Binance Square
Tot conținutul
Vedeți originalul
Să ne împărtășim scorul Megadrop! Scorul meu momentan este 5391, am reușit să obțin asta doar cu BNB-uri blocate, deoarece nu pot participa la misiunile web 3. BNB total blocat și detalii de mai jos în capturi de ecran. Data începerii: 26-04 Care este scorul tău și BNB blocat?
Să ne împărtășim scorul Megadrop!

Scorul meu momentan este 5391, am reușit să obțin asta doar cu BNB-uri blocate, deoarece nu pot participa la misiunile web 3.

BNB total blocat și detalii de mai jos în capturi de ecran.

Data începerii: 26-04

Care este scorul tău și BNB blocat?
Vedeți originalul
Uimitoare AirDrops deținători Binance BNB noi
Uimitoare AirDrops deținători Binance BNB noi
Binance Announcement
Binance lansează Airdrops HODLer pentru deținătorii BNB!
Acesta este un anunț general. Este posibil ca produsele și serviciile menționate aici să nu fie disponibile în regiunea dvs.
Colegii Binanciani,
Binance lansează HODLer Airdrops exclusiv pentru deținătorii de BNB. Utilizatorii care se abonează la Simple Earn folosind BNB vor primi jetoane airdropped emise de proiecte cu o aprovizionare mare de token-uri care intenționează să fie listate în curând pe Binance. 
Binance se angajează să promoveze un mediu de piață sănătos și durabil, acordând în același timp prioritate interesului utilizatorilor noștri și luăm conducerea pentru a implica proiecte mici și mijlocii, cu baze solide, o aprovizionare mare în circulație și comunități puternice și organice. 
Vedeți originalul
Continuă venirea! Noul Launchpool #IO
Continuă venirea! Noul Launchpool #IO
Sunăm toți fermierii cripto! Petrecerea Binance Launchpool revine cu un nou proiect: IO.NET (IO)! 📣🔥

Pregătește-te să cultivi niște #IO token-uri dulci, deoarece IO.NET, o platformă descentralizată de calcul AI și cloud, se alătură familiei Binance Launchpool ca cel de-al 55-lea proiect! 💥🪂

Iată prima primă: 💪👇
🔘 Pagina web va fi live în aproximativ 5 ore, așa că marcați-vă calendarele! ⏰
🔘 Agricultura începe pe 7 iunie 2024. Obțineți acele $BNB și $FDUSD gata de miză! 🤑
🔘 IO va fi apoi listat pe 11 iunie 2024 ⚡️

Veți putea genera jetoane IO timp de patru zile în pool-uri separate pentru BNB și FDUSD. 🫡

Sunteți gata să creșteți nivelul jocului dvs. de cripto-agricultura cu IO.NET? Spune-ne în comentarii de ce ești cel mai încântat! #BinanceLaunchpool #BNB #altcoins
Vedeți originalul
Launchpool și Megadrop în același timp!
Launchpool și Megadrop în același timp!

Cei care cultivă Lista pe megadrop, veți câștiga recompense triple,

- Interese zilnice BNB
- Token LISTA.
- jetoane de proiect launchpool.


Binance va lista apoi IO la 2024-06-11 12:00 (UTC) și va deschide tranzacțiile cu perechi de tranzacționare IO/BTC, IO/USDT, IO/BNB, IO/FDUSD și IO/TRY. Eticheta de semințe va fi aplicată la IO.

Detalii IO Launchpool
Nume jeton: IO.NET (IO)
Furnizare totală de jetoane la Genesis: 500.000.000 IO
Aprovizionare maximă de jetoane: 800.000.000 IO
Recompense de jetoane Launchpool: 20.000.000 IO (4% din oferta totală de jetoane la Genesis)
Aprovizionare inițială în circulație: 95.000.000 IO (19% din oferta totală de jetoane la Genesis)
Detalii Smart Contract: Solana
Condiții de miză: este necesar KYC
Limita maximă orară per utilizator:
17.708,33 IO în fondul BNB
3.125 IO în fondul FDUSD

