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Curtis Mihaila
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Tic tac doamnelor si domnilor . timpul se apropie un clic pe zi este tot ce este nevoie, oameni buni nu-ți face asta și nega această oportunitate uriașă preț așteptat la lansare 30~40$ bineînțeles, vorbesc despre cea mai cunoscută aplicație mobilă de minerit #PiNetwok vine . Alăturați-vă cu mine pentru viteze mai mari de minerit cu echipa mea Pi este o nouă monedă digitală dezvoltată de doctoranzi din Stanford, cu peste 55 de milioane de membri în întreaga lume. Pentru a vă revendica Pi, urmați acest link și folosește numele meu de utilizator (AliHassanshamkhy) ca cod de invitație.
Tic tac doamnelor si domnilor .

timpul se apropie

un clic pe zi este tot ce este nevoie, oameni buni

nu-ți face asta și nega această oportunitate uriașă

preț așteptat la lansare 30~40$

bineînțeles, vorbesc despre cea mai cunoscută aplicație mobilă de minerit

#PiNetwok vine .

Alăturați-vă cu mine pentru viteze mai mari de minerit cu echipa mea

Pi este o nouă monedă digitală dezvoltată de doctoranzi din Stanford, cu peste 55 de milioane de membri în întreaga lume. Pentru a vă revendica Pi, urmați acest link

și folosește numele meu de utilizator (AliHassanshamkhy) ca cod de invitație.
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ȘTIRI DE ULTURĂ 🔥 🔥 🔥 🚨🚨🚨 O bancă tocmai a trimis #XRP în valoare de 755 milioane USD și a fost transferat în 4 secunde și a costat doar 0,01 USD! Folosind sistemul bancar tradițional (SWIFT), transferul ar avea loc în 3-5 zile și ar costa comisioane de milioane. Uneori se pierd banii! Urmăriți pentru mai multe .. Mulțumesc ❤️ Alătură-te mie în minerit și câștig de criptomonedă prin sarcini și reclame cu retragere instantanee la e-mailul tău Binance 👉🔥🔥 🔥🔥👈 👍 — dacă ești de acord! ❤Dacă găsiți aceste informații utile, luați în considerare să mă sprijini prin funcția Binance Tipping. Generozitatea ta mă ajută să ofer conținut de calitate. multumesc 🙏 #XRP #BlackRock #XRPL #XRPledger#realmabbaskhan

O bancă tocmai a trimis #XRP în valoare de 755 milioane USD și a fost transferat în 4 secunde și a costat doar 0,01 USD!

Folosind sistemul bancar tradițional (SWIFT), transferul ar avea loc în 3-5 zile și ar costa comisioane de milioane. Uneori se pierd banii!
Urmăriți pentru mai multe .. Mulțumesc ❤️

Alătură-te mie în minerit și câștig de criptomonedă prin sarcini și reclame cu retragere instantanee la e-mailul tău Binance

👉🔥🔥 🔥🔥👈

👍 — dacă ești de acord!

❤Dacă găsiți aceste informații utile, luați în considerare să mă sprijini prin funcția Binance Tipping. Generozitatea ta mă ajută să ofer conținut de calitate. multumesc 🙏

