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⚠️🐂👋 ATENȚIE #BTC‬ 👋🐂⚠️ Bitcoin se recuperează după o scădere locală, deoarece piața criptografică rămâne optimistă O nouă zi a început, iar investitorii în criptomonede au văzut Bitcoin atingând un minim local în urmă cu aproximativ 12 ore. La momentul scrierii, prețul se recupera. Fluctuația prețului Bitcoin nu a fost o surpriză și nu au existat evoluții negative majore care să-i îngrijoreze pe investitori. Deci, cum încep criptomonedele duminica aceasta? Criptomoneda regele a atins ieri un minim de 50.625 USD în jurul orei 17:30, ora locală. Apoi a depășit din nou 52.000 de dolari cu câteva ore înainte de închiderea zilnică. Acest lucru nu a fost permanent din cauza obținerii de profit, dar nu este prea semnificativ. Piețele de weekend sunt în general scăzute ca volum, astfel încât impactul obținerii de profit asupra prețurilor este mai pronunțat. Dacă începem să vedem din nou intrări puternice de ETF de luni, motivația ar putea crește. Nu există probleme majore pe frontul macro, dar nu trebuie să uităm că optimismul excesiv al pieței poate continua să fie temperat pe măsură ce se apropie înjumătățirea. Deși acest lucru ar putea slăbi piețele de risc, nu este groaznic pentru BTC din cauza reducerii la jumătate a așteptărilor și a ETF-urilor. Minerii continuă să vândă. Rezervele lor au scăzut la 1,92 milioane, dar ar putea începe să încetinească vânzările dacă cererea legată de ETF continuă să depășească oferta nou emisă de 20-30 de ori. Deși scăderea rezervelor pare rapidă, este aceeași cu cifrele de la începutul lunii decembrie 2023. Minerii trec în mare măsură la acumulare în timpul creșterii și acum continuă vânzările de profit pentru a-și susține lichiditatea. Acest lucru nu este anormal, mai ales că după înjumătățire costurile crescute și scăderea aprovizionării noi BTC vor necesita mai mulți bani. Starea actuală a criptomonedelor Nu există o criză masivă a valorii cumulate, iar corecția BTC nu a declanșat o vânzări atât de mari în altcoins pe cât se temu. Toate acestea sunt pozitive. Câștigătorii săptămânii sunt SC, BGB, VET, AR, STX Coin, care au câștigat peste 44% săptămânal. În timp ce valoarea cumulată a criptomonedelor continuă să țintească 2 USD.1 trilion, volumele s-au redus cu aproape 20% zilnic.
⚠️🐂👋 ATENȚIE #BTC‬ 👋🐂⚠️

Bitcoin se recuperează după o scădere locală, deoarece piața criptografică rămâne optimistă

O nouă zi a început, iar investitorii în criptomonede au văzut Bitcoin atingând un minim local în urmă cu aproximativ 12 ore. La momentul scrierii, prețul se recupera. Fluctuația prețului Bitcoin nu a fost o surpriză și nu au existat evoluții negative majore care să-i îngrijoreze pe investitori. Deci, cum încep criptomonedele duminica aceasta?

Criptomoneda regele a atins ieri un minim de 50.625 USD în jurul orei 17:30, ora locală. Apoi a depășit din nou 52.000 de dolari cu câteva ore înainte de închiderea zilnică. Acest lucru nu a fost permanent din cauza obținerii de profit, dar nu este prea semnificativ. Piețele de weekend sunt în general scăzute ca volum, astfel încât impactul obținerii de profit asupra prețurilor este mai pronunțat.

Dacă începem să vedem din nou intrări puternice de ETF de luni, motivația ar putea crește. Nu există probleme majore pe frontul macro, dar nu trebuie să uităm că optimismul excesiv al pieței poate continua să fie temperat pe măsură ce se apropie înjumătățirea. Deși acest lucru ar putea slăbi piețele de risc, nu este groaznic pentru BTC din cauza reducerii la jumătate a așteptărilor și a ETF-urilor.

Minerii continuă să vândă. Rezervele lor au scăzut la 1,92 milioane, dar ar putea începe să încetinească vânzările dacă cererea legată de ETF continuă să depășească oferta nou emisă de 20-30 de ori. Deși scăderea rezervelor pare rapidă, este aceeași cu cifrele de la începutul lunii decembrie 2023. Minerii trec în mare măsură la acumulare în timpul creșterii și acum continuă vânzările de profit pentru a-și susține lichiditatea. Acest lucru nu este anormal, mai ales că după înjumătățire costurile crescute și scăderea aprovizionării noi BTC vor necesita mai mulți bani.
Starea actuală a criptomonedelor
Nu există o criză masivă a valorii cumulate, iar corecția BTC nu a declanșat o vânzări atât de mari în altcoins pe cât se temu. Toate acestea sunt pozitive. Câștigătorii săptămânii sunt SC, BGB, VET, AR, STX Coin, care au câștigat peste 44% săptămânal.
În timp ce valoarea cumulată a criptomonedelor continuă să țintească 2 USD.1 trilion, volumele s-au redus cu aproape 20% zilnic.
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🚨⚠️Ce sugerează un Bitcoin ATH?⚠️🚨 Bitcoin a afișat performanțe lăudabile în ultimele șapte zile, deoarece prețul său a crescut peste 51.000 USD. Potrivit CoinMarketCap, BTC a crescut cu aproape 10% în ultimele șapte zile. La momentul redactării acestui articol, se tranzacționa la 51.781,49 USD, cu o capitalizare de piață de peste 1 trilion USD. Vestea bună a fost că, conform predicției IntoTheBlock, regele cripto-ului ar putea atinge un maxim istoric în șase luni. Pentru a fi precis, șansele ca BTC să atingă un ATH au fost de 85%, conform predicției platformei de analiză. Pentru a vedea dacă acest lucru este posibil, AMBCrypto a aruncat o privire asupra valorilor în lanț ale Bitcoin. Analiza noastră a arătat că raportul dintre valoarea rețelei și tranzacțiile (NVT) al BTC a scăzut săptămâna trecută. O scădere a valorii înseamnă că un activ este subevaluat, indicând o creștere a prețului. Câteva alte valori au arătat, de asemenea, destul de optimiste pentru BTC. De exemplu, rata de finanțare a BTC a fost verde. Datele CryptoQuant au dezvăluit, de asemenea, că raportul de cumpărare/vânzare al primitorului Bitcoin a fost pozitiv, indicând faptul că sentimentul de cumpărare era dominant pe piață. În afară de asta, regele cripto-urilor se așteaptă și la următoarea sa înjumătățire în câteva luni. Din punct de vedere istoric, BTC a atins întotdeauna un nou ATH la câteva luni după înjumătățirile sale. Prin urmare, având în vedere acești indicatori, BTC atinge noi maxime părea ridicată. #BTC #BONK #Write2Earn‬
🚨⚠️Ce sugerează un Bitcoin ATH?⚠️🚨

Bitcoin a afișat performanțe lăudabile în ultimele șapte zile, deoarece prețul său a crescut peste 51.000 USD. Potrivit CoinMarketCap, BTC a crescut cu aproape 10% în ultimele șapte zile.

La momentul redactării acestui articol, se tranzacționa la 51.781,49 USD, cu o capitalizare de piață de peste 1 trilion USD.

Vestea bună a fost că, conform predicției IntoTheBlock, regele cripto-ului ar putea atinge un maxim istoric în șase luni.
Pentru a fi precis, șansele ca BTC să atingă un ATH au fost de 85%, conform predicției platformei de analiză. Pentru a vedea dacă acest lucru este posibil, AMBCrypto a aruncat o privire asupra valorilor în lanț ale Bitcoin.

Analiza noastră a arătat că raportul dintre valoarea rețelei și tranzacțiile (NVT) al BTC a scăzut săptămâna trecută. O scădere a valorii înseamnă că un activ este subevaluat, indicând o creștere a prețului.
Câteva alte valori au arătat, de asemenea, destul de optimiste pentru BTC. De exemplu, rata de finanțare a BTC a fost verde. Datele CryptoQuant au dezvăluit, de asemenea, că raportul de cumpărare/vânzare al primitorului Bitcoin a fost pozitiv, indicând faptul că sentimentul de cumpărare era dominant pe piață.

