of the world's leading cryptocurrency.
In emails revealed from former Bitcoin Core developer Mike Hearn, Nakamoto expressed a sense of passing the torch, stating, "I've moved on to other things. It's in good hands with Gavin and everyone."
Speculation abounds regarding Nakamoto's motivations for stepping back from the project. Some suggest a divergence in vision, particularly in light of efforts to align Bitcoin with initiatives like WikiLeaks donations. Others point to external pressures, such as the reported CIA inquiry into Gavin Andresen, a key figure in the cryptographic community.
Good hands.
Regardless of the reasons behind it, the period following Nakamoto's departure witnessed a meteoric rise in Bitcoin's prominence. From its humble origins, Bitcoin surged in popularity, capturing the imagination of tech enthusiasts and investors.
The cryptocurrency's price skyrocketed, reaching unprecedented heights and establishing a new paradigm in digital finance.
Today, Bitcoin stands as a testament to Nakamoto's vision, a decentralized force reshaping economies and challenging traditional financial paradigms.
Despite numerous attempts to unmask the elusive creator, Nakamoto's identity remains shrouded in mystery, adding to the intrigue surrounding Bitcoin's origin story. Whether Nakamoto will ever step out of the shadows and reveal himself to the world remains one of the most intriguing mysteries in the crypto space.
Disclaimer: Includes third-party opinions. No financial advice.
🚀📉 MICROSTRATEGY'S MICHAEL SAYLOR WEIGHS IN AS BITCOIN HITS A ROADBLOCK AT $66,000 📊💡 As Bitcoin teeters on the edge of the $67,000 mark, a pivotal battleground for both bullish and bearish forces, Michael Saylor, Chairman of MicroStrategy, injects a moment of humor into the tense market atmosphere with a simple tweet: "Need a lift?" 💬😄 But behind this seemingly casual remark lies the weight of current market sentiment and the anticipation for Bitcoin's next significant move. 📈📉 The $67,000 threshold isn't just a number—it's a crucial level that Bitcoin is striving to overcome. A breakthrough here could signal a new wave of bullish momentum, while a failure to do so might result in a pullback. 📊📈 According to Into TheBlock, Bitcoin is aiming to solidify $66,000 as support, with a whopping 1.54 million addresses purchasing 747,000 BTC. If successful, the next major resistance levels for BTC lie between $69,900 and $71,200. 💪💰 Currently, Bitcoin has paused near $66,000 after encountering resistance near $67,220, following days of upward movement. At the time of writing, BTC was down 0.12% in the last 24 hours, hovering at $66,120. 🕒💼 Looking ahead, a decisive break above the $67,512 level, coinciding with the daily MA 50, may be necessary for Bitcoin to push past the $66,000 level. 📈💡 Saylor's timely statement comes as the market seeks guidance. With Fed Chair Jerome Powell's recent remarks indicating no imminent interest rate reductions, Saylor's bullish stance on Bitcoin and his company's significant investment in the cryptocurrency resonate even more strongly. 🐂💼 "Need a lift?" could be interpreted as a call to arms for the market to gather its strength and overcome the current stagnation. 🚀💼 -Professor Mende out! #Bitcoin #microstrategy #btc
As Bitcoin teeters on the edge of the $67,000 mark, a pivotal battleground for both bullish and bearish forces, Michael Saylor, Chairman of MicroStrategy, injects a moment of humor into the tense market atmosphere with a simple tweet: "Need a lift?" 💬😄
But behind this seemingly casual remark lies the weight of current market sentiment and the anticipation for Bitcoin's next significant move. 📈📉
The $67,000 threshold isn't just a number—it's a crucial level that Bitcoin is striving to overcome. A breakthrough here could signal a new wave of bullish momentum, while a failure to do so might result in a pullback. 📊📈
According to Into TheBlock, Bitcoin is aiming to solidify $66,000 as support, with a whopping 1.54 million addresses purchasing 747,000 BTC. If successful, the next major resistance levels for BTC lie between $69,900 and $71,200. 💪💰
Currently, Bitcoin has paused near $66,000 after encountering resistance near $67,220, following days of upward movement. At the time of writing, BTC was down 0.12% in the last 24 hours, hovering at $66,120. 🕒💼
Looking ahead, a decisive break above the $67,512 level, coinciding with the daily MA 50, may be necessary for Bitcoin to push past the $66,000 level. 📈💡
Saylor's timely statement comes as the market seeks guidance. With Fed Chair Jerome Powell's recent remarks indicating no imminent interest rate reductions, Saylor's bullish stance on Bitcoin and his company's significant investment in the cryptocurrency resonate even more strongly. 🐂💼
"Need a lift?" could be interpreted as a call to arms for the market to gather its strength and overcome the current stagnation. 🚀💼
-Professor Mende out!