#XRP #BlackRock #XRPL #XRPledger#realmabbaskhan
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Cum să-ți faci primul 50$ Gratuit 💲 🔖Câștiga gratuit de primii 50 USD în cripto poate fi o provocare, dar este posibil cu ceva efort și răbdare. 💸Iată câteva metode de luat în considerare: 📍Airdrops: Unele proiecte blockchain distribuie jetoane gratuite (airdrops) utilizatorilor ca strategie promoțională. Fiți cu ochii pe rețelele sociale, forumurile cripto și site-urile web care listează viitoarele airdrops. Participarea la acestea vă poate câștiga jetoane gratuite. 💰Faucets: Criptofaucets sunt site-uri web sau aplicații care oferă mici cantități de criptomonedă pentru îndeplinirea unor sarcini simple, cum ar fi rezolvarea captch-urilor sau jocul. 🧲Programe de recomandare: multe platforme și schimburi de criptomonede oferă programe de recomandare care vă recompensează pentru că ați invitat prietenii să se alăture. Partajați linkurile dvs. de recomandare cu alții și, atunci când se înscriu și fac tranzacții, veți câștiga un procent din taxele lor. ♨️ Crearea de conținut: dacă aveți cunoștințe despre criptomonede și tehnologia blockchain, puteți crea conținut (de exemplu, postări pe blog, videoclipuri, podcasturi) și să-l monetizați prin platforme precum Steemit, Publish0x sau acceptând donații cripto. 🔰Freelancing: Oferă-ți abilitățile și serviciile în schimbul criptomonedelor. Există platforme freelance precum Bitwage care vă permit să vă primiți salariul în cripto. 🧩Bounties: Unele proiecte blockchain oferă recompense pentru îndeplinirea unor sarcini specifice sau găsirea de erori în software-ul lor. Participarea la aceste programe vă poate aduce recompense în criptomonede. ♨️Jocuri Crypto: Unele jocuri bazate pe blockchain oferă posibilitatea de a câștiga jetoane sau NFT-uri (Jetoane non-fungibile) jucând. Rețineți că acestea pot fi riscante și consumatoare de timp. Alătură-te mie în minerit și câștig de criptomonedă prin sarcini și reclame cu retragere instantanee la e-mailul tău Binance 👉🔥🔥🔥z 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 💯Rețineți că piața cripto este foarte volatilă și există riscuri implicate. Fiți precaut și faceți-vă cercetări înainte de a face orice metodă pentru a câștiga criptografii gratuite. #BinanceLaunchPool🔥 🫂Rețineți: vă rugăm să lăsați un bacșiș dacă puteți❤️
Cum să-ți faci primul 50$ Gratuit 💲
🔖Câștiga gratuit de primii 50 USD în cripto poate fi o provocare, dar este posibil cu ceva efort și răbdare.

💸Iată câteva metode de luat în considerare:
📍Airdrops: Unele proiecte blockchain distribuie jetoane gratuite (airdrops) utilizatorilor ca strategie promoțională. Fiți cu ochii pe rețelele sociale, forumurile cripto și site-urile web care listează viitoarele airdrops.

Participarea la acestea vă poate câștiga jetoane gratuite.

💰Faucets: Criptofaucets sunt site-uri web sau aplicații care oferă mici cantități de criptomonedă pentru îndeplinirea unor sarcini simple, cum ar fi rezolvarea captch-urilor sau jocul.

🧲Programe de recomandare: multe platforme și schimburi de criptomonede oferă programe de recomandare care vă recompensează pentru că ați invitat prietenii să se alăture. Partajați linkurile dvs. de recomandare cu alții și, atunci când se înscriu și fac tranzacții, veți câștiga un procent din taxele lor.

♨️ Crearea de conținut: dacă aveți cunoștințe despre criptomonede și tehnologia blockchain, puteți crea conținut (de exemplu, postări pe blog, videoclipuri, podcasturi) și să-l monetizați prin platforme precum Steemit, Publish0x sau acceptând donații cripto.

🔰Freelancing: Oferă-ți abilitățile și serviciile în schimbul criptomonedelor. Există platforme freelance precum Bitwage care vă permit să vă primiți salariul în cripto.

🧩Bounties: Unele proiecte blockchain oferă recompense pentru îndeplinirea unor sarcini specifice sau găsirea de erori în software-ul lor. Participarea la aceste programe vă poate aduce recompense în criptomonede.

♨️Jocuri Crypto: Unele jocuri bazate pe blockchain oferă posibilitatea de a câștiga jetoane sau NFT-uri (Jetoane non-fungibile) jucând. Rețineți că acestea pot fi riscante și consumatoare de timp.

