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Tea Protocol Airdrop: împuternicirea dezvoltatorilor și non-dezvoltatorilor de software open-source. COPIEAZĂ link-ul către #Testnet : Cum să participați la Airdrop cu protocolul ceaiului Pentru a vă maximiza participarea la Tea Protocol Airdrop, urmați acești pași: 1. Înscrieți-vă pentru Testnet: Vizitați pagina de testare Tea Protocol, aici este un link și înscrieți-vă folosind contul dvs. Google, Microsoft sau GitHub. Veți primi automat 100 de puncte și 10.000 de jetoane testnet 2. Teanect-ți contul GitHub: Conectați-vă contul GitHub pentru a câștiga 250 de puncte în plus. Acest pas este crucial pentru dezvoltatorii care doresc să-și înregistreze proiectele OSS și să câștige recompense 3. Finalizați sarcini suplimentare: interacționați cu platforma completând sarcini suplimentare pentru a câștiga mai multe puncte. Aceste sarcini sunt concepute pentru a familiariza utilizatorii cu ecosistemul Tea Protocol și cu funcționalitățile acestuia 4. Participați la Provocările Testnet: căutați provocări suplimentare testnet în care puteți câștiga mai multe puncte. Participarea activă la aceste provocări vă va spori șansele de a primi o cotă mai semnificativă din tokenul TEA airdrop3. NOTĂ: noi provocări sunt adăugate la fiecare trei săptămâni #write2toearn #BinanceLaunchpool #BinanceLabs
Tea Protocol Airdrop: împuternicirea dezvoltatorilor și non-dezvoltatorilor de software open-source.

COPIEAZĂ link-ul către #Testnet :

Cum să participați la Airdrop cu protocolul ceaiului

Pentru a vă maximiza participarea la Tea Protocol Airdrop, urmați acești pași:

1. Înscrieți-vă pentru Testnet: Vizitați pagina de testare Tea Protocol, aici este un link și înscrieți-vă folosind contul dvs. Google, Microsoft sau GitHub. Veți primi automat 100 de puncte și 10.000 de jetoane testnet

2. Teanect-ți contul GitHub: Conectați-vă contul GitHub pentru a câștiga 250 de puncte în plus. Acest pas este crucial pentru dezvoltatorii care doresc să-și înregistreze proiectele OSS și să câștige recompense

3. Finalizați sarcini suplimentare: interacționați cu platforma completând sarcini suplimentare pentru a câștiga mai multe puncte. Aceste sarcini sunt concepute pentru a familiariza utilizatorii cu ecosistemul Tea Protocol și cu funcționalitățile acestuia

4. Participați la Provocările Testnet: căutați provocări suplimentare testnet în care puteți câștiga mai multe puncte. Participarea activă la aceste provocări vă va spori șansele de a primi o cotă mai semnificativă din tokenul TEA airdrop3.

NOTĂ: noi provocări sunt adăugate la fiecare trei săptămâni #write2toearn #BinanceLaunchpool #BinanceLabs
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Photon Supernova: Testnetul stimulat este LIVE! {Început pe 15.04.2024}❌❌❌🆘🆘🆘🆘🆘🆘🆘🆘🆘🆘🆘🆘🆘🆘 Photon Supernova: Testnetul stimulat este LIVE! 🔂 Acesta este un sistem Airdrop punctual. 🔂Link către testnet 💸 VALORĂ 1000-3000 USD ✅COST: GRATUIT ⌚TIMP: 10 MINUTE ✅A început pe 15.04.2024 🏅Iată câțiva pași pentru a finaliza ACEST TESTNET PASUL 1. Accesați acum 🧡 PASUL 2 . Conectați-vă Twitter (X) PASUL 3 . Conectați-vă portofelul (MS) PASUL 4. Faceți clic pe Adăugați „Photon Chain testnet” la portofelul MetaMask (MSW)

