Binance Square
Crypto Trading Analyst
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#usdr #galxe #trading #cryptocurrency #Binance #$BNB $USDC $ETH $Explora Binance Square acum pentru a împărți 10.000 USDT în recompense! Toți utilizatorii pot îndeplini sarcini specifice pe Binance Square în timpul Perioadei de activitate și se pot califica pentru o cotă de 10.000 USDT în vouchere simbol.   Perioada de activitate: 2023-10-12 11:00 (UTC) până la 2023-10-19 23:59 (UTC)  Toți utilizatorii Binance verificați prin KYC care se conectează la conturile lor Binance și îndeplinesc următoarele sarcini în timpul Perioadei de activitate se vor califica pentru o cotă egală din fondul de recompense de 10.000 USDT. Vă rugăm să rețineți că recompensa per participant calificat este limitată la un voucher de 10 USDT.   Sarcini:  Configurați-vă profilul Binance Square (adică, porecla, avatarul și biografia). Creați o postare sau un articol pe Binance Square.  Dați like și comentați la cinci postări sau articole diferite din Binance Square.  Obțineți trei noi adepți Binance Square.  Urmărește zece conturi pe Binance Square. 
#usdr #galxe #trading #cryptocurrency #Binance #$BNB $USDC $ETH $Explora

Binance Square acum pentru a împărți 10.000 USDT în recompense!

Toți utilizatorii pot îndeplini sarcini specifice pe Binance Square în timpul Perioadei de activitate și se pot califica pentru o cotă de 10.000 USDT în vouchere simbol.  

Perioada de activitate: 2023-10-12 11:00 (UTC) până la 2023-10-19 23:59 (UTC) 

Toți utilizatorii Binance verificați prin KYC care se conectează la conturile lor Binance și îndeplinesc următoarele sarcini în timpul Perioadei de activitate se vor califica pentru o cotă egală din fondul de recompense de 10.000 USDT. Vă rugăm să rețineți că recompensa per participant calificat este limitată la un voucher de 10 USDT.  


Configurați-vă profilul Binance Square (adică, porecla, avatarul și biografia).

Creați o postare sau un articol pe Binance Square. 

Dați like și comentați la cinci postări sau articole diferite din Binance Square. 

Obțineți trei noi adepți Binance Square. 

Urmărește zece conturi pe Binance Square. 
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„Campanie Binance #ETFvsBTC ”

CÂȘTIGĂ până la 500 FDUSD! 🚀
Împărtășiți-vă cunoștințele despre comparația dintre ETF-urile Bitcoin și achizițiile directe de Bitcoin.

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„#pizzaday #celebration Anunț”

#pizzas #BRC20Projects $BTC

🚨#binancepizzaday ANIVERSARE pe „22 MAI”

🚨Este timpul să introduceți „CADOU DE 52000 USDT în PIZZBRC”


🚨PENTRU PRIMA DĂRĂ PE 22 MAI, s-au folosit „38 $ BTC” pentru a CUMPĂRĂ O PIZZA🍕



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Pe măsură ce Bitcoin Downward 📉 traversează bara de roluri acceptată,

cel mai probabil va merge pentru un Bullrun 📊📈

$BTC #BullRunAhead #Bulish #ETHETFS #PEPE‏

$PEPE $ETH #BlackRock
#EarnFreeCrypto2024 #announcement #Megadrop

•••Binance Square: Partajați linkuri și finalizați sarcini pentru a debloca până la 100 USDT în recompense•••

°°° ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ °°°

Binance Square are plăcerea de a introduce o nouă activitate „Partajați pentru a câștiga”, în care utilizatorii verificați pot participa pentru a debloca peste 100 USDT în recompense.

**Perioada de activitate: (23.05.2024 -- până la -- 06.06.2024)

Activitatea 1:

Partajați linkurile Binance Square cu recomandările dvs. pentru a obține până la 100 USDT în pachetul Crypto Red

->Pentru a participa la această activitate, utilizatorii (recomandări) verificați de Binance se pot conecta la conturile lor Binance și pot partaja orice link-uri Binance Square cu utilizatorii Binance noi și existenți (recomandări) în timpul Perioadei de activitate. După ce recomandările deschid linkurile Binance Square partajate, atât referrerii, cât și referalii pot debloca pachete Crypto Red în valoare de până la 2 USDT fiecare.

-> Vă rugăm să rețineți că fiecare recomandant poate revendica maximum un pachet Crypto Red pe recomandare prin intermediul aplicației în timpul Perioadei de activitate și până la 50 de pachete Crypto Red din această activitate.

Activitatea 2:

Exclusiv pentru utilizatori noi - Înregistrați-vă cu Binance și finalizați sarcini pentru a câștiga până la 5,5 USDT în recompense.

