Binance Square
Im a professional magician, moving crypto as i wish!
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Material de învățare bun
Material de învățare bun
Don Salsichon
deci o modalitate foarte simplă de a gestiona riscul cu tranzacționarea futures.
sa zicem ca ai 100 USD.
în primul rând, întreaga poziție cu efect de levier nu ar trebui să fie peste 100 USD. deci să presupunem că utilizați un efect de pârghie de 50 de ori. asta înseamnă că marja nu trebuie să depășească 2 dolari (levier x50) = întreaga poziție este de până la 100 USD.

în acest fel, punctul dumneavoastră de lichidare nu este prezent, deoarece întreaga poziție este mai mică decât suma totală a fondurilor.

de ce și când să folosiți pârghia?
dacă utilizați un efect de pârghie de 5x față de un efect de levier de 50x înseamnă, practic, că vi se împrumută banii de 5x față de 50x.

problema cu efectul de levier mare este că, dacă tranzacționați cu o poziție mai mare decât totalul fondurilor dvs., aveți un punct de lichidare.

dar dacă nu, poți fi destul de relaxat că nu vei fi lichidat.

Să presupunem că deschideți o poziție cu o marjă de 1 USD, un efect de levier de 50x, astfel încât întreaga dvs. poziție este de 50 USD și marja dvs. este de 1 USD.
și să presupunem că cripto-ul pe care l-ați ales a câștigat 1% de când ați deschis poziția, asta înseamnă că veți fi câștigat 50% din marja dvs. sau 0,50 USD.
dacă cripto-ul a făcut 10%, ați făcut 500% efectiv din marja dvs. sau 5 USD pe marja dvs. de 1 USD.

În prezent, tranzacționez $JASMY cu această strategie
precum și $IOTA și $IOTX

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Ce sunt Bitcoin Futures? Cum funcționează?$BTC a cunoscut o creștere fulgerătoare a popularității în ultimul deceniu. Cu toate acestea, mulți investitori rămân sceptici față de piața criptomonedei din cauza naturii sale descentralizate, a securității îndoielnice, a reglementărilor neclare și a volatilității extreme. În ciuda acestor dezavantaje, Bitcoin a făcut un pas major către legitimitate în octombrie 2017, când CME Group, principala piață de instrumente derivate din lume, a lansat tranzacționarea contractelor futures Bitcoin. Patru ani mai târziu, ProShares a făcut din nou istorie prin lansarea unui ETF Bitcoin bazat pe contracte futures, primul fond cripto tranzacționat la bursă care a obținut aprobarea de reglementare pentru tranzacționarea pe o piață majoră din SUA.

Ce sunt Bitcoin Futures? Cum funcționează?

$BTC a cunoscut o creștere fulgerătoare a popularității în ultimul deceniu. Cu toate acestea, mulți investitori rămân sceptici față de piața criptomonedei din cauza naturii sale descentralizate, a securității îndoielnice, a reglementărilor neclare și a volatilității extreme.
În ciuda acestor dezavantaje, Bitcoin a făcut un pas major către legitimitate în octombrie 2017, când CME Group, principala piață de instrumente derivate din lume, a lansat tranzacționarea contractelor futures Bitcoin.
Patru ani mai târziu, ProShares a făcut din nou istorie prin lansarea unui ETF Bitcoin bazat pe contracte futures, primul fond cripto tranzacționat la bursă care a obținut aprobarea de reglementare pentru tranzacționarea pe o piață majoră din SUA.
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Pe scurt - $BTC va crește... Urmăriți pentru rezultate � {spot}(BTCUSDT)
Pe scurt - $BTC va crește...
Urmăriți pentru rezultate �
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Numărul de femei care intră în lumea criptomonedelor este în creștere
Industria criptomonedei s-a poziționat ca una dintre industriile cu cea mai rapidă creștere la nivel internațional. Potrivit datelor furnizate de Statista, piața criptomonedelor este de așteptat să atingă un profit de 51,5 miliarde USD până la sfârșitul anului 2024.

Femeile care străbat trasee în peisajul criptomonedelor

O tendință care însoțește creșterea pieței cripto este creșterea numărului de femei care intră pe piața cripto în fiecare an, fie prin investiții în cripto, fie prin proiecte de conducere.