Photon Supernova: Testnetul stimulat este LIVE! {Început pe 15.04.2024}❌❌❌


Photon Supernova: Testnetul stimulat este LIVE!
🔂 Acesta este un sistem Airdrop punctual.
🔂Link către testnet
💸 VALORĂ 1000-3000 USD
✅A început pe 15.04.2024
🏅Iată câțiva pași pentru a finaliza ACEST TESTNET
PASUL 1. Accesați acum 🧡
PASUL 2 . Conectați-vă Twitter (X)
PASUL 3 . Conectați-vă portofelul (MS)
PASUL 4. Faceți clic pe Adăugați „Photon Chain testnet” la portofelul MetaMask (MSW)
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Photon Supernova: Testnetul stimulat este LIVE! {Început pe 15.04.2024} 🔂 Acesta este un sistem Airdrop punctual. 🔂Link către testnet 💸 VALORĂ 1000-3000 USD ✅COST: GRATUIT ⌚TIMP: 10 MINUTE ✅A început pe 15.04.2024 🏅Iată câțiva pași pentru a finaliza ACEST TESTNET PASUL 1. Accesați PASUL 2 . Conectați-vă Twitter (X) PASUL 3 . Conectați-vă portofelul (MS) PASUL 4. Faceți clic pe Adăugați „Photon Chain testnet” la portofelul MetaMask (MSW) PASUL 5. Revendicați tokenul de testnet $PTON PASUL 6 . Stivă 5 $PTON (7 zile) PASUL 7. Invitați prieteni pentru mai multe puncte (utilizați un link oferit de photon) ULTIMUL PAS. Asigurați lansarea aerului și obțineți Primo Photon.#Aidrop#airdroptoken
Photon Supernova: Testnetul stimulat este LIVE! {Început pe 15.04.2024}

🔂 Acesta este un sistem Airdrop punctual.
🔂Link către testnet

💸 VALORĂ 1000-3000 USD
✅A început pe 15.04.2024
🏅Iată câțiva pași pentru a finaliza ACEST TESTNET

PASUL 1. Accesați

PASUL 2 . Conectați-vă Twitter (X)

PASUL 3 . Conectați-vă portofelul (MS)

PASUL 4. Faceți clic pe Adăugați „Photon Chain testnet” la portofelul MetaMask (MSW)

PASUL 5. Revendicați tokenul de testnet $PTON

PASUL 6 . Stivă 5 $PTON (7 zile)

PASUL 7. Invitați prieteni pentru mai multe puncte (utilizați un link oferit de photon)

ULTIMUL PAS. Asigurați lansarea aerului și obțineți Primo Photon.#Aidrop#airdroptoken
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Photon Supernova: Testnetul stimulat este LIVE! {Început pe 15.04.2024} Photon Supernova: Testnetul stimulat este LIVE! 🔂 Acesta este un sistem Airdrop punctual. 🔂Link către testnet 💸 VALORĂ 1000-3000 USD ✅COST: GRATUIT ⌚TIMP: 10 MINUTE ✅A început pe 15.04.2024 🏅Iată câțiva pași pentru a finaliza ACEST TESTNET PASUL 1. Accesați acum 🧡 PASUL 2 . Conectați-vă Twitter (X) PASUL 3 . Conectați-vă portofelul (MS) PASUL 4. Faceți clic pe Adăugați „Photon Chain testnet” la portofelul MetaMask (MSW) PASUL 5. Revendicați tokenul de testnet $PTON PASUL 6 . Stack 5 $PTON (7 zile) PASUL 7. Invitați prieteni pentru mai multe puncte (utilizați un link oferit de photon) ULTIMUL PAS. Asigurați lansarea aerului și obțineți Primo Photon. #Aidrop #airdroptoken
Photon Supernova: Testnetul stimulat este LIVE! {Început pe 15.04.2024}
Photon Supernova: Testnetul stimulat este LIVE!
🔂 Acesta este un sistem Airdrop punctual.
🔂Link către testnet
💸 VALORĂ 1000-3000 USD
✅A început pe 15.04.2024

🏅Iată câțiva pași pentru a finaliza ACEST TESTNET

PASUL 1. Accesați acum 🧡

PASUL 2 . Conectați-vă Twitter (X)

PASUL 3 . Conectați-vă portofelul (MS)

PASUL 4. Faceți clic pe Adăugați „Photon Chain testnet” la portofelul MetaMask (MSW)

PASUL 5. Revendicați tokenul de testnet $PTON

PASUL 6 . Stack 5 $PTON (7 zile)

