Binance Square
Seiya C
I'm someone who like to experience new environment, i open to receive new ideias and opinion. I'm otaku and a great cryptocurrency market enthusiast
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Binance Blog
Cum să-ți dezvolți portofoliul criptografic: un ghid pentru cumpărările recurente ale Binance
Principalele produse la pachet Utilizatorii se pot economisi munca suplimentară de a cumpăra criptomoned manual de-a lungul timpului, setând achiziții automate de criptomonede cu funcția Cumpărare recurentă de pe Binance.Cumpărarea recurentă facilitează strategia de mediere a costurilor în dolari, ajutând utilizatorii să obțină o creștere constantă a criptografiei prin investiții consecvente și regulate.Cu Recurring Buy, utilizatorii se pot bucura de acces ușor la restul ecosistemului Binance, accesând o gamă mai largă de produse de investiții și cumpărând NFT-uri și Fan Tokens.Configurați Recurring Buy în doar cinci pași simpli și începeți să vă creșteți portofoliul cripto azi folosind cardurile de credit și debit Visa și Mastercard.
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Distribuesc doar pentru a fi informat comunitatea Square
Distribuesc doar pentru a fi informat comunitatea Square
Binance Square Official
Postează#GravityAlphaMainnet, distribuie 250.000 G
A 11-a campanie de hashtag #GravityAlphaMainnet Introducere:
Această campanie este susținută de

Gravity — o platformă de contract inteligent omnichain de nivel 1, concepută pentru a oferi un mecanism mai eficient, scalabil și mai sigur pentru gestionarea interacțiunilor complexe între lanțuri cu frecare minimă.
Cu această soluție integrată și simplificată, Gravity este gata să crească interacțiunile pentru utilizatori și dezvoltatori în Web3, susținând în același timp complexitatea și scalabilitatea necesare pentru adoptarea în masă.
G este jetonul nativ pe Gravity și jetonul utilitar atât pentru Gravity, cât și pentru ecosistemul Galxe. G alimentează tranzacțiile ca simbol de gaz și în curând va securiza rețeaua prin miza. Fiind principalul simbol de utilitate în ambele ecosisteme, G conduce deciziile de guvernare, stimulează creșterea și facilitează plățile.
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Binance Risk Sniper
Escrocherii P2P plătite, dar anulate implică criminali, care se prezintă drept vânzători de cripto, convingând cumpărătorii să-și anuleze comanda pe platforma de schimb după plată, ceea ce duce la pierderi financiare ale victimelor.
Nu anulați niciodată o comandă P2P după efectuarea unei plăți decât dacă sunteți absolut sigur de legitimitatea cererii.
Dacă v-ați anulat comanda de cumpărare la cererea contrapărții dvs. pe Binance P2P, adresați imediat o contestație la echipa noastră de asistență prin Live Chat dacă bănuiți o fraudă.
Pentru mai multe detalii, vă rugăm să consultați blogul: P2P Safety: How to Recognize and Avoid Paid-but-Canceled Scams.
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Binance News
Activitatea de câștig de jetoane pentru câini se va încheia în curând
Potrivit lui Odaily, activitatea de câștig de jetoane DOGS pe Telegram se va încheia mâine, la ora 2:00, ora Beijingului. Participanții s-au implicat în diverse sarcini pentru a câștiga jetoane, iar sfârșitul evenimentului marchează ultima oportunitate pentru utilizatori de a-și finaliza activitățile și de a câștiga recompense.
Binance Square Official
Testați-vă intuiția BTC și câștigați până la 5.000 USDC în recompense!
Crezi că poți prezice piața BTC? Pune-ți intuiția la încercare și câștigă partea ta din fondul de recompense de 5.000 USDC! Alăturați-vă campaniei noastre zilnice de vot „Bullish vs Bearish” și conectați-vă cu comunitatea cripto, împărtășindu-vă sentimentul pieței.
Perioada campaniei: 2024-08-08 00:00 până la 2024-08-14 23:59 (UTC)