Make sure you have Binance Account To Earn Free Token From Binance Launchpool When You Lock BNB Coin

Vedeți originalul
Proiect nou în Binance Launchpool iOS.NET
Proiect nou în Binance Launchpool iOS.NET
Binance Announcement
Vă prezentăm IO.NET (IO) pe Binance Launchpool! Farm IO prin staking BNB și FDUSD
IMPORTANT: Binance va fi prima platformă care va lista token-ul menționat aici, tranzacțiile începând cu 2024-06-11 12:00 (UTC). Orice pretenție de a oferi acest simbol spre vânzare înainte de termenul menționat este publicitate falsă. Vă rugăm să faceți propria cercetare pentru a vă asigura siguranța fondurilor!
Colegii Binanciani,
Binance este încântat să anunțe cel de-al 55-lea proiect pe Binance Launchpool - IO.NET (IO), o platformă descentralizată de calcul AI și cloud. Se estimează că pagina web va fi disponibilă în 5 ore, înainte de începerea Launchpool. 
BNB hitting New All Time Highs
BNB hitting New All Time Highs
BNB se ridică la un nou maxim istoric de 716 USD: The Sky's the Limit! 🚀

Astăzi, Binance Coin (BNB) a atins o piatră de hotar monumentală, atingând un nou maxim istoric de 716 USD. Această creștere incredibilă confirmă predicțiile mele și validează sfaturile pe care le-am împărtășit comunității Binance de săptămâni întregi: cumpără $BNB

De ce BNB este în flăcări

Strategie all-in: Am fost all-in pe BNB și dă roade masiv. Folosind proiectele Launchpad și Megadrop și beneficiind de recompense zilnice de miză, mi-am maximizat câștigurile.

Momentul pieței: creșterea impresionantă a BNB este determinată de sentimentul puternic al pieței, adoptarea crescută și ecosistemul în expansiune al Binance.

Perspective viitoare: Cu obiectivul meu de 1.000 USD la vedere, acum este momentul perfect pentru a investi în $BNB înainte de a fi prea târziu. Traiectoria ascendentă a BNB este de neoprit, iar următorul salt la 1.000 USD este chiar după colț.

Alăturați-vă revoluției BNB

Nu ratați această oportunitate incredibilă. Cumpără BNB acum și călărește pe val la înălțimi fără precedent. Asigurați-vă că dați like, urmăriți și distribuiți articolele mele pentru analize și predicții mai aprofundate.

Disclaimer: Acest articol are doar scop informativ și nu constituie sfaturi financiare. Fă-ți întotdeauna propria cercetare înainte de a investi în orice criptomonedă.

$BNB #BnbAth #altcoins #BinanceLaunchpool #Megadrop #BNB_Market_Update
BNB Is Flying!!
BNB Is Flying!!
BitEagle News

„Ah, $BNB va ajunge la zero!”

„Binance se va prăbuși.”

Unde sunt toți cei care se îndoiesc acum?

Au râs de mine când ți-am spus să cumperi cu 200 de dolari.

Am atât de multe unfollow-uri.

Dar acum? Uite cine râde.

Monedele cu cel mai mare FUD au adesea cele mai bune rezultate.

Este un fapt.

Toată lumea știe acest citat:

Frica maxima = cumpara

Lăcomia maximă = vinde

Dar câți dintre voi îl folosiți de fapt?

#Binance #BNB #BitEagleNews
Vista Megadrop Is Now Open!
Vista Megadrop Is Now Open!
Binance Announcement
Lista (LISTA) Megadrop este acum deschisă: abonați-vă la produse blocate BNB sau finalizați misiuni Web3 pentru a participa!
IMPORTANT: Binance va fi prima platformă care va lista token-ul menționat aici. Orice pretenție de a oferi acest simbol spre vânzare înainte de termenul menționat este publicitate falsă. Vă rugăm să faceți propria cercetare pentru a vă asigura siguranța fondurilor.
Acesta este un anunț general. Este posibil ca produsele și serviciile menționate aici să nu fie disponibile în regiunea dvs.
Colegii Binanciani, 
Binance este încântat să anunțe cel de-al doilea proiect pe [Binance Megadrop](https://www.%suffixOrigin%/%locale%/megadrop) - Lista (LISTA), un protocol de staking lichid și descentralizat de monede stabile. Utilizatorii pot începe să participe la Lista Megadrop din 2024-05-30 00:00:00 (UTC). Se estimează că pagina Lista Megadrop va fi disponibilă în [Binance App]( în 24 de ore.
Vista Megadrop
Vista Megadrop
Marco Modonesi
Cum să te pregătești pentru următorul #Megadrop