PASUL 7. Invitați prieteni pentru mai multe puncte (utilizați un link oferit de photon)
ULTIMUL PAS. Asigurați lansarea aerului și obțineți Primo Photon. #Aidrop #airdroptoken
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PROTOCOL DE CEAAI AIRDROP PENTRU DEPRIU #investors. : BINANCE lab #Amount a crescut #16M #TEA #airdrop ! #worth 1000$ - 7000$ Ceaiul este un protocol descentralizat asigurat de reputație și stimulente. tea îmbunătățește sustenabilitatea și integritatea lanțului de aprovizionare cu software, permițând dezvoltatorilor open-source să capteze valoarea pe care o creează într-o manieră fără încredere. #Ghidpas cu pas: 0. Accesați pagina testnet de ceai 1.Înscrieți-vă cu contul dvs. Google, Microsoft sau GitHub. Vei primi 100 de puncte. De asemenea, veți primi automat 10.000 de jetoane testnet. 2. Accesați profilul dvs. și conectați-vă contul GitHub pentru a obține 250 de puncte în plus. De asemenea, finalizați sarcinile suplimentare pentru a câștiga mai multe puncte. **sarcina suplimentară este simplă, cum ar fi Alăturați-vă discordiei lor, Urmăriți pagina lor de Twitter, Partajați postarea lor de pe Twitter, stivuiți ceaiul și dezasamblați, revendicați recompense după stivuire și recomandare, aceste sarcini vă pot câștiga până la 2000 de puncte, ceea ce vă va face printre primii. 10 utilizatori de testnet, inclusiv dezvoltatori care au mai multe șanse să obțină mai multe puncte decât Non Dev. Vor exista, de asemenea, provocări suplimentare pentru rețelele de testare în care utilizatorii ar putea câștiga mai multe puncte. Ei au confirmat că vor trimite jetoane TEA participanților la testnet, afirmând: „Punctele Testnet sunt planificate să devină răscumpărabile de către persoanele eligibile pentru jetoane blockchain și/sau alte beneficii mai târziu”.

#investors. : BINANCE lab
#Amount a crescut #16M
#TEA #airdrop !
#worth 1000$ - 7000$

Ceaiul este un protocol descentralizat asigurat de reputație și stimulente. tea îmbunătățește sustenabilitatea și integritatea lanțului de aprovizionare cu software, permițând dezvoltatorilor open-source să capteze valoarea pe care o creează într-o manieră fără încredere.
#Ghidpas cu pas:

0. Accesați pagina testnet de ceai

1.Înscrieți-vă cu contul dvs. Google, Microsoft sau GitHub.

Vei primi 100 de puncte.
De asemenea, veți primi automat 10.000 de jetoane testnet.

2. Accesați profilul dvs. și conectați-vă contul GitHub pentru a obține 250 de puncte în plus.
De asemenea, finalizați sarcinile suplimentare pentru a câștiga mai multe puncte.

**sarcina suplimentară este simplă, cum ar fi Alăturați-vă discordiei lor, Urmăriți pagina lor de Twitter, Partajați postarea lor de pe Twitter, stivuiți ceaiul și dezasamblați, revendicați recompense după stivuire și recomandare, aceste sarcini vă pot câștiga până la 2000 de puncte, ceea ce vă va face printre primii. 10 utilizatori de testnet, inclusiv dezvoltatori care au mai multe șanse să obțină mai multe puncte decât Non Dev.
Vor exista, de asemenea, provocări suplimentare pentru rețelele de testare în care utilizatorii ar putea câștiga mai multe puncte.