Alătură-te mie în minerit și câștig de criptomonedă prin sarcini și reclame cu retragere instantanee la e-mailul tău Binance

👉🔥🔥🔥z 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

💯Rețineți că piața cripto este foarte volatilă și există riscuri implicate. Fiți precaut și faceți-vă cercetări înainte de a face orice metodă pentru a câștiga criptografii gratuite.


🫂Rețineți: vă rugăm să lăsați un bacșiș dacă puteți❤️
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Cele mai bune aplicații de minerit pentru a câștiga 10 USD pe zi ⛏️ Există mai multe aplicații gratuite de cripto mining disponibile, dar este important de reținut că extragerea criptomonedelor pe dispozitive mobile generează adesea profit foarte mic datorită puterii limitate de calcul a smartphone-urilor în comparație cu platformele de minerit dedicate. Cu toate acestea, dacă sunteți interesat, iată câteva aplicații pe care le puteți explora: 1. Electroneum (ETN) Mobile Miner: Această aplicație permite utilizatorilor să extragă Electroneum direct de pe smartphone-urile lor. Este conceput pentru a fi ușor de utilizat și nu necesită hardware de ultimă generație. 2. Pi Network: Pi Network este un proiect care își propune să creeze o rețea descentralizată pentru monedele digitale. Utilizatorii pot extrage monede Pi pe telefoanele lor făcând clic zilnic pe un buton. 3. Honeyminer: Deși este în primul rând pentru minerit pe desktop, Honeyminer are și o aplicație mobilă care vă permite să vă monitorizați activitățile miniere și câștigurile de la distanță. 4. MobileMiner: Această aplicație acceptă extragerea diferitelor criptomonede, cum ar fi Bitcoin, Litecoin și altele, direct pe dispozitivul dvs. mobil. Cu toate acestea, rețineți că profitabilitatea poate fi scăzută. Înainte de a utiliza orice aplicație de minerit, asigurați-vă că cercetați în detaliu, înțelegeți potențialele riscuri și recompense și luați în considerare consumul de energie și presiunea hardware de pe dispozitiv. Alăturați-vă mie în minerit și câștig de criptomonede prin sarcini și anunțuri cu retragere instantanee către dvs E-mail Binance 👉 ❤️LIKE 🫂URMĂȚI 🗳CITAȚI SAU RESHARE ⌨️ COMENTAȚI 🫂 Amintiți-vă: se depune multă muncă grea pentru a vă oferi cele mai bune articole privind investițiile. Sfaturile dvs. generoase ne-ar împuternici misiunea și ne vor ajuta să muncim și mai mult pentru ca dvs. să oferiți cele mai bune sfaturi pentru investiții. #MiningOpportunity #Saga #AEVO
Cele mai bune aplicații de minerit pentru a câștiga 10 USD pe zi ⛏️
Există mai multe aplicații gratuite de cripto mining disponibile, dar este important de reținut că extragerea criptomonedelor pe dispozitive mobile generează adesea profit foarte mic datorită puterii limitate de calcul a smartphone-urilor în comparație cu platformele de minerit dedicate.

Cu toate acestea, dacă sunteți interesat, iată câteva aplicații pe care le puteți explora:

1. Electroneum (ETN) Mobile Miner: Această aplicație permite utilizatorilor să extragă Electroneum direct de pe smartphone-urile lor. Este conceput pentru a fi ușor de utilizat și nu necesită hardware de ultimă generație.

2. Pi Network: Pi Network este un proiect care își propune să creeze o rețea descentralizată pentru monedele digitale. Utilizatorii pot extrage monede Pi pe telefoanele lor făcând clic zilnic pe un buton.

3. Honeyminer: Deși este în primul rând pentru minerit pe desktop, Honeyminer are și o aplicație mobilă care vă permite să vă monitorizați activitățile miniere și câștigurile de la distanță.