Ultima dată am de 4 ori investiția mea

Iată ce trebuie făcut:

Cumpără niște $BNB
Puteți cumpăra o sumă mică în fiecare zi la #BuytheDips

Dacă nu ați făcut deja, creați portofelul Binance Web3

Lista albă a adresei.

Trimite-i niște BNB.

Vă sugerez să trimiteți cel puțin 0,15 BNB.

Este posibil ca Quest să mizeze cel puțin 0,1 BNB

Dacă este mai puțin, puteți trimite întotdeauna BNB înapoi la Binance

Dacă ați mizat pe BounceBit doar pentru Megadrop, puteți chiar să mizați și să aveți mai multă lichiditate pentru Lista.

Nu vă blocați acum BNB-ul, așteptați anunțurile și următoarea mea postare despre Megadrop.

Crypto Revolution Masters
🔔 Lista (LISTA) Megadrop Live Now on Binance !

Binance announces Lista native token $LISTA as 2nd Megadrop Project. Users can earn reward by Locking $BNB and completing Web3 Quests in the Megadrop. Total rewards available in the Lista Megadrop is 100 million $LISTA, Initial Circulation Supply of $LISTA token is 230 million and the Total Supply is 1 Billion $LISTA.

▶️ Megadrop Info:
▪️Token Name: Lista (LISTA)
▪️Max Token Supply: 1B $LISTA
▪️Megadrop Token Rewards: 100M $LISTA (10% of max token supply)
▪️Initial Circulating Supply: 230M $LISTA (23% of max token supply)

▶️ Check More Details Here:
Pancake brun
Pancake brun
Pancakeswap Burns 8,699,996 CAKE Tokens This Week
The Pancakeswap team told its community via X on Monday that it has burned 8,699,996 CAKE tokens (worth $23 million) this week.
#NOT Binance Launchpool Page Is Now Available!!
#NOT Binance Launchpool Page Is Now Available!!
Another One!! Keep them coming
Another One!! Keep them coming
YG crypto
CALLING ALL CRYPTO FARMERS! Binance Launches NOT COIN ($NOT) on Launchpool

Calling all crypto enthusiasts! #Binance is launching Not Coin ($NOT) on their Launchpool platform. Get ready to farm #NOT by staking your BNB or FUDSD tokens starting May 13th, 00:00 UTC for three days! ⏳

Here's the breakdown:

Farming Period: May 13th, 00:00 UTC - May 15th, 23:59 UTC (3 days)

Staking Options: $BNB and FUDSD separate pools

Listing Date: May 16th, 12:00 UTC (mark your calendars!)

#Notcoin touts itself as a premier Web3 gaming platform, offering users the chance to "mine" $NOT through an interactive tap-to-earn mechanic.

This could be a game-changer for the future of play-to-earn gaming!