În afară de asta, regele cripto-urilor se așteaptă și la următoarea sa înjumătățire în câteva luni. Din punct de vedere istoric, BTC a atins întotdeauna un nou ATH la câteva luni după înjumătățirile sale. Prin urmare, având în vedere acești indicatori, BTC atinge noi maxime părea ridicată.
#BTC #BONK #Write2Earn‬
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Previziunea prețului Bonk: BONK crește cu 16% într-o săptămână, dar rămâne încă lăsat în urmă de noua monedă Meme Solana Previziunea prețului Bonk: BONK crește cu 16% într-o săptămână, dar rămâne încă lăsat în urmă de noul concurent de monede Solana Meme Smog cu o pompă de 68%Prețul Bonk învinge rezistențaUrșii pot reduce pe scurt prețul lui BonkCea mai recentă completare la ecosistemul de monede Solana MemePe cale să arunce un alt zeroPrețul Bonk a crescut cu peste 16% în ultimele 7 zile pentru a se tranzacționa la 0,00001361 USD începând cu ora 8:45 a.m. EST, pe măsură ce investitorii reintră în graficele monedei meme.Prețul Bonk învinge rezistențaPe graficul de 4 ore al monedei meme s-a format o pană în creștere, ceea ce ar putea sugera că prețul Bonk va scădea în următoarele 24 de ore. În cazul în care acest model este validat, cripto-ul poate retesta în curând nivelul de suport de 0,0000128480 USD. O scădere sub acest punct semnificativ de preț va deschide riscul ca BONK să scadă la nivelul de suport ulterior la 0,0000088550 USD. Într-un scenariu extrem de descendente, prețul Bonk ar putea scădea până la 0,0000051340 USD pe termen scurt și mediu.

Previziunea prețului Bonk: BONK crește cu 16% într-o săptămână, dar rămâne încă lăsat în urmă de noua monedă Meme Solana

Previziunea prețului Bonk: BONK crește cu 16% într-o săptămână, dar rămâne încă lăsat în urmă de noul concurent de monede Solana Meme Smog cu o pompă de 68%Prețul Bonk învinge rezistențaUrșii pot reduce pe scurt prețul lui BonkCea mai recentă completare la ecosistemul de monede Solana MemePe cale să arunce un alt zeroPrețul Bonk a crescut cu peste 16% în ultimele 7 zile pentru a se tranzacționa la 0,00001361 USD începând cu ora 8:45 a.m. EST, pe măsură ce investitorii reintră în graficele monedei meme.Prețul Bonk învinge rezistențaPe graficul de 4 ore al monedei meme s-a format o pană în creștere, ceea ce ar putea sugera că prețul Bonk va scădea în următoarele 24 de ore. În cazul în care acest model este validat, cripto-ul poate retesta în curând nivelul de suport de 0,0000128480 USD. O scădere sub acest punct semnificativ de preț va deschide riscul ca BONK să scadă la nivelul de suport ulterior la 0,0000088550 USD. Într-un scenariu extrem de descendente, prețul Bonk ar putea scădea până la 0,0000051340 USD pe termen scurt și mediu.
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Predicții de piață Bitcoin: va continua tendința optimistă? 3 minute de cititCuprins• Bitcoin (BTC)•Spot ETF-uri BitcoinDe asemenea, puteți citi această știre pe COINTURK NEWS: Predicțiile pieței Bitcoin: va continua tendința optimistă?Volumele de tranzacționare în weekend sunt de obicei slabe și am observat creșteri semnificative ale volatilității în aceste zile în ultimii doi ani. Va apărea din nou un model similar? Timpul va spune, dar pentru tauri sau urși, acest lucru este normal în perioadele lor dominante. Să aruncăm acum o privire la cele mai recente predicții de piață de la experți. Va continua creșterea prețului Bitcoin?

Predicții de piață Bitcoin: va continua tendința optimistă?

3 minute de cititCuprins• Bitcoin (BTC)•Spot ETF-uri BitcoinDe asemenea, puteți citi această știre pe COINTURK NEWS: Predicțiile pieței Bitcoin: va continua tendința optimistă?Volumele de tranzacționare în weekend sunt de obicei slabe și am observat creșteri semnificative ale volatilității în aceste zile în ultimii doi ani. Va apărea din nou un model similar? Timpul va spune, dar pentru tauri sau urși, acest lucru este normal în perioadele lor dominante. Să aruncăm acum o privire la cele mai recente predicții de piață de la experți. Va continua creșterea prețului Bitcoin?
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XRP🚀 Rebound optimist: spune JD Pompă parabolică Expert Prediction🌟Predicția pompei parabolice de JD (@jaydee_757) Pe X (anterior Twitter)#XRP

XRP🚀 Rebound optimist: spune JD Pompă parabolică Expert Prediction🌟

Predicția pompei parabolice de JD (@jaydee_757) Pe X (anterior Twitter)#XRP
Bitcoin (BTC) Price Eyes $56,970 As Exchange Supply Drops to Six-Year Low The Bitcoin exchange supply is at the lowest since December 2017. Currently, only 5.3% of the total BTC remains on the exchanges.Reportedly, 25,305 Bitcoins worth $1.1 billion have been withdrawn from exchanges in 2 weeks.BTC Price has significant support level at $42,560 where 1.02 million coins have transacted.Nearly 70% of Bitcoin holders haven't moved their coins in six years.Over the last two days, the Bitcoin bulls have taken charge after almost a month of consolidation since the spot Bitcoin ETF approval. The Bitcoin price has gained an additional 3.5% in the last 24 hours and is currently trading at $46,063 with a market cap of $903 billion.Bitcoin Exchange Supply At Six-Year LowThe strong surge in the Bitcoin price has also to do with the strong withdrawal of BTC from the exchanges in the last two weeks. Reportedly, 25,305 Bitcoins worth $1.1 billion have been withdrawn from the exchanges in this time.Of notable significance is the lowest ratio of Bitcoin on exchanges since December 2017, indicating a trend of reduced Bitcoin holdings on trading platforms. This trend suggests a shift in investor behavior, with traders potentially opting for long-term holding strategies. Currently, only 5.3% of the total BTC supply is on exchanges as per the Santiment data. On the other hand, the Bitcoin whale accumulation has been on the rise over the past two weeks.Furthermore, Bitcoin’s dominance in the cryptocurrency market has seen a significant uptick, overshadowing altcoins, with its market value reaching as high as $45.5K todayAccording to Martinez, Bitcoin’s recent trading activity reveals a significant support level at $42,560, with approximately 1.02 million BTC transacting within this price range. Maintaining this support would be crucial to deciding Bitcoin’s future trajectory.Conversely, Martinez highlights key resistance levels at $47,360 and $56,970, signaling potential barriers to Bitcoin’s upward trajectory.Martinez also draws attention to the Super Trend indicator, which recently flashed a buy signal on Bitcoin’s monthly chart. This tool is renowned for its accuracy in predicting BTC bull markets, with past buy signals resulting in substantial gains.#Bitcoin #BTC