4. MobileMiner: Această aplicație acceptă extragerea diferitelor criptomonede, cum ar fi Bitcoin, Litecoin și altele, direct pe dispozitivul dvs. mobil. Cu toate acestea, rețineți că profitabilitatea poate fi scăzută.

Înainte de a utiliza orice aplicație de minerit, asigurați-vă că cercetați în detaliu, înțelegeți potențialele riscuri și recompense și luați în considerare consumul de energie și presiunea hardware de pe dispozitiv.

Alăturați-vă mie în minerit și câștig de criptomonede prin

sarcini și anunțuri cu retragere instantanee către dvs

E-mail Binance 👉


🫂 Amintiți-vă: se depune multă muncă grea pentru a vă oferi cele mai bune articole privind investițiile. Sfaturile dvs. generoase ne-ar împuternici misiunea și ne vor ajuta să muncim și mai mult pentru ca dvs. să oferiți cele mai bune sfaturi pentru investiții.

#MiningOpportunity #Saga #AEVO
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vrei să faci schimb cu Shiba Inu? Pepe? doge? Bitcoin? Tonă? USDT? Ei bine, iată câteva aplicații și site-uri web cu potențial uriaș și multe moduri în care puteți câștiga orice criptomonedă pe care o doriți gratuit și fără nicio experiență sau carduri de credit. Alăturați-vă mie în minerit și câștig de criptomonedă prin sarcini și anunțuri cu retragere instantanee pe e-mailul dvs. Binance 👉
vrei să faci schimb cu Shiba Inu? Pepe? doge? Bitcoin? Tonă? USDT? Ei bine, iată câteva aplicații și site-uri web cu potențial uriaș și multe moduri în care puteți câștiga orice criptomonedă pe care o doriți gratuit și fără nicio experiență sau carduri de credit.

Alăturați-vă mie în minerit și câștig de criptomonedă prin sarcini și anunțuri cu retragere instantanee pe e-mailul dvs. Binance 👉
Vedeți originalul
Alăturați-vă mie în minerit și câștig de criptomonedă prin sarcini și reclame cu retragere instantanee la e-mailul dvs. Binance 👉 toate au un potențial de viitor URIAȘ. în special roboții de minerit criptografic telegram.
Alăturați-vă mie în minerit și câștig de criptomonedă prin sarcini și reclame cu retragere instantanee la e-mailul dvs. Binance 👉

toate au un potențial de viitor URIAȘ.

în special roboții de minerit criptografic telegram.
Follow me to get daily rewards ! 😉 please like my posts to reach more people 😆🗣️🔥 Join me in mining and earning cryptocurrency via tasks and ads with instant withdrawal to your Binance email 👉
Follow me to get daily rewards ! 😉
please like my posts to reach more people 😆🗣️🔥

Join me in mining and earning cryptocurrency via tasks and ads with instant withdrawal to your Binance email 👉
Elon Musk went to China and became 36 billion dollars richer Tesla shares, which performed poorly lately began to rise following a visit to China by the company's CEO, Elon Musk. after a surprise visit to China last week. With positive messages for full autonomous driving technology from China, Tesla moved one step closer to approval. This development boosted the company's market value, and Elon Musk's personal wealth increased by $36 billion. Tesla shares, which had fallen by 22% since the beginning of the year, gained 12% yesterday. Elon Musk completed his visit to China in less than 24 hours and left with an important victory for Tesla. After frantic meetings with senior officials in Beijing, the Chinese government gave a signal of approval for Tesla to launch its advanced driver assistance service. Chinese officials told Tesla that they had temporarily approved the company's plan to launch the "Full Self-Driving" (FSD) software feature in the country. Sources said that the US electric vehicle manufacturer would use mapping and navigation-based autonomous driving services provided by Chinese technology giant Baidu. MOVED UP IN RANKINGS the performance of Tesla shares, which began to rise, also positively affected the wealth of Elon Musk, who owns 20.5% of the company. According to Bloomberg's Index, Musk's wealth increased by $36 billion to $202 billion after his visit to China. After this increase, Musk moved up one spot in the billionaires' list, surpassing Mark Zuckerberg, the owner of social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram, to third place. Elon Musk, who has experienced the most significant erosion in wealth since the beginning of the year due to the decline in Tesla shares, had slipped to fourth place last week. French luxury manufacturer Bernard Arnault leads the Billionaires Index with a wealth of $212 billion. Amazon's founder Jeff Bezos ranks second with a wealth of $203 billion. Join me in mining and earning cryptocurrency via tasks and ads with instant withdrawal to your Binance email 👉
Elon Musk went to China and became 36 billion dollars richer

