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Despre Pi Network Ce este Pi Network? Rețeaua Pi este o platformă nouă de criptomonede și dezvoltatori care (1) permite utilizatorilor de telefonie mobilă să extragă monede Pi fără a consuma bateria dispozitivului, reducând impactul asupra mediului și (2) promovează cea mai accesibilă și omniprezentă platformă de aplicații din lume, unde dezvoltatorii pot oferi utilizatorilor realități reale. utilități și produse de viață în schimbul monedelor Pi. Cu o bază de peste 30 de milioane de utilizatori angajați (din decembrie 2021), care permite oricui să mine direct de pe smartphone-urile lor, Pi Network se străduiește să readucă puterea economică reală în rândul maselor. Blockchain-ul lui Pi asigură nu numai tranzacțiile economice printr-un sistem de meritocrație mobil, ci și o experiență completă Web 3.0 în care dezvoltatorii comunității pot construi aplicații descentralizate (dApps) pentru milioane de utilizatori. Cine a dezvoltat Pi Network? Rețeaua Pi este fondată de Dr. Nicolas Kokkalis și Dr. Chengdiao Fan - doi doctoranzi Stanford în inginerie computațională și științe sociale. Dr. Kokkalis, pe lângă dezvoltarea/fondarea mai multor startup-uri și tehnologii centrate pe om în trecut, predă o clasă de informatică la Stanford despre Aplicații descentralizate pe Blockchain. Dr. Fan, care și-a luat doctoratul în antropologie computațională, a lucrat, de asemenea, ca dezvoltator fondator al mai multor startup-uri și proiecte privind extinderea comunicațiilor sociale și evidențierea capitalului social neexploatat pentru oameni de pretutindeni. Ambii sunt credincioși puternici și pe termen lung a potențialului tehnic, financiar și social al criptomonedelor, dar frustrați de limitările lor actuale. Pentru a rezolva deficiențele blockchain-urilor tradiționale, aceștia folosesc o filozofie de proiectare centrată pe utilizator care întoarce procesul de dezvoltare a noilor blockchain-uri peste cap. Ce face Pi Network unic? Blockchain-ul lui Pi folosește o adaptare a Stellar Consensus Protocol (SCP) – o instanțiere a Acordului Bizantin Federat – pentru a valida tranzacțiile. În comparație cu metodele tradiționale de exploatare blockchain, cum ar fi dovada muncii sau miza, protocolul Pi oferă în mod unic control descentralizat, latență scăzută, încredere flexibilă și securitate asimptotică la o fracțiune din costul de mediu. Pe scurt, toleranța la erori este obținută printr-o rețea descentralizată de noduri care ajung la un consens printr-o rețea de încredere de utilizatori de telefonie mobilă care își validează prezența zilnică și garantează autenticitatea altora în rețea pentru a câștiga Pi. Impactul asupra mediului este mult redus, deoarece această metodă nu necesită hardware consumator de energie pentru mine. Designul economic robust al rețelei Pi este construit pe un model intuitiv și transparent, facilitând monedele Pi ca mijloc de schimb fără concentrare de simboluri. Principiile cheie includ distribuția echitabilă (fiecare utilizator are aceeași rată de bază de exploatare), deficitul (rata de exploatare scade pe măsură ce mai mulți oameni se alătură) și meritocrația (recompensele sunt distribuite pe baza contribuțiilor la rețea). Platforma pentru dezvoltatori Pi Network oferă, de asemenea, numeroase calități care pot interesa dezvoltatorii. Fiind cea mai mare bază de utilizatori autentificată prin identitate din lume, Pi Network are infrastructuri pre-construite, cum ar fi un portofel cripto, autentificarea utilizatorilor, notificări, legături profunde, interoperabilitatea aplicațiilor și multe alte funcționalități în cursul său. App Engine folosește un sistem de operare similar cu iOS-ul Apple, cu o componentă blockchain securizată. Dezvoltatorii comunității pot încorpora SDK-ul Pi și măsurile de autentificare a utilizatorilor în aplicațiile lor, permițând Pionierilor să se integreze perfect în ecosistemul Pi și să se deplaseze înainte și înapoi între diferite aplicații interoperabile fără a se conecta separat sau a furniza alte informații de contact. Sunt monedele Pi disponibile pentru vânzare? Rețeaua Pi trece în prezent de la Testnet la Mainnet, unde monedele Pi vor deveni în cele din urmă disponibile pentru vânzare publică. Rețeaua NU are niciun ICO sau orice tip de crowdfunding, iar orice vânzare de Pi este neautorizată și nu are afiliere cu Pi Network. Cei care doresc să se alăture rețelei Pi pot descărca aplicația mobilă din Google Play Store sau Apple App Store și să înceapă mineritul.

Despre Pi Network Ce este Pi Network?

