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DEZVOLTARE: ETF-uri spot Ethereum aprobate de SEC Comisia pentru Valori Mobiliare și Burse din SUA a declarat că a aprobat lansarea ETF-urilor Ethereum spot pentru lansare accelerată, potrivit Phoenix News. ETF-urile Ethereum se confruntă cu un proces de câteva săptămâni de finalizare a declarațiilor de înregistrare S-1, un formular cerut de SEC pentru ca ETF-urile să listeze valorile mobiliare și de stabilire a acordurilor de schimb prin mai multe runde de comunicare SEC. Mișcarea este de așteptat să aducă un aflux substanțial de capital instituțional pe piața Ethereum, Geoff Kendrick, șeful de cercetare a activelor digitale Standard Chartered, prezicând intrări de 15 până la 45 de miliarde de dolari în primele 12 luni. Pentru a răspunde preocupărilor SEC, potențialii emitenți spot ETH ETF, inclusiv Fidelity, Franklin Templeton, Ark, Invesco, Grayscale, Bitwise și VanEck, și-au actualizat dosarele pentru a confirma că nu vor miza ETH pentru randament. La începutul acestei săptămâni, analiștii Bloomberg Eric Balchunas și James Seyffart au crescut șansele ca un ETF Ethereum spot să fie aprobat luna aceasta de la 25% la 75%. Aprobarea ETF-urilor Ethereum și aprobarea proiectului de lege FIT21 cripto sugerează o schimbare a poziției Administrației Biden cu privire la cripto, ca urmare a angajamentului fostului președinte Trump de a sprijini industria și de a promova un mediu favorabil afacerilor în SUA. Aprobarea vine la doar cinci luni după ce SEC a dat undă verde pentru 11 ETF-uri Bitcoin spot, marcând o schimbare semnificativă în peisajul de reglementare pentru cripto în SUA. #EthereumETFApprovalExpectations #ETHETFsapproval #ETHETFS
DEZVOLTARE: ETF-uri spot Ethereum aprobate de SEC

Comisia pentru Valori Mobiliare și Burse din SUA a declarat că a aprobat lansarea ETF-urilor Ethereum spot pentru lansare accelerată, potrivit Phoenix News.

ETF-urile Ethereum se confruntă cu un proces de câteva săptămâni de finalizare a declarațiilor de înregistrare S-1, un formular cerut de SEC pentru ca ETF-urile să listeze valorile mobiliare și de stabilire a acordurilor de schimb prin mai multe runde de comunicare SEC.

Mișcarea este de așteptat să aducă un aflux substanțial de capital instituțional pe piața Ethereum, Geoff Kendrick, șeful de cercetare a activelor digitale Standard Chartered, prezicând intrări de 15 până la 45 de miliarde de dolari în primele 12 luni.

Pentru a răspunde preocupărilor SEC, potențialii emitenți spot ETH ETF, inclusiv Fidelity, Franklin Templeton, Ark, Invesco, Grayscale, Bitwise și VanEck, și-au actualizat dosarele pentru a confirma că nu vor miza ETH pentru randament.

La începutul acestei săptămâni, analiștii Bloomberg Eric Balchunas și James Seyffart au crescut șansele ca un ETF Ethereum spot să fie aprobat luna aceasta de la 25% la 75%.

Aprobarea ETF-urilor Ethereum și aprobarea proiectului de lege FIT21 cripto sugerează o schimbare a poziției Administrației Biden cu privire la cripto, ca urmare a angajamentului fostului președinte Trump de a sprijini industria și de a promova un mediu favorabil afacerilor în SUA.

Aprobarea vine la doar cinci luni după ce SEC a dat undă verde pentru 11 ETF-uri Bitcoin spot, marcând o schimbare semnificativă în peisajul de reglementare pentru cripto în SUA.

#EthereumETFApprovalExpectations #ETHETFsapproval #ETHETFS
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În tonuri de gri, Coinbase se adună cu SEC peste Ether ETF spot Grayscale și Coinbase s-au întâlnit cu SEC pe 6 martie pentru a aborda preocupările legate de conversia Ethereum Trust al Grayscale într-un ETF spot. Firmele de criptografie Grayscale și Coinbase s-au întâlnit recent cu oficiali ai Comisiei pentru Valori Mobiliare și Schimb (SEC) din Statele Unite pentru a discuta despre o modificare a regulilor pentru lansarea fondurilor tranzacționate la bursă Ether (ETF) la vedere. Grayscale încearcă să-și transforme Ethereum Trust – care urmărește prețul pieței Ether într-un ETF, similar conversiei Bitcoin Trust într-un ETF în ianuarie. Întâlnirea, desfășurată pe 6 martie, a urmat sfârșitul perioadei de comentarii pentru propunere și a abordat preocupările cu privire la o posibilă manipulare a pieței în cazul în care fondul ar fi aprobat. Potrivit unei prezentări împărtășite de SEC, Coinbase a susținut că același raționament care a dus la aprobarea ETF-urilor Bitcoin ar trebui aplicat Ether, deoarece tokenul are „mecanisme care limitează semnificativ susceptibilitatea ETH la fraudă și manipulare”. Un alt punct de prezentare se referă la acordul Coinbase de partajare a supravegherii cu Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME). Mecanismul a fost implementat pentru ETF-urile Bitcoin la cererea SEC pentru a îmbunătăți monitorizarea tranzacționării. Grayscale propune, de asemenea, un al doilea ETF pentru tranzacționarea futures Ether. Principala diferență dintre piețele spot și futures este că activele de pe piața la vedere sunt tranzacționate imediat, în timp ce, pe piața futures, se încheie contracte pentru a cumpăra sau vinde active la o dată viitoare pentru un anumit preț. #Etherrum #ETH✅ #Coinbase. #Graysacle
În tonuri de gri, Coinbase se adună cu SEC peste Ether ETF spot

Grayscale și Coinbase s-au întâlnit cu SEC pe 6 martie pentru a aborda preocupările legate de conversia Ethereum Trust al Grayscale într-un ETF spot.

Firmele de criptografie Grayscale și Coinbase s-au întâlnit recent cu oficiali ai Comisiei pentru Valori Mobiliare și Schimb (SEC) din Statele Unite pentru a discuta despre o modificare a regulilor pentru lansarea fondurilor tranzacționate la bursă Ether (ETF) la vedere.

Grayscale încearcă să-și transforme Ethereum Trust – care urmărește prețul pieței Ether într-un ETF, similar conversiei Bitcoin Trust într-un ETF în ianuarie. Întâlnirea, desfășurată pe 6 martie, a urmat sfârșitul perioadei de comentarii pentru propunere și a abordat preocupările cu privire la o posibilă manipulare a pieței în cazul în care fondul ar fi aprobat.

Potrivit unei prezentări împărtășite de SEC, Coinbase a susținut că același raționament care a dus la aprobarea ETF-urilor Bitcoin ar trebui aplicat Ether, deoarece tokenul are „mecanisme care limitează semnificativ susceptibilitatea ETH la fraudă și manipulare”.

Un alt punct de prezentare se referă la acordul Coinbase de partajare a supravegherii cu Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME). Mecanismul a fost implementat pentru ETF-urile Bitcoin la cererea SEC pentru a îmbunătăți monitorizarea tranzacționării.

Grayscale propune, de asemenea, un al doilea ETF pentru tranzacționarea futures Ether. Principala diferență dintre piețele spot și futures este că activele de pe piața la vedere sunt tranzacționate imediat, în timp ce, pe piața futures, se încheie contracte pentru a cumpăra sau vinde active la o dată viitoare pentru un anumit preț.