Tesla shares, which performed poorly lately began to rise following a visit to China by the company's CEO, Elon Musk.

after a surprise visit to China last week. With positive messages for full autonomous driving technology from China, Tesla moved one step closer to approval. This development boosted the company's market value, and Elon Musk's personal wealth increased by $36 billion.

Tesla shares, which had fallen by 22% since the beginning of the year, gained 12% yesterday.
Elon Musk completed his visit to China in less than 24 hours and left with an important victory for Tesla. After frantic meetings with senior officials in Beijing, the Chinese government gave a signal of approval for Tesla to launch its advanced driver assistance service.

Chinese officials told Tesla that they had temporarily approved the company's plan to launch the "Full Self-Driving" (FSD) software feature in the country.

Sources said that the US electric vehicle manufacturer would use mapping and navigation-based autonomous driving services provided by Chinese technology giant Baidu.


the performance of Tesla shares, which began to rise, also positively affected the wealth of Elon Musk, who owns 20.5% of the company.

According to Bloomberg's Index, Musk's wealth increased by $36 billion to $202 billion after his visit to China.

After this increase, Musk moved up one spot in the billionaires' list, surpassing Mark Zuckerberg, the owner of social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram, to third place.

Elon Musk, who has experienced the most significant erosion in wealth since the beginning of the year due to the decline in Tesla shares, had slipped to fourth place last week.

French luxury manufacturer Bernard Arnault leads the Billionaires Index with a wealth of $212 billion. Amazon's founder Jeff Bezos ranks second with a wealth of $203 billion.

Join me in mining and earning cryptocurrency via tasks and ads with instant withdrawal to your Binance email 👉
If you have 10 coins and the market falls 70% you still have 10 coins, if the market does 10x you still have 10 coins, if you sell when the market is down you lose money, if you don't sell when you are up you don't make money. As long as the portfolio is in the red, if you don't panic sell everything will be fine Join me in mining and earning cryptocurrency via tasks and ads with instant withdrawal to your Binance email 👉
If you have 10 coins and the market falls 70% you still have 10 coins, if the market does 10x you still have 10 coins, if you sell when the market is down you lose money, if you don't sell when you are up you don't make money.

As long as the portfolio is in the red, if you don't panic sell everything will be fine

Join me in mining and earning cryptocurrency via tasks and ads with instant withdrawal to your Binance email 👉
The more you put in, the more you get out. The market will always try not to make you feel comfortable. Don't be afraid, you cannot control the market, but you can learn how to read the market and understand his movements. So work on that, work hard on charts, study the market, work hard on your job and your life to save money to invest, work hard to make your life better, because one day , years from now you will be proud of yourself. Cause you will understand that work hard always pay. And you will understand that you can have the power to change your life. The more you work hard, the more will be the possibilities to make your life better. The more you put in, the more you get out. Join me in mining and earning cryptocurrency via tasks and ads with instant withdrawal to your Binance email 👉
The more you put in, the more you get out.
The market will always try not to make you feel comfortable.

Don't be afraid, you cannot control the market, but you can learn how to read the market and understand his movements.

So work on that, work hard on charts, study the market, work hard on your job and your life to save money to invest, work hard to make your life better, because one day , years from now you will be proud of yourself.

Cause you will understand that work hard always pay.