Ei au confirmat că vor trimite jetoane TEA participanților la testnet, afirmând: „Punctele Testnet sunt planificate să devină răscumpărabile de către persoanele eligibile pentru jetoane blockchain și/sau alte beneficii mai târziu”.
Vedeți originalul
Photon Supernova: Testnetul stimulat este LIVE! {Început pe 15.04.2024} Photon Supernova: Testnetul stimulat este LIVE! 🔂 Acesta este un sistem Airdrop punctual. 🔂Link către testnet 💸 VALORĂ 1000-3000 USD ✅COST: GRATUIT ⌚TIMP: 10 MINUTE ✅A început pe 15.04.2024 Acest program își propune să împuternicească comunitatea să exploreze soluția noastră modulară L2 pentru Bitcoin. Acesta este doar începutul urmăririi noastre neobosite de a extinde economia Bitcoin. 🏅Iată câțiva pași pentru a finaliza ACEST TESTNET PASUL 1. Accesați acum 🧡 PASUL 2 . Conectați-vă Twitter (X) PASUL 3 . Conectați-vă portofelul (MS) PASUL 4. Faceți clic pe Adăugați „Photon Chain testnet” la portofelul MetaMask (MSW) PASUL 5. Revendicați tokenul de testnet $PTON PASUL 6 . Stack 5 $PTON (7 zile) PASUL 7. Invitați prieteni pentru mai multe puncte (utilizați un link oferit de photon) ULTIMUL PAS. Asigurați lansarea aerului și obțineți Primo Photon.#Aidrop#airdroptoken#AirdropHunting#TestnetLaunch
Photon Supernova: Testnetul stimulat este LIVE! {Început pe 15.04.2024}
Photon Supernova: Testnetul stimulat este LIVE!
🔂 Acesta este un sistem Airdrop punctual.
🔂Link către testnet
💸 VALORĂ 1000-3000 USD
✅A început pe 15.04.2024
Acest program își propune să împuternicească comunitatea să exploreze soluția noastră modulară L2 pentru Bitcoin. Acesta este doar începutul urmăririi noastre neobosite de a extinde economia Bitcoin.
🏅Iată câțiva pași pentru a finaliza ACEST TESTNET
PASUL 1. Accesați acum 🧡
PASUL 2 . Conectați-vă Twitter (X)
PASUL 3 . Conectați-vă portofelul (MS)
PASUL 4. Faceți clic pe Adăugați „Photon Chain testnet” la portofelul MetaMask (MSW)
PASUL 5. Revendicați tokenul de testnet $PTON
PASUL 6 . Stack 5 $PTON (7 zile)
PASUL 7. Invitați prieteni pentru mai multe puncte (utilizați un link oferit de photon)
ULTIMUL PAS. Asigurați lansarea aerului și obțineți Primo Photon.#Aidrop#airdroptoken#AirdropHunting#TestnetLaunch
📢 Dear Devs, and Non Devs Phase 1 of the Analog Incentivized Testnet starts today! ✅link Explore the power of Analog Watch, build your Views, and start stacking those ATPs towards the $ANLOG airdrop. You haven’t signed up yet? Do so here → ✅Link #airdroptoken #AirdropHunting
📢 Dear Devs, and Non Devs

Phase 1 of the Analog Incentivized Testnet starts today!


Explore the power of Analog Watch, build your Views, and start stacking those ATPs towards the $ANLOG airdrop.

You haven’t signed up yet? Do so here →


#airdroptoken #AirdropHunting
Photon Supernova: Incentivized Testnet is LIVE! {Started on 15/04/2024} Photon Supernova: Incentivized Testnet is LIVE! 🔂 This is a point System Airdrop. 🔂Link to testnet 💸WORTH $1000-3000 ✅COST : FREE ⌚TIME : 10 MINUTES ✅Started on 15/04/2024 This program aims to empower community to explore our modular L2 solution for Bitcoin. This is just the beginning of our relentless pursuit of scaling the Bitcoin economy. 🏅HERE ARE FEW STEPS TO COMPLETE THIS TESTNET STEP 1. Head over to now 🧡 STEP 2 . Connect your Twitter (X) STEP 3 . Connect your wallet (MS) STEP 4 . Click Add "Photon Chain testnet" to you MetaMask wallet (MSW) STEP 5. Claim $PTON testnet token STEP 6 . Stack 5 $PTON (7days) STEP 7 . Invite friends for more points (use a link provided by photon) LAST STEP. Secure airdrop and obtain Primo Photon. #Aidrop #airdroptoken #AirdropHunting #TestnetLaunch
Photon Supernova: Incentivized Testnet is LIVE! {Started on 15/04/2024}
Photon Supernova: Incentivized Testnet is LIVE!
🔂 This is a point System Airdrop.
🔂Link to testnet
💸WORTH $1000-3000
✅Started on 15/04/2024

This program aims to empower community to explore our modular L2 solution for Bitcoin. This is just the beginning of our relentless pursuit of scaling the Bitcoin economy.

STEP 1. Head over to now 🧡
STEP 2 . Connect your Twitter (X)
STEP 3 . Connect your wallet (MS)
STEP 4 . Click Add "Photon Chain testnet" to you MetaMask wallet (MSW)
STEP 5. Claim $PTON testnet token
STEP 6 . Stack 5 $PTON (7days)
STEP 7 . Invite friends for more points (use a link provided by photon)
LAST STEP. Secure airdrop and obtain Primo Photon. #Aidrop #airdroptoken #AirdropHunting #TestnetLaunch
Photon Supernova: Incentivized Testnet is LIVE! {Started on 15/04/2024}Photon Supernova: Incentivized Testnet is LIVE! 🔂 This is a point System Airdrop. 🔂Link to testnet 💸WORTH $1000-3000 ✅COST : FREE ⌚TIME : 10 MINUTES ✅Started on 15/04/2024 This program aims to empower community to explore our modular L2 solution for Bitcoin. This is just the beginning of our relentless pursuit of scaling the Bitcoin economy. 🏅HERE ARE FEW STEPS TO COMPLETE THIS TESTNET STEP 1. Head over to now 🧡 STEP 2 . Connect your Twitter (X) STEP 3 . Connect your wallet (MS) STEP 4 . Click Add "Photon Chain testnet" to you MetaMask wallet (MSW) STEP 5. Claim $PTON testnet token STEP 6 . Stack 5 $PTON (7days) STEP 7 . Invite friends for more points (use a link provided by photon) LAST STEP. Secure airdrop and obtain Primo Photon. ✅Link to testnet Here is a preview

Photon Supernova: Incentivized Testnet is LIVE! {Started on 15/04/2024}

Photon Supernova: Incentivized Testnet is LIVE!