Will You Farm NOT COIN❓
New Launchpool Project NotCoin (NOT)
New Launchpool Project NotCoin (NOT)
Binance Announcement
Introducing Notcoin (NOT) on Binance Launchpool! Farm NOT by Staking BNB and FDUSD
IMPORTANT: Binance will be the first platform to list the token mentioned herein, with trade starting at 2024-05-16 12:00 (UTC). Any claims to offer this token for sale before the stated timeline are false advertising. Please do your own research to ensure safety of your funds!
Fellow Binancians,
Binance is excited to announce the 54th project on Binance Launchpool - Notcoin (NOT), a community token which onboarded users into web3 through a tap-to-earn mining mechanic. The webpage is estimated to be available in 24 hours, before the Launchpool starts.
Users will be able to stake their BNB and FDUSD into separate pools to farm NOT tokens over three days, with farming starting from 2024-05-13 00:00 (UTC).
Binance will then list NOT at 2024-05-16 12:00 (UTC) and open trading with NOT/BTC, NOT/USDT, NOT/BNB, NOT/FDUSD and NOT/TRY trading pairs. The Seed Tag will be applied to NOT.
Important Note:
After the initial airdrop, more tokens will be airdropped to users continuously and flow into the market, which may cause the token price to fall.Users from onchain airdrop and wallet claim may experience delay in airdrop claiming, which may lead to further price fluctuations.
NOT Launchpool Details:
Token Name: Notcoin (NOT)Max Token Supply: 102,719,221,714 NOT Launchpool Token Rewards: 3,081,576,651 NOT (3% of max token supply)Initial Circulating Supply: 102,719,221,714 NOT (100% of max token supply)Smart Contract Details: NotcoinStaking Terms: KYC required Hourly Hard Cap per User: 3,637,972 NOT in BNB pool641,995 NOT in FDUSD pool
Supported Pools:
Stake BNB (webpage will be available in around 24 hours): 2,619,340,153 NOT in rewards (85%) Stake FDUSD (webpage will be available in around 24 hours): 462,236,497 NOT in rewards (15%)Farming Period: 2024-05-13 00:00 (UTC) to 2024-05-15 23:59 (UTC).
NOT Farming Accumulation
Dates (00:00:00 - 23:59:59 UTC each day)Total Daily Rewards (NOT)BNB Pool Daily Rewards (NOT)FDUSD Pool Daily Rewards NOT)2024-05-13 - 2024-05-151,027,192,217873,113,384154,078,832
Read about Notcoin (NOT) in our research report here, which will be available within 1 hour of publishing this announcement.
Project Links
Notcoin Website
Please note:
Snapshots of user balances and total pool balances will be taken multiple times at any point of time each hour to get users’ hourly average balances and calculate user rewards. User rewards will be updated each hour. Users will be able to accumulate their rewards (calculated each hour) and claim these rewards directly to their spot accounts at any time.Each pool’s annual percentage yield (APY) and total pool balance will be updated in real time.Tokens can only be staked in one pool at a time. For example, User A cannot stake the same BNB into two different pools at the same time, but can allocate 50% of their BNB into pool A and 50% into pool B.Users will be able to unstake their funds at any time with no delay and participate in any other available pools immediately.Tokens staked in each pool and any unclaimed rewards will be automatically transferred to each user’s spot accounts at the end of each farming period.Binance BNB Vault and Locked Products will support the Launchpool. Users who have staked their BNB in BNB Vault and Locked Products will automatically participate in the Launchpool, and receive new token rewards.If there are more than one Launchpool projects running concurrently, users' BNB assets in BNB Vault and Locked Products will be split and allocated into each project equally unless otherwise specified.BNB Vault assets collateralizing against Binance Loans (Flexible Rate) are not entitled to Launchpool rewards.BNB staked into Launchpool will still provide users with the standard benefits for holding BNB, such as airdrops, Launchpad eligibility and VIP benefits.
Participation in Launchpool is subject to eligibility based on the user's country or region of residence. Please refer to the instructions on the Launchpool page.
Please note that the list of excluded countries provided below is not exhaustive and may be subject to changes due to evolving local rules, regulations, or other considerations.Users need to complete their account verification and also be from an eligible jurisdiction to participate in farming NOT.
Currently, users residing in the following countries or regions will not be able to participate in farming NOT: Australia, Canada, Cuba, Crimea Region, Iran, Japan, New Zealand, Netherlands, North Korea, Syria, United States of America and its territories (American Samoa, Guam, Puerto Rico, the Northern Mariana Islands, the U.S. Virgin Islands), and any non-government controlled areas of Ukraine
This list may be updated periodically to accommodate changes in legal, regulatory, or other factors.
Note: There may be discrepancies in the translated version of this original article in English. Please reference this original version for the latest or most accurate information where any discrepancies may arise.
Thank you for your support!
Binance Team
Note: This announcement was updated 2024-05-10 to include an update on Notcoin's Telegram and Whitepaper.
Nice Analysis and logical analysis of the next launchpool!
Nice Analysis and logical analysis of the next launchpool!
Marco Modonesi
Can we predict when Binance will release the next #Launchpool‬ or #Megadrop

Let's try!