Bitcoin (BTC) Price Eyes $56,970 As Exchange Supply Drops to Six-Year Low

The Bitcoin exchange supply is at the lowest since December 2017. Currently, only 5.3% of the total BTC remains on the exchanges.Reportedly, 25,305 Bitcoins worth $1.1 billion have been withdrawn from exchanges in 2 weeks.BTC Price has significant support level at $42,560 where 1.02 million coins have transacted.Nearly 70% of Bitcoin holders haven't moved their coins in six years.Over the last two days, the Bitcoin bulls have taken charge after almost a month of consolidation since the spot Bitcoin ETF approval. The Bitcoin price has gained an additional 3.5% in the last 24 hours and is currently trading at $46,063 with a market cap of $903 billion.Bitcoin Exchange Supply At Six-Year LowThe strong surge in the Bitcoin price has also to do with the strong withdrawal of BTC from the exchanges in the last two weeks. Reportedly, 25,305 Bitcoins worth $1.1 billion have been withdrawn from the exchanges in this time.Of notable significance is the lowest ratio of Bitcoin on exchanges since December 2017, indicating a trend of reduced Bitcoin holdings on trading platforms. This trend suggests a shift in investor behavior, with traders potentially opting for long-term holding strategies. Currently, only 5.3% of the total BTC supply is on exchanges as per the Santiment data. On the other hand, the Bitcoin whale accumulation has been on the rise over the past two weeks.Furthermore, Bitcoin’s dominance in the cryptocurrency market has seen a significant uptick, overshadowing altcoins, with its market value reaching as high as $45.5K todayAccording to Martinez, Bitcoin’s recent trading activity reveals a significant support level at $42,560, with approximately 1.02 million BTC transacting within this price range. Maintaining this support would be crucial to deciding Bitcoin’s future trajectory.Conversely, Martinez highlights key resistance levels at $47,360 and $56,970, signaling potential barriers to Bitcoin’s upward trajectory.Martinez also draws attention to the Super Trend indicator, which recently flashed a buy signal on Bitcoin’s monthly chart. This tool is renowned for its accuracy in predicting BTC bull markets, with past buy signals resulting in substantial gains.#Bitcoin #BTC
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XRP în pragul inversării optimiste, Breakthrough MassiveBitcoin(BTC), revenirea lui Cardano (ADA) iminentăÎn timp ce piața câștigă o oarecare putere, încă mai are nevoie de un alt impuls pentru a trece Bitcoin devine optimist Potențialul de revenire al show-ului Cardano. Modelele grafice recente pentru XRP au arătat semne promițătoare ale unei inversări de la sentimentul de urs la urcare. Un factor semnificativ care susține această perspectivă este evitarea potențială a unui eveniment de „încrucișare a morții”, în care mediile mobile pe termen lung încrucișează mediile pe termen scurt, indicând o vânzare. În schimb, EMA-urile XRP indică stabilitate, punând terenul pentru o mișcare ascendentă fără umbra care se profilează a unui crossover bearish. Privind nivelurile specifice de suport și rezistență, XRP găsește în prezent un sprijin ferm la pragul de 0,51 USD. Dacă acest nivel se menține, se stabilește o bază solidă pe care să se construiască valoarea activului. Cu toate acestea, natura volatilă a piețelor criptomonedei justifică luarea în considerare a unui posibil scenariu de scădere. Dacă XRP nu reușește să-și susțină nivelul de suport, o scădere sub 0,51 USD ar putea declanșa o vânzare, ceea ce duce la o presiune în scădere suplimentară. Într-un astfel de caz, următorul suport la aproximativ 0,50 USD ar fi critic pentru a preveni o scădere mai abruptă. Graficul nu dezvăluie niciun factor extraordinar imediat în afara indicatorilor obișnuiți, ci dispoziția actuală a pieței, influențată de factorii economici globali și de sentimentul din cadrul comunității cripto, ar putea juca un rol esențial în determinarea direcției XRP. Bitcoin devine optimist Traiectoria pieței Bitcoin a luat o întorsătură optimistă, demonstrând o vigoare care amintește de fervoarea care a înconjurat aprobarea zvonită a unui ETF Bitcoin. Această mișcare ascendentă robustă semnalează o abatere de la creșterile speculative, sugerând potențialul de creștere susținută. Regele criptomonedelor a spulberat nivelurile de rezistență care anterior îi limitau prețul, depășind pragul crucial de 44.000 de dolari. Această breșă nu înseamnă doar un nivel de rezistență transformat în suport, dar pune și bazele pentru o ascensiune către următoarea barieră psihologică la 47.000 USD. Dacă taurii își păstrează controlul, impulsul către 50.000 USD ar putea fi iminentă, întărind o narațiune optimistă în peisajul cripto.Entuziasmul pieței este palpabil, Bitcoin manifestând o rezistență care ar putea susține o perioadă mai lungă de apreciere. O caracteristică remarcabilă a graficului este convergența mediilor mobile la mijlocul intervalului de 40.000 USD, peste care Bitcoin a trecut cu succes, adăugând impulsul optimist al activului. Dacă Bitcoin nu reușește să-și mențină noul suport și cedează unei vânzări, ar putea vedea o retragere către nivelul de suport de 42.000 USD. O scădere sub acest nivel poate declanșa o perspectivă de urs, dar suportul robust la 40.000 USD ar putea servi drept tampon substanțial împotriva unei scăderi mai semnificative. Factorii remarcabili ai graficului includ o creștere vizibilă a volumului de tranzacționare care însoțește creșterea prețului, o dovadă a creșterii. interes și încredere în Bitcoin. În plus, indicele de putere relativă (RSI) se apropie de supracumpărarea, ceea ce ar putea indica o retragere pe termen scurt înainte de orice mișcare ascendentă ulterioară. Cardano arată potențialul de revenire Cardano face furori cu o potențială revenire. Pe măsură ce ADA se aliniază cu tendințele mai largi ale pieței, prezintă un raport atrăgător risc-recompensă care ar putea să o poziționeze ca o investiție remarcabilă. În prezent, ADA tranzacționează peste un nivel critic de suport la 0,50 USD, un preț care a acționat istoric ca o bază solidă. pentru valoarea sa. Acest nivel servește drept pivot pentru creșterea potențială, activul urmărind rezistența la 0,56 USD. O pauză decisivă deasupra acestei rezistențe ar putea confirma o schimbare a impulsului, pregătind terenul pentru o călătorie susținută în sus. Pe de altă parte, în cazul în care ADA se clătește și ar încălca suportul de 0,50 USD, s-ar putea confrunta cu o presiune descendentă către următorul suport substanțial aproape de pragul de 0,47 USD. O scădere sub aceasta ar putea duce la o perspectivă de urs, deși suportul istoric puternic la 0,42 USD oferă o plasă de siguranță împotriva scăderii prețului.#Xrp #Bitcoin #Cardano

XRP în pragul inversării optimiste, Breakthrough MassiveBitcoin(BTC), revenirea lui Cardano (ADA) iminentă

În timp ce piața câștigă o oarecare putere, încă mai are nevoie de un alt impuls pentru a trece Bitcoin devine optimist Potențialul de revenire al show-ului Cardano. Modelele grafice recente pentru XRP au arătat semne promițătoare ale unei inversări de la sentimentul de urs la urcare. Un factor semnificativ care susține această perspectivă este evitarea potențială a unui eveniment de „încrucișare a morții”, în care mediile mobile pe termen lung încrucișează mediile pe termen scurt, indicând o vânzare. În schimb, EMA-urile XRP indică stabilitate, punând terenul pentru o mișcare ascendentă fără umbra care se profilează a unui crossover bearish. Privind nivelurile specifice de suport și rezistență, XRP găsește în prezent un sprijin ferm la pragul de 0,51 USD. Dacă acest nivel se menține, se stabilește o bază solidă pe care să se construiască valoarea activului. Cu toate acestea, natura volatilă a piețelor criptomonedei justifică luarea în considerare a unui posibil scenariu de scădere. Dacă XRP nu reușește să-și susțină nivelul de suport, o scădere sub 0,51 USD ar putea declanșa o vânzare, ceea ce duce la o presiune în scădere suplimentară. Într-un astfel de caz, următorul suport la aproximativ 0,50 USD ar fi critic pentru a preveni o scădere mai abruptă. Graficul nu dezvăluie niciun factor extraordinar imediat în afara indicatorilor obișnuiți, ci dispoziția actuală a pieței, influențată de factorii economici globali și de sentimentul din cadrul comunității cripto, ar putea juca un rol esențial în determinarea direcției XRP. Bitcoin devine optimist Traiectoria pieței Bitcoin a luat o întorsătură optimistă, demonstrând o vigoare care amintește de fervoarea care a înconjurat aprobarea zvonită a unui ETF Bitcoin. Această mișcare ascendentă robustă semnalează o abatere de la creșterile speculative, sugerând potențialul de creștere susținută. Regele criptomonedelor a spulberat nivelurile de rezistență care anterior îi limitau prețul, depășind pragul crucial de 44.000 de dolari. Această breșă nu înseamnă doar un nivel de rezistență transformat în suport, dar pune și bazele pentru o ascensiune către următoarea barieră psihologică la 47.000 USD. Dacă taurii își păstrează controlul, impulsul către 50.000 USD ar putea fi iminentă, întărind o narațiune optimistă în peisajul cripto.Entuziasmul pieței este palpabil, Bitcoin manifestând o rezistență care ar putea susține o perioadă mai lungă de apreciere. O caracteristică remarcabilă a graficului este convergența mediilor mobile la mijlocul intervalului de 40.000 USD, peste care Bitcoin a trecut cu succes, adăugând impulsul optimist al activului. Dacă Bitcoin nu reușește să-și mențină noul suport și cedează unei vânzări, ar putea vedea o retragere către nivelul de suport de 42.000 USD. O scădere sub acest nivel poate declanșa o perspectivă de urs, dar suportul robust la 40.000 USD ar putea servi drept tampon substanțial împotriva unei scăderi mai semnificative. Factorii remarcabili ai graficului includ o creștere vizibilă a volumului de tranzacționare care însoțește creșterea prețului, o dovadă a creșterii. interes și încredere în Bitcoin. În plus, indicele de putere relativă (RSI) se apropie de supracumpărarea, ceea ce ar putea indica o retragere pe termen scurt înainte de orice mișcare ascendentă ulterioară. Cardano arată potențialul de revenire Cardano face furori cu o potențială revenire. Pe măsură ce ADA se aliniază cu tendințele mai largi ale pieței, prezintă un raport atrăgător risc-recompensă care ar putea să o poziționeze ca o investiție remarcabilă. În prezent, ADA tranzacționează peste un nivel critic de suport la 0,50 USD, un preț care a acționat istoric ca o bază solidă. pentru valoarea sa. Acest nivel servește drept pivot pentru creșterea potențială, activul urmărind rezistența la 0,56 USD. O pauză decisivă deasupra acestei rezistențe ar putea confirma o schimbare a impulsului, pregătind terenul pentru o călătorie susținută în sus. Pe de altă parte, în cazul în care ADA se clătește și ar încălca suportul de 0,50 USD, s-ar putea confrunta cu o presiune descendentă către următorul suport substanțial aproape de pragul de 0,47 USD. O scădere sub aceasta ar putea duce la o perspectivă de urs, deși suportul istoric puternic la 0,42 USD oferă o plasă de siguranță împotriva scăderii prețului.#Xrp #Bitcoin #Cardano
#CryptoNews XRP Coin Struggles for Recovery as Market Sentiment Remains Uncertain #BTC #XRP #CIN ✓Table of Contents •Legal Developments and Market Dynamics •Prospects for XRP’s Price Stability In 2024, the value of XRP Coin has suffered a significant 20% decrease, positioning itself to end the year at lows not experienced since mid-October. The rebound of Bitcoin to levels above $44,000, along with a rise in long-term positions on the OKX exchange, has lent some support to the market. Despite these factors, the XRP Coin’s future value remains a subject of speculation. Legal Developments and Market Dynamics #Ripple , the company behind XRP, is set to comply with a US court’s ruling to disclose financial records related to its institutional sales of XRP Coin. This development comes amidst a backdrop of market recovery from a hacking incident and ongoing concerns over a collective appeal process. On the OKX exchange, an uptick in long positions has been observed, and Binance data points to early signs of whale activity moving in a positive direction. Despite a steady balance in the futures market since early January, professional traders are cautiously buying in, signaling the possibility of a short-term rebound, while broader market sentiment remains wary. Prospects for XRP’s Price Stability XRP Coin is currently battling to maintain a critical support level at $0.50, but achieving a bounce from this threshold is proving challenging. A price closure below this support could see a further drop towards the $0.46 level and lower. While the recent increase in Bitcoin’s price is notable, it lacks foundational stimuli, and any potential reduction in GBTC sales is counterbalanced by the Federal Reserve’s optimistic outlook on interest rate reductions. For a genuine market turnaround, investors are looking for XRP to close above the 20-day EMA and aim for an upward trend line, with sights set on potential targets of $0.67 and, subsequently, up to $0.74.