🔂 This is a point System Airdrop.
🔂Link to testnet
💸WORTH $1000-3000
✅Started on 15/04/2024
This program aims to empower community to explore our modular L2 solution for Bitcoin. This is just the beginning of our relentless pursuit of scaling the Bitcoin economy.

STEP 1. Head over to now 🧡
STEP 2 . Connect your Twitter (X)
STEP 3 . Connect your wallet (MS)
STEP 4 . Click Add "Photon Chain testnet" to you MetaMask wallet (MSW)
STEP 5. Claim $PTON testnet token
STEP 6 . Stack 5 $PTON (7days)
STEP 7 . Invite friends for more points (use a link provided by photon)
LAST STEP. Secure airdrop and obtain Primo Photon.
✅Link to testnet

Here is a preview
How to get the tea Protocol ($TEA) token #airdrop ? #summary ✅Sign up on tea ( You need Kiwi browser on your phone or PC) ➡️ For kiwi browser, Go to setting➡️ Accessibility ➡️ Zoom to 50 ➡️back and request Desktop browser. (Ready to go) ➡️Go to ➡️Sign up with your email or Discord, and connect your Github account. Complete profile ➡️Click on your profile and navigate to the “Settings” section. Add your email address and complete the required information such as giving them a bit of information about yourself. You will earn points for doing this. We recommend you do this ASAP as there is a limited time 5x point boost for completing this. ↪️Check task status on dashboard ➡️Go to the tea Testnet dashboard by clicking the second button on your left. Here, you will see a lists of the quests to be completed. ➡️Get Discord roles (Not worth any more) Join the tea Protocol Discord. Earn XP points from posting and completing activities such as social engagement and answering questions. XP Points will be awarded every Monday for the previous week. You can earn roles after getting more than a certain number of XP Points. 🔀Optional: Get a top 10% rated project on tea Protocol. If you are a developer, register your open-source project on tea Protocol by going to “my OSS projects” and clicking “Register a New OSS Project”. Make sure your project has contributors and dependencies, as these are essential for eligibility. If your project earns a teaRank in the top 10% you can get 25,000 points!! #BinanceLaunchpool #etf #bitcoinhalving
How to get the tea Protocol ($TEA) token #airdrop ?


✅Sign up on tea ( You need Kiwi browser on your phone or PC)

➡️ For kiwi browser, Go to setting➡️ Accessibility ➡️ Zoom to 50 ➡️back and request Desktop browser. (Ready to go)

➡️Go to

➡️Sign up with your email or Discord, and connect your Github account.

Complete profile

➡️Click on your profile and navigate to the “Settings” section. Add your email address and complete the required information such as giving them a bit of information about yourself. You will earn points for doing this. We recommend you do this ASAP as there is a limited time 5x point boost for completing this.

↪️Check task status on dashboard

➡️Go to the tea Testnet dashboard by clicking the second button on your left. Here, you will see a lists of the quests to be completed.

➡️Get Discord roles (Not worth any more)

Join the tea Protocol Discord. Earn XP points from posting and completing activities such as social engagement and answering questions. XP Points will be awarded every Monday for the previous week. You can earn roles after getting more than a certain number of XP Points.

🔀Optional: Get a top 10% rated project on tea Protocol.

If you are a developer, register your open-source project on tea Protocol by going to “my OSS projects” and clicking “Register a New OSS Project”. Make sure your project has contributors and dependencies, as these are essential for eligibility. If your project earns a teaRank in the top 10% you can get 25,000 points!!