Rețeaua Pi este o platformă nouă de criptomonede și dezvoltatori care (1) permite utilizatorilor de telefonie mobilă să extragă monede Pi fără a consuma bateria dispozitivului, reducând impactul asupra mediului și (2) promovează cea mai accesibilă și omniprezentă platformă de aplicații din lume, unde dezvoltatorii pot oferi utilizatorilor realități reale. utilități și produse de viață în schimbul monedelor Pi. Cu o bază de peste 30 de milioane de utilizatori angajați (din decembrie 2021), care permite oricui să mine direct de pe smartphone-urile lor, Pi Network se străduiește să readucă puterea economică reală în rândul maselor. Blockchain-ul lui Pi asigură nu numai tranzacțiile economice printr-un sistem de meritocrație mobil, ci și o experiență completă Web 3.0 în care dezvoltatorii comunității pot construi aplicații descentralizate (dApps) pentru milioane de utilizatori. Cine a dezvoltat Pi Network? Rețeaua Pi este fondată de Dr. Nicolas Kokkalis și Dr. Chengdiao Fan - doi doctoranzi Stanford în inginerie computațională și științe sociale. Dr. Kokkalis, pe lângă dezvoltarea/fondarea mai multor startup-uri și tehnologii centrate pe om în trecut, predă o clasă de informatică la Stanford despre Aplicații descentralizate pe Blockchain. Dr. Fan, care și-a luat doctoratul în antropologie computațională, a lucrat, de asemenea, ca dezvoltator fondator al mai multor startup-uri și proiecte privind extinderea comunicațiilor sociale și evidențierea capitalului social neexploatat pentru oameni de pretutindeni. Ambii sunt credincioși puternici și pe termen lung a potențialului tehnic, financiar și social al criptomonedelor, dar frustrați de limitările lor actuale. Pentru a rezolva deficiențele blockchain-urilor tradiționale, aceștia folosesc o filozofie de proiectare centrată pe utilizator care întoarce procesul de dezvoltare a noilor blockchain-uri peste cap. Ce face Pi Network unic? Blockchain-ul lui Pi folosește o adaptare a Stellar Consensus Protocol (SCP) – o instanțiere a Acordului Bizantin Federat – pentru a valida tranzacțiile. În comparație cu metodele tradiționale de exploatare blockchain, cum ar fi dovada muncii sau miza, protocolul Pi oferă în mod unic control descentralizat, latență scăzută, încredere flexibilă și securitate asimptotică la o fracțiune din costul de mediu. Pe scurt, toleranța la erori este obținută printr-o rețea descentralizată de noduri care ajung la un consens printr-o rețea de încredere de utilizatori de telefonie mobilă care își validează prezența zilnică și garantează autenticitatea altora în rețea pentru a câștiga Pi. Impactul asupra mediului este mult redus, deoarece această metodă nu necesită hardware consumator de energie pentru mine. Designul economic robust al rețelei Pi este construit pe un model intuitiv și transparent, facilitând monedele Pi ca mijloc de schimb fără concentrare de simboluri. Principiile cheie includ distribuția echitabilă (fiecare utilizator are aceeași rată de bază de exploatare), deficitul (rata de exploatare scade pe măsură ce mai mulți oameni se alătură) și meritocrația (recompensele sunt distribuite pe baza contribuțiilor la rețea). Platforma pentru dezvoltatori Pi Network oferă, de asemenea, numeroase calități care pot interesa dezvoltatorii. Fiind cea mai mare bază de utilizatori autentificată prin identitate din lume, Pi Network are infrastructuri pre-construite, cum ar fi un portofel cripto, autentificarea utilizatorilor, notificări, legături profunde, interoperabilitatea aplicațiilor și multe alte funcționalități în cursul său. App Engine folosește un sistem de operare similar cu iOS-ul Apple, cu o componentă blockchain securizată. Dezvoltatorii comunității pot încorpora SDK-ul Pi și măsurile de autentificare a utilizatorilor în aplicațiile lor, permițând Pionierilor să se integreze perfect în ecosistemul Pi și să se deplaseze înainte și înapoi între diferite aplicații interoperabile fără a se conecta separat sau a furniza alte informații de contact. Sunt monedele Pi disponibile pentru vânzare? Rețeaua Pi trece în prezent de la Testnet la Mainnet, unde monedele Pi vor deveni în cele din urmă disponibile pentru vânzare publică. Rețeaua NU are niciun ICO sau orice tip de crowdfunding, iar orice vânzare de Pi este neautorizată și nu are afiliere cu Pi Network. Cei care doresc să se alăture rețelei Pi pot descărca aplicația mobilă din Google Play Store sau Apple App Store și să înceapă mineritul.
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Raiffeisen Bank din Austria va lansa serviciile cripto anul viitorRaiffeisen Bank International, cu sediul în Austria, va începe să ofere clienților săi servicii de tranzacționare cu criptomonede, valorificând un parteneriat existent cu schimbul de criptomonede Bitpanda.  Banca intenționează să lanseze serviciile până la sfârșitul lunii ianuarie 2024. Banca a spus că serviciile vor fi disponibile pentru clienții săi de retail. În plus, anunțul a precizat că compania își va folosi parteneriatul existent cu Bitpanda pentru a furniza serviciile. La începutul acestui an, Bitpanda a semnat o scrisoare de intenție cu banca. 

Raiffeisen Bank din Austria va lansa serviciile cripto anul viitor

Raiffeisen Bank International, cu sediul în Austria, va începe să ofere clienților săi servicii de tranzacționare cu criptomonede, valorificând un parteneriat existent cu schimbul de criptomonede Bitpanda.  Banca intenționează să lanseze serviciile până la sfârșitul lunii ianuarie 2024. Banca a spus că serviciile vor fi disponibile pentru clienții săi de retail. În plus, anunțul a precizat că compania își va folosi parteneriatul existent cu Bitpanda pentru a furniza serviciile. La începutul acestui an, Bitpanda a semnat o scrisoare de intenție cu banca. 
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Justin Sun ar putea fi următorul Sam Bankman-Fried, susține analistulUn canal cripto YouTube proeminent, „Discover Crypto”, a susținut că schimbul HTX, sub consilierea fondatorului Tron, Justin Sun, ar putea fi următorul FTX pe fondul presupuselor scandaluri din jurul lui Justin Sun.Gazda canalului s-a mulțumit că Justin Sun nu diferă cu nimic de Sam Bankman-Fried, fondatorul dezamăgit al schimbului de criptomonede FTX, acum dispărut. El a susținut că Justin Sun operează un gigant castel de cărți și, prin urmare, o cădere este iminentă, la fel ca în cazul lui Bankman-Fried.În special, gazda canalului a subliniat că a devenit pertinent să se detalieze activitățile subterane ale lui Justin Sun, deoarece acesta se află în spatele unui proiect cripto de mai multe miliarde de dolari, Tron blockchain.

Justin Sun ar putea fi următorul Sam Bankman-Fried, susține analistul

Un canal cripto YouTube proeminent, „Discover Crypto”, a susținut că schimbul HTX, sub consilierea fondatorului Tron, Justin Sun, ar putea fi următorul FTX pe fondul presupuselor scandaluri din jurul lui Justin Sun.Gazda canalului s-a mulțumit că Justin Sun nu diferă cu nimic de Sam Bankman-Fried, fondatorul dezamăgit al schimbului de criptomonede FTX, acum dispărut. El a susținut că Justin Sun operează un gigant castel de cărți și, prin urmare, o cădere este iminentă, la fel ca în cazul lui Bankman-Fried.În special, gazda canalului a subliniat că a devenit pertinent să se detalieze activitățile subterane ale lui Justin Sun, deoarece acesta se află în spatele unui proiect cripto de mai multe miliarde de dolari, Tron blockchain.
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Taxele de gaz ale poligonului cresc cu peste 1.000% în mijlocul freneziei de batere a jetoanelor POLSTaxele de gaz pe rețeaua Layer-2 a lui Ethereum, Polygon, au cunoscut o creștere uimitoare, crescând vertiginos cu peste 1.000%, ajungând la 0,10 USD.Această escaladare bruscă a taxelor a fost declanșată de un aflux de utilizatori care inundau rețeaua în timp ce bateau jetoane inspirate de Ordinals, cunoscute sub numele de jetoane POLS.Fondatorul Polygon, Sandeep Nailwal, și-a exprimat uimirea pe 16 noiembrie, printr-o postare pe X (fostul Twitter), deoarece a observat această activitate tranzacțională fără precedent.Au circulat speculații că această creștere ar fi putut fi legată de lansarea unei noi colecții de jetoane nefungibile (NFT) construită pe rețeaua Polygon.

Taxele de gaz ale poligonului cresc cu peste 1.000% în mijlocul freneziei de batere a jetoanelor POLS

Taxele de gaz pe rețeaua Layer-2 a lui Ethereum, Polygon, au cunoscut o creștere uimitoare, crescând vertiginos cu peste 1.000%, ajungând la 0,10 USD.Această escaladare bruscă a taxelor a fost declanșată de un aflux de utilizatori care inundau rețeaua în timp ce bateau jetoane inspirate de Ordinals, cunoscute sub numele de jetoane POLS.Fondatorul Polygon, Sandeep Nailwal, și-a exprimat uimirea pe 16 noiembrie, printr-o postare pe X (fostul Twitter), deoarece a observat această activitate tranzacțională fără precedent.Au circulat speculații că această creștere ar fi putut fi legată de lansarea unei noi colecții de jetoane nefungibile (NFT) construită pe rețeaua Polygon.
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Tether se încasează în minerit Bitcoin, luptă pentru a deveni un cripto-miner majorGigantul de monede stabile USDT Tether intră în minerit Bitcoin într-un mod mare, cu ambiția de a deveni un cripto-miner de top în această arena extrem de competitivă. Compania intenționează să investească aproximativ 500 de milioane de dolari în următoarele șase luni, a dezvăluit viitorul CEO Paolo Ardoino. Această extindere îndrăzneață include construirea de noi instalații miniere și preluarea de mize la firmele miniere existente.  Recent, Tether a extins o linie de credit de 610 milioane USD către Northern Data AG, o companie minieră Bitcoin cu sediul central la Frankfurt, și a cumpărat o poziție de capital considerabilă. Această miză strategică face parte din eforturile mai ample ale Tether de a se diversifica dincolo de afacerea de bază USDT stablecoin.