#Etherrum #ETH✅ #Coinbase. #Graysacle
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Shytoshi Kusama emite un apel crucial BONE pentru comunitatea Shiba Inu: detalii Liderul enigmatic al echipei Shiba Inu cunoscut comunității sub pseudonimul Shytoshi Kusama a lansat un apel crucial către armata SHIB, îndemnându-i să voteze pentru simbolul Bone ShibaSwap (BONE), deoarece are șansa de a fi listat pe Binance. Platforma de viitor. „Înțeleg că nu toate țările pot vota, așa că#SHIBARMYdacă poți, FĂ-O.#BINANCESHOWYOUR POWER!!!!” La începutul acestei săptămâni, cel mai mare trader de criptomonede din lume, Binance, a anunțat lansarea unei noi funcții de vot numită Binance Futures Next, care permite comunității să voteze pentru tokenurile pe care doresc să fie listate pe piața Binance Futures. Până acum, de-a lungul celorlalte numeroase jetoane, BONE deține a treia poziție la alegeri – 33.462. Este în spatele unei alte criptomonede meme BabyDoge (BABYDOGE) cu cele 37.054 de voturi și înaintea monedei meme Milady (LADYS) (23.709 voturi). Shytoshi Kusama s-a adresat vineri și astăzi armatei SHIB, adăugând că, deoarece utilizatorii din toate țările nu au voie să acceseze Binance și să voteze pentru BONE, el a îndemnat armata SHIB să continue și să ajute jetonul să ajungă pe primul loc. Vineri, alimentat de știrile despre potențiala listare Binance, BONE a crescut cu peste 23%. #SHİBA #BONE #memecoin‬⁩ #BinanceFutures Imagine prin [Binance](
Shytoshi Kusama emite un apel crucial BONE pentru comunitatea Shiba Inu: detalii

Liderul enigmatic al echipei Shiba Inu cunoscut comunității sub pseudonimul Shytoshi Kusama a lansat un apel crucial către armata SHIB, îndemnându-i să voteze pentru simbolul Bone ShibaSwap (BONE), deoarece are șansa de a fi listat pe Binance. Platforma de viitor.

„Înțeleg că nu toate țările pot vota, așa că#SHIBARMYdacă poți, FĂ-O.#BINANCESHOWYOUR POWER!!!!”

La începutul acestei săptămâni, cel mai mare trader de criptomonede din lume, Binance, a anunțat lansarea unei noi funcții de vot numită Binance Futures Next, care permite comunității să voteze pentru tokenurile pe care doresc să fie listate pe piața Binance Futures.

Până acum, de-a lungul celorlalte numeroase jetoane, BONE deține a treia poziție la alegeri – 33.462. Este în spatele unei alte criptomonede meme BabyDoge (BABYDOGE) cu cele 37.054 de voturi și înaintea monedei meme Milady (LADYS) (23.709 voturi).

Shytoshi Kusama s-a adresat vineri și astăzi armatei SHIB, adăugând că, deoarece utilizatorii din toate țările nu au voie să acceseze Binance și să voteze pentru BONE, el a îndemnat armata SHIB să continue și să ajute jetonul să ajungă pe primul loc. Vineri, alimentat de știrile despre potențiala listare Binance, BONE a crescut cu peste 23%.

#SHİBA #BONE #memecoin‬⁩ #BinanceFutures

Imagine prin Binance
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Floki domină Times Square New York cu o campanie de trei luni Într-o mișcare asertivă, Floki, popularul memecoin, recuperează lumina reflectoarelor în inima New York-ului cu o campanie de marketing extinsă în Times Square Plaza. Această evoluție urmărește creșterea prețului FLOKI de peste 300% săptămâna trecută. Începând cu 15 martie și pe o perioadă remarcabilă de trei luni, Floki va fi prezentat pe un colosal ecran LED HD cu două fețe, poziționat strategic lângă panoul publicitar Nasdaq din Times Square. Impresionantul panou digital, măsoară 56 de picioare lățime pe 29 de picioare înălțime și este situat la cinci etaje deasupra intersecției de la 1500 Broadway și West 43rd Street, acoperă un spațiu de vizualizare uimitor de 1.624 de metri pătrați, depășind dimensiunea unei case medii din Manhattan. Plasat în mod deosebit în centrul Times Square Plaza, recunoscut drept „Poarta către New York”, 1500 Broadway Spectacular este setat să afișeze reclamele captivante de zece secunde ale lui Floki de cel puțin patru ori pe oră, difuzând timp de 20 de ore în fiecare zi, pe tot parcursul Campanie de 93 de zile. Această acoperire extinsă echivalează cu un minim de 7.440 de spoturi de zece secunde, asigurând prezența lui Floki. Times Square, un centru zilnic pentru 330.000 de vizitatori și o arteră anuală pentru 50 de milioane de oameni, își consolidează statutul de cea mai aglomerată atracție din Statele Unite. Amplasarea strategică a campaniei lui Floki în această locație emblematică se aliniază cu misiunea monedei de a capta atenția unui public vast. a apărut prima dată pe Crypto News Land #FLOKİ #Flokii
Floki domină Times Square New York cu o campanie de trei luni

Într-o mișcare asertivă, Floki, popularul memecoin, recuperează lumina reflectoarelor în inima New York-ului cu o campanie de marketing extinsă în Times Square Plaza. Această evoluție urmărește creșterea prețului FLOKI de peste 300% săptămâna trecută.

Începând cu 15 martie și pe o perioadă remarcabilă de trei luni, Floki va fi prezentat pe un colosal ecran LED HD cu două fețe, poziționat strategic lângă panoul publicitar Nasdaq din Times Square.

Impresionantul panou digital, măsoară 56 de picioare lățime pe 29 de picioare înălțime și este situat la cinci etaje deasupra intersecției de la 1500 Broadway și West 43rd Street, acoperă un spațiu de vizualizare uimitor de 1.624 de metri pătrați, depășind dimensiunea unei case medii din Manhattan.

Plasat în mod deosebit în centrul Times Square Plaza, recunoscut drept „Poarta către New York”, 1500 Broadway Spectacular este setat să afișeze reclamele captivante de zece secunde ale lui Floki de cel puțin patru ori pe oră, difuzând timp de 20 de ore în fiecare zi, pe tot parcursul Campanie de 93 de zile. Această acoperire extinsă echivalează cu un minim de 7.440 de spoturi de zece secunde, asigurând prezența lui Floki.

Times Square, un centru zilnic pentru 330.000 de vizitatori și o arteră anuală pentru 50 de milioane de oameni, își consolidează statutul de cea mai aglomerată atracție din Statele Unite. Amplasarea strategică a campaniei lui Floki în această locație emblematică se aliniază cu misiunea monedei de a capta atenția unui public vast.

a apărut prima dată pe Crypto News Land

#FLOKİ #Flokii
Binance Burns 2.21 Billion Terra Luna Classic LUNC price soars over 30% as crypto exchange Binance burned 2.21 billion Terra Luna Classic in 19th batch of its LUNC burn mechanism. The world’s largest crypto exchange Binance burned 2.21 billion Terra Luna Classic (LUNC) tokens in the 19th batch of the LUNC burn mechanism. As a result, the net LUNC burn by the crypto exchange reaches over 53 billion and the total tokens burned by the Terra Luna Classic community reaches over 102 billion. The 100 billion LUNC milestone uplifted Terra Luna Classic community’s sentiment and confidence amid a collaborative effort to remove LUNC tokens from the circulating supply. Binance sent 2.21 billion Terra Luna Classic (LUNC) tokens to the burn address terra1sk06e3dyexuq4shw77y3dsv480xv42mq73anxu, as per the transaction on March 1. Notably, the 19th batch of the LUNC burn mechanism Binance burned over 270 million trading fees for the period January 31 to February 28. After the latest burn, Binance’s total LUNC burn reaches 53.48 billion Terra Classic tokens from trading fees on LUNC spot and margin trading pairs. #LUNC. #USCT #TrendingTopic
Binance Burns 2.21 Billion Terra Luna Classic

LUNC price soars over 30% as crypto exchange Binance burned 2.21 billion Terra Luna Classic in 19th batch of its LUNC burn mechanism.