#BinanceLaunchpool #etf #bitcoinhalving
#AIRDROP #AIRDRO TEA PROTOCOL AIRDROP ✅#investors! : BINANCE lab #Amount raised #16M 🔀 Link to Testnet (Copy and past to your browser) 💸#Worth 1000$- 7000$ Tea is a decentralized protocol secured by reputation and incentives. Tea enhances the sustainability and integrity of the software supply chain by allowing open-source developers to capture the value they create in a trustless manner. They’ve launched an incentivized testnet campaign where users could earn points for doing the testnet tasks and have also confirmed to airdrop TEA tokens to testnet users based on their points. #Step-by-Step Guide: 1. Visit the tea testnet page 2. Sign up with your Google, Microsoft or GitHub account. ✅You will get 100 points. ✅You will also get 10,000 testnet tokens automatically. 3. Go to your profile and connect your GitHub account to get an extra 250 points. Also, complete the additional tasks to earn more points. 🔶🔶**additional task are simple as Join their discord, ✅Follow their twitter page, ✅Share their twitter post, ✅Stack tea and unstack, claim Rewards after stacking, and referral, ✅🔶these task can earn you up to 2000 point , which will you among the top 10 testnet users, including developers who have more chance to make more points than Non Dev. ✅There will also be additional testnet challenges where users could earn more points. They’ve confirmed to airdrop TEA tokens to testnet participants by stating, “Testnet points are planned to become redeemable by eligible persons for blockchain tokens and/or other benefits at a later time“. #TEA

#investors! : BINANCE lab
#Amount raised #16M

🔀 Link to Testnet (Copy and past to your browser)

💸#Worth 1000$- 7000$

Tea is a decentralized protocol secured by reputation and incentives. Tea enhances the sustainability and integrity of the software supply chain by allowing open-source developers to capture the value they create in a trustless manner.

They’ve launched an incentivized testnet campaign where users could earn points for doing the testnet tasks and have also confirmed to airdrop TEA tokens to testnet users based on their points.

#Step-by-Step Guide:
1. Visit the tea testnet page

2. Sign up with your Google, Microsoft or GitHub account.

✅You will get 100 points.
✅You will also get 10,000 testnet tokens automatically.

3. Go to your profile and connect your GitHub account to get an extra 250 points.
Also, complete the additional tasks to earn more points.

🔶🔶**additional task are simple as Join their discord,
✅Follow their twitter page,
✅Share their twitter post,
✅Stack tea and unstack, claim Rewards after stacking, and referral,

✅🔶these task can earn you up to 2000 point , which will you among the top 10 testnet users, including developers who have more chance to make more points than Non Dev.

✅There will also be additional testnet challenges where users could earn more points.

They’ve confirmed to airdrop TEA tokens to testnet participants by stating, “Testnet points are planned to become redeemable by eligible persons for blockchain tokens and/or other benefits at a later time“.

#/airdrop It's Monday #AirdropHunting NEONNEXUS TESTNET CAMPAIGN IS LIVE here is short and simple #Aidrop ✅TRADING VOLUME IS KEY ✅ ENDS 20/04/2024 ✅Worth : 200-1000$ 🔶Buy, Sell, Stack Introduction NeonNexus is a cutting edge decentralized spot and perpetual exchange on Rollux. Allows up to 50x leverage which enhances traders position and guarantees high return on investment. 🚩 Testnet campaign Rules: 1. Duration/Campaign Dates Start Date: [04-02-2024] End Date: [04-20-2024] 2. Rewards REWARD POOL [2,000,000 esNOX] LP Airdrop Pool [500,000 esNOX] Trader Airdrop Pool [1,000,000 esNOX] Trade Profit Airdrop Pool [500,000 esNOX] Earn Page: What is Escrowed NOX [esNOX] Escrowed NOX (esNOX) can be used in two ways: 1. Staked for rewards similar to regular NOX tokens 2. Vested to become actual NOX tokens over a period of one year Each staked Escrowed NOX token will earn the same amount of Escrowed NOX and SYS rewards as a regular NOX token. 🚩 Testnet campaign Rules: 1. Duration/Campaign Dates Start Date: [04-02-2024] End Date: [04-20-2024] 2. Rewards REWARD POOL [2,000,000 esNOX] LP Airdrop Pool [500,000  esNOX] Trader Airdrop Pool [1,000,000 esNOX] Trade Profit Airdrop Pool [500,000  esNOX] Earn Page: How to Participate? STEP 1: ADD ROLLUX TESTNET TO METAMASK Head over to Chainlist ( NOT Necessary, It will add automatically on the second step) Connect and add Rollux Testnet network to metamask. STEP 2: ClAIM TEST TOKENS Faucet Link: STEP 3: EXPLORE PROTOCOL FUNCTIONS Head over to Participants need to engage in trading activities on NeonNexus which includes swaps, place trades [LONG/SHORT/SWAP] using any of the protocol features [Market, Limit, TP/SL]. Rewards are calculated by the total volume traded over the course of the campaign with higher volume traded standing higher chances of getting rewarded. #aidrops #BinanceLaunchpool
#/airdrop It's Monday #AirdropHunting


here is short and simple #Aidrop


✅ ENDS 20/04/2024
✅Worth : 200-1000$

🔶Buy, Sell, Stack

NeonNexus is a cutting edge decentralized spot and perpetual exchange on Rollux. Allows up to 50x leverage which enhances traders position and guarantees high return on investment.