First of all let's Remember that a Megadrop Is ongoing now so I don't think anything Will happen till the end of this campaign (13th May).

Then it's possibile that they'll release a new launchpool. Why?

Because tons of $BNB will be unlocked from 15 days locking period increasing sell pressure so they Need something that keeps the BNB In customers wallets.

Later this month a new Megadrop Will be announced because all the people with 30 days lock Need a motivation to keep BNB lock for 30 more days.

This is my prediction, what's yours?
Panckae swap burn
Panckae swap burn
🔥 8,924,466 $CAKE just burned - that’s $25M!

💰 Trading fees (AMM V2): 119k CAKE ($332k) -31%
💰 Trading fees (AMM V3): 160k CAKE ($448k) +78%
💰 Trading fees (Non-AMM like Perpetual, Position manager etc): 0.2k CAKE ($1k) -29%
🔮 Prediction: 52k CAKE ($145k) +17%
🎟️ Lottery: 25k CAKE ($69k) -27%
🔒 NFT: 0.3k CAKE ($1k) -19%

% change from last week is in CAKE

🔥🔥🔥 Proof of burn:
Binance Add Renzo to live trading
Binance Add Renzo to live trading
Binance Announcement
Binance Adds Renzo (REZ) on Earn, Buy Crypto, Convert, Margin & Futures
This is a general announcement. Products and services referred to here may not be available in your region.
Fellow Binancians,
Binance is excited to announce that Renzo (REZ) has been added to Binance Simple Earn, "Buy Crypto", and Binance Convert. In addition, Binance will add REZ on Binance Margin, Binance Futures and Binance Auto-Invest at 2024-04-30 14:00 (UTC), 2024-04-30 14:00 (UTC) and 2024-05-02 10:00 (UTC) respectively.
Users can now subscribe to REZ Flexible Products on Binance Simple Earn.
From 2024-05-02 at 10:00 (UTC), users may purchase REZ using any of the payment options supported on Binance Auto-Invest.
Buy & Sell Crypto
Users may now buy REZ directly with their credit/debit cards, Google Pay, Apple Pay, or buy and sell REZ directly with their available wallet balances at the “Buy Crypto” page.
Users can now trade REZ against BTC, USDT and any other tokens supported by Binance Convert at zero fees.
Binance Margin will add REZ as a new borrowable asset on Cross and Isolated Margin, as well as the REZ/USDT pair on Cross and Isolated Margin at 2024-04-30 14:00 (UTC).
Please refer to Margin Data for a list of the most updated marginable assets and further information on specific limits, collateral ratio and rates.
Binance Futures will launch the USDⓈ-M REZ Perpetual Contract at 2024-04-30 14:00 (UTC), with up to 50x leverage.
More details on the USDⓈ-M REZ Perpetual Contract can be found in the table below:
USDⓈ-M Perpetual ContractREZUSDTLaunch Time 2024-04-30 14:00 (UTC) Underlying AssetRenzo (REZ) Settlement AssetUSDTTick Size0.0001Capped Funding Rate+2.00% / -2.00%Funding Fee Settlement FrequencyEvery Four HoursMaximum Leverage50xTrading Hours24/7Multi-Assets ModeSupported
Please Note:
The maximum funding rate of the REZUSDT Perpetual Contract at the time of launch is +2.00% / -2.00%. The funding fee settlement frequency is every four hours.
TimeMax Funding Rate2024-04-30 16:00 (UTC)+2.00% / -2.00%2024-04-30 20:00 (UTC)+2.00% / -2.00%2024-05-01 00:00 (UTC)+2.00% / -2.00%2024-05-01 04:00 (UTC)+2.00% / -2.00%……
Qualified USDⓢ-margined futures liquidity providers will be eligible to enjoy 0.005% maker fee rebates for trades on the REZUSDT Perpetual Contract for approximately 14 to 15 days. Refer to this announcement for more information.Based on market risk conditions, Binance may adjust the specifications of the REZUSDT Perpetual Contract from time to time, which include the funding fee, tick size, maximum leverage, initial margin, and/or maintenance margin requirements.Multi-Assets Mode allows users to trade the REZUSDT Perpetual Contract across multiple margin assets, subject to the applicable haircuts. For example, when the Multi-Assets Mode is activated, users can use BTC as margin when trading the REZUSDT Perpetual Contract. The REZUSDT Perpetual Contract is subject to the Binance Terms of Use and the Binance Futures Service Agreement.
Guides & Related Materials:
How to Buy Crypto with Credit/Debit CardHow to Use Binance ConvertHow to Use Short on Margin TradingHow to Use Long on Margin TradingTrading Rules of USDⓈ-M Futures ContractsLeverage and Margin of USDⓈ-M Futures Contracts
Binance Futures Fee StructureHow to Use Auto-Invest
Note: There may be discrepancies in the translated version of this original article in English. Please reference this original version for the latest or most accurate information where any discrepancies may arise.
Thank you for your support!
Binance Team
CZ Court Hearing
CZ Court Hearing
Today is @CZ Court Hearing !