Tether se încasează în minerit Bitcoin, luptă pentru a deveni un cripto-miner major

Gigantul de monede stabile USDT Tether intră în minerit Bitcoin într-un mod mare, cu ambiția de a deveni un cripto-miner de top în această arena extrem de competitivă. Compania intenționează să investească aproximativ 500 de milioane de dolari în următoarele șase luni, a dezvăluit viitorul CEO Paolo Ardoino. Această extindere îndrăzneață include construirea de noi instalații miniere și preluarea de mize la firmele miniere existente.  Recent, Tether a extins o linie de credit de 610 milioane USD către Northern Data AG, o companie minieră Bitcoin cu sediul central la Frankfurt, și a cumpărat o poziție de capital considerabilă. Această miză strategică face parte din eforturile mai ample ale Tether de a se diversifica dincolo de afacerea de bază USDT stablecoin.
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Noua etapă de adopție Shibarium, celebrată de echipa SHIBShiba Inu crește cu 13% pe măsură ce Shibarium atinge o nouă etapă de adopțiePotrivit unei postări X publicate recent, Atomic Wallet a integrat blockchain-ul Layer-2 Shibarium. Acum, această rețea și monedele sale native SHIB, BONE și LEASH sunt expuse la peste cinci milioane de utilizatori ai portofelului.Între timp, în ultimele două zile, criptomoneda nativă Shibarium, SHIB, a înregistrat o creștere de 13,41%.Echipa SHIB sărbătorește noua integrare ShibariumAtomic Wallet este un portofel de criptomonede descentralizat și anonim pentru deținerea diferitelor criptomonede. Are, de asemenea, o funcție de miză, care permite utilizatorilor săi să mizeze criptomonede PoS și să câștige dobândă pentru ele.

Noua etapă de adopție Shibarium, celebrată de echipa SHIB

Shiba Inu crește cu 13% pe măsură ce Shibarium atinge o nouă etapă de adopțiePotrivit unei postări X publicate recent, Atomic Wallet a integrat blockchain-ul Layer-2 Shibarium. Acum, această rețea și monedele sale native SHIB, BONE și LEASH sunt expuse la peste cinci milioane de utilizatori ai portofelului.Între timp, în ultimele două zile, criptomoneda nativă Shibarium, SHIB, a înregistrat o creștere de 13,41%.Echipa SHIB sărbătorește noua integrare ShibariumAtomic Wallet este un portofel de criptomonede descentralizat și anonim pentru deținerea diferitelor criptomonede. Are, de asemenea, o funcție de miză, care permite utilizatorilor săi să mizeze criptomonede PoS și să câștige dobândă pentru ele.
BlackRock's Ethereum ETF Bet Slammed by Bitcoin Evangelist Adam BackBlackRock's entry onto Ethereum market with ETF filing draws sharp criticism from Bitcoin advocate Adam BackBlackRock, the world's largest asset manager, has taken yet another significant step into the cryptocurrency space with its recent filing for an Ethereum-focused exchange-traded fund (ETF).However, this move has drawn criticism from prominent Bitcoin advocate and Blockstream CEO Adam Back.Back, known for being mentioned in Satoshi Nakamoto's white paper, took to social media to express his disapproval, stating the move is "bearish" and "impacts credibility." He further likened Ethereum and other altcoins to "scammers clawing at the gate like a horde of zombies."BlackRock's bold move into EthereumEarlier today, the asset management behemoth filed an S-1 form with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) for the iShares Ethereum Trust, aiming to launch a spot Ether ETF. This trust, a Delaware statutory entity, will issue shares representing fractional undivided interests in its net assets, primarily composed of Ether held by a custodian.The product aims to mirror the performance of Ether's price before expenses and liabilities.  BlackRock's venture into Ethereum signifies a substantial shift for the cryptocurrency that is yet to attain regulatory clarity in the U.S.Balancing Bitcoin and EthereumLarry Fink, CEO of BlackRock, has previously noted a global client interest in cryptocurrencies, a stance that has evolved significantly from his earlier skepticism.   BlackRock also applied for a spot Bitcoin ETF earlier this year.    As evidenced by the recent Ethereum ETF filing, its interest in crypto is not confined to Bitcoin alone. However, BlackRock's recent filing to spotlight Ethereum alongside Bitcoin has stirred discontent among Bitcoin maximalists.   They view this move as a deviation from the singular focus on Bitcoin that challenges the long-held dominance of the first and largest cryptocurrency.#BTC #crypto #etf #cpi #JUP $XRP $ETH $BTC

BlackRock's Ethereum ETF Bet Slammed by Bitcoin Evangelist Adam Back

BlackRock's entry onto Ethereum market with ETF filing draws sharp criticism from Bitcoin advocate Adam BackBlackRock, the world's largest asset manager, has taken yet another significant step into the cryptocurrency space with its recent filing for an Ethereum-focused exchange-traded fund (ETF).However, this move has drawn criticism from prominent Bitcoin advocate and Blockstream CEO Adam Back.Back, known for being mentioned in Satoshi Nakamoto's white paper, took to social media to express his disapproval, stating the move is "bearish" and "impacts credibility." He further likened Ethereum and other altcoins to "scammers clawing at the gate like a horde of zombies."BlackRock's bold move into EthereumEarlier today, the asset management behemoth filed an S-1 form with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) for the iShares Ethereum Trust, aiming to launch a spot Ether ETF. This trust, a Delaware statutory entity, will issue shares representing fractional undivided interests in its net assets, primarily composed of Ether held by a custodian.The product aims to mirror the performance of Ether's price before expenses and liabilities.  BlackRock's venture into Ethereum signifies a substantial shift for the cryptocurrency that is yet to attain regulatory clarity in the U.S.Balancing Bitcoin and EthereumLarry Fink, CEO of BlackRock, has previously noted a global client interest in cryptocurrencies, a stance that has evolved significantly from his earlier skepticism.   BlackRock also applied for a spot Bitcoin ETF earlier this year.    As evidenced by the recent Ethereum ETF filing, its interest in crypto is not confined to Bitcoin alone. However, BlackRock's recent filing to spotlight Ethereum alongside Bitcoin has stirred discontent among Bitcoin maximalists.   They view this move as a deviation from the singular focus on Bitcoin that challenges the long-held dominance of the first and largest cryptocurrency.#BTC #crypto #etf #cpi #JUP $XRP $ETH $BTC
Shiba Inu (SHIB) 144 Billion Transfer Spotted on Binance: DetailsA significant transaction involving Shiba Inu(SHIB) tokens has captured the attention of the cryptocurrency community. A colossal amount of 144 billion SHIB, valued at approximately $1.293 million, was transferred on Binance, raising speculation about the intentions behind this move and its potential impact on the token's price performance.The transaction occurred at a time when SHIBhas shown considerable price resilience, maintaining its position despite broader market fluctuations. This transfer could signify several strategic moves by the token holder, ranging from redistribution of assets across accounts for security reasons, preparing for a large sale, or even shifting tokens for staking or liquidity provision in decentralized finance (DeFi) protocols.In terms of price action, SHIB is currently experiencing a period of consolidation following a recent rally. The chart indicates that SHIB is trading above a key support level, with the 200-day Exponential Moving Average (EMA) acting as a dynamic support that could encourage a rebound. The trading volume has been consistent, and the Relative Strength Index (RSI) is hovering in a neutral zone, which neither confirms overbought nor oversold conditions. This suggests that the rally could continue if market sentiment remains positive and buying pressure persists.#ShibaInuUpdate #ShibaInuUpdate #crypto #ShibMagazine #ShibaInuMystery $SHIB