The world’s largest crypto exchange Binance burned 2.21 billion Terra Luna Classic (LUNC) tokens in the 19th batch of the LUNC burn mechanism. As a result, the net LUNC burn by the crypto exchange reaches over 53 billion and the total tokens burned by the Terra Luna Classic community reaches over 102 billion.

The 100 billion LUNC milestone uplifted Terra Luna Classic community’s sentiment and confidence amid a collaborative effort to remove LUNC tokens from the circulating supply.

Binance sent 2.21 billion Terra Luna Classic (LUNC) tokens to the burn address terra1sk06e3dyexuq4shw77y3dsv480xv42mq73anxu, as per the transaction on March 1.

Notably, the 19th batch of the LUNC burn mechanism Binance burned over 270 million trading fees for the period January 31 to February 28. After the latest burn, Binance’s total LUNC burn reaches 53.48 billion Terra Classic tokens from trading fees on LUNC spot and margin trading pairs.

#LUNC. #USCT #TrendingTopic
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3 Cryptos se vor ridica în acest weekend Călărește valul inovației cu ScapesMania Vânzarea publică ScapesMania s-a încheiat, devenind subiectul de discuție al comunității cripto. Proiectul a reușit să asigure peste 6.125.000 USD la o rată fără precedent și există o probabilitate mare ca valoarea jetonului să crească exponențial în viitor. Accentul s-a mutat pe următoarea listă PancakeSwap. Data a fost deja anunțată într-un recent AMA cu CEO-ul, așa că nu ratați! Starknet (STRK): Surging TVL and Quest for Stability Starknet (STRK) a atras interesul utilizatorilor și dezvoltatorilor pentru a vedea în continuare valoarea totală blocată (TVL) să crească dramatic, ceea ce indică o încredere recâștigată în piața STRK. În ciuda controverselor recente și a unei scăderi a prețului sub 2 USD, creșterea TVL și dinamica potențială a pieței sugerează că prețul Starknet (STRK) s-ar putea stabiliza sau chiar crește dacă piața Ethereum mai amplă va funcționa bine. Optimismul (OP): un far al recuperării și creșterii Recent, Optimism (OP) a observat o recuperare semnificativă, înrădăcinată în utilizarea crescândă a platformei după integrarea simbolului de confidențialitate Worldcoin (WLD). De fapt, Optimism (OP) a depășit chiar și rivalul său Arbitrum în volumul tranzacțiilor - o demonstrație incontestabilă a atractivității sale tot mai mari. În acest an, Optimism (OP) este de așteptat să crească, atingând potențial 7,49 USD. Anul viitor ar putea fi martor la o ascensiune și mai impresionantă, cu previziuni care sugerează un posibil vârf de 10,62 USD. Aceste proiecții, susținute atât de analize tehnice, cât și de sentimentul pieței, semnifică o poziție pronunțat optimistă față de token, sunt într-adevăr susținute puternic în fundația lor. Disclaimer: Acest articol are doar scop informativ. #Optimisim #StarkNetTradingSignal #ScapesMania
3 Cryptos se vor ridica în acest weekend

Călărește valul inovației cu ScapesMania

Vânzarea publică ScapesMania s-a încheiat, devenind subiectul de discuție al comunității cripto. Proiectul a reușit să asigure peste 6.125.000 USD la o rată fără precedent și există o probabilitate mare ca valoarea jetonului să crească exponențial în viitor.

Accentul s-a mutat pe următoarea listă PancakeSwap. Data a fost deja anunțată într-un recent AMA cu CEO-ul, așa că nu ratați!

Starknet (STRK): Surging TVL and Quest for Stability

Starknet (STRK) a atras interesul utilizatorilor și dezvoltatorilor pentru a vedea în continuare valoarea totală blocată (TVL) să crească dramatic, ceea ce indică o încredere recâștigată în piața STRK.

În ciuda controverselor recente și a unei scăderi a prețului sub 2 USD, creșterea TVL și dinamica potențială a pieței sugerează că prețul Starknet (STRK) s-ar putea stabiliza sau chiar crește dacă piața Ethereum mai amplă va funcționa bine.

Optimismul (OP): un far al recuperării și creșterii

Recent, Optimism (OP) a observat o recuperare semnificativă, înrădăcinată în utilizarea crescândă a platformei după integrarea simbolului de confidențialitate Worldcoin (WLD). De fapt, Optimism (OP) a depășit chiar și rivalul său Arbitrum în volumul tranzacțiilor - o demonstrație incontestabilă a atractivității sale tot mai mari.

În acest an, Optimism (OP) este de așteptat să crească, atingând potențial 7,49 USD. Anul viitor ar putea fi martor la o ascensiune și mai impresionantă, cu previziuni care sugerează un posibil vârf de 10,62 USD. Aceste proiecții, susținute atât de analize tehnice, cât și de sentimentul pieței, semnifică o poziție pronunțat optimistă față de token, sunt într-adevăr susținute puternic în fundația lor.

Disclaimer: Acest articol are doar scop informativ.

#Optimisim #StarkNetTradingSignal #ScapesMania
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Terra Classic revoluționează cu Tritium Bridge: O nouă zori pentru conectivitate încrucișată Într-o dezvoltare semnificativă pentru comunitatea Terra Luna Classic, Terra Tritium a dezvăluit Tritium Bridge, o soluție inovatoare concepută pentru a spori utilitatea și a facilita teleportarea fără întreruperi de token între diferite blockchain-uri. Validator VegasMorph evidențiază potențiala revenire a utilității în lanț prin progresele recente, cu Tritium Bridge poziționat ca o componentă esențială. Lansarea podului Tritium: o poartă către interacțiunea încrucișată Podul Tritium stabilește conectivitatea între Terra și BSC, favorizând interacțiunea inter-lanț. Taxele de tranzacție pentru utilizarea Tritium Bridge sunt percepute în TRIT, simbolul nativ al Terra Tritium. În special, 100% din taxele colectate prin Podul Tritium vor fi arse, contribuind la un mecanism deflaționist în cadrul ecosistemului. Pentru a amplifica impactul Podului Tritium, Terra Tritium încurajează proprietarii de jetoane să participe activ, incluzând jetoanele lor în pod. Această implicare este văzută ca un pas crucial în extinderea versatilității podului și în stimularea angajamentului încrucișat. Posesorii de jetoane interesați de acest nivel următor de interacțiune sunt invitați să trimită mesaje directe către Terra Tritium. În concluzie Podul Tritium de la Terra Tritium apare ca o dezvoltare transformatoare în ecosistemul Terra Luna Classic, oferind o poartă către o utilitate îmbunătățită și o conectivitate între lanțuri. Cu mecanismul său de ardere și participarea comunității, Podul Tritium nu numai că facilitează transferurile de simboluri, dar contribuie și la dinamica deflaționistă a ecosistemului. Sursa: CoinPedia News #LunaTerraClassic #LUNC. #TRITIUM #BSC
Terra Classic revoluționează cu Tritium Bridge: O nouă zori pentru conectivitate încrucișată

Într-o dezvoltare semnificativă pentru comunitatea Terra Luna Classic, Terra Tritium a dezvăluit Tritium Bridge, o soluție inovatoare concepută pentru a spori utilitatea și a facilita teleportarea fără întreruperi de token între diferite blockchain-uri.
Validator VegasMorph evidențiază potențiala revenire a utilității în lanț prin progresele recente, cu Tritium Bridge poziționat ca o componentă esențială.