May he be set free because he is innocent!

He is noble and humble!

He is our Legend !

He is a Humanitarian !

Let's all wish him goodluck 🤞

#BringCZHome #FreeCZ
Presale of Cloud Mining
Presale of Cloud Mining
Binance Announcement
Binance Pool Launches Presale of Cloud Mining Products (2024-04-26)
Fellow Binancians,
Binance is launching a presale of Cloud Mining products for BTC mining. During the Subscription Period, users who purchase a new Cloud Mining product will stand to enjoy a 30% discount on cloud mining management fees.
Presale Details:
Subscription Period: 2024-04-26 00:00 (UTC) to 2024-06-18 00:00 (UTC)Subscription Format: First-come, first-served basisEstimated Mining Start Time: 2024-07-03 04:00 (UTC)Mining Duration: 360 days
Cloud Mining products in this presale are limited, and will be sold on a first-come, first-served basis. Users can purchase Cloud Mining products via the Binance App homepage. Simply click [More] on the homepage, and select [Cloud Mining] under the [Earn] section to access Cloud Mining products.
If the mining hashrate cannot be delivered by 2024-07-03 04:00 (UTC) due to force majeure and other unforeseen factors, all impacted users will receive a refund on their purchases in their Spot Wallets.
Subscribe to Cloud Mining Products Now!
Related Links:
How to Complete Identity Verification (KYC)How to Use Binance Cloud Mining Mining Pools ExplainedBinance Cloud Mining Terms of Use
Terms and Conditions:
Users must have their accounts verified to complete subscriptions to Cloud Mining products.Binance reserves the right to cancel or amend any Presale or Presale Rules at its sole discretion.There may be discrepancies in the translated version of this original article in English. Please reference this original version for the latest or most accurate information where any discrepancies may arise.
Thank you for your support!
Binance Team
Binance Announcement
Introducing Renzo (REZ) on Binance Launchpool! Farm REZ by Staking BNB and FDUSD
IMPORTANT: Binance will be the first platform to list the token mentioned herein, with trading starting at 2024-04-30 12:00 (UTC). Any claims to offer this token for sale before the stated timeline are false advertising. Please do your own research to ensure safety of your funds.
Fellow Binancians,
Binance is excited to announce the 53rd project on Binance Launchpool - Renzo (REZ), a liquid restaking protocol. The webpage is estimated to be available in 5 hours, before the Launchpool starts.
Users will be able to stake their BNB and FDUSD into separate pools to farm REZ tokens over six days, with farming starting from 2024-04-24 00:00 (UTC).
Binance will then list REZ at 2024-04-30 12:00 (UTC) and open trading with REZ/BTC, REZ/USDT, REZ/BNB, REZ/FDUSD and REZ/TRY trading pairs. The Seed Tag will be applied to REZ.
REZ Launchpool Details:
Token Name: Renzo (REZ)Max Token Supply: 10,000,000,000 REZ Launchpool Token Rewards: 250,000,000 REZ (2.5% of max token supply)Initial Circulating Supply: 1,150,000,000 REZ (11.50% of max token supply)Smart Contract Details: EthereumStaking Terms: KYC required Hourly Hard Cap per User: 147,569.44 REZ in BNB pool26,041.67 REZ in FDUSD pool
Supported Pools:
Stake BNB (webpage will be available in around 5 hours): 212,500,000 REZ in rewards (85%) Stake FDUSD (webpage will be available in around 5 hours): 37,500,000 REZ in rewards (15%)Farming Period: 2024-04-24 00:00 (UTC) to 2024-04-29 23:59 (UTC).
REZ Farming Accumulation