În plus, utilizatorii noi care se înscriu la Binance prin intermediul paginii Activitate pot face clic pe butonul [Go] și pot finaliza oricare dintre următoarele sarcini în timpul Perioadei de activitate pentru a obține recompense de până la 5,5 USDT.
**{Recompensele sunt limitate și vor fi distribuite pe principiul primul venit, primul servit.}**

**-- Detalii activitate --**:

1. Deschideți orice „10 linkuri unice Binance Square” în timp ce sunteți conectat la contul dvs. Binance.

**Recompensă per sarcină finalizată până la 0,5 USDT**

2. Completați un „Tranzacționare de cel puțin 100 USD echivalent”
pe [ Spot, Futures, Marja, Opțiuni sau Conversie.]

[[**_More Details Link🔗_**:]](


#BinanceLaunchpool $BTC #altcoins $PEPE $SHIB
Cele mai bune „6-strategii” pentru „Câștigarea de criptomonede gratuite în 2024”
#StartInvestingInCrypto #EarnFreeCrypto2024
Pe măsură ce CRYPTOCURRENCY #continuă să câștige acțiune la nivel global, mulți caută modalități de a câștiga Active digitale fără investiții directe.
#btc70k <t-88/>#MicroStrategy #Megadrop
°°°_Iată primele șase strategii pentru a câștiga criptomonede gratuite în 2024:

1. Airdrops și furci:
Airdrops-urile sunt instrumente promoționale utilizate de proiectele blockchain pentru a distribui jetoane gratuite deținătorilor existenți de criptomonede. Furcăturile apar atunci când un blockchain se împarte în două, oferind adesea deținătorilor monedei originale o sumă echivalentă în noua monedă. Păstrarea cu ochii pe anunțurile de airdrop de renume și participarea la fork-uri blockchain poate genera criptomonede gratuite.
„Anunțul turneului de tranzacționare spot”
„Tranzacționați pentru a împărți 300.000 USD $USDC în vouchere cu simboluri”
-------- ----+--- --------- --------- --------

„Finalizează primul tău „#SpotCopyTrading ” pentru a distribui 100.000 USD $FDUSD Recompense!

Binance este încântată să lanseze o nouă promoție pentru utilizatorii eligibili pentru a explora noua funcție „'#SpotCopyTrading ”, care este disponibilă atât pe site-ul web Binance, cât și pe aplicația Binance.

Finalizați acum primul dvs. „Comerț cu copiere spot” pentru a obține partea dvs. de 100.000 USD FDUSD în vouchere simbol!

**Perioada promoției: 2024-05-15 <span 2024-06-16

Această promoție este deschisă tuturor utilizatorilor care nu au tranzacționat pe „Spot Copy Trading”.
Primii 20.000 de utilizatori calificați care își confirmă participarea vor fi eligibili pentru a finaliza oricare dintre următoarele Sarcini în timpul Perioadei de promovare pentru a primi până la „5 FDUSD” în Vouchere Token.

**Opțiuni de activitate:

Opțiunea-1: Finalizați primul dvs. SpotCopyTrading cu orice sumă.

Opțiunea-2: copiați o sumă totală de cel puțin 100 USD $USDC Echivalent pe „#Binan #SpotCopyTrading

Opțiunea-3: Copiați portofoliile de Cel puțin „2 Lead Traders”, cu o sumă de cel puțin 100 USD echivalent fiecare pe „#SpotCopyTrading
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Conținutul citat a fost eliminat
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Binance News
Cercetare CryptoQuant: Ciclul Bitcoin Bull încă activ, pe măsură ce se apropie jumătate
Potrivit Cointelegraph: Cercetări recente ale companiei de analiză a datelor în lanț CryptoQuant sugerează că ciclul bull al Bitcoin nu s-a încheiat încă, în ciuda unei scăderi cu 13% a valorii BTC de la cel mai nou record record. Scăderea de la 73.835 USD la puțin peste 60.000 USD este considerată o „retracere înainte de înjumătățire” înaintea evenimentului de înjumătățire al Bitcoin.