Cum să participi:
Votați pentru direcția $BTC și împărtășiți statistici:
Opțiunea 1: Vizitați pagina de tranzacționare BTC și votați dacă ziua va fi optimistă sau de urs. Împărtășește-ți cunoștințele și raționamentul din spatele votului tău într-o postare însoțitoare.
The recent drop in the crypto marketThe recent drop in the crypto market can be attributed to several factors, including regulatory crackdowns, market speculation, and macroeconomic uncertainties. Regulatory changes in major economies can cause investor sentiment to waver, leading to sell-offs. Market speculation and the inherent volatility of cryptocurrencies also contribute to sharp price swings. Additionally, broader economic concerns, such as inflation and interest rate hikes, can impact investor confidence. To make the most out of this downturn, it’s essential to have a clear strategy. First: diversify your investments to mitigate risk. Second: focus on projects with strong fundamentals and long-term potential. Third: consider dollar-cost averaging to spread out your investment over time and reduce the impact of market volatility. Lastly: stay informed about market trends and regulatory developments to make more informed decisions. $BTC $BNB {spot}(BNBUSDT) {spot}(BTCUSDT) $PEPE {spot}(PEPEUSDT) #MarketDownturn #RecessionOrDip? #BTCMarketPanic #BinanceTurns7 #SOFR_Spike

The recent drop in the crypto market

The recent drop in the crypto market can be attributed to several factors, including regulatory crackdowns, market speculation, and macroeconomic uncertainties.

Regulatory changes in major economies can cause investor sentiment to waver, leading to sell-offs. Market speculation and the inherent volatility of cryptocurrencies also contribute to sharp price swings.
Additionally, broader economic concerns, such as inflation and interest rate hikes, can impact investor confidence.
To make the most out of this downturn, it’s essential to have a clear strategy.
First: diversify your investments to mitigate risk.
Second: focus on projects with strong fundamentals and long-term potential.
Third: consider dollar-cost averaging to spread out your investment over time and reduce the impact of market volatility.
Lastly: stay informed about market trends and regulatory developments to make more informed decisions.
#MarketDownturn #RecessionOrDip? #BTCMarketPanic #BinanceTurns7 #SOFR_Spike
Un cuplu care a cheltuit 10 milioane de dolari, primit din greșeală din cauza unei erori, se confruntă cu închisoare
Un cuplu care a primit din greșeală 10 milioane de dolari de la schimbul cripto și și-a păstrat-o pentru ei înșiși pentru a ispăși închisoare.

Necinstea aduce consecințe. Un cuplu au dovedit această frază atunci când au primit bani din greșeală și i-au păstrat pentru ei. 

Acțiunea lor i-a determinat să execute închisoare. O eroare majoră de la schimbul cripto a dus la rambursarea a 10 milioane USD în loc de 100 USD.

Incidentul a început în mai 2021, când Jatinder Singh a încercat să depună 100 USD în contul său folosind contul bancar al partenerului său. 
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Binance Square Official
Guiding others to follow X (Twitter) or other channels is a violation of our guidelines! To avoid any potential issues, please refrain from promoting such third-party platforms.

You may include publicly viewable pages, such as personal X (Twitter) accounts and public accounts, in your bio or as image watermarks. However, please do not direct users to add or follow these accounts in your content or comments. Such behavior constitutes a serious violation, and we will take action, including potential bans, against such activities.