Lansarea podului Tritium: o poartă către interacțiunea încrucișată
Podul Tritium stabilește conectivitatea între Terra și BSC, favorizând interacțiunea inter-lanț. Taxele de tranzacție pentru utilizarea Tritium Bridge sunt percepute în TRIT, simbolul nativ al Terra Tritium. În special, 100% din taxele colectate prin Podul Tritium vor fi arse, contribuind la un mecanism deflaționist în cadrul ecosistemului.

Pentru a amplifica impactul Podului Tritium, Terra Tritium încurajează proprietarii de jetoane să participe activ, incluzând jetoanele lor în pod. Această implicare este văzută ca un pas crucial în extinderea versatilității podului și în stimularea angajamentului încrucișat. Posesorii de jetoane interesați de acest nivel următor de interacțiune sunt invitați să trimită mesaje directe către Terra Tritium.

În concluzie

Podul Tritium de la Terra Tritium apare ca o dezvoltare transformatoare în ecosistemul Terra Luna Classic, oferind o poartă către o utilitate îmbunătățită și o conectivitate între lanțuri. Cu mecanismul său de ardere și participarea comunității, Podul Tritium nu numai că facilitează transferurile de simboluri, dar contribuie și la dinamica deflaționistă a ecosistemului.

Sursa: CoinPedia News

#LunaTerraClassic #LUNC. #TRITIUM #BSC
MicroStrategy With Another Huge Bitcoin Buy MicroStrategy continues with its Bitcoin shopping spree, adding another 3000 BTC to its name. It appears that Michael Saylor was completely serious when he recently said that he plans on buying Bitcoin forever. MicroStrategy just announced that they bought another 3,000 BTC, each priced at $51,813. This means they paid around $155 million for it. With this most recent move, MicroStrategy is currently the proud owner of 193,000 BTC. They’ve paid a total of $6.09 billion for it, putting their average price at $31,544 per BTC. At current prices, their stack is worth a little less than $10 billion, netting them a return of close to 63%. #BTC‬ #MicroStrategyBTC #MicroStrategyMoves
MicroStrategy With Another Huge Bitcoin Buy

MicroStrategy continues with its Bitcoin shopping spree, adding another 3000 BTC to its name.

It appears that Michael Saylor was completely serious when he recently said that he plans on buying Bitcoin forever.

MicroStrategy just announced that they bought another 3,000 BTC, each priced at $51,813. This means they paid around $155 million for it.

With this most recent move, MicroStrategy is currently the proud
owner of 193,000 BTC. They’ve paid a total of $6.09 billion for it,
putting their average price at $31,544 per BTC.

At current prices, their stack is worth a little less than $10 billion, netting them a return of close to 63%.

#BTC‬ #MicroStrategyBTC #MicroStrategyMoves
Uniswap Skyrockets 80% as Bitcoin Stalls at $51K Uniswap’s UNI stole the show in the past 24 hours, exploding by nearly 80% following a proposal to reward UNI holders with a percentage of the fees generated by the DEX. Uniswap has been the main story of the past day, as its native cryptocurrency exploded by 80% following a proposal for a major upgrade. Meanwhile, Bitcoin’s price remains stuck at around $51K as bulls and bears continue their fight for control over the market. Uniswap (UNI) Leads Altcoin Push The sentiment in the altcoin market is mostly mixed, with the majority of them charting slight gains or losses over the past 24 hours. However, Uniswap’s UNI token is the obvious exception. The cryptocurrency exploded by almost 80% in the past 24 hours, driven by a proposal to change an important component of the protocol. Namely, the Uniswap Foundation proposes that UNI holders receive a percentage of the fees generated by the DEX. This turns UNI from a mere governance token into a yield-generating one, should the proposal pass. The surge in UNI propelled other DEX-related tokens also to soar. These include dYdX (up 29%), Quickswap (up 14.1), and so forth. All in all, the past 24 hours turned out to be relatively eventful, and it’ll be interesting to see how the market unfolds next. Bitcoin Price Stalls at $51K Bitcoin has been unable to break above $51,000 in the past 24 hours. The good news is that the bears were unable to push below it either – and it wasn’t for the lack of trying. The price dipped to as low as $50.6K at one point, but that’s when buyers stepped in and managed to push it back up to where it currently trades at $51K. Bitcoin’s dominance has declined to 48.6% in the past 24 hours – down from 49.25%. This is indicative of the fact that the altcoin market is outperforming BTC. The cryptocurrency fear and greed index remains in “Greed” territory, clocking in at 72, down from 76 yesterday. #Bitcoin‬ #Uniswap’s #Halving #TRX.
Uniswap Skyrockets 80% as Bitcoin Stalls at $51K
Uniswap’s UNI stole the show in the past 24 hours, exploding by nearly 80% following a proposal to reward UNI holders with a percentage of the fees generated by the DEX.

Uniswap has been the main story of the past day, as its native cryptocurrency exploded by 80% following a proposal for a major upgrade.

Meanwhile, Bitcoin’s price remains stuck at around $51K as bulls and bears continue their fight for control over the market.

Uniswap (UNI) Leads Altcoin Push

The sentiment in the altcoin market is mostly mixed, with the majority of them charting slight gains or losses over the past 24 hours.

However, Uniswap’s UNI token is the obvious exception. The cryptocurrency exploded by almost 80% in the past 24 hours, driven by a proposal to change an important component of the protocol.

Namely, the Uniswap Foundation proposes that UNI holders receive a percentage of the fees generated by the DEX. This turns UNI from a mere governance token into a yield-generating one, should the proposal pass.

The surge in UNI propelled other DEX-related tokens also to soar. These include dYdX (up 29%), Quickswap (up 14.1), and so forth.

All in all, the past 24 hours turned out to be relatively eventful, and it’ll be interesting to see how the market unfolds next.

Bitcoin Price Stalls at $51K

Bitcoin has been unable to break above $51,000 in the past 24 hours. The good news is that the bears were unable to push below it either – and it wasn’t for the lack of trying.

The price dipped to as low as $50.6K at one point, but that’s when buyers stepped in and managed to push it back up to where it currently trades at $51K.

Bitcoin’s dominance has declined to 48.6% in the past 24 hours – down from 49.25%. This is indicative of the fact that the altcoin market is outperforming BTC.

The cryptocurrency fear and greed index remains in “Greed” territory, clocking in at 72, down from 76 yesterday.

#Bitcoin‬ #Uniswap’s #Halving #TRX.
Shiba Inu’s Progress Shiba Inu’s L2 scaling solution – Shibarium – continues to make waves, recently blasting through another milestone. As CryptoPotato reported on February 19, daily transactions on the network reached 3 million, whereas total transactions surpassed the 360 million level.  The feature went live in August last year, aiming to service the needs of the Shiba Inu ecosystem by lowering transaction fees and improving speed.  Some experts have claimed that Shibarium’s advancement could propel a SHIB price rally. Nonetheless, the meme coin has not performed so well as of late, with its value being down 3% on a weekly scale.
Shiba Inu’s Progress

Shiba Inu’s L2 scaling solution – Shibarium – continues to make waves, recently blasting through another milestone. As CryptoPotato reported on February 19, daily transactions on the network reached 3 million, whereas total transactions surpassed the 360 million level. 