Graficul zilnic BTC/USD. Sursa: TradingView

„Raportul Crypto săptămânal” al CryptoQuant dezvăluie că doar 48% din investițiile Bitcoin provin de la deținătorii pe termen scurt, în timp ce un ciclu tipic de taur se încheie cu 84%-92% din investiții de la astfel de investitori. În plus, valorile de evaluare ale Bitcoin sunt în prezent mai scăzute decât nivelurile observate de obicei la vârfurile pieței, întărind și mai mult argumentul pentru continuarea ciclului bull.
ETF-ul Bitcoin spot a fost aprobat, oferind investitorilor expunere directă la prețul Bitcoin prin produse de investiții tradiționale și reglementate. Cu toate acestea, președintele SEC, Gary Gensler, și-a exprimat dezgustul față de ETF-uri într-o declarație după vot. Înainte ca consilierii de investiții și brokerii să poată recomanda clienților ETF-ul Bitcoin spot, aceștia trebuie să respecte Regulament Best Interest (Reg BI), un regulament care impune consilierilor să se conformeze obligației de diligență și cerințelor specifice de divulgare. Vanguard le-a spus deja clienților că nu pot investi în ETF-urile Bitcoin, anticipând că incertitudinea Reg BI poate fi folosită pentru a descuraja investițiile în platformă.
Binance Announcement
Introducing Mock Copy Trading: Join the Mock Copy Trading Competition & Share 30,000 USDT in Rewards!
This is a general announcement. Products and services referred to here may not be available in your region.
Fellow Binancians,
Binance is pleased to introduce Mock Copy Trading. This is an all-new feature, which will allow eligible users to fully experience the different features available on Copy Trading without opening any real positions as they each receive a virtual amount of funds worth 10,000 USDT.
To mark this milestone, Binance will extend a new Mock Copy Trading promotion, where eligible participants will stand to share a total of 30,000 USDT in rewards. Explore Copy Trading now with the new Mock Copy Trading feature without incurring any costs or risks!
Join the Promotion Now!
Promotion Period: 2024-01-18 00:00 (UTC) to 2024-01-31 23:59 (UTC)
Promotion A: Join Mock Copy Trading Competition & Share 15,000 USDT in Rewards
All eligible users who register for the promotion and create at least one new mock copy trading portfolio will be ranked by their total Profit and Loss (PnL) across all active mock copy trading portfolios during the Promotion Period. Qualified participants will then be eligible to share 15,000 USDT in token vouchers, as per the table below.
Promotion B: Join Copy Trading Competition & Share 15,000 USDT in Rewards
Similarly, all eligible users who register for the promotion and create at least one new copy trading portfolio will be ranked by their total PnL across all active copy trading portfolios during the Promotion Period (including realized and unrealized PnL). These participants will then qualify to share 15,000 USDT in token vouchers, as per the table below.
Overall Rewards Structure:
Rankings Based on the Total PnL of Mock Copy Trading Portfolios/Copy Trading PortfoliosMock Copy Trading Rewards for Promotion A (in Token Voucher) Copy Trading Rewards for Promotion B (in Token Voucher)1st Place2,500 USDT2,500 USDT2nd Place1,500 USDT1,500 USDT3rd Place500 USDT500 USDT4th - 5th PlacesEqually split 500 USDTEqually split 500 USDT6th - 10th PlacesEqually split 500 USDTEqually split 500 USDT11th - 50th PlacesEqually split 2,000 USDTEqually split 2,000 USDT51st - 100th PlacesEqually split 2,500 USDTEqually split 2,500 USDTAll Remaining Eligible Participants Equally split 5,000 USDTEqually split 5,000 USDT
How to Start Mock Copy Trading
Step 1: Log in to your Binance account and go to [Futures] - [Copy Trading].Step 2: Choose a portfolio to copy. You may filter portfolios by their Return on Investment (ROI), PnL, Maximum Drawdown (MDD), etc.Step 3: Click [Mock Copy]. After selecting [Start], the system will automatically allocate a ​​virtual amount of funds of 10,000 USDT to your Mock Copy Trading portfolio.
Guides & Related Materials
Binance Futures Launches Copy TradingHow to Use Copy Trading on Binance FuturesHow to Use Mock Copy Trading on Binance Futures
Terms and Conditions
Only verified users from eligible regions who click "Register Now" on the promotion page during the Promotion Period may qualify for rewards from these promotions.Up to ten portfolios can be copied or mock copied at the same time. Participants’ total PnL in each promotion must be positive to be entered into the rankings of the respective promotion. Rewards Distribution:USDT token voucher rewards will be distributed to eligible users within 14 working days after the promotions end. Users will be able to login and redeem their token voucher rewards via Profile > Rewards Hub. The validity period for vouchers is set at 30 days after distribution. Eligible users should claim their vouchers before the expiration date. Learn how to redeem voucher rewards. These promotions are only available to users who are enabled for Binance Futures Copy Trading services, and may not be available or may be restricted in certain jurisdictions or regions, or to certain users, depending on legal and regulatory requirements. Users are responsible for informing themselves about and observing any restrictions and/or requirements imposed with respect to the access to and use of Binance Futures Copy Trading services in each country from which the services are accessed.Binance reserves the right to disqualify any participants showing any signs of fraudulent behavior immediately (e.g., wash trading, bulk account registrations, self dealing, market manipulation, and more).Binance reserves the right to determine and/or amend or vary these Terms & Conditions, its eligibility terms and criteria, the selection and number of winners, and the timing of any act to be done if it is justified due to important reasons, including:Changes in applicable regulations or policies;Obligations arising out of law or decisions issued by common courts or public administration;Anti-money laundering or combating financing terrorism rules;Technical issues beyond our control;Necessity to protect users from potential losses;Necessity to protect Binance from the loss of reputation.Additional promotion terms and conditions can be accessed here.There may be discrepancies in the translated version of this original article in English. Please reference this original version for the latest or most accurate information where any discrepancies may arise.
Thank you for your support!
Binance Team
Binance Coin Up 11%: BNB Price Targets $500 As Crucial Resistance Breaks, What’s Behind This Surge?
Coinspeaker Binance Coin Up 11%: BNB Price Targets $500 as Crucial Resistance Breaks, What’s Behind This Surge?