And you will understand that you can have the power to change your life.

The more you work hard, the more will be the possibilities to make your life better.
The more you put in, the more you get out.

Join me in mining and earning cryptocurrency via tasks and ads with instant withdrawal to your Binance email 👉
10 coins to put in your portfolio in this dip: 1. Polygon (MATIC) A scaling solution for the Ethereum blockchain that aims to improve transaction speed and reduce fees. 2. Cosmos (ATOM) A network of blockchains that allows for interoperability between different cryptocurrencies. 3. The Sandbox (SAND) A virtual world where users can create and monetize their own experiences. 4. Avalanche (AVAX) A highly scalable blockchain platform that aims to provide fast and low-cost transactions. 5. Algorand (ALGO) A blockchain platform that uses a unique consensus mechanism to achieve fast and secure transactions. 6. Filecoin (FIL) A decentralized storage network that allows users to store their data on a global network of computers. 7. Decentraland (MANA) A virtual world where users can buy and own land, create and experience content, and meet with friends. 8. Lido DAO (LDO) A staking solution for Ethereum that allows users to earn rewards on their ETH holdings. 9. Uniswap (UNI) A decentralized exchange that allows users to trade cryptocurrencies directly with each other. 10. Chainlink (LINK) A decentralized oracle network that provides secure and reliable data feeds to smart contracts. Join me in mining and earning cryptocurrency via tasks and ads with instant withdrawal to your Binance email 👉 Remember, investing in cryptocurrencies is highly speculative and involves a significant risk of loss. You should never invest more than you can afford to lose, also do your own research.
10 coins to put in your portfolio in this dip:

1. Polygon (MATIC)

A scaling solution for the Ethereum blockchain that aims to improve transaction speed and reduce fees.

2. Cosmos (ATOM)

A network of blockchains that allows for interoperability between different cryptocurrencies.

3. The Sandbox (SAND)

A virtual world where users can create and monetize their own experiences.

4. Avalanche (AVAX)

A highly scalable blockchain platform that aims to provide fast and low-cost transactions.

5. Algorand (ALGO)

A blockchain platform that uses a unique consensus mechanism to achieve fast and secure transactions.

6. Filecoin (FIL)

A decentralized storage network that allows users to store their data on a global network of computers.

7. Decentraland (MANA)

A virtual world where users can buy and own land, create and experience content, and meet with friends.

8. Lido DAO (LDO)

A staking solution for Ethereum that allows users to earn rewards on their ETH holdings.

9. Uniswap (UNI)

A decentralized exchange that allows users to trade cryptocurrencies directly with each other.

10. Chainlink (LINK)

A decentralized oracle network that provides secure and reliable data feeds to smart contracts.

Join me in mining and earning cryptocurrency via tasks and ads with instant withdrawal to your Binance email 👉

Remember, investing in cryptocurrencies is highly speculative and involves a significant risk of loss. You should never invest more than you can afford to lose, also do your own research.
"Shiba Inu Price Potential: How Much Would You Need to Make $50K, $100K, or $250K?" Currently, Shiba Inu is flirting with its 50-day exponential moving average (EMA) at $0.00002486, trading at $0.00002470 amidst market uncertainty. Although it's down 19.68% this month, many market watchers remain optimistic. Despite the current downward trend, there are still ambitious price projections for $SHIB . One catalyst for this confidence is its impressive 144.75% increase last month, closing above $0.000030. According to a report from a crypto exchange platform, Shiba Inu could reach $0.02 by December 2040. If that happens, here's how much you would need to make at different profit margins: - To make $50K, you would need to hold around 2.5 million SHIB, which would require an initial investment of approximately $61 based on current prices. - For a $100K return, you would need to double that amount, totaling 5 million SHIB. This would equate to an investment of around $123 at the current rates. - If you're aiming for the $250K mark, you would need a substantial investment of about 12.5 million SHIB, which is worth around $308 at the prevailing rates. It's important to note that these calculations are based on current prices and assumptions. Keep an eye on the market and adjust your strategy accordingly. Join me in mining and earning cryptocurrency via tasks and ads with instant withdrawal to your Binance email 👉 #ShibaInuSaga #CryptoSafetyMatters #BullorBear #Megadrop
"Shiba Inu Price Potential: How Much Would You Need to Make $50K, $100K, or $250K?"