The feature went live in August last year, aiming to service the needs of the Shiba Inu ecosystem by lowering transaction fees and improving speed. 

Some experts have claimed that Shibarium’s advancement could propel a SHIB price rally. Nonetheless, the meme coin has not performed so well as of late, with its value being down 3% on a weekly scale.
Important Ripple v SEC Development The company’s recent developments are related to its lawsuit against the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Recall that the regulator sued Ripple in December 2020, accusing it of illegally raising more than $1.3 billion in an unregistered securities offering by selling XRP. For its part, the firm argues that its native token should not be classified as a security, thus standing aside the Commission’s jurisdiction. The trial between the entities is scheduled for April 23, with Ripple seemingly being the top dog after securing three vital (yet partial) court wins last year. The SEC also achieved a small victory, with Judge Sarah Netburn ordering the firm to disclose important financial records for 2022 and 2023 (as insisted by the watchdog). Most recently, Ripple had to provide essential data included in the remedies-related discovery phase. The company had until February 12 to do so but requested an extension of the deadline with an additional eight days. Besides its efforts in the legal field, Ripple has been working on a global expansion. Earlier this week, one of the biggest financial institutions in Egypt – the Commercial International Bank (CIB) – partnered with the company “to implement blockchain technology, enhancing the efficiency of cross-border payments.” #XRP🚀 #BTC‬ #Ethereum(ETH)
Important Ripple v SEC Development

The company’s recent developments are related to its lawsuit against the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).
Recall that the regulator sued Ripple in December 2020, accusing it of illegally raising more than $1.3 billion in an unregistered securities offering by selling XRP. For its part, the firm argues that its native token should not be classified as a security, thus standing aside the Commission’s jurisdiction.

The trial between the entities is scheduled for April 23, with Ripple seemingly being the top dog after securing three vital (yet partial) court wins last year. The SEC also achieved a small victory, with Judge Sarah Netburn ordering the firm to disclose important financial records for 2022 and 2023 (as insisted by the watchdog).

Most recently, Ripple had to provide essential data included in the remedies-related discovery phase. The company had until February 12 to do so but requested an extension of the deadline with an additional eight days.

Besides its efforts in the legal field, Ripple has been working on a global expansion. Earlier this week, one of the biggest financial institutions in Egypt – the Commercial International Bank (CIB) – partnered with the company “to implement blockchain technology, enhancing the efficiency of cross-border payments.”

#XRP🚀 #BTC‬ #Ethereum(ETH)
Justin Sun suspected to have purchased $160m in Ethereum An address suspected of Justin Sun recently acquired $160.7 million in ETH, potentially indicating a bullish drive for Ethereum. Lookonchain said the purchase was made through leading cryptocurrency exchange Binance and various decentralized exchanges (DEXs). The wallet, identified with the partial address “TWGHNc,” has been scrutinized for its large-scale transactions, including a withdrawal of 500 million USDT in Tether from HTX, formally Huobi, on Sunday. The same wallet also deposited 50 million USDT into Binance today, with analysts and observers emphasizing that Sun would have the potential capability to withdraw such a large amount from HTX. Further comparisons of transaction patterns have linked the “TWGHNc” wallet to another address, “0x7a95,” noting parallel activities between the two. On Feb. 7, TWGHNc deposited $5.4 million to HTX, followed by a similar amount in ETH withdrawal by 0x7a95 from HTX the next day. Additionally, a 50 million USDT deposit to Binance on Feb. 1 by TWGHNc correlated with a subsequent withdrawal of 9,959 ETH from Binance by 0x7a95 on Feb. 12. The high-value transactions from HTX suggest that the wallet could potentially belong to Sun, although it’s speculative. If Sun were accurately identified behind these transactions, it would signal a bullish interest in Ethereum from the TRON founder. #Ethereum(ETH) #TRON. #HTX #BTC‬ #JustinSun
Justin Sun suspected to have purchased $160m in Ethereum

An address suspected of Justin Sun recently acquired $160.7 million in ETH, potentially indicating a bullish drive for Ethereum.

Lookonchain said the purchase was made through leading cryptocurrency exchange Binance and various decentralized exchanges (DEXs). The wallet, identified with the partial address “TWGHNc,” has been scrutinized for its large-scale transactions, including a withdrawal of 500 million USDT in Tether from HTX, formally Huobi, on Sunday.

The same wallet also deposited 50 million USDT into Binance today, with analysts and observers emphasizing that Sun would have the potential capability to withdraw such a large amount from HTX.

Further comparisons of transaction patterns have linked the “TWGHNc” wallet to another address, “0x7a95,” noting parallel activities between the two. On Feb. 7, TWGHNc deposited $5.4 million to HTX, followed by a similar amount in ETH withdrawal by 0x7a95 from HTX the next day.

Additionally, a 50 million USDT deposit to Binance on Feb. 1 by TWGHNc correlated with a subsequent withdrawal of 9,959 ETH from Binance by 0x7a95 on Feb. 12. The high-value transactions from HTX suggest that the wallet could potentially belong to Sun, although it’s speculative.

If Sun were accurately identified behind these transactions, it would signal a bullish interest in Ethereum from the TRON founder.

#Ethereum(ETH) #TRON. #HTX #BTC‬ #JustinSun
WLD skyrockets by 180% in week, surpassing 1m daily active users Over the past two weeks, Worldcoin (WLD) has seen impressive growth. On Feb. 19, 2024, the asset hit a new all-time-high and is now trading at $7.27. Over the past 24 hours, the price of the Worldcoin token has increased by more than 40%, setting a record at $7.57. At the time of writing, WLD is trading at $7.27, the highest level in the project’s entire history. This is 673% more than in September 2023, when the asset fell to a historic low. Over the past 24 hours, the coin’s value has increased by 41%. On a weekly basis, the growth amounted to 192.6%. WLD’s capitalization is currently $950.8 million, and its trading volume is $966 million. There are 130,724,553 coins in circulation out of a total supply of 10 billion tokens. The jump in the asset’s price occurred against the backdrop of the team’s publication that the number of daily users of the World App crypto wallet exceeded 1 million. In addition, on Feb. 16, the company connected to WorldCoin co-founder Sam Altman, OpenAI, also unveiled a neural network called Sora. The artificial intelligence (AI) model allows to generate videos up to 60 seconds long from a given text. In January, the Worldcoin team announced that it was preparing to release the second version of the Orb device for scanning the iris of the eye. Despite this achievement, the startup constantly faces regulatory pressure in various countries around the world, for instance, in France, Kenya, Hong Kong, and Argentina. #WLD. #WorldCoin. #BTC‬ #SamAltman
WLD skyrockets by 180% in week, surpassing 1m daily active users

Over the past two weeks, Worldcoin (WLD) has seen impressive growth. On Feb. 19, 2024, the asset hit a new all-time-high and is now trading at $7.27.

Over the past 24 hours, the price of the Worldcoin token has increased by more than 40%, setting a record at $7.57.

At the time of writing, WLD is trading at $7.27, the highest level in the project’s entire history. This is 673% more than in September 2023, when the asset fell to a historic low.

Over the past 24 hours, the coin’s value has increased by 41%. On a weekly basis, the growth amounted to 192.6%.

WLD’s capitalization is currently $950.8 million, and its trading volume is $966 million. There are 130,724,553 coins in circulation out of a total supply of 10 billion tokens.

The jump in the asset’s price occurred against the backdrop of the team’s publication that the number of daily users of the World App crypto wallet exceeded 1 million.