On December 26, the native cryptocurrency of the Binance Smart Chain registered an 11% increase in price, reaching its highest value since June. This pattern reflects a continuation of the trend that began last week when the price surged from $233 to $277, an 18% increase, before closing around $264. Although the price is currently experiencing a minor retracement from yesterday’s gains, the overall trend appears poised for further bullish moves, with BNB having increased by over 14% this week.

The sudden price increase has surprised many observers, considering the challenges currently faced by Binance. The company’s founder and former CEO Changpeng Zhao pleaded guilty to money laundering, resulting in billions of dollars in fines on the crypto exchange and significant personal penalties. As the case remains unresolved, the potential for additional fines and the risk of the former CEO facing up to 18 months in jail looms.

Typically, when such issues arise, people tend to distance themselves from the involved company, as evidenced by the significant withdrawals from Binance in the days following the incident and the bears pushing the price down from $272 to $228 last month. Despite all these, BNB bulls have remained resilient, driving the price beyond the November high.

BNB Targets $500 after Crucial Breakout

A careful analysis of the price action reveals that BNB is breaking out of a falling wedge pattern that has constrained its price since January 2022 when the downward and sideways trend began. A successful retest of this pattern could propel the price upward, targeting the top of the channel at around $500. However, this upward movement may encounter some minor resistance at key levels.

Additionally, this analysis aligns with the assessment of a prominent crypto analyst Captain Faibik who shared it with his 75,000 followers on his X account.

$BNB train has also left the Station..🚞

Expecting New All time High in first Half of 2024..📈#Crypto #BNB #Binance

— Captain Faibik (@CryptoFaibik) December 27, 2023

Slight Increase in Onchain Activities and Other Possible Explanations

The Binance Smart Chain has witnessed a 7% increase in the number of addresses engaging with its dApps over the past 30 days. However, this alone may not sufficiently explain the unexpected rise in price.

However, given that Binance is the largest cryptocurrency exchange in the world by daily trading volume, it follows that the overall health of the crypto market would impact the price of BNB. If the market performs well, accompanied by high demand and positive news, the demand for BNB on Binance is also expected to increase, as the coin serves various functions within the ecosystem.

With major cryptocurrencies experiencing price increases since October, and some like Solana sustaining stable surges, the crypto market is displaying upward price momentum and positive sentiment.

As BNB is used for payment and to access certain privileges on Binance, such as being a verified merchant on Binance P2P, its price is expected to rise alongside increased adoption. It is worth noting that BNB may have experienced even greater price spikes had there not been significant withdrawals from Binance a few weeks ago.


Binance Coin Up 11%: BNB Price Targets $500 as Crucial Resistance Breaks, What’s Behind This Surge?
$BTC $BNB $ETH 🚀 Attention #Bitcoin holders! 📈 Did you know that the latest price surge has put over 80% of #Bitcoin holders at a profit? 💰 Here's why this milestone is significant and what it means for the future of #BTC. 🧵 1️⃣ According to blockchain analytics firm IntoTheBlock, this is the highest profitability level recorded by Bitcoin since December 2021. The orange coin is on fire! 🔥 2️⃣ Market participants and expert analysts are optimistic about Bitcoin's continued ascent. Indicators suggest that the market leader could soon surpass the $40,000 price zone. Prepare for lift-off! 🚀 3️⃣ One contributing factor to Bitcoin's bullish momentum is the growing optimism surrounding the potential approval of a Bitcoin Spot exchange-traded fund (ETF) by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Big things on the horizon! 4️⃣ Analyst James Seyffart predicts a potential approval order for the Bitcoin Spot ETF between Jan. 8 and Jan. 10, 2024. If approved, this could pave the way for Bitcoin to reach new all-time highs. Exciting times ahead! 🌟 5️⃣ Matrixport analysts project Bitcoin reaching $60,000 by April 2024 and doubling that mark by the year's end. Historical patterns and the end of the recent bear market support this bullish forecast. Buckle up for the ride! 🎢 6️⃣ Corporate giants like MicroStrategy are also making significant moves in the Bitcoin space, reinforcing positive sentiment. MicroStrategy recently invested $593 million in Bitcoin, bringing their total holdings to over $6 billion. Institutional interest is soaring! 🏦 7️⃣ As of now, Bitcoin's price stands at $38,800, with strong market momentum indicated by the Relative Strength Index (RSI) on the weekly timeframe. The bulls are in control! 🐂 Hold tight, Bitcoin holders! The future looks bright as the majority of you ride the wave of profitability. Keep an eye on regulatory developments and market trends. The journey to new heights has just begun! 🌌💪 #BitcoinSurge #Profitability #Bullish #HODL" #tothemoon
$BTC $BNB $ETH 🚀 Attention #Bitcoin holders! 📈