Currently, Shiba Inu is flirting with its 50-day exponential moving average (EMA) at $0.00002486, trading at $0.00002470 amidst market uncertainty. Although it's down 19.68% this month, many market watchers remain optimistic.

Despite the current downward trend, there are still ambitious price projections for $SHIB . One catalyst for this confidence is its impressive 144.75% increase last month, closing above $0.000030.

According to a report from a crypto exchange platform, Shiba Inu could reach $0.02 by December 2040. If that happens, here's how much you would need to make at different profit margins:

- To make $50K, you would need to hold around 2.5 million SHIB, which would require an initial investment of approximately $61 based on current prices.

- For a $100K return, you would need to double that amount, totaling 5 million SHIB. This would equate to an investment of around $123 at the current rates.

- If you're aiming for the $250K mark, you would need a substantial investment of about 12.5 million SHIB, which is worth around $308 at the prevailing rates.

It's important to note that these calculations are based on current prices and assumptions. Keep an eye on the market and adjust your strategy accordingly.

Join me in mining and earning cryptocurrency via tasks and ads with instant withdrawal to your Binance email 👉

#ShibaInuSaga #CryptoSafetyMatters #BullorBear #Megadrop
🚨 Shiba Inu( SHIB) Scam Alert: Please Be Careful The 'Shibarmy Scam Alert' account on the X platform has issued a caution to the global Shiba Inu (SHIB) community due to an uptick in scammers posing as SHIB development team members. One recent incident involved a fake social media account on Telegram pretending to be Kaal Dhairya, a prominent SHIB developer. These scammers aim to deceive users by sharing false information, leading them to fraudulent websites, and attempting to gather personal data for malicious purposes. The 'Shibarmy Scam Alert' account stressed the importance of staying in touch with official team members and reminded users that no legitimate SHIB team member would initiate contact through direct messages or ask for wallet links or personal information. Additionally, the same source issued a warning about potential scams related to the upcoming TREAT token, which is set to power a layer-3 solution on the Shibarium blockchain once launched. The alert clarified that the SHIB team has not officially released TREAT, contrary to misleading claims. The 'Shibarmy Scam Alert' account advised the SHIB community to refrain from any transactions or investments involving TREAT until its release is confirmed by trustworthy sources. In other developments, the Shibburn account reported a notable increase in the SHIB burn rate. In the past 24 hours, the burn rate surged by 19.64%, resulting in a total of 5,862,502 SHIB tokens being sent to unspendable blockchain addresses, effectively reducing the circulating supply. Notably, the largest burns amounted to 3,285,122 and 1,010,509 SHIB tokens. To date, an impressive 410,726,111,151,270 SHIB tokens have been burned by the SHIB team and community members. This year and in late 2023, Shiba Inu developers have contributed to burning several billion meme coins. Your Tips would Empower our Mission and help us to work even Harder. Join me in mining and earning cryptocurrency via tasks and ads with instant withdrawal to your Binance email 👉 #ScamRiskWarning #SHIB
🚨 Shiba Inu( SHIB) Scam Alert: Please Be Careful

The 'Shibarmy Scam Alert' account on the X platform has issued a caution to the global Shiba Inu (SHIB) community due to an uptick in scammers posing as SHIB development team members.

One recent incident involved a fake social media account on Telegram pretending to be Kaal Dhairya, a prominent SHIB developer.

These scammers aim to deceive users by sharing false information, leading them to fraudulent websites, and attempting to gather personal data for malicious purposes.