🚩 Testnet campaign Rules:
1. Duration/Campaign Dates
Start Date: [04-02-2024]

End Date: [04-20-2024]

2. Rewards
REWARD POOL [2,000,000 esNOX]

LP Airdrop Pool [500,000 esNOX]

Trader Airdrop Pool [1,000,000 esNOX]

Trade Profit Airdrop Pool [500,000 esNOX]

Earn Page:

What is Escrowed NOX [esNOX]

Escrowed NOX (esNOX) can be used in two ways:
1. Staked for rewards similar to regular NOX tokens
2. Vested to become actual NOX tokens over a period of one year

Each staked Escrowed NOX token will earn the same amount of Escrowed NOX and SYS rewards as a regular NOX token.

🚩 Testnet campaign Rules:

1. Duration/Campaign Dates

Start Date: [04-02-2024]

End Date: [04-20-2024]

2. Rewards

REWARD POOL [2,000,000 esNOX]

LP Airdrop Pool [500,000  esNOX]

Trader Airdrop Pool [1,000,000 esNOX]

Trade Profit Airdrop Pool [500,000  esNOX]

Earn Page:

How to Participate?
Head over to Chainlist ( NOT Necessary, It will add automatically on the second step)

Connect and add Rollux Testnet network to metamask.


Faucet Link:


Head over to

Participants need to engage in trading activities on NeonNexus which includes swaps, place trades [LONG/SHORT/SWAP] using any of the protocol features [Market, Limit, TP/SL].

Rewards are calculated by the total volume traded over the course of the campaign with higher volume traded standing higher chances of getting rewarded.

#aidrops #BinanceLaunchpool
The #SYNTHR Public #Testnet (#aidrops Cost: Free Worth: 500 -3000$ (because people are using bots to do transactions) Required: To swap,Bridge, Stack, Burn, Mint and others ) ✅ Do as many transaction as possible✅ The SYNTHR Public Testnet has officially launched, marking a significant stride towards a truly omni-chain future. Users are invited to explore its groundbreaking features, while subtly hinting at an upcoming Airdrop opportunity. With 10,000,000 $SYNTH tokens earmarked for Airdrops, constituting 1.68% of the total supply, early adopters stand to be rewarded for their valuable contributions. This presents a unique chance to seize rewards for your involvement. Don't let this opportunity pass you by! About SYNTHR: SYNTHR is at the forefront of decentralized finance, revolutionizing the landscape with its zero-slippage omni-chain liquidity layer. It enables capital-efficient and secure cross-chain transfer of value using syASSETS backed by multi-chain yield-generating collateral, rendering traditional bridges obsolete. veSYNTH, SYNTHR's governance token, appreciates in value through revenue sharing. Step-by-Step Guide for SYNTHR - Public Testnet: 1.Head over to the SYNTHR Testnet web3 app by navigating to 2. Connect your wallet to the web3 app to access the Testnet features. 3.Register your wallet on Discord by joining the SYNTHR community server and entering the access code "929075043575672882". 4. Switch your wallet to a Testnet Chain to interact with the Testnet environment. 5. Claim Test tokens using the Faucet provided on the SYNTHR Testnet platform. 6. Complete various milestones such as Add & Withdraw collateral, Mint, Swap, Burn, Bridge, and Self-liquidate to earn badges and boost your syCREDITS. 7. Showcase your contributions by accumulating syCREDITS and earning badges for completing milestones. Stay updated on the SYNTHR Zealy campaign and secure an EA/OG (Early Access/Original Gangster) status to gain priority access to new releases and receive syCREDITS bonuses. Good day #Aidrop #Testnet
The #SYNTHR Public #Testnet (#aidrops

Cost: Free
Worth: 500 -3000$ (because people are using bots to do transactions)

Required: To swap,Bridge, Stack, Burn, Mint and others )

✅ Do as many transaction as possible✅

The SYNTHR Public Testnet has officially launched, marking a significant stride towards a truly omni-chain future. Users are invited to explore its groundbreaking features, while subtly hinting at an upcoming Airdrop opportunity.