In addition, on Feb. 16, the company connected to WorldCoin co-founder Sam Altman, OpenAI, also unveiled a neural network called Sora. The artificial intelligence (AI) model allows to generate videos up to 60 seconds long from a given text.

In January, the Worldcoin team announced that it was preparing to release the second version of the Orb device for scanning the iris of the eye. Despite this achievement, the startup constantly faces regulatory pressure in various countries around the world, for instance, in France, Kenya, Hong Kong, and Argentina.

#WLD. #WorldCoin. #BTC‬ #SamAltman
Next Cryptocurrency to Explode Saturday, February 17 – Worldcoin, TRON, Stacks 1. Worldcoin (WLD) Worldcoin announced on its social media platform that Clade Club has secured a spot in the Community Grants Program Wave0 by the Worldcoin Foundation, signifying a significant step forward for the project’s growth and recognition in the crypto community. With the current price at $4.38, Worldcoin has witnessed a remarkable trading volume of $605.56 Million in the last 24 hours, positioning it as a notable contender in the market. Despite its market cap of $574.56 million, representing just 0.03% of the overall crypto landscape, Worldcoin has surged by 13.66% within the past day. 2. TRON (TRX) Tron DAO recently unveiled a significant development by unveiling a roadmap for integrating a Bitcoin Layer Two solution onto the TRON Network. This move could revolutionize the TRON Network and positively impact BTTC. Integrating Bitcoin’s Layer Two solution into the TRON Network holds promising prospects for TRONICS and could lead to substantial changes in the cryptocurrency landscape. TRX, the native asset of the TRON network, has been experiencing consistent gains throughout February. However, starting from the monthly low of $0.111, the coin’s value surged by 18% to reach the $0.13 mark. Amidst this rally, the coin’s price breached a resistance trendline of the channel pattern, signaling that buyers are pushing for a higher recovery. 3. Stacks (STX) The integration of Stacks (STX) into Ortege aims to streamline access to crucial data, bolstering the development of robust Bitcoin solutions through Stacks. Additionally, Ortege will incorporate Stacks (STX) into its open-source Extract Transform Load Library, facilitating seamless data export. However, this collaboration with Ortege follows closely after Stacks’ native-Stacking DAO announced a Total Value Locked (TVL) milestone of $35 million. Market analysts anticipate Stacks (STX) will lead the charge in expanding Bitcoin’s DeFi ecosystem. #tron #BTC‬ #Stacks #WorldCoin.
Next Cryptocurrency to Explode Saturday, February 17 – Worldcoin, TRON, Stacks

1. Worldcoin (WLD)

Worldcoin announced on its social media platform that Clade Club has secured a spot in the Community Grants Program Wave0 by the Worldcoin Foundation, signifying a significant step forward for the project’s growth and recognition in the crypto community.

With the current price at $4.38, Worldcoin has witnessed a remarkable trading volume of $605.56 Million in the last 24 hours, positioning it as a notable contender in the market. Despite its market cap of $574.56 million, representing just 0.03% of the overall crypto landscape, Worldcoin has surged by 13.66% within the past day.


Tron DAO recently unveiled a significant development by unveiling a roadmap for integrating a Bitcoin Layer Two solution onto the TRON Network. This move could revolutionize the TRON Network and positively impact BTTC. Integrating Bitcoin’s Layer Two solution into the TRON Network holds promising prospects for TRONICS and could lead to substantial changes in the cryptocurrency landscape.

TRX, the native asset of the TRON network, has been experiencing consistent gains throughout February. However, starting from the monthly low of $0.111, the coin’s value surged by 18% to reach the $0.13 mark. Amidst this rally, the coin’s price breached a resistance trendline of the channel pattern, signaling that buyers are pushing for a higher recovery.

3. Stacks (STX)

The integration of Stacks (STX) into Ortege aims to streamline access to crucial data, bolstering the development of robust Bitcoin solutions through Stacks. Additionally, Ortege will incorporate Stacks (STX) into its open-source Extract Transform Load Library, facilitating seamless data export.

However, this collaboration with Ortege follows closely after Stacks’ native-Stacking DAO announced a Total Value Locked (TVL) milestone of $35 million. Market analysts anticipate Stacks (STX) will lead the charge in expanding Bitcoin’s DeFi ecosystem.

#tron #BTC‬ #Stacks #WorldCoin.
Justin Sun Unveils Tron DAO’s Roadmap for Bitcoin Layer-2 Solution The TRON DAO, a decentralized autonomous organization governing the TRON network with over 210 million user accounts, has disclosed its plans for an innovative Bitcoin Layer-2 solution, as shared by Tron founder Justin Sun in a tweet on Thursday. Justin Sun expressed the belief that this solution will revolutionize blockchain interoperability and the utilization of stablecoins within the Bitcoin ecosystem, aiming to bring back a sense of fun to Bitcoin. Justin Sun outlined the protocol’s ambitious roadmap, emphasizing its goal to inject funds into the BTC network, enhancing scalability, speed, and security. Furthermore, TRON aims to foster seamless interactions and interoperability between its network and the Bitcoin blockchain by integrating tokens. In a three-phased approach, Sun highlighted TRON’s commitment to advancing blockchain interoperability and utility. The first phase involves integrating various TRON network tokens, including TRX, SUN, JST, BTT, WIN, NFT, USDT, and USDC, with the Bitcoin blockchain using cross-chain technology. The second stage of TRON’s roadmap includes strategic collaborations with diverse Bitcoin Layer-2 protocols to boost the growth of the ecosystem and enable TRON users to participate in restaking programs on Bitcoin Layer 2 networks. Finally, the third stage aims to create a Bitcoin Layer-2 solution integrating TRON, BTTC, and BTC. Additionally, TRON DAO is developing a wallet and tools compatible with BRC-20 tokens, contributing to the Ordinals and Bitcoin Layer-2 solutions. The resurgence of Ordinals, introducing decentralized finance (DeFi) and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) to Bitcoin, has generated both praise and criticism within the community due to increased transaction fees and network congestion, leading some critics to label it as a scam. #Bitcoin‬ #Trondao #JustinSun #ordinals #BRC20
Justin Sun Unveils Tron DAO’s Roadmap for Bitcoin Layer-2 Solution

The TRON DAO, a decentralized autonomous organization governing the TRON network with over 210 million user accounts, has disclosed its plans for an innovative Bitcoin Layer-2 solution, as shared by Tron founder Justin Sun in a tweet on Thursday.

Justin Sun expressed the belief that this solution will revolutionize blockchain interoperability and the utilization of stablecoins within the Bitcoin ecosystem, aiming to bring back a sense of fun to Bitcoin. Justin Sun outlined the protocol’s ambitious roadmap, emphasizing its goal to inject funds into the BTC network, enhancing scalability, speed, and security.

Furthermore, TRON aims to foster seamless interactions and interoperability between its network and the Bitcoin blockchain by integrating tokens. In a three-phased approach, Sun highlighted TRON’s commitment to advancing blockchain interoperability and utility. The first phase involves integrating various TRON network tokens, including TRX, SUN, JST, BTT, WIN, NFT, USDT, and USDC, with the Bitcoin blockchain using cross-chain technology.

The second stage of TRON’s roadmap includes strategic collaborations with diverse Bitcoin Layer-2 protocols to boost the growth of the ecosystem and enable TRON users to participate in restaking programs on Bitcoin Layer 2 networks. Finally, the third stage aims to create a Bitcoin Layer-2 solution integrating TRON, BTTC, and BTC.