Grinego Research a confirmat că la începutul anului, deținerile de criptomonede ale femeilor au crescut de la 18% la 30%. De asemenea, numărul posturilor ocupate de femei pe piața criptomonedei este în creștere, reprezentând 26% în 2023.
How to make a dip 101
How to make a dip 101
Trade Eagle
De ce piața pompează și apoi aruncă din nou? ❗️

Motivul balenelor

Piața poate experimenta pompe bruște (creșteri rapide de preț) urmate de depozite (scăderi rapide de preț) din mai multe motive, adesea determinate de acțiunile marilor comercianți sau „balene”. Iată principalele motive din spatele acestui fenomen:

### 1. **Manipularea pieței**

Balenele au suficient capital pentru a influența semnificativ prețurile pieței. Aceștia se pot angaja în scheme de „pump and dump” pentru a crea mișcări artificiale pe piață în beneficiul lor.

#### **Faza pompei:**
- **Cumpărați în vrac:** Balenele achiziționează cantități mari de criptomonedă, crescând prețul.
- **Creați hype:** pot răspândi știri pozitive sau zvonuri pentru a încuraja comercianții mai mici să cumpere, împingând prețul și mai mult.

#### **Faza de descărcare:**
- **Vânzare la vârf:** Odată ce prețul a crescut suficient, balenele încep să-și vândă exploatațiile la prețuri ridicate.
- **Preluare de profit:** Pe măsură ce ordinele mari de vânzare se execută, prețul începe să scadă rapid.
- **Exit Strategy:** Balenele ies de pe piață cu profituri semnificative, în timp ce comercianții mai mici care au cumpărat la prețuri mai mari suferă pierderi.

### 2. **Sentimentul pieței și psihologia**

Sentimentul pieței poate fi ușor influențat,

- **Frica de pierdere (FOMO):** Creșterile rapide ale prețurilor pot declanșa FOMO în rândul comercianților mai mici, determinându-i să cumpere impulsiv, crescând și mai mult prețul.
- **Vânzarea în panică:** Când prețul începe să scadă, aceiași comercianți pot intra în panică și își pot vinde activele, exacerbând declinul.

### 3. **Vânătoare de lichiditate**

Balenele pot pompa și arunca pentru a profita de buzunarele de lichiditate.

- **Identificați zonele de lichiditate:** Balenele identifică zonele cu lichiditate ridicată (de exemplu, unde sunt plasate multe ordine stop-loss).
- **Declanșează ordinele stop-loss: prin creșterea sau scăderea rapidă a prețului, acestea declanșează aceste ordine stop-loss, permițându-le să cumpere active la prețuri mai mici sau să vândă la prețuri mai mari.

înțelegând aceste tactici, comercianții pot naviga mai bine pe piețele volatile de criptomonede și pot evita să cadă pradă manipulării pieței

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Basmul CryptoCândva, doi tineri cripto-anarhiști deștepți s-au întâlnit și s-au îndrăgostit. Să-i spunem Jacques și Diane. S-au căsătorit, au muncit din greu și au avut un blockchain. Câțiva ani mai târziu - datorită dăruirii, muncii asidue și designului grafic bun - au convins oamenii de pretutindeni în lume să trimită sute de milioane de dolari în speranța că în schimb vor primi fasole magice numite „Tezzies”. $BTC Ce a făcut fasolea magică? Când sunt vândute, acestea ar crește în valoare cu mult peste prețul lor inițial și ar înflori în sume fabuloase de bani. Și finanțarea oferită de ei ar fi suficientă pentru ca Jacques și Diane să cumpere țări, instituții media, catedre dotate la universități și alte lucruri de lux.

Basmul Crypto

Cândva, doi tineri cripto-anarhiști deștepți s-au întâlnit și s-au îndrăgostit. Să-i spunem Jacques și Diane.
S-au căsătorit, au muncit din greu și au avut un blockchain. Câțiva ani mai târziu - datorită dăruirii, muncii asidue și designului grafic bun - au convins oamenii de pretutindeni în lume să trimită sute de milioane de dolari în speranța că în schimb vor primi fasole magice numite „Tezzies”.
Ce a făcut fasolea magică? Când sunt vândute, acestea ar crește în valoare cu mult peste prețul lor inițial și ar înflori în sume fabuloase de bani. Și finanțarea oferită de ei ar fi suficientă pentru ca Jacques și Diane să cumpere țări, instituții media, catedre dotate la universități și alte lucruri de lux.
$ETH $USDC $BNB {future}(BTCUSDT) LETS TALK 🤓 what is your prediction for tomorrow? 🙂🙂
LETS TALK 🤓 what is your prediction for tomorrow? 🙂🙂
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{spot}(BTCUSDT) $BTC MÂINE E ZIUA DE ZBĂRĂ ✈️✈ Dacă doriți să câștigați niște stive serioase, vă recomand să mă urmăriți � #whalesclub
Dacă doriți să câștigați niște stive serioase, vă recomand să mă urmăriți �
Today, we’re going to share some incredible bitcoin success stories that are great examples of how to make money on cryptocurrency and become a bitcoin millionaire. Who are we? Here at Cointree, we launched a cryptocurrency exchange way back in 2013 and have grown it to over 80,000 Australian members. We’ve seen people quickly grow their wealth and change their life. And we’ve seen that success means different things to different people. So in this article, we meet many bitcoin millionaires, including an apprentice who bought a house, a retiree who can’t stop smiling, and a student who was a millionaire by 18. Let’s start with the boy that bought a Bentley.
Today, we’re going to share some incredible bitcoin success stories that are great examples of how to make money on cryptocurrency and become a bitcoin millionaire.