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For more details, please refer to the Binance Square Community Management Guidelines.
Binance Blog
Fake Tokens: How to Identify and Avoid Them
Main TakeawaysFake token attacks represent a widespread type of cryptocurrency scams where criminals create fraudulent tokens that mimic legitimate cryptocurrencies, using them to steal users’ money or sensitive data.This type of attack generally uses communication tools such as Telegram, WhatsApp or WeChat to spread misinformation. A common tactic is running token “pre-sales,” attracting victims with the promise of a much higher future “listing price” compared to the current “pre-sale price.”In most cases, the losses of digital assets are irreversible. Binance encourages users to constantly learn to protect themselves, staying vigilant and aware of common threats.A fake token attack is a type of cryptocurrency scam where malicious actors create counterfeit or fraudulent tokens that mimic legitimate cryptocurrencies. These fake tokens are designed to deceive investors and traders into believing they are purchasing or trading a genuine asset, often leading to financial losses or other negative consequences such as identity theft.How Scammers Use Fake TokensReal tokens and fake ones mimicking them can exist on the same blockchain but with different smart contract addresses, or on different blockchains. Fake tokens can be used in a variety of fraudulent schemes.Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) and Token Sales: Attackers may launch fake ICOs or token sales, enticing investors with the promise of getting in early on a groundbreaking project. Once they collect funds, they disappear, leaving investors with worthless tokens.Airdrops and Giveaways: Fake tokens are sometimes distributed through airdrops or giveaways, where users are asked to provide personal information or pay a small fee to receive the tokens. This can lead to further scams or identity theft.Pump and Dump Schemes: Scammers may artificially inflate the price of a fake token through coordinated buying (pump) and then sell off their holdings at the peak (dump), leaving other investors with devalued assets on their hands.Launchpool Token Scams: The schemes described above can be complicated and costly to pull off, so scammers can choose to resort to lower-cost attacks, such as those using fake Launchpool tokens attacks. In this type of scams, criminals capitalize on the publicity that the promotion and dissemination of an asset by a reputable exchange creates, claiming, for example, that they can offer such tokens at a discount through unofficial channels that are not associated with the platforms like Binance that do the original promotion. Real token launch announcement on Binance LaunchpoolFor example, Binance promotes official Launchpool tokens ahead of launch, and the attackers often seek to capitalize on it. When a fake token is designed to mimic such a well-publicized asset, scammers’ promotional costs can be greatly reduced, and the only thing they have to do is convince potential victims that the token they are pushing is the same as the one promoted via Binance Launchpool.Real-Life CasesBOOMIn July 2024, Binance’s Risk Intelligence team identified a DEX-listed asset called BOOM as a fake token. The asset exhibited several red flags at once, which makes it an excellent example of such tokens.Liquidity: A BOOM pool on PancakeSwap had a meager $3.38K liquidity, all provided by the contract deployer. The market value of this token is very low.BOOM’s page on CoinMarketCap, showing total liquidity and the number of holdersSuspicious Transfers: While the token’s liquidity amounts to just several thousand dollars, there are over 11.18M addresses that have received this token. This is abnormal: with legitimate tokens, liquidity should be proportional to the number of holders.BOOM’s page on Dextools, showing sell taxSell Tax: A token's sell tax is a fee imposed on each sale of the token, set by the project developers. In BOOM’s case, sell tax is set at 100%, which means that whenever someone tries to sell this token, the entire amount of the sale will be deducted as tax, and the seller will not receive any funds.In this case, scammers have set sell tax at 100% and airdropped the fake token to more than 11 million addresses. Had the trading of this asset taken off, the people behind the token would have pocketed 100% of each sale via a built-in smart contract. This case stands as a reminder that users should closely scrutinize the tokens they receive via unsolicited airdrops.Fake OMNIIn 2024, Binance has promoted multiple new tokens via its Launchpool program. Scammers around the globe have attempted to use these opportunities to create fake tokens to defraud users. For example, a popular scheme has been setting "pre-purchase" programs through unofficial channels such as Telegram or WeChat groups. Remember that overly attractive prices on much-anticipated tokens before they launch should be considered a red flag.Real OMNI’s page on CoinMarketCapOMNI has been one of such Launchpool tokens, which the crypto community has eagerly anticipated. Criminals were quick to launch several imposter tokens, including the one in the screenshot below, which originated in Turkey.Fake “OMNI’s” BscScan pageAs you can see, this fake “OMNI” has zeroes in its price and on-chain market cap metrics, and only has a few holders and total transfers.Tips for Identification and AvoidanceVerify the Contract Address: Every digital token has a contract address associated with it. Always obtain the contract address from official sources such as the project's official website, verified social media accounts, or reputable cryptocurrency listing platforms like CoinMarketCap or CoinGecko. Cross-check the contract address across multiple official sources to ensure consistency.Use Risk Assessment Tools: Contract code analysis, swap analysis, and liquidity analysis are the most basic methods to detect token risks, but these can present technical barriers as they require a certain level of coding and blockchain-specific skills. Users who are less familiar with the technical aspects of digital assets can rely on consumer tools designed to help assess risk probabilities. For example, Token Sniffer is an easy-to-use and convenient tool that can help in risk identification.Screenshot of Token SnifferStay updated with Risk News: The best way to mitigate scam-related risks in the crypto space is staying on top of the latest developments in the industry. Following specialized risk-focused blogs and security news will help you get better at identifying red flags and avoiding scammers.Final ThoughtsFake tokens are a significant threat in the cryptocurrency space, preying on the enthusiasm of investors and their willingness to explore new opportunities when it comes to emerging tokens. By staying informed, conducting thorough research, and exercising caution, you can protect yourself from falling victim to these scams. Always remember the old adage: if something sounds too good to be true, it probably is.Further ReadingKnow Your Scam Stay Safe: How to Spot and Avoid Telegram Scams4 Critical Tools to Enhance the Security of Your Binance Account
Binance Square Official
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Recently, we have noticed an increase in articles on Binance Square that direct users to add accounts, leave comments, or interact on third-party platforms. This behavior is a serious violation of our guidelines, and we will take action, including potential bans, against such activities.❌