Additionally, TRON DAO is developing a wallet and tools compatible with BRC-20 tokens, contributing to the Ordinals and Bitcoin Layer-2 solutions. The resurgence of Ordinals, introducing decentralized finance (DeFi) and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) to Bitcoin, has generated both praise and criticism within the community due to increased transaction fees and network congestion, leading some critics to label it as a scam.

#Bitcoin‬ #Trondao #JustinSun #ordinals #BRC20
Bonk Coin Gains Momentum with Potential New Exchange Listing The popular altcoin of recent times, Bonk (BONK), is the subject of speculation regarding the possibility of being listed on another exchange. European banking fintech Revolut is planning to launch a campaign worth 1.2 million dollars to list Bonk and encourage its users to learn about the cryptocurrency. Excitement Over BONK Listing The prepared campaign plan is being evaluated by BONK’s management council. At the time of writing, the approval has surpassed the required 75% majority with eight affirmative votes. Although the voting has been approved, there is still more than three days left in the voting period. After the listing is completed, it could be added to the significant listings that the meme token has secured over the past few months. In November, major exchanges like Binance and Coinbase added BONK to their listings. An analysis of Bonk’s daily chart shows a positive response to the latest development. On February 14th, the chart showed a notable increase of over 14%, which could indicate the second-highest rise of the month so far. Additionally, this increase pushed the token above 60 on the Relative Strength Index (RSI). #bonk #memecoin #solana #CardanoADA #Bitcoin‬
Bonk Coin Gains Momentum with Potential New Exchange Listing

The popular altcoin of recent times, Bonk (BONK), is the subject of speculation regarding the possibility of being listed on another exchange. European banking fintech Revolut is planning to launch a campaign worth 1.2 million dollars to list Bonk and encourage its users to learn about the cryptocurrency.

Excitement Over BONK Listing

The prepared campaign plan is being evaluated by BONK’s management council. At the time of writing, the approval has surpassed the required 75% majority with eight affirmative votes. Although the voting has been approved, there is still more than three days left in the voting period. After the listing is completed, it could be added to the significant listings that the meme token has secured over the past few months.

In November, major exchanges like Binance and Coinbase added BONK to their listings. An analysis of Bonk’s daily chart shows a positive response to the latest development. On February 14th, the chart showed a notable increase of over 14%, which could indicate the second-highest rise of the month so far. Additionally, this increase pushed the token above 60 on the Relative Strength Index (RSI).

#bonk #memecoin #solana #CardanoADA #Bitcoin‬
Bitcoin ETFs are sucking up 10X more BTC than miners can produce Over the last two trading days, inflows into Spot Bitcoin ETFs have surpassed the amount of production from miners by over 10 times. On Monday, February 12, spot Bitcoin exchange-traded funds (ETFs) acquired ten times more Bitcoin than the amount that miners could create. As of February 12, at least $493.4 million, or about 10,280 Bitcoin, have entered spot Bitcoin ETFs, according to preliminary figures. The majority went to BlackRock's iShares Bitcoin Trust, which received an incredible $374.7 million. In the meantime, $151.9 million came into Fidelity's Wise Origin Bitcoin Fund, of which $40 million went into the Ark 21Shares Bitcoin ETF. Grayscale outflows of $95 million and $20.8 million from the Invesco Galaxy ETF slightly offset this, though net inflows were almost half a billion dollars. According to, Bitcoin miners generated about 1,059 BTC worth about $51 million on the same day. This is only 10% of the total amount of BTC that spot ETFs are grabbing. A comparable pattern was also noted on February 9, when a total of 12,700 BTC, or $541.5 million, were deposited into the ETFs in aggregate, compared to 980 BTC worth around $45 million added through mining. With $250.7 million invested, BlackRock took the lead, followed by Fidelity once more with $188.4 million. Large inflows of $136.5 million were seen in Ark 21Shares, while Grayscale withdrawals dropped to $51.8 million, the lowest amount for the week, resulting in the bumper day of aggregate inflows. During an interview on CNBC's Squawk Box on February 12, Anthony Pompliano, one of the pioneers of Bitcoin, stated that "Wall Street loves Bitcoin." “There is 12.5x more demand for Bitcoin than what is being produced on a daily basis.” Around 80% of the total supply has not moved in the past six months, he continued by saying that just about $200 billion of the overall supply is marketable, meaning that these ETFs "have sucked up 5% of the entire tradable supply of Bitcoin in 30 days.
Bitcoin ETFs are sucking up 10X more BTC than miners can produce

Over the last two trading days, inflows into Spot Bitcoin ETFs have surpassed the amount of production from miners by over 10 times.

On Monday, February 12, spot Bitcoin exchange-traded funds (ETFs) acquired ten times more Bitcoin than the amount that miners could create.

As of February 12, at least $493.4 million, or about 10,280 Bitcoin, have entered spot Bitcoin ETFs, according to preliminary figures.

The majority went to BlackRock's iShares Bitcoin Trust, which received an incredible $374.7 million. In the meantime, $151.9 million came into Fidelity's Wise Origin Bitcoin Fund, of which $40 million went into the Ark 21Shares Bitcoin ETF. Grayscale outflows of $95 million and $20.8 million from the Invesco Galaxy ETF slightly offset this, though net inflows were almost half a billion dollars.

According to, Bitcoin miners generated about 1,059 BTC worth about $51 million on the same day. This is only 10% of the total amount of BTC that spot ETFs are grabbing.

A comparable pattern was also noted on February 9, when a total of 12,700 BTC, or $541.5 million, were deposited into the ETFs in aggregate, compared to 980 BTC worth around $45 million added through mining.

With $250.7 million invested, BlackRock took the lead, followed by Fidelity once more with $188.4 million. Large inflows of $136.5 million were seen in Ark 21Shares, while Grayscale withdrawals dropped to $51.8 million, the lowest amount for the week, resulting in the bumper day of aggregate inflows.
During an interview on CNBC's Squawk Box on February 12, Anthony Pompliano, one of the pioneers of Bitcoin, stated that "Wall Street loves Bitcoin."

“There is 12.5x more demand for Bitcoin than what is being produced on a daily basis.”