XRP Coin Struggles for Recovery as Market Sentiment Remains Uncertain


✓Table of Contents

•Legal Developments and Market Dynamics

•Prospects for XRP’s Price Stability

In 2024, the value of XRP Coin has suffered a significant 20% decrease, positioning itself to end the year at lows not experienced since mid-October. The rebound of Bitcoin to levels above $44,000, along with a rise in long-term positions on the OKX exchange, has lent some support to the market. Despite these factors, the XRP Coin’s future value remains a subject of speculation.

Legal Developments and Market Dynamics

#Ripple , the company behind XRP, is set to comply with a US court’s ruling to disclose financial records related to its institutional sales of XRP Coin. This development comes amidst a backdrop of market recovery from a hacking incident and ongoing concerns over a collective appeal process. On the OKX exchange, an uptick in long positions has been observed, and Binance data points to early signs of whale activity moving in a positive direction. Despite a steady balance in the futures market since early January, professional traders are cautiously buying in, signaling the possibility of a short-term rebound, while broader market sentiment remains wary.

Prospects for XRP’s Price Stability

XRP Coin is currently battling to maintain a critical support level at $0.50, but achieving a bounce from this threshold is proving challenging. A price closure below this support could see a further drop towards the $0.46 level and lower. While the recent increase in Bitcoin’s price is notable, it lacks foundational stimuli, and any potential reduction in GBTC sales is counterbalanced by the Federal Reserve’s optimistic outlook on interest rate reductions. For a genuine market turnaround, investors are looking for XRP to close above the 20-day EMA and aim for an upward trend line, with sights set on potential targets of $0.67 and, subsequently, up to $0.74.
Analyst Says Floki Could Boom Like Dogecoin: Is a Price Surge Coming? #FLOKİ #Dogecoin-DOGE The me space has become a hotspot for incredible gains, evident from numerous rags-to-riches stories highlighting the profitability of this entertaining ecosystem.As 2024 gears up for a bullish market, renowned crypto analyst Inmortal, has picked the one memecoin he thinks will do better than all the others in this market cycle.Floki – The Next Big ThingIn a recent tweet, prominent analyst Inmortal boldly predicts that $FLOKI will become the next big thing in the world of meme coins during this bull run. He’s making this prediction by comparing it to the journey of Dogecoin, a popular cryptocurrency.Inmortal supports this claim by sharing a graph comparing the early trajectory of Dogecoin with the current state of Floki. The graph illustrates a similar initial flatness in the value of Dogecoin, mirroring the current situation of Floki. Significantly, Dogecoin saw a sudden rise in popularity, resulting in a remarkable increase in its price. The analyst suggests that Floki might follow a similar path, expecting a surge in popularity that could push its price to reach new highs.Floki Price AnalysisThe Floki Inu price prediction indicates a potential decrease of -7.24%, projecting the price to reach $ 0.00002591 by February 12, 2024. Despite this prediction, technical indicators suggest a bearish sentiment, while the Fear & Greed Index registers at 62 (Greed).As of now, FLOKI is valued at $0.00002782, reflecting a 1.7% increase, with a market cap of $263.46M. Concurrently, the trading volume stands at $10.68M, marking a 2.24% change in the last 24 hours.#Write2Earn #TrendingTopic

Analyst Says Floki Could Boom Like Dogecoin: Is a Price Surge Coming?

#FLOKİ #Dogecoin-DOGE The me space has become a hotspot for incredible gains, evident from numerous rags-to-riches stories highlighting the profitability of this entertaining ecosystem.As 2024 gears up for a bullish market, renowned crypto analyst Inmortal, has picked the one memecoin he thinks will do better than all the others in this market cycle.Floki – The Next Big ThingIn a recent tweet, prominent analyst Inmortal boldly predicts that $FLOKI will become the next big thing in the world of meme coins during this bull run. He’s making this prediction by comparing it to the journey of Dogecoin, a popular cryptocurrency.Inmortal supports this claim by sharing a graph comparing the early trajectory of Dogecoin with the current state of Floki. The graph illustrates a similar initial flatness in the value of Dogecoin, mirroring the current situation of Floki. Significantly, Dogecoin saw a sudden rise in popularity, resulting in a remarkable increase in its price. The analyst suggests that Floki might follow a similar path, expecting a surge in popularity that could push its price to reach new highs.Floki Price AnalysisThe Floki Inu price prediction indicates a potential decrease of -7.24%, projecting the price to reach $ 0.00002591 by February 12, 2024. Despite this prediction, technical indicators suggest a bearish sentiment, while the Fear & Greed Index registers at 62 (Greed).As of now, FLOKI is valued at $0.00002782, reflecting a 1.7% increase, with a market cap of $263.46M. Concurrently, the trading volume stands at $10.68M, marking a 2.24% change in the last 24 hours.#Write2Earn #TrendingTopic
Rebel Satoshi’s Latest Rally: Analysts Predict It Will Eclipse Bonk and Shiba InuRebel Satoshi will soon begin its quest to rebelliously take on the financial system as it plans to go live.Bonk DAO will invest $500,000 in an early-stage startup fund backing Solana-based projects.Shiba Inu maintains its long-standing ‘burning spree,’ having removed almost $90,000 worth of tokens last month.Rebel Satoshi ($RBLZ) is a trending meme coin predicted to eclipse prominent names like Bonk (BONK) and Shiba Inu (SHIB). The project’s rally in its fast-selling presale is the first sign. Yet, Rebel Satoshi offers much more; it’s a much-needed decentralized finance movement. Gain a quick dose of the latest developments among the top crypto coins in the meme token industry here.Let’s learn about Rebel Satoshi before studying the pertinent developments for Bonk and Shiba InuRebel Satoshi Aims to Conquer The Modern Financial SystemRebel Satoshi is a rebellious meme token on a seemingly impossible task of conquering the modern financial status quo, ensuring decentralized finance takes center stage. Through its defiant community, it plans to take down the many centralized authorities plaguing the systemThis collective is growing by the day, contributing over $1.5 million in Rebel Satoshi‘s early funding stages. The contributions will go a long way for massive potential returns since Rebel Satoshi aims to be worth $100 million in market cap.Achieving this goal offers the project the financial resources for its revolutionary goals and rewards for fellow rebels. The $RBLZ token is the key enabler for the latter, with incentives inspired by the best DeFi projects. These include staking income and entry into trading 9,999 symbolic NFTs in the form of collectibles and digital art characters in the Rebel Artefacts Vault.The supply of $RBLZ available in the Rebel Satoshi presale, in its ultimate round, continues to dwindle. $RBLZ is worth $0.022, a 120% increase compared to the first stage when it exchanged hands for $0.010. It’s not only that the token will rise 13.6% to $0.025 after the presale (expected to end this month) that’s enticing. Rebel Satoshi will gear up to officially launch and list $RBLZ on multiple exchanges for potentially higher valuations!Bonk DAO Plans to Allocate $500,000 in Solana-Based Startup FundFew could have imagined that the jokey Bonk would pivot toward being a venture fund investor. The Bonk DAO is a 12-person council that is BONK’s largest ‘whale’ (with about $124 million worth of tokens).This Cayman-based entity is responsible for management and community project funding within Solana. They have allocated BONK in numerous initiatives like hackathons and liquidity pools on the blockchain.The DAO is now investing $500,000 in an early-stage startup fund (organized by startup accelerator Colosseum) to back Solana-built projects. Prior to this announcement, the DAO held a governance vote for this proposal, with no one voting against it.Sadly, this development has done little to improve BONK’s massive fall, down 72% from an all-time high of $0.0000349804. From its current price of $0.0000098233, some forecasts suggest BONK could reach at least $0.000100 by 2025.Nearly 10 Billion SHIB Burned By Shiba Inu in January 2024Despite Shiba Inu being the second-most popular meme crypto to buy, it faces a common problem with many meme tokens of inflation. This is due to its unlimited circulating supply, which sits at about 590 trillion SHIB at the time of writing.‘Burning’ tokens are a tried-and-tested solution that Shiba Inu has religiously practiced. The blockchain removed 9.9 billion SHIB (equivalent to about $89,793) last month, according to the latest Shibburn data. However, this figure pales compared to the 36 billion SHIB (worth $326,520) burnt in December 2023.Speaking of large transactions, data from Etherscan shows an inflow of 307 billion SHIB to a Coinbase wallet. This often signals substantial selling in the future. Regardless, while a small jump, SHIB is up 7% from its yearly low of $0.00000843 (now worth $0.00000908). Based on forecasts, it could be worth a minimum of $0.000025 by 2025Disclaimer: This content is not endorsed by CryptoAks, which takes no responsibility for its accuracy or quality. We advise readers to do their own research before interacting with any featured companies. The information provided is not financial or legal advice. Neither CryptoAks nor any third party recommends buying or selling any financial products. Investing in crypto assets is high-risk; consider the potential for loss. CryptoAks is not liable for any damages or losses from using or relying on this content#SHIBAnalysis #BONK/USDT #TrendingTopic