Shiba Inu (SHIB) 144 Billion Transfer Spotted on Binance: Details

A significant transaction involving Shiba Inu(SHIB) tokens has captured the attention of the cryptocurrency community. A colossal amount of 144 billion SHIB, valued at approximately $1.293 million, was transferred on Binance, raising speculation about the intentions behind this move and its potential impact on the token's price performance.The transaction occurred at a time when SHIBhas shown considerable price resilience, maintaining its position despite broader market fluctuations. This transfer could signify several strategic moves by the token holder, ranging from redistribution of assets across accounts for security reasons, preparing for a large sale, or even shifting tokens for staking or liquidity provision in decentralized finance (DeFi) protocols.In terms of price action, SHIB is currently experiencing a period of consolidation following a recent rally. The chart indicates that SHIB is trading above a key support level, with the 200-day Exponential Moving Average (EMA) acting as a dynamic support that could encourage a rebound. The trading volume has been consistent, and the Relative Strength Index (RSI) is hovering in a neutral zone, which neither confirms overbought nor oversold conditions. This suggests that the rally could continue if market sentiment remains positive and buying pressure persists.#ShibaInuUpdate #ShibaInuUpdate #crypto #ShibMagazine #ShibaInuMystery $SHIB
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Placa fizică DOGE, BTC, Bitcoin Genesis va merge pe Lună pe 23 decembrie anul acesta: detaliiContul oficial de pe platforma de socializare X a publicat o postare pentru a anunța că unele Dogecoin fizice vor fi livrate pe Lună în acest an. Evenimentul mult așteptat va avea loc la sfârșitul lunii decembrie, cu două zile înainte de ziua de Crăciun. Dar DOGE nu va fi singura cripto care va fi dusă pe Lună în acest an.Dogecoinul merge pe Lună Noua postare X a dezvăluit că compania Astrobotic intenționează să trimită DOGE fizic pe Lună în DHL Moonbox cu Vulcan Centaur Rocket de la ULA în decembrie. 23 din acest an. În 2015, comunitatea Dogecoin a început să strângă fonduri pentru viitoarea misiune spațială de a duce DOGE pe satelitul natural al Pământului. Acum, au făcut echipă cu Astrobotic pentru a-și realiza visul. Astrobotic este o companie spațială deținută de angajații săi și se concentrează pe dezvoltarea diferitelor elemente suplimentare pentru nave spațiale - sisteme avansate de navigație, operare, alimentare, testare și calcul. livrează diverse mărfuri pe Lună pentru guverne, corporații și acele persoane care își permit. Compania a apărut în 2007 și are sediul în Mojave, California, și Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Până acum, Astrobotic a finalizat cu succes două misiuni lunare cu aterizare. Misiunea companiei este de a face spațiu disponibil pentru omenire. De data aceasta, Astrobotic transportă NASA și alte încărcături utile pentru a le livra pe Lună. Cu toate acestea, în afară de acestea, conform Manifestului Payload, va exista un DHL Moonbox. Acesta va conține diverse „încărcături utile din întreaga lume vor fi stocate la bordul Peregrine on the Moon pentru secolele viitoare. De la fotografii și romane la lucrări ale studenților și o bucată de pe Muntele Everest”. post al echipei Dogecoin, acest Moonbox va conține și niște DOGE fizice. Încărcăturile utile vor transporta și „Lunar Bitcoin” pentru schimbul BitMEX – „O monedă fizică unică destinată Lunii, încărcată cu un Bitcoin” – și „Bitcoin Genesis Plate”: „Această placă include o copie a Genesis Block, primul bloc de bitcoin (BTC) care urmează să fie extras.„Intenția lui Elon Musk de a-l duce pe DOGE pe LunăLa 1 aprilie 2021, magnatul tehnologiei și proprietarul SpaceX Elon Musk a scris pe Twitter că va „pune un DOGE literal pe Luna literală”. .Totuși, mai târziu, Musk a dezvăluit că SpaceX se pregătea pentru o misiune de a duce un satelit pe orbita lunară, iar acea misiune, conform lui Musk, a fost plătită în Dogecoin de Geometric Energy Corporation (GEC). Musk a numit-o DOGE-1. Misiune lunară. Este de așteptat să se lanseze la un moment dat în acest an, dar a fost amânată din nou și din nou din diverse motive.

Placa fizică DOGE, BTC, Bitcoin Genesis va merge pe Lună pe 23 decembrie anul acesta: detalii