Did you know that the latest price surge has put over 80% of #Bitcoin holders at a profit? 💰 Here's why this milestone is significant and what it means for the future of #BTC. 🧵

1️⃣ According to blockchain analytics firm IntoTheBlock, this is the highest profitability level recorded by Bitcoin since December 2021. The orange coin is on fire! 🔥

2️⃣ Market participants and expert analysts are optimistic about Bitcoin's continued ascent. Indicators suggest that the market leader could soon surpass the $40,000 price zone. Prepare for lift-off! 🚀

3️⃣ One contributing factor to Bitcoin's bullish momentum is the growing optimism surrounding the potential approval of a Bitcoin Spot exchange-traded fund (ETF) by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Big things on the horizon!

4️⃣ Analyst James Seyffart predicts a potential approval order for the Bitcoin Spot ETF between Jan. 8 and Jan. 10, 2024. If approved, this could pave the way for Bitcoin to reach new all-time highs. Exciting times ahead! 🌟

5️⃣ Matrixport analysts project Bitcoin reaching $60,000 by April 2024 and doubling that mark by the year's end. Historical patterns and the end of the recent bear market support this bullish forecast. Buckle up for the ride! 🎢

6️⃣ Corporate giants like MicroStrategy are also making significant moves in the Bitcoin space, reinforcing positive sentiment. MicroStrategy recently invested $593 million in Bitcoin, bringing their total holdings to over $6 billion. Institutional interest is soaring! 🏦

7️⃣ As of now, Bitcoin's price stands at $38,800, with strong market momentum indicated by the Relative Strength Index (RSI) on the weekly timeframe. The bulls are in control! 🐂

Hold tight, Bitcoin holders! The future looks bright as the majority of you ride the wave of profitability. Keep an eye on regulatory developments and market trends. The journey to new heights has just begun! 🌌💪

#BitcoinSurge #Profitability #Bullish #HODL" #tothemoon
Crypto Psychic
🥵Chance To Win 1 BNB 🤓

🚀 Elevate your Binance Square experience! Share your captivating content or profile on social media from December 8 to December 20, 2023, and stand a chance to win 1 BNB if you're among the top 10 creators with the highest follower boost!

🌐 To qualify, gain at least 10 new followers during the activity period. Please note that this exclusive opportunity is for KYC-verified Binance users and may not be available in all regions.

📢 Winners will receive notifications through Creator Center > Square Assistant, and the BNB rewards will be distributed within 21 working days after the activity concludes. Track your rewards conveniently via Profile > Rewards Hub, and remember, the token voucher is valid for seven days from the day of distribution.

🌍 Keep in mind that Binance reserves the right to adjust terms and conditions at its discretion, ensuring a fair and exciting campaign for all participants.

Don't miss out on this chance to boost your profile and enjoy the crypto rewards!

💛Remember: A lot of Hardwork goes into for providing you Best Investment Articles. Your Generous Tips would Empower our Mission and help us to work even Harder for you to give Best Investment Advice.

#Crypto2024 #BinanceTournament #crypto2023 #cryptocurrency #BTC 🚀
Binance Square Official
We’re giving away $150,000 in $BNB to make your Christmas wishes come true 🎅

Six of you stand to win $25k each, and here’s how:

🔸 Follow us @Binance_Square_Official on Binance Square
🔸 Quote this post, share your wish with #BinanceWish and mention 2 friends in your post.

We’ll pick 6 to win across all our platforms, with 2 lucky ones chosen from Binance Square, so think big & be creative!