Dates (00:00:00 - 23:59:59 UTC each day)Total Daily Rewards (REZ)BNB Pool Daily Rewards (REZ)FDUSD Pool Daily Rewards (REZ)2024-04-24 - 2024-04-2941,666,666.6735,416,666.676,250,000
Read about Renzo (REZ) in our research report here, which will be available within 1 hour of publishing this announcement.
Project Links
Renzo WebsiteWhitepaperX
Please note:
Snapshots of user balances and total pool balances will be taken multiple times at any point of time each hour to get users’ hourly average balances and calculate user rewards. User rewards will be updated each hour. Users will be able to accumulate their rewards (calculated each hour) and claim these rewards directly to their spot accounts at any time.Each pool’s annual percentage yield (APY) and total pool balance will be updated in real time.Tokens can only be staked in one pool at a time. For example, User A cannot stake the same BNB into two different pools at the same time, but can allocate 50% of their BNB into pool A and 50% into pool B.Users will be able to unstake their funds at any time with no delay and participate in any other available pools immediately.Tokens staked in each pool and any unclaimed rewards will be automatically transferred to each user’s spot accounts at the end of each farming period.Binance BNB Vault and Locked Products will support the Launchpool. Users who have staked their BNB in BNB Vault and Locked Products will automatically participate in the Launchpool, and receive new token rewards.If there are more than one Launchpool projects running concurrently, users' BNB assets in BNB Vault and Locked Products will be split and allocated into each project equally unless otherwise specified.BNB Vault assets collateralizing against Binance Loans (Flexible Rate) are not entitled to Launchpool rewards.BNB staked into Launchpool will still provide users with the standard benefits for holding BNB, such as airdrops, Launchpad eligibility and VIP benefits.
Participation in Launchpool is subject to eligibility based on the user's country or region of residence. Please refer to the instructions on the Launchpool page.
Please note that the list of excluded countries provided below is not exhaustive and may be subject to changes due to evolving local rules, regulations, or other considerations. Users need to complete their account verification and also be from an eligible jurisdiction to participate in farming REZ.
Currently, users residing in the following countries or regions will not be able to participate in farming REZ: Australia, Canada, Cuba, Crimea Region, Iran, Japan, New Zealand, Netherlands, North Korea, Syria, United States of America and its territories (American Samoa, Guam, Puerto Rico, the Northern Mariana Islands, the U.S. Virgin Islands), and any non-government controlled areas of Ukraine
This list may be updated periodically to accommodate changes in legal, regulatory, or other factors.
Note: There may be discrepancies in the translated version of this original article in English. Please reference this original version for the latest or most accurate information where any discrepancies may arise.
Thank you for your support!
Binance Team
Note: This announcement was last updated on 2024-04-30 to update Renzo (REZ)'s initial circulating supply from 1,050,000,000 REZ to 1,150,000,000 REZ, and on 2024-04-23 to update the ticker of Renzo from EZ to REZ and amend the corresponding smart contract address.
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