Who are we? Here at Cointree, we launched a cryptocurrency exchange way back in 2013 and have grown it to over 80,000 Australian members. We’ve seen people quickly grow their wealth and change their life. And we’ve seen that success means different things to different people.

So in this article, we meet many bitcoin millionaires, including an apprentice who bought a house, a retiree who can’t stop smiling, and a student who was a millionaire by 18.

Let’s start with the boy that bought a Bentley.
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📈THE WOLF OF CRYPTO STREET!Jordan #Belfort was lounging by the pool on a sunny April morning, sipping Red Bull and sharing a cautionary tale. Not the usual one about his imprisonment on 10 counts of securities fraud and money laundering: This time, he’d been the victim. Last fall, he explained to a group of businessmen gathered at his palatial home, a hacker had stolen $300,000 of digital tokens from his #cryptocurrency wallet. He had gotten the bad news at dinner on a Friday, he said, while he was telling a venture-capitalist friend about the time he sank his yacht during a drug-fueled romp in the mid-’90s. After breaking into Belfort’s account, the hacker transferred large quantities of ohm, a popular cryptocurrency token, to a separate wallet — a publicly visible transaction that Belfort could do nothing to reverse. “You can see where the money is,” he said. “It’s the most frustrating thing.” Belfort, 59, is best known for “The Wolf of Wall Street,” a tell-all memoir about his debauched 1990s career in high finance, which director Martin Scorsese adapted into a 2013 movie starring Leonardo DiCaprio as the hard-partying protagonist. These days, the real-life Belfort is a consultant and sales coach, charging tens of thousands of dollars for private sessions. This month, at his house in Miami Beach, he hosted nine #blockchain enthusiasts and entrepreneurs for a weekend-long #CryptoOnWallStreet workshop — a chance to hang out with the Wolf and enjoy an “intimate financial experience” with his crypto-industry friends. A long line of celebrities has tried to profit from the cryptocurrency boom, appearing in widely mocked crypto commercials or flogging non-fungible tokens, the unique digital collectibles known as #NFTs . Belfort said he has refused to participate in the worst of the shilling. He has declined offers to launch a line of Wolf-themed NFTs, he said, even though “I could easily make $10 million.” He is also a recent convert away from crypto skepticism. Not long ago, he shot a YouTube video about the dangers of #bitcoin , which he called “frickin’ insanity” and “mass delusion.” Over the years, he said, he gradually changed his mind, as he learned more about cryptocurrencies and prices skyrocketed. Now, Belfort is an investor in a handful of startups, including a new NFT platform and an animal-themed crypto project that he said is “trying to take the dog-and-pet ecosystem and put it onto the blockchain.” Whatever his crypto bona fides, Belfort is unquestionably qualified to discuss the subject of financial fraud, a major problem in the digital-asset industry. In the 1990s, the firm he founded, Stratton Oakmont, operated a sophisticated stock-manipulation scheme. At the height of their wealth, he and his business partners consumed enormous quantities of cocaine and quaaludes and regularly employed prostitutes. Belfort eventually served 22 months in prison. Given that history, it can feel slightly surreal to hear an older, more grizzled Belfort proclaim that he is “massively looking forward to regulation” in the crypto industry. “I’m not