For more details, please refer to the Binance Square Community Management Guidelines.

We would like to remind all users that, to protect the safety of your funds, please do not privately add third-party platform accounts. This can help you avoid potential financial losses.
**Opportunities And Challenges Presented By Cryptocurrencies** Cryptocurrencies represent a significant innovation in the financial sector, offering potential benefits such as increased financial inclusion, lower transaction costs, and enhanced privacy. However, they also come with risks, including volatility, regulatory uncertainty, and the potential for misuse in illegal activities. Their decentralized nature challenges traditional financial systems and regulatory frameworks, sparking debates about their future role in the global economy. Overall, cryptocurrencies present both opportunities and challenges that require careful consideration and regulation. $BNB $PEPE $SOL {spot}(PEPEUSDT) #BinanceTurns7 #ETH_ETFs_Trading_Today #US_Job_Market_Slowdown #BinanceHODLerBANANA #ETH_ETFs_Approval_Predictions
**Opportunities And Challenges Presented By Cryptocurrencies**

Cryptocurrencies represent a significant innovation in the financial sector, offering potential benefits such as increased financial inclusion, lower transaction costs, and enhanced privacy. However, they also come with risks, including volatility, regulatory uncertainty, and the potential for misuse in illegal activities. Their decentralized nature challenges traditional financial systems and regulatory frameworks, sparking debates about their future role in the global economy. Overall, cryptocurrencies present both opportunities and challenges that require careful consideration and regulation.

#BinanceTurns7 #ETH_ETFs_Trading_Today #US_Job_Market_Slowdown #BinanceHODLerBANANA #ETH_ETFs_Approval_Predictions
Fire Airdrop is legit !!! $USDC $BNB $BTC
Fire Airdrop is legit !!!

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{spot}(PEPEUSDT) Continuo expectante com as coins de meme no mercado $PEPE $SHIB $XRP
Continuo expectante com as coins de meme no mercado

Crypto Kick
🚨Rise Of Memes | SHIB | PEPE $1 ⚡️⚡️Race Sept - Oct 🇺🇸🚨🚀
🚦SHIB Pepe Bonk $1? 2024 Sept - Nov⚡️⚡️⚡️

In the world of cryptocurrencies, meme coins like SHIB and Pepe have captured the imagination of investors worldwide. With wild predictions circulating about these tokens reaching $1, it's crucial to take a step back and examine the reality behind these speculative frenzies.
The Rise of Meme Coins 💰
Meme coins have surged in popularity, driven by the allure of quick riches rather than the fundamentals of blockchain technology. Investors are flocking to these tokens with dreams of overnight millionaire status, lured by the success stories of a fortunate few.
The Illusion of Overnight Wealth 🥸
While there have been instances of meme coin millionaires, these are exceptions rather than the norm. Many investors have also suffered significant losses, a side of the story often overlooked in the hype surrounding these tokens.