Contul oficial de pe platforma de socializare X a publicat o postare pentru a anunța că unele Dogecoin fizice vor fi livrate pe Lună în acest an. Evenimentul mult așteptat va avea loc la sfârșitul lunii decembrie, cu două zile înainte de ziua de Crăciun. Dar DOGE nu va fi singura cripto care va fi dusă pe Lună în acest an.Dogecoinul merge pe Lună Noua postare X a dezvăluit că compania Astrobotic intenționează să trimită DOGE fizic pe Lună în DHL Moonbox cu Vulcan Centaur Rocket de la ULA în decembrie. 23 din acest an. În 2015, comunitatea Dogecoin a început să strângă fonduri pentru viitoarea misiune spațială de a duce DOGE pe satelitul natural al Pământului. Acum, au făcut echipă cu Astrobotic pentru a-și realiza visul. Astrobotic este o companie spațială deținută de angajații săi și se concentrează pe dezvoltarea diferitelor elemente suplimentare pentru nave spațiale - sisteme avansate de navigație, operare, alimentare, testare și calcul. livrează diverse mărfuri pe Lună pentru guverne, corporații și acele persoane care își permit. Compania a apărut în 2007 și are sediul în Mojave, California, și Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Până acum, Astrobotic a finalizat cu succes două misiuni lunare cu aterizare. Misiunea companiei este de a face spațiu disponibil pentru omenire. De data aceasta, Astrobotic transportă NASA și alte încărcături utile pentru a le livra pe Lună. Cu toate acestea, în afară de acestea, conform Manifestului Payload, va exista un DHL Moonbox. Acesta va conține diverse „încărcături utile din întreaga lume vor fi stocate la bordul Peregrine on the Moon pentru secolele viitoare. De la fotografii și romane la lucrări ale studenților și o bucată de pe Muntele Everest”. post al echipei Dogecoin, acest Moonbox va conține și niște DOGE fizice. Încărcăturile utile vor transporta și „Lunar Bitcoin” pentru schimbul BitMEX – „O monedă fizică unică destinată Lunii, încărcată cu un Bitcoin” – și „Bitcoin Genesis Plate”: „Această placă include o copie a Genesis Block, primul bloc de bitcoin (BTC) care urmează să fie extras.„Intenția lui Elon Musk de a-l duce pe DOGE pe LunăLa 1 aprilie 2021, magnatul tehnologiei și proprietarul SpaceX Elon Musk a scris pe Twitter că va „pune un DOGE literal pe Luna literală”. .Totuși, mai târziu, Musk a dezvăluit că SpaceX se pregătea pentru o misiune de a duce un satelit pe orbita lunară, iar acea misiune, conform lui Musk, a fost plătită în Dogecoin de Geometric Energy Corporation (GEC). Musk a numit-o DOGE-1. Misiune lunară. Este de așteptat să se lanseze la un moment dat în acest an, dar a fost amânată din nou și din nou din diverse motive.
'Rich Dad Poor Dad' Author Warns Big Economic Crisis Coming Over 'Fake USD' Printing Prominent Bitcoin supporter Kiyosaki issues major warning and plans to discuss it in upcoming podcastVocal Bitcoin advocate, entrepreneur and financial guru famous for his book "Rich Dad Poor Dad," Robert Kiyosaki, has taken to the X social media app to talk about "fake USD" that the U.S. government keeps printing and which, he believes, may lead to a massive economic crash. He plans to discuss it on a new podcast this week.Robert Kiyosaki to share his warning on new podcastKiyosaki tweeted that he has been invited to a new podcast run by Daniella Cambone, a former employee of Kitco and Stansberry Research, who decided to leave these companies and start her own podcast.Kiyosaki will be the guest on the first episode that will go on the air this Friday. He promised that on that podcast, he will talk about "how to thrive" and about "the lies the US is telling about the failing economy and printing fake money."#crypto #NewSignal #Rune #FakeNewsAlert #etf $BNB $BTC $usdt

'Rich Dad Poor Dad' Author Warns Big Economic Crisis Coming Over 'Fake USD' Printing

Prominent Bitcoin supporter Kiyosaki issues major warning and plans to discuss it in upcoming podcastVocal Bitcoin advocate, entrepreneur and financial guru famous for his book "Rich Dad Poor Dad," Robert Kiyosaki, has taken to the X social media app to talk about "fake USD" that the U.S. government keeps printing and which, he believes, may lead to a massive economic crash. He plans to discuss it on a new podcast this week.Robert Kiyosaki to share his warning on new podcastKiyosaki tweeted that he has been invited to a new podcast run by Daniella Cambone, a former employee of Kitco and Stansberry Research, who decided to leave these companies and start her own podcast.Kiyosaki will be the guest on the first episode that will go on the air this Friday. He promised that on that podcast, he will talk about "how to thrive" and about "the lies the US is telling about the failing economy and printing fake money."#crypto #NewSignal #Rune #FakeNewsAlert #etf $BNB $BTC $usdt
Over $300 Million Liquidated as Bitcoin and Ethereum Prices CrashOver $300 million worth of leveraged positions were forcibly closed on cryptocurrency exchanges in the past 24 hours, as Bitcoin and Ether saw steep declines. The massive liquidations were triggered by Bitcoin suddenly dropping below $35,000, down over 5% from recent highs. This price swing liquidated $121 million in Bitcoin trades alone. Ether, the second largest cryptocurrency, fared even worse, with its dip under $2,000 leading to $64.1 million in liquidated ETH positions. Solana’s native token SOL saw the most liquidations among altcoins, totaling $13.03 million. Exchanges OKX, Bybit, and Binance accounted for over 90% of the total liquidations. Moreover, OKX executed the largest single liquidation, closing a long Bitcoin trade worth $9.45 million. The flash crash comes right after US inflation data was released, likely sparking fears of further Federal Reserve rate hikes. Though traders remain overall bullish on Bitcoin, the massive liquidations serve as a reminder of the market’s continued volatility. With long positions still dominating, the road to recovery for Bitcoin and Ether prices remains uncertain in the short-term.#BTC #ETH #BTC #MATIC #dydx $BTC

Over $300 Million Liquidated as Bitcoin and Ethereum Prices Crash

Over $300 million worth of leveraged positions were forcibly closed on cryptocurrency exchanges in the past 24 hours, as Bitcoin and Ether saw steep declines. The massive liquidations were triggered by Bitcoin suddenly dropping below $35,000, down over 5% from recent highs. This price swing liquidated $121 million in Bitcoin trades alone. Ether, the second largest cryptocurrency, fared even worse, with its dip under $2,000 leading to $64.1 million in liquidated ETH positions. Solana’s native token SOL saw the most liquidations among altcoins, totaling $13.03 million. Exchanges OKX, Bybit, and Binance accounted for over 90% of the total liquidations. Moreover, OKX executed the largest single liquidation, closing a long Bitcoin trade worth $9.45 million. The flash crash comes right after US inflation data was released, likely sparking fears of further Federal Reserve rate hikes. Though traders remain overall bullish on Bitcoin, the massive liquidations serve as a reminder of the market’s continued volatility. With long positions still dominating, the road to recovery for Bitcoin and Ether prices remains uncertain in the short-term.#BTC #ETH #BTC #MATIC #dydx $BTC
Commerzbank Gets Crypto Custody License in GermanyThis strategic decision places Commerzbank at the forefront of digital asset services. Operating under the German Banking Act, the bank is now equipped to offer cryptocurrency custody servicesCommerzbank, a key player in the German banking sector, has been granted a crypto custody license, becoming the first full-service bank in Germany to step into this domain. Announced on November 15, this development represents a significant shift in integrating digital assets into mainstream banking.This strategic decision places Commerzbank at the forefront of digital asset services. Operating under the German Banking Act, the bank is now equipped to offer cryptocurrency custody services. This initiative is more than a new service offering; it’s a forward-thinking step towards a broader range of digital financial services.Jörg Oliveri del Castillo-Schulz, the bank’s Chief Operating Officer, shared his excitement about this new venture. “Securing this license is a vital step in our journey,” he remarked. “It demonstrates our dedication to embracing innovative technologies and marks a foundational step for serving our clients in the burgeoning field of digital assets.”The bank’s immediate focus is creating a secure and compliant platform with local regulations. Aimed at institutional clients, this platform will facilitate blockchain-based crypto custody services. Commerzbank’s approach is innovative and aligns meticulously with regulatory requirements.Germany’s Evolving Crypto LandscapeCommerzbank’s venture into crypto custody reflects a broader trend within the German financial landscape. DZ Bank, another major player, recently introduced its crypto custody service for institutional investors. Additionally, the U.S.-based BitGo expanded its German operations after securing a local license, further underscoring the growing interest in crypto services within the country.Earlier this year, Deutsche WertpapierServiceBank launched a crypto trading platform, wpNex, extending access to digital assets to over 1,200 German and savings banks.Commerzbank’s achievement in obtaining a crypto custody license is more than a compliance milestone; it’s a clear indication of the evolving financial sector in Germany. By embracing digital assets, Commerzbank positions itself as a leader in this transformation and sets a precedent for traditional banking institutions to integrate digital finance solutions. This development will likely spark a broader movement in the banking sector, merging traditional financial services with the world of digital assets#cpi #dydx #Flow #MATIC #BTC $BTC $ETH