Rebel Satoshi’s Latest Rally: Analysts Predict It Will Eclipse Bonk and Shiba Inu

Rebel Satoshi will soon begin its quest to rebelliously take on the financial system as it plans to go live.Bonk DAO will invest $500,000 in an early-stage startup fund backing Solana-based projects.Shiba Inu maintains its long-standing ‘burning spree,’ having removed almost $90,000 worth of tokens last month.Rebel Satoshi ($RBLZ) is a trending meme coin predicted to eclipse prominent names like Bonk (BONK) and Shiba Inu (SHIB). The project’s rally in its fast-selling presale is the first sign. Yet, Rebel Satoshi offers much more; it’s a much-needed decentralized finance movement. Gain a quick dose of the latest developments among the top crypto coins in the meme token industry here.Let’s learn about Rebel Satoshi before studying the pertinent developments for Bonk and Shiba InuRebel Satoshi Aims to Conquer The Modern Financial SystemRebel Satoshi is a rebellious meme token on a seemingly impossible task of conquering the modern financial status quo, ensuring decentralized finance takes center stage. Through its defiant community, it plans to take down the many centralized authorities plaguing the systemThis collective is growing by the day, contributing over $1.5 million in Rebel Satoshi‘s early funding stages. The contributions will go a long way for massive potential returns since Rebel Satoshi aims to be worth $100 million in market cap.Achieving this goal offers the project the financial resources for its revolutionary goals and rewards for fellow rebels. The $RBLZ token is the key enabler for the latter, with incentives inspired by the best DeFi projects. These include staking income and entry into trading 9,999 symbolic NFTs in the form of collectibles and digital art characters in the Rebel Artefacts Vault.The supply of $RBLZ available in the Rebel Satoshi presale, in its ultimate round, continues to dwindle. $RBLZ is worth $0.022, a 120% increase compared to the first stage when it exchanged hands for $0.010. It’s not only that the token will rise 13.6% to $0.025 after the presale (expected to end this month) that’s enticing. Rebel Satoshi will gear up to officially launch and list $RBLZ on multiple exchanges for potentially higher valuations!Bonk DAO Plans to Allocate $500,000 in Solana-Based Startup FundFew could have imagined that the jokey Bonk would pivot toward being a venture fund investor. The Bonk DAO is a 12-person council that is BONK’s largest ‘whale’ (with about $124 million worth of tokens).This Cayman-based entity is responsible for management and community project funding within Solana. They have allocated BONK in numerous initiatives like hackathons and liquidity pools on the blockchain.The DAO is now investing $500,000 in an early-stage startup fund (organized by startup accelerator Colosseum) to back Solana-built projects. Prior to this announcement, the DAO held a governance vote for this proposal, with no one voting against it.Sadly, this development has done little to improve BONK’s massive fall, down 72% from an all-time high of $0.0000349804. From its current price of $0.0000098233, some forecasts suggest BONK could reach at least $0.000100 by 2025.Nearly 10 Billion SHIB Burned By Shiba Inu in January 2024Despite Shiba Inu being the second-most popular meme crypto to buy, it faces a common problem with many meme tokens of inflation. This is due to its unlimited circulating supply, which sits at about 590 trillion SHIB at the time of writing.‘Burning’ tokens are a tried-and-tested solution that Shiba Inu has religiously practiced. The blockchain removed 9.9 billion SHIB (equivalent to about $89,793) last month, according to the latest Shibburn data. However, this figure pales compared to the 36 billion SHIB (worth $326,520) burnt in December 2023.Speaking of large transactions, data from Etherscan shows an inflow of 307 billion SHIB to a Coinbase wallet. This often signals substantial selling in the future. Regardless, while a small jump, SHIB is up 7% from its yearly low of $0.00000843 (now worth $0.00000908). Based on forecasts, it could be worth a minimum of $0.000025 by 2025Disclaimer: This content is not endorsed by CryptoAks, which takes no responsibility for its accuracy or quality. We advise readers to do their own research before interacting with any featured companies. The information provided is not financial or legal advice. Neither CryptoAks nor any third party recommends buying or selling any financial products. Investing in crypto assets is high-risk; consider the potential for loss. CryptoAks is not liable for any damages or losses from using or relying on this content#SHIBAnalysis #BONK/USDT #TrendingTopic
Shiba Inu: $1000 Investment Could Turn Into $109k If SHIB Reaches $0.001 #SHIBA #WHEN #SHIB Shiba Inu (SHIB) has sunk over 80% from its historic peak in 2021. However, some loyal investors cling to the hope that the meme coin could mysteriously reclaim its all-time high of around $0.000088 someday.Even more optimistically, predictions periodically emerge of SHIB reaching $0.001—eliminating three zeros from today’s price. While mostly fanciful, these lofty projections invite explorations around potential investment returns.How much can $1,000 SHIB fetch when it hits $0.01?Specifically, if an investor puts $1,000 into Shiba Inu now at $0.000009, they’d secure around 111 million coins. That’s enough to gain entry into the vaunted “SHIB Millionaire’s Club” status. Then, should SHIB merely return to its high around $0.000088, that $1,000 stake would balloon to almost $10,000 for nearly 10 times its returns.However, things get more interesting if one indulges in $0.001 speculation. In that hypothetical scenario, today’s $1,000 bet would end up worth around $109,000 for life-changing gains, assuming investors held the full duration.  Will the meme coin hit $0.001?Of course, justifying such an extreme target requires incredible assumptions. Namely, SHIB’s market value would need to rival Bitcoin. Alternatively, developers would need to burn off hundreds of trillions of tokens from circulation to make $0.001 feasible.Since neither appears likely any time soon, seasoned analysts hesitate to put much stock in four- or five-digit percentage return projections. The cryptocurrency market’s overall value would need to multiply many times before SHIB realistically challenges $0.001. However, that doesn’t dampen more ambitious traders’ hopes of once again turning tiny investments into millions.shibshiba inu