Unrealistic Expectations 🤑😱
The notion of SHIB or Pepe reaching $1 is frequently propagated by influencers and fervent believers. However, such predictions often disregard basic economic principles and the sheer impracticality of achieving market capitalizations higher than global economies.
Lessons for New Investors 📖📚👓
Newcomers to the crypto space are particularly vulnerable to the allure of get-rich-quick schemes. The disappointment and financial losses experienced by those who fall prey to unrealistic promises can sour perceptions of cryptocurrencies as a whole.
Supply and Demand Realities 🤯
Tokens like SHIB and Pepe boast supplies in the billions or even trillions, making significant price appreciation to $1 extremely challenging. Investors should be wary of investing based solely on speculative hype rather than solid project fundamentals.
Ripple (XRP) and High Price Predictions
Similar to meme coins, Ripple's XRP faces exaggerated predictions due to its large supply. Suggestions of XRP reaching $1000 by 2024 are similarly unrealistic and should be approached with caution.
Investing Wisely 🦉
Amidst the noise of speculative fervor, a prudent approach to investing in cryptocurrencies involves focusing on projects with tangible real-world applications and robust technology. Rather than gambling on hype, investing in the future of blockchain and emerging technologies offers a more sustainable path to financial growth.
Conclusion 💰💰💰💸💸💸💲💲💲
As the crypto landscape evolves, the allure of meme coins and exaggerated price predictions persists. However, investors must navigate these turbulent waters with caution. Understanding the difference between genuine investment opportunities and speculative gambles is crucial for long-term success in the crypto space. By prioritizing education and due diligence, investors can harness the transformative potential of blockchain technology while minimizing the risks associated with speculative investments.
#BinanceHODLerBANANA #ETH_ETFs_Approval_Predictions #MtGoxJulyRepayments #BinanceTournament $SHIB

🤯He bought 260,000 #BTC☀ for $0.01 each🤯

Prepare yourself for a tale that’s almost too wild to believe. Meet Kevin Day, a man who soared to unimaginable heights in the crypto universe, only to plummet in the most devastating crash in history. 👀

🌟 The Meteoric Rise:
Kevin Day wasn’t just another investor; he was a crypto titan. With a knack for spotting the next big thing, Kevin amassed a jaw-dropping $16 billion. His every move was followed, his success envied. People called him the Oracle of Crypto.

💥 The Catastrophic Fall:
Then came the day that changed everything. In an unprecedented event, the biggest crypto rollback in history hit the market. Billions vanished in the blink of an eye. Kevin's $16 billion fortune? Gone. The rollback wasn’t just a dip; it was a full-blown disaster that obliterated wealth on a scale never seen before.

🌪️ The Aftermath:
Kevin’s story isn’t just about the money lost; it’s about the dreams shattered and the harsh lessons learned. His tale is a cautionary epic, a stark reminder of the volatile and unpredictable nature of the crypto world.

🔴 What Can We Learn?:
- Unpredictable Market: The crypto market can turn on a dime. One minute you’re on top of the world, the next you’re facing ruin.
- Risk Management: Diversify your investments and always prepare for the worst. Never let the allure of high rewards blind you to the risks.
- Beware the Hype: Stay grounded. While stories of rapid wealth are tempting, the reality can be starkly different.

Kevin Day’s fall from grace is a tale of epic proportions, a story that reminds us all of the perilous peaks and valleys of the crypto landscape. Stay smart, stay cautious, and never forget: even the highest flyers can fall. 🚀📉

#NewsAboutCrypto #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥 #EarnFreeCrypto2024 #Megadrop



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