Around 80% of the total supply has not moved in the past six months, he continued by saying that just about $200 billion of the overall supply is marketable, meaning that these ETFs "have sucked up 5% of the entire tradable supply of Bitcoin in 30 days.
The CEO of SafeMoon is out on bail, but he may lose his attorneys Braden John Karony, the CEO of SafeMoon, is out on a $3 million bond, but his attorneys want to withdraw, arguing he hasn't paid their fees. Braden John Karony, the CEO of SafeMoon, a bankrupt cryptocurrency company, was granted bail and may now be under the supervision of a public defender because of a "lack of funds to pay for private counsel." Karony has been involved in an alleged "multimillion-dollar international fraud scheme." In November 2023, the US Justice Department filed charges against Karony and his associates for conspiring to commit securities, wire fraud, and money laundering. But as early as January 22, Karony's attorneys, Petrillo Klein & Boxer, sought to step down from their representation, citing the SafeMoon CEO's "apparent lack of funds" to cover the cost of private counsel. Petrillo partner Adam Schuman filed a revised move to resign as counsel on February 12th, citing SafeMoon's previous declaration on January 22nd that it would pay Karony's legal bills, but that company ultimately failed to provide the money for the firm's retainer and declared bankruptcy. Additionally, Schuman mentioned that Karony has a public lawyer assigned by a magistrate judge as of February 9, and the two are "now in direct communication." Judge Eric Komitee gave Karony's attorneys instructions on January 31 to assist him in applying for a Criminal Justice Act attorney, which provides representation to indigent defendants. After that, he would "consider and likely grant" their application, even though failure to pay legal fees is typically not a good enough reason to withdraw.
The CEO of SafeMoon is out on bail, but he may lose his attorneys
Braden John Karony, the CEO of SafeMoon, is out on a $3 million bond, but his attorneys want to withdraw, arguing he hasn't paid their fees.
Braden John Karony, the CEO of SafeMoon, a bankrupt cryptocurrency company, was granted bail and may now be under the supervision of a public defender because of a "lack of funds to pay for private counsel."
Karony has been involved in an alleged "multimillion-dollar international fraud scheme." In November 2023, the US Justice Department filed charges against Karony and his associates for conspiring to commit securities, wire fraud, and money laundering.
But as early as January 22, Karony's attorneys, Petrillo Klein & Boxer, sought to step down from their representation, citing the SafeMoon CEO's "apparent lack of funds" to cover the cost of private counsel.
Petrillo partner Adam Schuman filed a revised move to resign as counsel on February 12th, citing SafeMoon's previous declaration on January 22nd that it would pay Karony's legal bills, but that company ultimately failed to provide the money for the firm's retainer and declared bankruptcy.
Additionally, Schuman mentioned that Karony has a public lawyer assigned by a magistrate judge as of February 9, and the two are "now in direct communication."
Judge Eric Komitee gave Karony's attorneys instructions on January 31 to assist him in applying for a Criminal Justice Act attorney, which provides representation to indigent defendants. After that, he would "consider and likely grant" their application, even though failure to pay legal fees is typically not a good enough reason to withdraw.
Bitcoin Moves Into a High-Risk Area, Indicating the Beginning of a Bull Market According to cryptocurrency analytics platform Glassnode, on-chain indicators evaluating the value of Bitcoin (BTC) have moved into a "high-risk" zone, which could signify the early stages of a bull market. Glassnode’s Report : In a post from February 10, Glassnode revealed that an indicator that measures the long-term valuation of Bitcoin relative to its market value has crossed over from the "medium risk" range into the "high risk" range. High risk levels are usually seen in the early phases of a Bitcoin bull market, as they signify that long-term investors have returned to profitability, according to a report published on February 8. Long-term holders can use the Market Value to Realized Value (MVRV) indicator to gauge when Bitcoin is undervalued or overvalued in relation to its "fair value." Seven out of ten overall indicators, including net unrealized profit-loss and supplier profitability status, received a "high" or "very high" risk assessment from Glassnode. Interest in ETFs Glassnode, noting that Bitcoin block space demand and short-term profits for new investors are definitely in the “low risk” categories, added that sales have decreased following the approval of spot Bitcoin exchange-traded funds (ETFs) in the US. CoinGecko reports that last week saw a steady climb in the price of Bitcoin, which went from $42,317 on February 4 to $48,582. Last week’s strength in Bitcoin was attributed to decreased outflows from Grayscale Bitcoin Trust (GBTC) and $9.1 billion worth of inflows into nine spot Bitcoin ETFs since they launched on January 11. With $541 million in net inflows on February 9, new United States Spot Bitcoin ETFs saw their biggest entry day, according to statistics from the cryptocurrency analytics platform SoSoValue. Furthermore, Grayscale’s GBTC marked its lowest day on February 9 with only $51.8 million in outflows, a 91% decrease compared to the record daily outflow of $620 million on January 23.
Bitcoin Moves Into a High-Risk Area, Indicating the Beginning of a Bull Market

According to cryptocurrency analytics platform Glassnode, on-chain indicators evaluating the value of Bitcoin (BTC) have moved into a "high-risk" zone, which could signify the early stages of a bull market.

Glassnode’s Report :

In a post from February 10, Glassnode revealed that an indicator that measures the long-term valuation of Bitcoin relative to its market value has crossed over from the "medium risk" range into the "high risk" range. High risk levels are usually seen in the early phases of a Bitcoin bull market, as they signify that long-term investors have returned to profitability, according to a report published on February 8.

Long-term holders can use the Market Value to Realized Value (MVRV) indicator to gauge when Bitcoin is undervalued or overvalued in relation to its "fair value." Seven out of ten overall indicators, including net unrealized profit-loss and supplier profitability status, received a "high" or "very high" risk assessment from Glassnode.

Interest in ETFs

Glassnode, noting that Bitcoin block space demand and short-term profits for new investors are definitely in the “low risk” categories, added that sales have decreased following the approval of spot Bitcoin exchange-traded funds (ETFs) in the US. CoinGecko reports that last week saw a steady climb in the price of Bitcoin, which went from $42,317 on February 4 to $48,582. Last week’s strength in Bitcoin was attributed to decreased outflows from Grayscale Bitcoin Trust (GBTC) and $9.1 billion worth of inflows into nine spot Bitcoin ETFs since they launched on January 11.

With $541 million in net inflows on February 9, new United States Spot Bitcoin ETFs saw their biggest entry day, according to statistics from the cryptocurrency analytics platform SoSoValue. Furthermore, Grayscale’s GBTC marked its lowest day on February 9 with only $51.8 million in outflows, a 91% decrease compared to the record daily outflow of $620 million on January 23.
Ether (ETH) ETF spark optimism because of Bitcoin ETFs, but is it realistic? The approval of the Bitcoin ETF has many people excited about the prospect of an Ether ETF shortly, but experts warn that the process may take some time. On January 10, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) of the United States approved ten spot Bitcoin exchange-traded funds (ETFs), making it possible for investors in the U.S to invest in Bitcoin-backed securities. Since their launch on public markets on January 11, spot Bitcoin ETFs have seen billions flowing in. Similar to the spot Bitcoin ETF submissions in 2023, major financial institutions, including BlackRock, ARK Invest, Fidelity, Invesco Galaxy and others, are submitting applications for a spot Ether ETF. In September 2023, Ark was the first to submit a spot Ether ETF application; BlackRock and other parties followed. Like with the various postponements in determining whether to allow spot BTC ETFs, the SEC repeatedly delayed its judgment on spot Ether ETFs. While the deadlines for the seven applicants for Ether ETFs vary, the SEC may decide on all of the applications at once, just like it did with the spot BTC ETFs. The approval of spot Bitcoin ETFs was a turning point in the history of Bitcoin after multiple years of rejections. However, with spot Bitcoin ETFs now approved, everyone's attention is focused on spot Ether ETF applications, the final deadline for which is in May.
Ether (ETH) ETF spark optimism because of Bitcoin ETFs, but is it realistic?

The approval of the Bitcoin ETF has many people excited about the prospect of an Ether ETF shortly, but experts warn that the process may take some time.

On January 10, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) of the United States approved ten spot Bitcoin exchange-traded funds (ETFs), making it possible for investors in the U.S to invest in Bitcoin-backed securities. Since their launch on public markets on January 11, spot Bitcoin ETFs have seen billions flowing in.

Similar to the spot Bitcoin ETF submissions in 2023, major financial institutions, including BlackRock, ARK Invest, Fidelity, Invesco Galaxy and others, are submitting applications for a spot Ether ETF. In September 2023, Ark was the first to submit a spot Ether ETF application; BlackRock and other parties followed.

Like with the various postponements in determining whether to allow spot BTC ETFs, the SEC repeatedly delayed its judgment on spot Ether ETFs.

While the deadlines for the seven applicants for Ether ETFs vary, the SEC may decide on all of the applications at once, just like it did with the spot BTC ETFs.

The approval of spot Bitcoin ETFs was a turning point in the history of Bitcoin after multiple years of rejections. However, with spot Bitcoin ETFs now approved, everyone's attention is focused on spot Ether ETF applications, the final deadline for which is in May.
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