interested in separating people from their money,” he said. “That’s the opposite of how I act right now.” Still, the crypto workshop at his house was not free: Guests paid one bitcoin for a seat, or the cash equivalent, which is roughly $40,000. The workshop began at 9 a.m. on Saturday. The guests — chosen from a pool of more than 600 applicants — milled around Belfort’s backyard, eating made-to-order omelets and trading tips about bitcoin mining and tokenomics. A crypto miner from Kazakhstan relaxed in the sun with an aspiring blockchain influencer who runs a roofing company in Idaho. A Florida businessman explained his plan to use NFTs in a startup that he’s pitching as Tinder for music. Some of the guests said they paid for the workshop because they are die-hard fans of the Wolf; others simply wanted to network with fellow entrepreneurs.Belfort has spent the past two decades trying to rebuild his reputation, but signs of the old Wolf were everywhere. Behind his spot at the head of the table, a fully stocked liquor shelf took up most of the wall. (He hasn’t gotten high in 25 years, he said, but he sometimes drinks.) Next to the shelf hung a poster designed to resemble an entry on the periodic table — Qu for quaalude — listing various “drug facts,” including “best sex ever.”After a round of introductions, Belfort began a lecture on the minutiae of cryptocurrencies, from the differences between bitcoin and ethereum to the rise of decentralized autonomous organizations. He shared his wisdom on crypto-based “smart contract” systems (“some of them are really smart; some of them are stupid”) and recounted old stories about his collaboration with DiCaprio and Scorsese.“Leo had never done drugs,” he said. “I had to educate him on that.”For a gathering of crypto evangelists, it was striking how much time everyone spent reliving their biggest losses. Nearly half the group said they’d been hacked. One guest said he’d lost money when the cryptocurrency exchange Mt. Gox collapsed in 2014. Two others said they’d burned large quantities of tokens in risky trades.The energy in the room lifted with the arrival of Chase Hero, one of a series of guest speakers Belfort had recruited for the weekend. A crypto investor and gaming enthusiast, Hero declared that stablecoins — cryptocurrencies whose value is pegged to the U.S. dollar — are “the biggest innovation since sliced bread.”A few hours later, the group adjourned for dinner at Carbone, a high-end Italian restaurant in Miami Beach where Belfort eats as often as twice a week. As they dined on caviar and rigatoni, some of the guests shared stories of their own debauchery; Belfort, it turned out, was not the only wolf in the room. Two guests discussed the mechanics of pursuing younger women without risking entanglement in a “sugar baby” situation. Someone speculated about how an enterprising strip club owner might incorporate NFTs into the business.Artem Bespaloff, the CEO of crypto mining company Asic Jungle, leaned across the table to describe his personal conversion to the way of the Wolf. He was planning to go to medical school, he said, when he found a copy of “The Wolf of Wall Street” at the library.“I said, ‘This is what I want to do,’” Bespaloff recalled. “I ended up stealing the book from the library.”“So I was a good influence,” Belfort said with a laugh. Still, he said, he regrets his behavior in those days — it was wrong, and he could have gotten even richer if he hadn’t broken the law. “I missed the internet boom,” he said. “I would’ve made 100x more money.”“Well,” Bespaloff replied, “you’re in crypto now.”“You live and learn,” Belfort said.