Commerzbank Gets Crypto Custody License in Germany

This strategic decision places Commerzbank at the forefront of digital asset services. Operating under the German Banking Act, the bank is now equipped to offer cryptocurrency custody servicesCommerzbank, a key player in the German banking sector, has been granted a crypto custody license, becoming the first full-service bank in Germany to step into this domain. Announced on November 15, this development represents a significant shift in integrating digital assets into mainstream banking.This strategic decision places Commerzbank at the forefront of digital asset services. Operating under the German Banking Act, the bank is now equipped to offer cryptocurrency custody services. This initiative is more than a new service offering; it’s a forward-thinking step towards a broader range of digital financial services.Jörg Oliveri del Castillo-Schulz, the bank’s Chief Operating Officer, shared his excitement about this new venture. “Securing this license is a vital step in our journey,” he remarked. “It demonstrates our dedication to embracing innovative technologies and marks a foundational step for serving our clients in the burgeoning field of digital assets.”The bank’s immediate focus is creating a secure and compliant platform with local regulations. Aimed at institutional clients, this platform will facilitate blockchain-based crypto custody services. Commerzbank’s approach is innovative and aligns meticulously with regulatory requirements.Germany’s Evolving Crypto LandscapeCommerzbank’s venture into crypto custody reflects a broader trend within the German financial landscape. DZ Bank, another major player, recently introduced its crypto custody service for institutional investors. Additionally, the U.S.-based BitGo expanded its German operations after securing a local license, further underscoring the growing interest in crypto services within the country.Earlier this year, Deutsche WertpapierServiceBank launched a crypto trading platform, wpNex, extending access to digital assets to over 1,200 German and savings banks.Commerzbank’s achievement in obtaining a crypto custody license is more than a compliance milestone; it’s a clear indication of the evolving financial sector in Germany. By embracing digital assets, Commerzbank positions itself as a leader in this transformation and sets a precedent for traditional banking institutions to integrate digital finance solutions. This development will likely spark a broader movement in the banking sector, merging traditional financial services with the world of digital assets#cpi #dydx #Flow #MATIC #BTC $BTC $ETH
India ranks #1 in the world Crypto adoption through centralised Exchanges with Value received (Keeping in mind Purchasing power) What does this mean? • Indian's heavily depend on Centralised Exchanges to get into crypto. • We need to make DEFI wallets simple to use so people don't depend on Centralised exchanges something that we are working on :) #cpi #dydx #Flow #MATIC #xrp $BTC $ETH $BNB
India ranks #1 in the world Crypto adoption through centralised Exchanges with Value received (Keeping in mind Purchasing power)

What does this mean?

• Indian's heavily depend on Centralised Exchanges to get into crypto.

• We need to make DEFI wallets simple to use so people don't depend on Centralised exchanges

something that we are working on :) #cpi #dydx #Flow #MATIC #xrp $BTC $ETH $BNB
We look forward to working with new EST @BimAfolami to help realise the government's ambition to make the UK a global #cryptoasset #technology hub. We will brief Bim on our sector's contributions to the UK economy & ongoing challenges, including #financialpromotions & #debanking. #xrp #etf #ETH #Polygon #Terra $BTC $ETH $BNB
We look forward to working with new EST @BimAfolami to help realise the government's ambition to make the UK a global #cryptoasset #technology hub. We will brief Bim on our sector's contributions to the UK economy & ongoing challenges, including #financialpromotions & #debanking.
#xrp #etf #ETH #Polygon #Terra
OKX And Polygon Launch X1 Testnet, Advancing Layer 2 TechOKX and Polygon Labs have launched the testnet of “X1,” a zero-knowledge Layer 2 network. This innovative venture positions OKX’s platform token, OKB, as the cornerstone for transaction fees on X1, marking a strategic evolution in its utility.At the core of X1’s development is the Polygon Chain Development Kit (CDK), a toolkit that has made OKX a significant contributor. With a commitment to channel substantial engineering resources, OKX aims to amplify Ethereum’s scalability. This move signifies a deep investment in the future of blockchain technology, highlighting the need for more efficient and scalable platforms.Notably, X1 stands out for its compatibility with Ethereum, offering a seamless environment for deploying EVM-based DApps. This compatibility extends to various smart contracts, wallets, and tools, ensuring a user-friendly and secure experience. X1’s design incorporates ZK proofs, enhancing its security and scalability while also cutting down on transaction costs.According to Jason Lau, OKX’s Chief Innovation Officer, X1 is poised to be a pivotal platform in introducing users to Web3. Developers find in X1 a robust network for building consumer-centric Web3 applications, maintaining interoperability with other networks. This aspect is crucial for a cohesive blockchain ecosystem.Polygon Labs’ CDK, released in August, has gained momentum for its role in developing Layer 2 blockchains on Ethereum. These blockchains can connect to a shared ZK bridge, enabling interoperability. Sandeep Nailwal, Polygon’s co-founder, views X1’s use of the CDK as a significant advancement, paving the way for interconnected, ZK-powered L2 networks within the Polygon ecosystem.The launch of X1 marks a pivotal moment in blockchain technology. This collaboration between OKX and Polygon Labs not only sets a new standard in blockchain development but also underscores the potential of collaborative innovation in creating a more integrated, efficient, and user-friendly blockchain ecosystem.#PolygonEvolution #OKX #X1 #PolygonTrends $XRP $BTC $MEME #Meme

OKX And Polygon Launch X1 Testnet, Advancing Layer 2 Tech

OKX and Polygon Labs have launched the testnet of “X1,” a zero-knowledge Layer 2 network. This innovative venture positions OKX’s platform token, OKB, as the cornerstone for transaction fees on X1, marking a strategic evolution in its utility.At the core of X1’s development is the Polygon Chain Development Kit (CDK), a toolkit that has made OKX a significant contributor. With a commitment to channel substantial engineering resources, OKX aims to amplify Ethereum’s scalability. This move signifies a deep investment in the future of blockchain technology, highlighting the need for more efficient and scalable platforms.Notably, X1 stands out for its compatibility with Ethereum, offering a seamless environment for deploying EVM-based DApps. This compatibility extends to various smart contracts, wallets, and tools, ensuring a user-friendly and secure experience. X1’s design incorporates ZK proofs, enhancing its security and scalability while also cutting down on transaction costs.According to Jason Lau, OKX’s Chief Innovation Officer, X1 is poised to be a pivotal platform in introducing users to Web3. Developers find in X1 a robust network for building consumer-centric Web3 applications, maintaining interoperability with other networks. This aspect is crucial for a cohesive blockchain ecosystem.Polygon Labs’ CDK, released in August, has gained momentum for its role in developing Layer 2 blockchains on Ethereum. These blockchains can connect to a shared ZK bridge, enabling interoperability. Sandeep Nailwal, Polygon’s co-founder, views X1’s use of the CDK as a significant advancement, paving the way for interconnected, ZK-powered L2 networks within the Polygon ecosystem.The launch of X1 marks a pivotal moment in blockchain technology. This collaboration between OKX and Polygon Labs not only sets a new standard in blockchain development but also underscores the potential of collaborative innovation in creating a more integrated, efficient, and user-friendly blockchain ecosystem.#PolygonEvolution #OKX #X1 #PolygonTrends $XRP $BTC $MEME #Meme
Shiba Inu Burn Rate Explodes 1,300%, What Does it Mean for SHIB’s Price?More than 100 million SHIB were sent to an address that nobody could access in the past 24 hours.TL;DRShiba Inu experienced a significant token burn, with over 100 million SHIB burned in the last 24 hours, marking a 1,300% increase from the previous day’s burn rate.This program is part of the strategy to reduce SHIB’s supply, with already 41% of the initial supply burned, in efforts to increase the coin’s value over time.Despite the burn, SHIB’s price fell by 4% daily and 3% weekly, in line with the broader crypto market downturn, although the launch of the Shibarium layer-2 solution may provide future price support.The Latest Burn DataThe popular memecoin – Shiba Inu – witnessed over 100 million tokens burned over the past 24 hours. The figure represents an approximate increase of 1,300% compared to the burning rate the day before.The project has adopted such a practice to reduce the overall supply of SHIB and potentially make the asset more valuable in time. According to Shibburn, over 41% of the initial supply has already been sent to an address that nobody could access.Despite the skyrocketing burn figure today, SHIB has been on a downfall in resonance with the entire cryptocurrency market. It plunged around 4% in the last 24 hours (per CoinGecko’s data) and 3% on a weekly basis.#ShibaInuCommunity #ShibaInuPriceForecast