Shiba Inu: $1000 Investment Could Turn Into $109k If SHIB Reaches $0.001 #SHIBA #WHEN #SHIB

Shiba Inu (SHIB) has sunk over 80% from its historic peak in 2021. However, some loyal investors cling to the hope that the meme coin could mysteriously reclaim its all-time high of around $0.000088 someday.Even more optimistically, predictions periodically emerge of SHIB reaching $0.001—eliminating three zeros from today’s price. While mostly fanciful, these lofty projections invite explorations around potential investment returns.How much can $1,000 SHIB fetch when it hits $0.01?Specifically, if an investor puts $1,000 into Shiba Inu now at $0.000009, they’d secure around 111 million coins. That’s enough to gain entry into the vaunted “SHIB Millionaire’s Club” status. Then, should SHIB merely return to its high around $0.000088, that $1,000 stake would balloon to almost $10,000 for nearly 10 times its returns.However, things get more interesting if one indulges in $0.001 speculation. In that hypothetical scenario, today’s $1,000 bet would end up worth around $109,000 for life-changing gains, assuming investors held the full duration.  Will the meme coin hit $0.001?Of course, justifying such an extreme target requires incredible assumptions. Namely, SHIB’s market value would need to rival Bitcoin. Alternatively, developers would need to burn off hundreds of trillions of tokens from circulation to make $0.001 feasible.Since neither appears likely any time soon, seasoned analysts hesitate to put much stock in four- or five-digit percentage return projections. The cryptocurrency market’s overall value would need to multiply many times before SHIB realistically challenges $0.001. However, that doesn’t dampen more ambitious traders’ hopes of once again turning tiny investments into millions.shibshiba inu
Shiba Inu (SHIB) Might Pull off Stunning Comeback as Price Approaches Floor #SHIBA Shiba Inu (SHIB) price is at a major inflection point that might spark the start of a bullish ride. At the time of writing, the cryptocurrency has slumped by 3% in 24 hours to $0.000008908, a trend also showcased in its market capitalization, which is now worth $5,296,610,033. With the current outlook, the price of Shiba Inu has just printed a clean slate through which major movements are poised to trail moving forward.Shiba Inu has recorded a roller coaster ride in its price action over the past month, soaring from a low of $0.00000846 to a high of $0.00001049. Since it hit this high price level on Jan. 11, the token entered a downward spiral to its current level today. With the consistent sell-off in SHIB, the price is now likely approaching its floor price, from which a rebound is expected in the short term.Shiba Inu’s stunning comeback projections might first be likely to retest the $0.00001 price level, and from there, chart a way up toward its previous ATH. The trading volume is already hinting at this impending surge as it is up 15% in 24 hours to $71,102,901.Shibarium catalystSince the launch of Shibarium, Shiba Inu's Ethereum-based layer-2 scaling solution, the performance of Shiba Inu has been closely linked to trends in this protocol.In recent times, Shibarium hit a record block count above three million, a sign that shows its continuous usage in the face of stiff competition from other rival protocols like Polygon, Arbitrum and zkSync.With the advances in Shibarium, the network’s demand for SHIB may increase over time to stump the sell-off pressure in the token and return it to its winning ways. Overall, the token might soar more than 7.42% this month, a surge that will help it clear one zero, as it has always strived for.

Shiba Inu (SHIB) Might Pull off Stunning Comeback as Price Approaches Floor #SHIBA

Shiba Inu (SHIB) price is at a major inflection point that might spark the start of a bullish ride. At the time of writing, the cryptocurrency has slumped by 3% in 24 hours to $0.000008908, a trend also showcased in its market capitalization, which is now worth $5,296,610,033. With the current outlook, the price of Shiba Inu has just printed a clean slate through which major movements are poised to trail moving forward.Shiba Inu has recorded a roller coaster ride in its price action over the past month, soaring from a low of $0.00000846 to a high of $0.00001049. Since it hit this high price level on Jan. 11, the token entered a downward spiral to its current level today. With the consistent sell-off in SHIB, the price is now likely approaching its floor price, from which a rebound is expected in the short term.Shiba Inu’s stunning comeback projections might first be likely to retest the $0.00001 price level, and from there, chart a way up toward its previous ATH. The trading volume is already hinting at this impending surge as it is up 15% in 24 hours to $71,102,901.Shibarium catalystSince the launch of Shibarium, Shiba Inu's Ethereum-based layer-2 scaling solution, the performance of Shiba Inu has been closely linked to trends in this protocol.In recent times, Shibarium hit a record block count above three million, a sign that shows its continuous usage in the face of stiff competition from other rival protocols like Polygon, Arbitrum and zkSync.With the advances in Shibarium, the network’s demand for SHIB may increase over time to stump the sell-off pressure in the token and return it to its winning ways. Overall, the token might soar more than 7.42% this month, a surge that will help it clear one zero, as it has always strived for.
U.S. Bitcoin Mining’s Surging Electricity Usage Recent findings from the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) have brought to light the substantial electricity consumption attributed to Bitcoin mining within the United States. In 2023, Bitcoin mining operations accounted for 0.6% to 2.3% of the nation's total electricity usage, a range that places the industry's demand on par with the entire state of Utah's electricity consumption. This revelation has reignited discussions surrounding Bitcoin's environmental impact, challenging the prevalent narrative that its energy consumption is excessively detrimental.  according to Coingape. Texas and New York, identified as leading states in Bitcoin mining, have become focal points for the industry's expansion. This growth is partly fueled by the migration of crypto mining operations from China to the U.S., following the former's crackdown on the sector. The U.S. has also seen a rise in publicly traded large-scale Bitcoin mining firms, further indicating the sector's significant development over recent years. The report's findings have raised concerns among policymakers and grid planners regarding the potential strain on the electricity grid, the possibility of increased electricity prices, and the impact on energy-related carbon dioxide emissions. These concerns underscore the challenges of balancing the industry's growth with environmental and economic sustainability. Moreover, the upcoming Bitcoin halving event, expected to reduce mining rewards by half, could further intensify these debates. As miners adjust to the new rewards system, there's anticipation of increased mining activities, potentially leading to a higher demand for electricity. This scenario highlights the ongoing need for the Bitcoin mining industry to explore and adopt more energy-efficient and sustainable practices.
U.S. Bitcoin Mining’s Surging Electricity Usage

Recent findings from the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) have brought to light the substantial electricity consumption attributed to Bitcoin mining within the United States. In 2023, Bitcoin mining operations accounted for 0.6% to 2.3% of the nation's total electricity usage, a range that places the industry's demand on par with the entire state of Utah's electricity consumption. This revelation has reignited discussions surrounding Bitcoin's environmental impact, challenging the prevalent narrative that its energy consumption is excessively detrimental.  according to Coingape.

Texas and New York, identified as leading states in Bitcoin mining, have become focal points for the industry's expansion. This growth is partly fueled by the migration of crypto mining operations from China to the U.S., following the former's crackdown on the sector. The U.S. has also seen a rise in publicly traded large-scale Bitcoin mining firms, further indicating the sector's significant development over recent years.

The report's findings have raised concerns among policymakers and grid planners regarding the potential strain on the electricity grid, the possibility of increased electricity prices, and the impact on energy-related carbon dioxide emissions. These concerns underscore the challenges of balancing the industry's growth with environmental and economic sustainability.

Moreover, the upcoming Bitcoin halving event, expected to reduce mining rewards by half, could further intensify these debates. As miners adjust to the new rewards system, there's anticipation of increased mining activities, potentially leading to a higher demand for electricity. This scenario highlights the ongoing need for the Bitcoin mining industry to explore and adopt more energy-efficient and sustainable practices.
Shiba Inu sees more ‘out-of-money’ investors than Dogecoin #Shiba Inu [SHIB] has a higher percentage of “out of money investors” compared to its rival #Dogecoin [DOGE], according to data from IntoTheBlock.Information from the data provider showed that 875,000 wallet addresses that hold a total of 797 trillion SHIB coins do so at a loss. This makes up 66% of all SHIB holders.Conversely, only 377,000 addresses, accounting for 28.44% of all coin holders and holding 146 trillion SHIB coins, are in profit.On the other hand, DOGE has a higher number of investors in profit. As of this writing, 48% of all the meme coin holders do so at a profit, while 39% of them are at a loss.SHIB sees dwindling demandAMBCrypto reported earlier that DOGE witnessed a surge in new demand in the last week. Over the seven-day period considered, over 890,000 new accounts were created to trade the meme coin.On-chain assessment of SHIB’s network activity revealed that the opposite has occurred.Data from IntoTheBlock showed that in the last week, the daily count of new addresses created to trade the Doge killer plummeted by 5%. Due to this, the total number of addresses involved in SHIB transactions during the same period also saw an 18% dip. Assessed on a year-to-date (YTD), new demand for SHIB has fallen by 19%. This was gleaned from its new adoption rate metric, which has experienced significant swings since the year started.Once the number of active addresses trading an asset plunges, there is a corresponding decline in the total count of transactions.Data from IntoTheBlock showed a 17%  decrease in SHIB’s daily transactions in the last week alone. On a YTD basis, it has fallen by 21%.A significant correlation exists between an asset’s network activity and its price performance. SHIB’s low demand since the year began has negatively impacted its price.According to data from CoinMarketCap, the alt’s value has dropped by 10% since the 1st of January.SHIB’s Open Interest sees growthFollowing an extended period of decline in January, SHIB’s Futures Open Interest has rebounded and trended upward since the new month began. According to data from Coinglass, the coin’s Futures Open Interest has risen by 38% since the 29th of January. At press time, SHIB’s Open Interest totaled $22.06 million.When an asset’s Open Interest witnesses this kind of resurgence, it suggests that traders have begun opening new trading positions. 