Find the T's&C's and further details on how to enter 👉🏻
BinanceWish Announcement
Binance Announcement
Futures Grand Tournament: Trade Futures to Grab a Share of Up to $2M and More in Rewards!
Binance Futures is launching a new Futures Grand Tournament! All eligible regular and VIP 1-6 users may participate and grab a share of up to 2,000,000 USDT in token voucher rewards and more exclusive rewards.
Join the Promotion Now!
Promotion Period: 2023-11-27 00:00 (UTC) to 2023-12-24 23:59 (UTC)
The Tournament comprises the following activities:
Early Bird Challenge: Complete tasks to earn stars and claim rewards from a 35,000 USDT rewards pool.Team Competition: Compete as a team for best Profit and Loss (PnL) performance to share up to 1,250,000 USDT.Copy Trading Competition: Become a Lead Trader or predict the top Lead Trader of the week to share up to 350,000 USDT.Battle of the Bots: Create a Futures Grid Trading Bot and climb up the Return on Investment (ROI) leaderboard to share up to 200,000 USDT. Welcome Rewards: New futures users to share up to 200,000 USDT and 1 BNB.
Duration of the Tournament:
Early Bird Challenge Period: 2023-11-27 00:00 (UTC) to 2023-12-03 23:59 (UTC)Trading Competition Period (i.e., Team Competition, Copy Trading Competition, Battle of the Bots): 2023-12-04 00:00 (UTC) to 2023-12-24 23:59 (UTC)Welcome Rewards Period: 2023-11-27 00:00 (UTC) to 2023-12-24 23:59 (UTC)
How to Participate:
Step 1: Login to your Binance Futures account. If you don’t have a Binance Futures account yet, please sign up here.Step 2: Register for the Tournament on the promotion page.
Dynamic Prize Pool (in USDT Token Vouchers):
The Tournament features a dynamic rewards pool of up to 2,000,000 USDT token vouchers across trading competitions and welcome rewards. The final prize will be determined by the total number of eligible participants*.
* An eligible participant refers to a user who has registered for the Futures Grand Tournament and has a total futures trading volume of at least 500 USDT equivalent in 2023.
No. of Eligible ParticipantsTeam Competition Prize Pool (in USDT Token Vouchers)Copy Trading Competition Prize Pool (in USDT Token Vouchers)Battle of the Bots Prize Pool (in USDT Token Vouchers)Welcome Rewards Prize Pool (in USDT Token Vouchers)Min. 1,0008,0002,0001,0001,000Min. 3,00040,00010,0005,0005,000Min. 5,00080,00020,00010,00010,000Min. 10,000120,00030,00015,00015,000Min. 25,000160,00040,00020,00020,000Min. 50,000200,00050,00025,00025,000Min. 100,000240,00060,00030,00030,000Min. 150,000320,00080,00040,00040,000Min. 200,000400,000100,00050,00050,000Min. 250,000600,000150,00075,00075,000Min. 500,0001,250,000350,000200,000200,000Maximum Prize Pool(in USDT Token Vouchers)2,000,000
Activity A: Early Bird Challenge - Complete Tasks to Share 35,000 USDT!
Early Bird Challenge Period: 2023-11-27 00:00 (UTC) to 2023-12-03 23:59 (UTC)
The Futures Grand Tournament comprises an Early Bird Challenge, where both new and existing users can confirm their participation and collect stars by completing tasks listed in the table below. Users can then claim exclusive rewards from a 35,000 USDT futures bonus voucher prize pool, on a first-come, first-served basis!
Reward Categories for the Early Bird ChallengeEarn a 1 USDT futures bonus voucher by collecting 5 stars.Earn a 5 USDT futures bonus voucher by collecting 20 stars. Earn a 10 USDT futures bonus voucher by collecting 30 stars.Newbie Tasks (One-Off)
TasksStarsOpen a Futures account for the first time2Fund the Futures Wallet for the first time3Trade Futures for the first time (Total trading volume during the Early Bird Challenge Period ≥ 100 USDT equivalent)6Complete a copy trade for the first time (Total initial copy amount during the Early Bird Challenge Period ≥ 100 USDT equivalent)3
Regular Tasks (Daily)
TasksStarsAchieve a daily futures trading volume of at least 1,000 USDT equivalent2Achieve a daily futures trading volume of at least 5,000 USDT equivalent3Refer three friends to join the Tournament2Refer ten friends to join the Tournament3Create a Futures Grid Trading Bot, and ensure that the Trading Bot generates a daily trading volume of over 0 USDT equivalent and a runtime of at least ten hours6Achieve a daily copy trading volume of at least 100 USDT equivalent6
Please note:
A user is entitled to claim a maximum of one reward from each of the three reward categories, i.e., a maximum of 16 USDT futures bonus voucher from the Early Bird Challenge. 
The voucher rewards for the Early Bird Challenge must be claimed here before 2023-12-04 23:59 (UTC). 
All claimed vouchers will be distributed to eligible users at 2023-12-05 00:00 (UTC). Users will be able to redeem their voucher rewards via Profile > Rewards Hub.
Activity B: Team Competition - Move Up the Leaderboard as a Team & Share Up to 1,250,000 USDT!
Trading Competition Period: 2023-12-04 00:00 (UTC) to 2023-12-24 23:59 (UTC)
Create a team as the Team Leader or join a team after registering for the Tournament, and trade any COIN-M or USDⓈ-M contracts on Binance Futures during the Trading Competition Period to enter the team leaderboard. All participating teams will be ranked based on the sum of Team Daily PnL during the Trading Competition Period. The top 20 teams will share the prize pool that goes up to 1,250,000 USDT in token vouchers!
Please note:
Users may create a team for this Team Competition by submitting a Team Leader application via the promotion page, starting from 2023-11-27 00:00 (UTC). Each application may take several days to process, and Team Leaders can proceed to recruit team members once their application is approved. Team Daily PnL is calculated by adding up the daily PnL of the team’s top ten eligible members who obtain the highest daily PnL on Binance Futures. Team members who reach a daily futures trading volume of at least 20,000 USDT equivalent are considered eligible. If a team has less than ten team members who reach a daily futures trading volume of at least 20,000 USDT equivalent each, the daily PnL of all team members will be counted.If more than one team has the same sum of Team Daily PnL during the Trading Competition Period, the team with a higher total futures trading volume during the Trading Competition Period will receive a higher ranking.If more than one team member has the same PnL during the Trading Competition Period, the user with the higher total futures trading volume during the Trading Competition Period will be considered as a greater profit contributor.
The Team Competition Prize Pool will be distributed as follows:
Team Rewards:
Team Rankings Based on Sum of Team Daily PnLTeam Rewards1st Place20% of Team Competition Prize Pool unlocked2nd Place15% of Team Competition Prize Pool unlocked3rd Place10% of Team Competition Prize Pool unlocked4th - 10th PlacesAn equal split of 35% of Team Competition Prize Pool unlocked11th - 20th PlacesAn equal split of 20% of Team Competition Prize Pool unlocked
Rewards Distribution Within Each Team:
RoleReward Distribution Within Each TeamTeam Leader30% of Team RewardTop Ten Profit Contributors An equal split of 40% of Team RewardAll Remaining Eligible Team Members (i.e., each with a total futures trading volume of at least 10,000 USDT equivalent, and a profit of over zero during the Trading Competition Period)An equal split of 30% of Team Reward
Activity C: Copy Trading Competition - Become a Lead Trader or Predict the Top Lead Trader of the Week to Share Up to 350,000 USDT!
Trading Competition Period: 2023-12-04 00:00 (UTC) to 2023-12-24 23:59 (UTC)
Register for the Tournament now, and create Copy Trading portfolios as a Lead Trader to participate! For each week of the Trading Competition Period, participating Lead Traders will be ranked based on their personal weekly PnL, and the top ten Lead Traders of the week will qualify to share 70% of a weekly prize pool, as per the table below.
The remaining 30% of the weekly prize pool will be shared proportionally by users who vote and accurately predict the top 1 Lead Trader of the week, based on the number of votes each participant has casted. All eligible users who achieve a daily trading volume of at least 1,000 USDT equivalent on Futures or Copy Trading will earn daily voting eligibility.
The total prize pool across the three weeks goes up to 350,000 USDT in token vouchers.
Weekly Prizes for Top Ten Lead Traders
Lead Trader Rankings Based on Personal Weekly PnL*Rewards1st Place25% of the Weekly Prize Pool unlocked2nd Place15% of the Weekly Prize Pool unlocked3rd Place10% of the Weekly Prize Pool unlocked4th Place6% of the Weekly Prize Pool unlocked5th Place4% of the Weekly Prize Pool unlocked6th - 10th PlacesAn equal split of 10% of the Weekly Prize Pool unlocked
* Lead traders will be ranked by their personal weekly PnL. If two or more Lead Traders have obtained the same PnL, they will be further ranked by their weekly total futures trading volume.
Please note:
Voting eligibility will be distributed to users within 10 minutes after fulfilling the requirements mentioned above. Voting eligibility is reset daily, so users should cast their votes on the same day. Lead Traders’ PnL will be reset every Sunday at 23:59 (UTC). Weekly Prize Pool = One third of the unlocked Copy Trading Competition Prize Pool
Activity D: Battle of the Bots - Create a Futures Grid Trading Bot and Climb Up the ROI Leaderboard to Share Up to 200,000 USDT
Trading Competition Period: 2023-12-04 00:00 (UTC) to 2023-12-24 23:59 (UTC)
All users who confirm their participation and create a qualified Futures Grid Trading Bot during the Trading Competition Period will be ranked by the ROI of the Futures Grid Trading Bot during the Trading Competition Period. Users whose bots rank top 20 will then qualify to share a prize pool that goes up to 200,000 USDT in token vouchers.
The Futures Grid Trading Bot should meet the following requirements to qualify for Activity D:
Initial margin of the Futures Grid Trading Bot ≥ 100 USDT equivalentTrading volume generated by the Futures Grid Trading Bot > 0 USDT equivalent
Rewards for Battle of the Bots :
Futures Grid Trading Bot Ranking by ROI During the Trading Competition Period* Rewards for the Corresponding Users**1st Place25% of the Battle of the Bots Prize Pool unlocked2nd Place15% of the Battle of the Bots Prize Pool unlocked3rd Place10% of the Battle of the Bots Prize Pool unlocked4th - 20th PlacesAn equal split of 50% of the Battle of the Bots Prize Pool unlocked
* If two or more Futures Grid Trading Bots have obtained the same ROI during the Trading Competition Period, they will be further ranked by creation time. The Futures Grid Trading Bot created earlier will obtain a higher ranking in Activity D.