With 10,000,000 $SYNTH tokens earmarked for Airdrops, constituting 1.68% of the total supply, early adopters stand to be rewarded for their valuable contributions. This presents a unique chance to seize rewards for your involvement. Don't let this opportunity pass you by!


SYNTHR is at the forefront of decentralized finance, revolutionizing the landscape with its zero-slippage omni-chain liquidity layer. It enables capital-efficient and secure cross-chain transfer of value using syASSETS backed by multi-chain yield-generating collateral, rendering traditional bridges obsolete.

veSYNTH, SYNTHR's governance token, appreciates in value through revenue sharing.

Step-by-Step Guide for SYNTHR - Public Testnet:

1.Head over to the SYNTHR Testnet web3 app by navigating to

2. Connect your wallet to the web3 app to access the Testnet features.

3.Register your wallet on Discord by joining the SYNTHR community server and entering the access code "929075043575672882".

4. Switch your wallet to a Testnet Chain to interact with the Testnet environment.

5. Claim Test tokens using the Faucet provided on the SYNTHR Testnet platform.

6. Complete various milestones such as Add & Withdraw collateral, Mint, Swap, Burn, Bridge, and Self-liquidate to earn badges and boost your syCREDITS.

7. Showcase your contributions by accumulating syCREDITS and earning badges for completing milestones.
Stay updated on the SYNTHR Zealy campaign and secure an EA/OG (Early Access/Original Gangster) status to gain priority access to new releases and receive syCREDITS bonuses.

Good day

#Aidrop #Testnet
Here is a website that can help you track #Aird‬⁩ops ! Here is how it works, ✅The website has has Tiers from S, A, B ,C, D . S being the best tier (super tier) and D being the least. ✅ Here is the link to website 🔶Please look into project which have started testnet not more than a month. #Testnets #airdroptoken #AirdropHunting
Here is a website that can help you track #Aird‬⁩ops !

Here is how it works,
✅The website has has Tiers from S, A, B ,C, D .
S being the best tier (super tier) and D being the least.

✅ Here is the link to website

🔶Please look into project which have started testnet not more than a month.

#Testnets #airdroptoken #AirdropHunting
$CAPX #Airdrop‬⁩s confirmed in May 2024🪂 Cost: FREE Time: 15 minutes Potential rewards: $1000-5,500 ( Depend on UNITS and xCapx you have collected) Dive into the step-by-step video guide:👇🧵 INTRODUCTION: @CapxFi is building the world’s largest decentralized human-centric AI infrastructure. The protocol represents a bold step forward in the quest for a more ethical, scalable, and efficient AI future rewards. PURPOSE: By leveraging a peer-to-peer (P2P) network, @CapxFI aims to decentralize the entire AI infrastructure. From data labeling to model training and alignment using reinforcement learning techniques like RLHF & DPO. 2/ Registration: ➜ Go to ➜ Connect your wallet ➜ Paste the following code QWAEBX ➜ Enter your username ➜ Click on the "Create" button (need to wait for approving) ➜ Sign transaction ➜ Mint profile ➜ If the process gets stuck, just restart ➜ Get free 10 UNITS ➜complete the first five task given, each task has 10 UNITS ➜ Mint farm Badge NFT ➜ You can refer to your friends to earn more UNITS and wait for other task. #airdroptoken #AirdropHunting
$CAPX #Airdrop‬⁩s confirmed in May 2024🪂
Cost: FREE
Time: 15 minutes
Potential rewards: $1000-5,500 ( Depend on UNITS and xCapx you have collected)

Dive into the step-by-step video guide:👇🧵
@CapxFi is building the world’s largest decentralized human-centric AI infrastructure.
The protocol represents a bold step forward in the quest for a more ethical, scalable, and efficient AI future rewards.

By leveraging a peer-to-peer (P2P) network, @CapxFI aims to decentralize the entire AI infrastructure.
From data labeling to model training and alignment using reinforcement learning techniques like RLHF & DPO.

2/ Registration:

➜ Go to
➜ Connect your wallet
➜ Paste the following code QWAEBX
➜ Enter your username
➜ Click on the "Create" button (need to wait for approving)
➜ Sign transaction
➜ Mint profile
➜ If the process gets stuck, just restart
➜ Get free 10 UNITS
➜complete the first five task given, each task has 10 UNITS

➜ Mint farm Badge NFT
➜ You can refer to your friends to earn more UNITS and wait for other task. #airdroptoken #AirdropHunting
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