Shiba Inu sees more ‘out-of-money’ investors than Dogecoin

#Shiba Inu [SHIB] has a higher percentage of “out of money investors” compared to its rival #Dogecoin [DOGE], according to data from IntoTheBlock.Information from the data provider showed that 875,000 wallet addresses that hold a total of 797 trillion SHIB coins do so at a loss. This makes up 66% of all SHIB holders.Conversely, only 377,000 addresses, accounting for 28.44% of all coin holders and holding 146 trillion SHIB coins, are in profit.On the other hand, DOGE has a higher number of investors in profit. As of this writing, 48% of all the meme coin holders do so at a profit, while 39% of them are at a loss.SHIB sees dwindling demandAMBCrypto reported earlier that DOGE witnessed a surge in new demand in the last week. Over the seven-day period considered, over 890,000 new accounts were created to trade the meme coin.On-chain assessment of SHIB’s network activity revealed that the opposite has occurred.Data from IntoTheBlock showed that in the last week, the daily count of new addresses created to trade the Doge killer plummeted by 5%. Due to this, the total number of addresses involved in SHIB transactions during the same period also saw an 18% dip. Assessed on a year-to-date (YTD), new demand for SHIB has fallen by 19%. This was gleaned from its new adoption rate metric, which has experienced significant swings since the year started.Once the number of active addresses trading an asset plunges, there is a corresponding decline in the total count of transactions.Data from IntoTheBlock showed a 17%  decrease in SHIB’s daily transactions in the last week alone. On a YTD basis, it has fallen by 21%.A significant correlation exists between an asset’s network activity and its price performance. SHIB’s low demand since the year began has negatively impacted its price.According to data from CoinMarketCap, the alt’s value has dropped by 10% since the 1st of January.SHIB’s Open Interest sees growthFollowing an extended period of decline in January, SHIB’s Futures Open Interest has rebounded and trended upward since the new month began. According to data from Coinglass, the coin’s Futures Open Interest has risen by 38% since the 29th of January. At press time, SHIB’s Open Interest totaled $22.06 million.When an asset’s Open Interest witnesses this kind of resurgence, it suggests that traders have begun opening new trading positions. 
Shiba Inu's Shibarium Skyrockets 254% in New Accounts Activity In a stunning turn of events, #Shiba Inu's Layer-2 blockchain solution, Shibarium, has experienced an extraordinary surge, recording a jaw-dropping 254% increase in new accounts activity over the last three days.According to Shibariumscan, the number of new accounts per day skyrocketed from 24 on Feb. 1 to an impressive 61 on Feb. 3, bringing the total account count for Shiba Inu's L2 to an impressive 63,162.Such spikes in network usage often act as precursors to significant fluctuations in the prices of associated cryptocurrencies.Source: ShibariumscanHowever, the Shiba Inu ecosystem adds an intriguing twist to the narrative. Unlike other blockchain networks where the native token typically takes center stage, Shibarium's primary cryptocurrency is not SHIB but BONE.Shiba Inu's #BONE BONE, serving as the token for gas tolls and validator stakes within the Shibarium ecosystem, may emerge as the dark horse benefiting from this surge in new accounts. While the spike may not guarantee Shiba Inu's overall success, it has the potential to bring positive momentum to BONE's market quotations.BONE to USD by CoinMarketCapInvestors and enthusiasts better closely monitor the performance of BONE in the coming days, as the increased interest in Shibarium could mark a pivotal moment for the lesser-known cryptocurrency.As the Shiba Inu ecosystem continues to evolve, it is clear that the spotlight is shifting, and BONE might be the token to watch as it rides the wave of Shibarium's recent activity surge.#Write2Earn #TrendingTopic #ShibariumScan

Shiba Inu's Shibarium Skyrockets 254% in New Accounts Activity

In a stunning turn of events, #Shiba Inu's Layer-2 blockchain solution, Shibarium, has experienced an extraordinary surge, recording a jaw-dropping 254% increase in new accounts activity over the last three days.According to Shibariumscan, the number of new accounts per day skyrocketed from 24 on Feb. 1 to an impressive 61 on Feb. 3, bringing the total account count for Shiba Inu's L2 to an impressive 63,162.Such spikes in network usage often act as precursors to significant fluctuations in the prices of associated cryptocurrencies.Source: ShibariumscanHowever, the Shiba Inu ecosystem adds an intriguing twist to the narrative. Unlike other blockchain networks where the native token typically takes center stage, Shibarium's primary cryptocurrency is not SHIB but BONE.Shiba Inu's #BONE BONE, serving as the token for gas tolls and validator stakes within the Shibarium ecosystem, may emerge as the dark horse benefiting from this surge in new accounts. While the spike may not guarantee Shiba Inu's overall success, it has the potential to bring positive momentum to BONE's market quotations.BONE to USD by CoinMarketCapInvestors and enthusiasts better closely monitor the performance of BONE in the coming days, as the increased interest in Shibarium could mark a pivotal moment for the lesser-known cryptocurrency.As the Shiba Inu ecosystem continues to evolve, it is clear that the spotlight is shifting, and BONE might be the token to watch as it rides the wave of Shibarium's recent activity surge.#Write2Earn #TrendingTopic #ShibariumScan
RIPPLE (XRP) ON THE VERGE OF A BREAKOUT AS ALGOTECH (ALGT) GOES FOR HIGHER PRICE Target's CONTENTS1. TLDR2. Ripple (XRP) Moving in a Positive Direction3. Algotech’s (ALGT) Price to Quickly Increase ValueRipple (XRP) is making a positive step as the crypto market recovers. Similarly, Algotech (ALGT), which is considered by many experts to be the best DeFi to invest in, is increasing in value as it generates $1.1 million in two days during its seed sale at a $0.02 price. Read this article to learn more about Ripple (XRP) and Algotech (ALGT).TLDRThe XRP crypto price keeps increasing.The Algotech (ALGT) price is set to surge.Ripple (XRP) Moving in a Positive DirectionXRP’s value seems to be increasing as it gained 10% by moving from $0.49 on January 25, 2024, to $0.54 on January 30. Nonetheless, the increase in Ripple’s (XRP) price has not fully convinced investors, as many whales remain nervous to invest.Although some traders believe the XRP crypto price will break out around $0.6, market metrics paint a different picture. As such, many whales are observing XRP to see how it evolves in the coming days before committing their resources.In more positive news, the XRP project is on the verge of expanding its team all around the world. These roles at XRP include senior product manager DeFi, senior software engineer, and senior software engineer in London, Bangalore, and Toronto, respectively.XRP’s mother company’s recruitment comes after it hired 55 individuals in different fields, including legal, marketing, information technology, finance, business development, engineering, and more. All these hires should send a positive signal to investors that XRP is looking to expand, potentially adding value to the XRP crypto price.Algotech’s (ALGT) Price to Quickly Increase ValueAlgotech (ALGT) recently began a cryptocurrency ICO that promises to be successful after raising $1.1 million in a few days of private sale. For this seed sale, Algotech’s (ALGT) value was $0.02. After increasing to a value of $0.04, Algotech (ALGT) transitioned to Stage 1 of its public presale.As Algotech (ALGT) increases in value, it should move from Stage 1 until it gets to Stage 4 of the public presale. As such, investors who invest in Stage 1, Stage 2, Stage 3, or Stage 4 of the Algotech (ALGT) public presale should have a potential ROI of a maximum of 275%. Being on the ERC20 token list, individuals who want to take advantage of this investment opportunity can access Algotech (ALGT) via the Ethereum network.There are various benefits and privileges that come with owning Algotech (ALGT) cryptocurrency. Therefore, owning Algotech (ALGT) means shareholders have ownership and governance rights. In addition, investors will periodically collect profit as dividends.Algotech (ALGT) generates profit for its shareholders by offering algorithms for a 30% performance fee. Part of the profit-driven from Algotech (ALGT) usually goes into funding research and development of futuristic strategies, including hedging and mean reversion.#Algotech #xrp #RippleTrends #Ripple