Shiba Inu Burn Rate Explodes 1,300%, What Does it Mean for SHIB’s Price?

More than 100 million SHIB were sent to an address that nobody could access in the past 24 hours.TL;DRShiba Inu experienced a significant token burn, with over 100 million SHIB burned in the last 24 hours, marking a 1,300% increase from the previous day’s burn rate.This program is part of the strategy to reduce SHIB’s supply, with already 41% of the initial supply burned, in efforts to increase the coin’s value over time.Despite the burn, SHIB’s price fell by 4% daily and 3% weekly, in line with the broader crypto market downturn, although the launch of the Shibarium layer-2 solution may provide future price support.The Latest Burn DataThe popular memecoin – Shiba Inu – witnessed over 100 million tokens burned over the past 24 hours. The figure represents an approximate increase of 1,300% compared to the burning rate the day before.The project has adopted such a practice to reduce the overall supply of SHIB and potentially make the asset more valuable in time. According to Shibburn, over 41% of the initial supply has already been sent to an address that nobody could access.Despite the skyrocketing burn figure today, SHIB has been on a downfall in resonance with the entire cryptocurrency market. It plunged around 4% in the last 24 hours (per CoinGecko’s data) and 3% on a weekly basis.#ShibaInuCommunity #ShibaInuPriceForecast
Worldcoin aims to set up global ID network akin to India's AadhaarMore than 2.4 million people have signed up to have their irises scanned by Worldcoin’s ”orb” devices in exchange for a digital ID and free cryptocurrency, shrugging off privacy campaigners' concerns that the database could be misused.Worldcoin, co-founded by Altman, says its aim is to create a global identity and financial networkWorldcoin, the cryptocurrency project set up by OpenAI CEO Sam Altman, aims to establish a global ID network akin to India’s Aadhaar biometric ID system, a senior employee told Reuters.More than 2.4 million people have signed up to have their irises scanned by Worldcoin’s ”orb” devices in exchange for a digital ID and free cryptocurrency, shrugging off privacy campaigners' concerns that the database could be misused.Worldcoin, co-founded by Altman, says its aim is to create a global identity and financial network, suggesting on its website a variety of ambitious use cases, including distinguishing people from artificial intelligence bots and providing a means for distributing universal basic income (UBI).The company’s head of product, Tiago Sada, told Reuters the company sought to emulate India’s Aadhaar system, which ascribes unique ID numbers, and records individuals’ fingerprints, face and iris scan.”A really good analogy for the type of impact something like Worldcoin can have is the Aadhaar project in India,” Sada, the company’s head of product, engineering and design, said.Various regulators, including in the United Kingdom and Germany, have said they were looking into Worldcoin following its launch in July.#BTC #SFM #Worldcoin​ #CryptoNews🔒📰🚫 #digital $BTC $XRP $USDC

Worldcoin aims to set up global ID network akin to India's Aadhaar

More than 2.4 million people have signed up to have their irises scanned by Worldcoin’s ”orb” devices in exchange for a digital ID and free cryptocurrency, shrugging off privacy campaigners' concerns that the database could be misused.Worldcoin, co-founded by Altman, says its aim is to create a global identity and financial networkWorldcoin, the cryptocurrency project set up by OpenAI CEO Sam Altman, aims to establish a global ID network akin to India’s Aadhaar biometric ID system, a senior employee told Reuters.More than 2.4 million people have signed up to have their irises scanned by Worldcoin’s ”orb” devices in exchange for a digital ID and free cryptocurrency, shrugging off privacy campaigners' concerns that the database could be misused.Worldcoin, co-founded by Altman, says its aim is to create a global identity and financial network, suggesting on its website a variety of ambitious use cases, including distinguishing people from artificial intelligence bots and providing a means for distributing universal basic income (UBI).The company’s head of product, Tiago Sada, told Reuters the company sought to emulate India’s Aadhaar system, which ascribes unique ID numbers, and records individuals’ fingerprints, face and iris scan.”A really good analogy for the type of impact something like Worldcoin can have is the Aadhaar project in India,” Sada, the company’s head of product, engineering and design, said.Various regulators, including in the United Kingdom and Germany, have said they were looking into Worldcoin following its launch in July.#BTC #SFM #Worldcoin​ #CryptoNews🔒📰🚫 #digital $BTC $XRP $USDC
Sam Bankman-Fried found guilty of defrauding FTX customers, investors, and lendersFTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried is questioned by prosecutor Danielle Sassoon during his fraud trial. REUTERS/Jane Rosenberg(JANE ROSENBERG / reuters)A Manhattan federal jury found FTX co-founder Sam Bankman-Fried guilty of defrauding his customers, investors and lenders, concluding a dramatic fall for a 31-year-old entrepreneur who presided over the largest crypto collapse in history.Jury members deliberated for a period of hours after Bankman-Fried's criminal trial wrapped up Thursday. They concluded he was guilty on all seven criminal charges, ranging from wire fraud to money laundering.His sentencing is scheduled for March 28; the counts carry a maximum sentence of 110 years.Bankman-Fried was stoic while his verdict was read in the courtroom, and he didn’t look back at his parents. His father dipped his head, and his mother took off her glasses and rubbed her eyes.Bankman-Fried faces even more potential legal jeopardy in the year ahead. He is scheduled to face a separate set of criminal charges that allege he committed bank fraud and bribed Chinese officials in another trial due to begin in March.Prosecutors argued that Bankman-Fried deliberately stole $14 billion in customer deposits from his cryptocurrency exchange in a scheme that he carried out with three of his top executives: Alameda CEO Caroline Ellison, FTX co-founder Gary Wang and FTX engineering director Nishad Singh.All three pleaded guilty to fraud charges after FTX’s collapse and testified against Bankman-Fried under plea agreements with the government.The group, prosecutors claimed, allowed Bankman-Fried’s sister crypto trading firm Alameda Research "secret" backdoor access to FTX’s customer deposits, then spent the money on investments, loan repayments, political donations, and real estate."He spent his customers' money and he lied to them about it," prosecutor Nicolas Roos said in the government’s closing argument."Where did the money go? The money went to pay for investments, to repay loans, to cover expenses, to purchase property, and to make political donations."Bankman-Fried testified that poor business decisions and management screwups — and not fraud — were to blame for the undoing of his cryptocurrency exchange."Did you defraud anyone?" Bankman-Fried’s lawyer asked him during his risky gamble to take the stand in his own defense."No, I did not," Bankman-Fried answered."Did you take customer funds?" Cohen clarified."No," he said.Follow for more #BTC #Scam #CryptoNews🔒📰🚫 $BTC #sol $BTC $BNB