** A user may qualify for multiple rewards in Activity D if they have multiple Futures Grid Trading Bots ranking top 20.
Activity E: Welcome Rewards - Trade Futures for the First Time to Share Up to 200,000 USDT and 1 BNB!
Welcome Rewards Period: 2023-11-27 00:00 (UTC) to 2023-12-24 23:59 (UTC)
New futures users who confirm their participation and trade futures for the first time during the Welcome Rewards Period, will be eligible to equally share the Welcome Rewards Prize Pool of up to 200,000 USDT in token vouchers.
On top of that, one winner will be selected among all eligible users based on the Award Selection Rules to receive 1 BNB in token voucher.
Terms and Conditions:
All promotions are only available to users who are eligible for Binance Futures trading and may not be available or may be restricted in certain jurisdictions or regions or to certain users, depending on legal and regulatory requirements. Users are responsible for informing themselves about and observing any restrictions and/or requirements imposed with respect to the access to and use of Binance Futures trading services in each country/region from which the services are accessed. Binance reserves the right to change, modify or impose additional restrictions with respect to the access to and use of the Binance Futures trading services from time to time in its sole discretion at any time without notification.The Futures Grand Tournament is open to regular and VIP 1-6 users only. Eligible users must have their account verified​ and register for the Tournament to qualify for any rewards. Binance has the sole discretion to determine the user's eligibility. Register here if you do not have a Binance account yet.Rewards are not mutually exclusive. Users may win multiple rewards as long as they meet the relevant terms and conditions.Rewards Distribution:All claimed vouchers for Activity A will be distributed to eligible users at 2023-12-05 00:00 (UTC). Users should claim their rewards by 2023-12-04 23:59 (UTC).All voucher rewards for Activities B, C, D and E will be distributed within 30 days after 2023-12-24 23:59 (UTC).Users may log in and redeem their voucher rewards via Account > Rewards Hub. All voucher rewards will expire within 30 days after distribution. Eligible users should claim their vouchers before the expiration date. Learn how to redeem a Binance voucher.Each day runs from 00:00 (UTC) to 23:59 (UTC).Each week runs from Monday at 00:00 (UTC) to Sunday at 23:59 (UTC).Sub-accounts will not be considered as individual participants. PnL and trading volume of sub-accounts will be combined with the master accounts’ standard PnL and trading volume in the final calculation.Trades on any COIN-M or USDⓈ-M futures contracts will count as eligible trades in the Futures Grand Tournament.The effective trading volume counts both buys and sells, excluding any wash trades.Leaderboard ranks and results will be updated at approximately 06:00 (UTC) daily.Binance reserves the right to disqualify trades that are deemed to be wash trades, illegal bulk account registrations, self-dealing, or display signs of market manipulation, etc.Binance reserves the right at any time in its sole and absolute discretion to determine and/or amend or vary these terms and conditions without prior notice, including but not limited to canceling, extending, terminating, or suspending these activities, the eligibility terms and criteria, the selection and number of winners, and the timing of any act to be done, and all Participants shall be bound by these amendments.Binance shall not be liable for any losses or damages users may incur as a result of their participation in the event and/or use of the services.Additional promotion terms and conditions apply and can be accessed here.Where any discrepancy arises between the translated versions and the original English version, the English version shall prevail.
Binance reserves the right in its sole discretion to amend or cancel this announcement at any time and for any reasons without prior notice.
Disclaimer: Digital asset prices are subject to high market risk and price volatility. The value of your investment may go down or up, and you may not get back the amount invested. You are solely responsible for your investment decisions and Binance is not liable for any losses you may incur. You should only invest in products you are familiar with and where you understand the risks. You should carefully consider your investment experience, financial situation, investment objectives and risk tolerance and consult an independent financial adviser prior to making any investment. Trading by following and/or copying or replicating the trades of other traders involves a high level of risks, even when following and/or copying or replicating the top-performing traders. Such risks include the risk that you may be following/copying the trading decisions of possibly inexperienced/unprofessional traders, or traders whose ultimate purpose or intention, or financial status may differ from yours. No partnership/affiliation between top-performing traders and Binance. In no way is performance or results guaranteed. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of his future performance. Content on our platform does not contain advice or recommendations. This material should not be construed as financial advice. For more information, see our Terms of Use and Risk Warning.
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