CONTENTS1. TLDR2. Ripple (XRP) Moving in a Positive Direction3. Algotech’s (ALGT) Price to Quickly Increase ValueRipple (XRP) is making a positive step as the crypto market recovers. Similarly, Algotech (ALGT), which is considered by many experts to be the best DeFi to invest in, is increasing in value as it generates $1.1 million in two days during its seed sale at a $0.02 price. Read this article to learn more about Ripple (XRP) and Algotech (ALGT).TLDRThe XRP crypto price keeps increasing.The Algotech (ALGT) price is set to surge.Ripple (XRP) Moving in a Positive DirectionXRP’s value seems to be increasing as it gained 10% by moving from $0.49 on January 25, 2024, to $0.54 on January 30. Nonetheless, the increase in Ripple’s (XRP) price has not fully convinced investors, as many whales remain nervous to invest.Although some traders believe the XRP crypto price will break out around $0.6, market metrics paint a different picture. As such, many whales are observing XRP to see how it evolves in the coming days before committing their resources.In more positive news, the XRP project is on the verge of expanding its team all around the world. These roles at XRP include senior product manager DeFi, senior software engineer, and senior software engineer in London, Bangalore, and Toronto, respectively.XRP’s mother company’s recruitment comes after it hired 55 individuals in different fields, including legal, marketing, information technology, finance, business development, engineering, and more. All these hires should send a positive signal to investors that XRP is looking to expand, potentially adding value to the XRP crypto price.Algotech’s (ALGT) Price to Quickly Increase ValueAlgotech (ALGT) recently began a cryptocurrency ICO that promises to be successful after raising $1.1 million in a few days of private sale. For this seed sale, Algotech’s (ALGT) value was $0.02. After increasing to a value of $0.04, Algotech (ALGT) transitioned to Stage 1 of its public presale.As Algotech (ALGT) increases in value, it should move from Stage 1 until it gets to Stage 4 of the public presale. As such, investors who invest in Stage 1, Stage 2, Stage 3, or Stage 4 of the Algotech (ALGT) public presale should have a potential ROI of a maximum of 275%. Being on the ERC20 token list, individuals who want to take advantage of this investment opportunity can access Algotech (ALGT) via the Ethereum network.There are various benefits and privileges that come with owning Algotech (ALGT) cryptocurrency. Therefore, owning Algotech (ALGT) means shareholders have ownership and governance rights. In addition, investors will periodically collect profit as dividends.Algotech (ALGT) generates profit for its shareholders by offering algorithms for a 30% performance fee. Part of the profit-driven from Algotech (ALGT) usually goes into funding research and development of futuristic strategies, including hedging and mean reversion.#Algotech #xrp #RippleTrends #Ripple
February crypto outlook: Shiba Inu (SHIB), Retik Finance (RETIK), and Bonk (BONK) emerge as top buysFebruary crypto outlook: Shiba Inu (SHIB), Retik Finance (RETIK), and Bonk (BONK) emerge as top buysAs we step into February 2024, the cryptocurrency market continues to intrigue investors with its dynamic shifts and promising opportunities. Renowned crypto analysts and market insiders are pointing towards potential breakout stars for the month, including Shiba Inu (SHIB), Retik Finance (RETIK), and #Bonk (BONK). Let's delve into the insights shaping the February crypto outlook and why these assets are emerging as top buys.#Shiba Inu (SHIB) Signals Bullish MomentumAccording to crypto analyst Ali Martinez, the TD Sequential indicator, known for its accuracy in forecasting price dynamics, is currently signalling a buy for Shiba Inu (SHIB). This indicator suggests a potential upswing for SHIB, drawing attention from traders and enthusiasts alike. Martinez speculates that SHIB may experience an ascent, with price levels potentially reaching $0.010 or even surging to $0.011. Such projections ignite interest in the SHIB market, with investors closely monitoring developments for lucrative opportunities. The insights provided by Martinez position Shiba Inu as a compelling choice for investors eyeing February's crypto landscape. Moreover, SHIB KNIGHT, an insider in the Shiba Inu community, highlights a significant development on the 2H chart, indicating a reversal in SHIB's downtrend. This analysis hints at a possible sudden and substantial price surge for SHIB, adding to the bullish sentiment surrounding the token. Additionally, Lucie, Shiba Inu's marketing lead, unveils ambitious plans for the Shibarium ecosystem, aiming to integrate 1,000 new projects. Such strategic initiatives underscore SHIB's potential for growth and adoption, cementing its status as a top buy for February 2024.Retik Finance (RETIK): Poised for Remarkable GrowthAs Retik Finance (RETIK) advances through its presale stages, its current trading price of $0.10 reflects an impressive all-time profit of over 233.33%. This notable performance captures the attention of market analysts who foresee further growth potential of over 50% for RETIK in February. The project's momentum is fueled by its Certik certifications and prominent presence on platforms like CoinMarketCap and CoinGecko, which enhance its visibility and credibility within the crypto community. This solidifies RETIK's standing as a top buy for February 2024, offering investors the prospect of significant returns. Looking ahead, Retik Finance has ambitious plans for future development, including its scheduled listing on two major centralised exchanges in Q3 2024. These forthcoming milestones signal a continued trajectory of growth and expansion for #RETIK , positioning it as an attractive long-term investment opportunity. With a solid foundation, strategic partnerships, and a clear roadmap for advancement, Retik Finance remains poised to capture further market share and deliver value to its stakeholders beyond the confines of February, cementing its status as a promising asset in the crypto landscape.

February crypto outlook: Shiba Inu (SHIB), Retik Finance (RETIK), and Bonk (BONK) emerge as top buys

February crypto outlook: Shiba Inu (SHIB), Retik Finance (RETIK), and Bonk (BONK) emerge as top buysAs we step into February 2024, the cryptocurrency market continues to intrigue investors with its dynamic shifts and promising opportunities. Renowned crypto analysts and market insiders are pointing towards potential breakout stars for the month, including Shiba Inu (SHIB), Retik Finance (RETIK), and #Bonk (BONK). Let's delve into the insights shaping the February crypto outlook and why these assets are emerging as top buys.#Shiba Inu (SHIB) Signals Bullish MomentumAccording to crypto analyst Ali Martinez, the TD Sequential indicator, known for its accuracy in forecasting price dynamics, is currently signalling a buy for Shiba Inu (SHIB). This indicator suggests a potential upswing for SHIB, drawing attention from traders and enthusiasts alike. Martinez speculates that SHIB may experience an ascent, with price levels potentially reaching $0.010 or even surging to $0.011. Such projections ignite interest in the SHIB market, with investors closely monitoring developments for lucrative opportunities. The insights provided by Martinez position Shiba Inu as a compelling choice for investors eyeing February's crypto landscape. Moreover, SHIB KNIGHT, an insider in the Shiba Inu community, highlights a significant development on the 2H chart, indicating a reversal in SHIB's downtrend. This analysis hints at a possible sudden and substantial price surge for SHIB, adding to the bullish sentiment surrounding the token. Additionally, Lucie, Shiba Inu's marketing lead, unveils ambitious plans for the Shibarium ecosystem, aiming to integrate 1,000 new projects. Such strategic initiatives underscore SHIB's potential for growth and adoption, cementing its status as a top buy for February 2024.Retik Finance (RETIK): Poised for Remarkable GrowthAs Retik Finance (RETIK) advances through its presale stages, its current trading price of $0.10 reflects an impressive all-time profit of over 233.33%. This notable performance captures the attention of market analysts who foresee further growth potential of over 50% for RETIK in February. The project's momentum is fueled by its Certik certifications and prominent presence on platforms like CoinMarketCap and CoinGecko, which enhance its visibility and credibility within the crypto community. This solidifies RETIK's standing as a top buy for February 2024, offering investors the prospect of significant returns. Looking ahead, Retik Finance has ambitious plans for future development, including its scheduled listing on two major centralised exchanges in Q3 2024. These forthcoming milestones signal a continued trajectory of growth and expansion for #RETIK , positioning it as an attractive long-term investment opportunity. With a solid foundation, strategic partnerships, and a clear roadmap for advancement, Retik Finance remains poised to capture further market share and deliver value to its stakeholders beyond the confines of February, cementing its status as a promising asset in the crypto landscape.
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