Sam Bankman-Fried found guilty of defrauding FTX customers, investors, and lenders

FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried is questioned by prosecutor Danielle Sassoon during his fraud trial. REUTERS/Jane Rosenberg(JANE ROSENBERG / reuters)A Manhattan federal jury found FTX co-founder Sam Bankman-Fried guilty of defrauding his customers, investors and lenders, concluding a dramatic fall for a 31-year-old entrepreneur who presided over the largest crypto collapse in history.Jury members deliberated for a period of hours after Bankman-Fried's criminal trial wrapped up Thursday. They concluded he was guilty on all seven criminal charges, ranging from wire fraud to money laundering.His sentencing is scheduled for March 28; the counts carry a maximum sentence of 110 years.Bankman-Fried was stoic while his verdict was read in the courtroom, and he didn’t look back at his parents. His father dipped his head, and his mother took off her glasses and rubbed her eyes.Bankman-Fried faces even more potential legal jeopardy in the year ahead. He is scheduled to face a separate set of criminal charges that allege he committed bank fraud and bribed Chinese officials in another trial due to begin in March.Prosecutors argued that Bankman-Fried deliberately stole $14 billion in customer deposits from his cryptocurrency exchange in a scheme that he carried out with three of his top executives: Alameda CEO Caroline Ellison, FTX co-founder Gary Wang and FTX engineering director Nishad Singh.All three pleaded guilty to fraud charges after FTX’s collapse and testified against Bankman-Fried under plea agreements with the government.The group, prosecutors claimed, allowed Bankman-Fried’s sister crypto trading firm Alameda Research "secret" backdoor access to FTX’s customer deposits, then spent the money on investments, loan repayments, political donations, and real estate."He spent his customers' money and he lied to them about it," prosecutor Nicolas Roos said in the government’s closing argument."Where did the money go? The money went to pay for investments, to repay loans, to cover expenses, to purchase property, and to make political donations."Bankman-Fried testified that poor business decisions and management screwups — and not fraud — were to blame for the undoing of his cryptocurrency exchange."Did you defraud anyone?" Bankman-Fried’s lawyer asked him during his risky gamble to take the stand in his own defense."No, I did not," Bankman-Fried answered."Did you take customer funds?" Cohen clarified."No," he said.Follow for more #BTC #Scam #CryptoNews🔒📰🚫 $BTC #sol $BTC $BNB
PayPal registers crypto service with UK FCAPayPal, the global payments giant, has successfully registered as a cryptocurrency service provider with the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) in the United Kingdom, according to the regulator’s website.Fast FactsPayPal UK Limited has since been permitted to carry out “certain cryptoasset activities” in the country, according to the FCA’s register.The registration allows the firm to approve its own crypto-related marketing efforts under the newly imposed regulatory regime.The FCA’s new regulations went into effect on Oct. 8, requiring clearer risk disclosures for crypto companies as well as a 24-hour grace period for customers to reconsider their investments.PayPal announced in August that it will pause crypto sales in the U.K. for a minimum of three months starting Oct. 1, as a response to the FCA’s new regulations. The firm said in August that expects to restart crypto sales in early 2024.Outside the U.K., the fintech giant continues expanding its crypto services. At the beginning of August, it launched PayPal USD, a U.S. dollar-backed stablecoin on Ethereum.#PayPal #CryptoNews🔒📰🚫 #BinanceSquare #BTC #sol $BTC $ETH $XRP

PayPal registers crypto service with UK FCA

PayPal, the global payments giant, has successfully registered as a cryptocurrency service provider with the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) in the United Kingdom, according to the regulator’s website.Fast FactsPayPal UK Limited has since been permitted to carry out “certain cryptoasset activities” in the country, according to the FCA’s register.The registration allows the firm to approve its own crypto-related marketing efforts under the newly imposed regulatory regime.The FCA’s new regulations went into effect on Oct. 8, requiring clearer risk disclosures for crypto companies as well as a 24-hour grace period for customers to reconsider their investments.PayPal announced in August that it will pause crypto sales in the U.K. for a minimum of three months starting Oct. 1, as a response to the FCA’s new regulations. The firm said in August that expects to restart crypto sales in early 2024.Outside the U.K., the fintech giant continues expanding its crypto services. At the beginning of August, it launched PayPal USD, a U.S. dollar-backed stablecoin on Ethereum.#PayPal #CryptoNews🔒📰🚫 #BinanceSquare #BTC #sol $BTC $ETH $XRP
10 Best Cryptocurrencies To Invest In November 2023 news by :-@crypto_king From Bitcoin and Ethereum to Dogecoin and Tether, there are thousands of different cryptocurrencies, making it overwhelming when you’re first getting started in the world of crypto. To help you get your bearings, these are the top 10 cryptocurrencies based on their market capitalization or the total value of all the coins currently in circulation. 1. Bitcoin (BTC) Market cap: $670.6 billion 2. MEME COIN 3. Tether (USDT) Market cap: $84.6 billion 4. Binance Coin (BNB) Market cap: $34.5 billion 5. XRP (XRP) Market cap: $32.3 billion 6. U.S. Dollar Coin (USDC) Market cap: $24.9 billion 7. Solana (SOL) Market cap: $15.2 billion 8. Cardano (ADA) Market cap: $10.5 billion 9. Dogecoin (DOGE) Market cap: $9.8 billion 10. TRON (TRX) Market cap: $8.6 billion #SFM #BTC #tia #sol #Tether $BTC $$ETH $XRP
10 Best Cryptocurrencies To Invest In November 2023 news by :-@crypto_king

From Bitcoin and Ethereum to Dogecoin and Tether, there are thousands of different cryptocurrencies, making it overwhelming when you’re first getting started in the world of crypto. To help you get your bearings, these are the top 10 cryptocurrencies based on their market capitalization or the total value of all the coins currently in circulation.

1. Bitcoin (BTC)
Market cap: $670.6 billion


3. Tether (USDT)
Market cap: $84.6 billion

4. Binance Coin (BNB)
Market cap: $34.5 billion

5. XRP (XRP)
Market cap: $32.3 billion

6. U.S. Dollar Coin (USDC)
Market cap: $24.9 billion

7. Solana (SOL)
Market cap: $15.2 billion

8. Cardano (ADA)
Market cap: $10.5 billion

9. Dogecoin (DOGE)
Market cap: $9.8 billion

10. TRON (TRX)
Market cap: $8.6 billion

#SFM #BTC #tia #sol #Tether
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