#Bitcoin #microstrategy #btc
🚨🚨Bitcoin Prices From 2009 to 2023🚨🚨 🛑 2009: Not applicable (Bitcoin was just created) 🛑 2010: $0.003 🛑 2011: $0.30 🛑 2012: $5.27 🛑 2013: $13.30 🛑 2014: $770.44 🛑 2015: $314.93 🛑 2016: $998.33 🛑 2017: $13,880.57 🛑 2018: $3,742.70 🛑 2019: $7,179.05 🛑 2020: $29,374.15 🛑 2021: $46,498.55 🛑 2022: $45,677.80 🛑 2023: $79,365.40 What Happened in 2024???????? 🗒Please note that these prices are approximate and can vary slightly depending on the exchange and the exact date within the year. Also, Bitcoin's price can be extremely volatile, so these figures provide a general overview rather than precise values #bitcoinhalving #BitcoinJourney #Megadrop #SHIB #BullorBear
🚨🚨Bitcoin Prices From 2009 to 2023🚨🚨
🛑 2009: Not applicable (Bitcoin was just created)
🛑 2010: $0.003
🛑 2011: $0.30
🛑 2012: $5.27
🛑 2013: $13.30
🛑 2014: $770.44
🛑 2015: $314.93
🛑 2016: $998.33
🛑 2017: $13,880.57
🛑 2018: $3,742.70
🛑 2019: $7,179.05
🛑 2020: $29,374.15
🛑 2021: $46,498.55
🛑 2022: $45,677.80
🛑 2023: $79,365.40
What Happened in 2024????????
🗒Please note that these prices are approximate and can vary slightly depending on the exchange and the exact date within the year. Also, Bitcoin's price can be extremely volatile, so these figures provide a general overview rather than precise values
#bitcoinhalving #BitcoinJourney #Megadrop #SHIB #BullorBear
🔥 Breaking News: Halving Update Unveiled! 🔥 In a surprising turn of events, the completion of the halving has left the market in a state of calm equilibrium, defying expectations of a dramatic pump or dump. 🔄 Despite the anticipation leading up to this significant event, BTC's total supply has only seen a modest 3.3% increase, leaving traders puzzled. But fear not, fellow crypto enthusiasts, for the story may yet unfold in the hours ahead. 🕒 With the next 24-48 hours looming, brace yourselves for potential market fluctuations as traders tread cautiously while influential whales consider their next moves. In moments like these, patience becomes our beacon, guiding us through uncertainty. ⏳ Let's resist the urge for speculative trades and instead keep a vigilant watch over the ever-changing crypto landscape. Together, we're prepared to navigate the market's twists and turns, ready to seize opportunities as they arise. 🚀💼 Stay tuned with Professor Mende for more updates! #HalvingUpdate #MarketInsights 📊🔍
🔥 Breaking News: Halving Update Unveiled! 🔥
In a surprising turn of events, the completion of the halving has left the market in a state of calm equilibrium, defying expectations of a dramatic pump or dump.
🔄 Despite the anticipation leading up to this significant event, BTC's total supply has only seen a modest 3.3% increase, leaving traders puzzled.
But fear not, fellow crypto enthusiasts, for the story may yet unfold in the hours ahead.
🕒 With the next 24-48 hours looming, brace yourselves for potential market fluctuations as traders tread cautiously while influential whales consider their next moves.
In moments like these, patience becomes our beacon, guiding us through uncertainty.
⏳ Let's resist the urge for speculative trades and instead keep a vigilant watch over the ever-changing crypto landscape. Together, we're prepared to navigate the market's twists and turns, ready to seize opportunities as they arise. 🚀💼
Stay tuned with Professor Mende for more updates!
#HalvingUpdate #MarketInsights 📊🔍
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