Jordan #Belfort was lounging by the pool on a sunny April morning, sipping Red Bull and sharing a cautionary tale. Not the usual one about his imprisonment on 10 counts of securities fraud and money laundering: This time, he’d been the victim. Last fall, he explained to a group of businessmen gathered at his palatial home, a hacker had stolen $300,000 of digital tokens from his #cryptocurrency wallet. He had gotten the bad news at dinner on a Friday, he said, while he was telling a venture-capitalist friend about the time he sank his yacht during a drug-fueled romp in the mid-’90s. After breaking into Belfort’s account, the hacker transferred large quantities of ohm, a popular cryptocurrency token, to a separate wallet — a publicly visible transaction that Belfort could do nothing to reverse. “You can see where the money is,” he said. “It’s the most frustrating thing.” Belfort, 59, is best known for “The Wolf of Wall Street,” a tell-all memoir about his debauched 1990s career in high finance, which director Martin Scorsese adapted into a 2013 movie starring Leonardo DiCaprio as the hard-partying protagonist. These days, the real-life Belfort is a consultant and sales coach, charging tens of thousands of dollars for private sessions. This month, at his house in Miami Beach, he hosted nine #blockchain enthusiasts and entrepreneurs for a weekend-long #CryptoOnWallStreet workshop — a chance to hang out with the Wolf and enjoy an “intimate financial experience” with his crypto-industry friends. A long line of celebrities has tried to profit from the cryptocurrency boom, appearing in widely mocked crypto commercials or flogging non-fungible tokens, the unique digital collectibles known as #NFTs . Belfort said he has refused to participate in the worst of the shilling. He has declined offers to launch a line of Wolf-themed NFTs, he said, even though “I could easily make $10 million.” He is also a recent convert away from crypto skepticism. Not long ago, he shot a YouTube video about the dangers of #bitcoin , which he called “frickin’ insanity” and “mass delusion.” Over the years, he said, he gradually changed his mind, as he learned more about cryptocurrencies and prices skyrocketed. Now, Belfort is an investor in a handful of startups, including a new NFT platform and an animal-themed crypto project that he said is “trying to take the dog-and-pet ecosystem and put it onto the blockchain.” Whatever his crypto bona fides, Belfort is unquestionably qualified to discuss the subject of financial fraud, a major problem in the digital-asset industry. In the 1990s, the firm he founded, Stratton Oakmont, operated a sophisticated stock-manipulation scheme. At the height of their wealth, he and his business partners consumed enormous quantities of cocaine and quaaludes and regularly employed prostitutes. Belfort eventually served 22 months in prison. Given that history, it can feel slightly surreal to hear an older, more grizzled Belfort proclaim that he is “massively looking forward to regulation” in the crypto industry. “I’m not interested in separating people from their money,” he said. “That’s the opposite of how I act right now.” Still, the crypto workshop at his house was not free: Guests paid one bitcoin for a seat, or the cash equivalent, which is roughly $40,000. The workshop began at 9 a.m. on Saturday. The guests — chosen from a pool of more than 600 applicants — milled around Belfort’s backyard, eating made-to-order omelets and trading tips about bitcoin mining and tokenomics. A crypto miner from Kazakhstan relaxed in the sun with an aspiring blockchain influencer who runs a roofing company in Idaho. A Florida businessman explained his plan to use NFTs in a startup that he’s pitching as Tinder for music. Some of the guests said they paid for the workshop because they are die-hard fans of the Wolf; others simply wanted to network with fellow entrepreneurs.Belfort has spent the past two decades trying to rebuild his reputation, but signs of the old Wolf were everywhere. Behind his spot at the head of the table, a fully stocked liquor shelf took up most of the wall. (He hasn’t gotten high in 25 years, he said, but he sometimes drinks.) Next to the shelf hung a poster designed to resemble an entry on the periodic table — Qu for quaalude — listing various “drug facts,” including “best sex ever.”After a round of introductions, Belfort began a lecture on the minutiae of cryptocurrencies, from the differences between bitcoin and ethereum to the rise of decentralized autonomous organizations. He shared his wisdom on crypto-based “smart contract” systems (“some of them are really smart; some of them are stupid”) and recounted old stories about his collaboration with DiCaprio and Scorsese.“Leo had never done drugs,” he said. “I had to educate him on that.”For a gathering of crypto evangelists, it was striking how much time everyone spent reliving their biggest losses. Nearly half the group said they’d been hacked. One guest said he’d lost money when the cryptocurrency exchange Mt. Gox collapsed in 2014. Two others said they’d burned large quantities of tokens in risky trades.The energy in the room lifted with the arrival of Chase Hero, one of a series of guest speakers Belfort had recruited for the weekend. A crypto investor and gaming enthusiast, Hero declared that stablecoins — cryptocurrencies whose value is pegged to the U.S. dollar — are “the biggest innovation since sliced bread.”A few hours later, the group adjourned for dinner at Carbone, a high-end Italian restaurant in Miami Beach where Belfort eats as often as twice a week. As they dined on caviar and rigatoni, some of the guests shared stories of their own debauchery; Belfort, it turned out, was not the only wolf in the room. Two guests discussed the mechanics of pursuing younger women without risking entanglement in a “sugar baby” situation. Someone speculated about how an enterprising strip club owner might incorporate NFTs into the business.Artem Bespaloff, the CEO of crypto mining company Asic Jungle, leaned across the table to describe his personal conversion to the way of the Wolf. He was planning to go to medical school, he said, when he found a copy of “The Wolf of Wall Street” at the library.“I said, ‘This is what I want to do,’” Bespaloff recalled. “I ended up stealing the book from the library.”“So I was a good influence,” Belfort said with a laugh. Still, he said, he regrets his behavior in those days — it was wrong, and he could have gotten even richer if he hadn’t broken the law. “I missed the internet boom,” he said. “I would’ve made 100x more money.”“Well,” Bespaloff replied, “you’re in crypto now.”“You live and learn,” Belfort said.
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