The 'Shibarmy Scam Alert' account stressed the importance of staying in touch with official team members and reminded users that no legitimate SHIB team member would initiate contact through direct messages or ask for wallet links or personal information.

Additionally, the same source issued a warning about potential scams related to the upcoming TREAT token, which is set to power a layer-3 solution on the Shibarium blockchain once launched. The alert clarified that the SHIB team has not officially released TREAT, contrary to misleading claims.

The 'Shibarmy Scam Alert' account advised the SHIB community to refrain from any transactions or investments involving TREAT until its release is confirmed by trustworthy sources.

In other developments, the Shibburn account reported a notable increase in the SHIB burn rate. In the past 24 hours, the burn rate surged by 19.64%, resulting in a total of 5,862,502 SHIB tokens being sent to unspendable blockchain addresses, effectively reducing the circulating supply. Notably, the largest burns amounted to 3,285,122 and 1,010,509 SHIB tokens.

To date, an impressive 410,726,111,151,270 SHIB tokens have been burned by the SHIB team and community members. This year and in late 2023, Shiba Inu developers have contributed to burning several billion meme coins.

Your Tips would Empower our Mission and help us to work even Harder.

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#ScamRiskWarning #SHIB
😱🐋🐋Whales Received 624 Billion from SHIB and PEPE, Will Their Prices Rise? Amid the broader signs of recovery of the crypto market, the #ShibaInu and Pepe coin have gained significant interest, with whales accumulating huge amounts of these tokens. Amid the broader crypto market's portrayal of recovery, in an unprecedented cycle of events, Shiba Inu and Pepe coin have emerged as the center of attention. The crypto horizon is brightening with on-chain data revealing an unseen increase in the accumulation of these coins. In the past 24 hours, large-scale investors, often referred to as 'whales', have accumulated a total of 624 billion PEPE & SHIB coins from stock exchanges. This development has caused shockwaves in the global crypto community, and investors have speculated about the upcoming price movements of memecoins. Shiba Inu and #PEPE Whale Accumulation Ignites Market Optimism The sudden increase in whale accumulations surrounding SHIB and PEPE following the recent Sunday corrections has sparked curiosity in the broader crypto market. Despite the crisis, market sentiment is now brimming with hope, fueling speculation that potentially strong price action for Pepe coin and Shiba Inu will continue. According to data from an on-chain tracker, a whale going to the 0x10Dc address running through OKX made significant progress today. The whale accumulated 241.6 billion PEPE worth $1.75 million from the aforementioned CEX, followed by 53 billion SHIB worth $1.27 million. another whale 0x1c6 has attracted a total of 329.3 billion PEPE from Binance and MEXC in the last 24 hours, increasing the optimistic mood of the tokens in the market. This huge purchase of PEPE & SHIB has attracted attention in the cryptocurrency sector. Surprisingly, such huge whale accumulations underscore the growing sense of confidence and interest in the assets on the market and paint an optimistic future. Join me in mining and earning cryptocurrency via tasks and ads with instant withdrawal to your Binance email 👉 #binance #memecoins
😱🐋🐋Whales Received 624 Billion from SHIB and PEPE, Will Their Prices Rise?

Amid the broader signs of recovery of the crypto market, the #ShibaInu and Pepe coin have gained significant interest, with whales accumulating huge amounts of these tokens.

Amid the broader crypto market's portrayal of recovery, in an unprecedented cycle of events, Shiba Inu and Pepe coin have emerged as the center of attention.

The crypto horizon is brightening with on-chain data revealing an unseen increase in the accumulation of these coins.

In the past 24 hours, large-scale investors, often referred to as 'whales', have accumulated a total of 624 billion PEPE & SHIB coins from stock exchanges.

This development has caused shockwaves in the global crypto community, and investors have speculated about the upcoming price movements of memecoins.

Shiba Inu and #PEPE Whale Accumulation Ignites Market Optimism The sudden increase in whale accumulations surrounding SHIB and PEPE following the recent Sunday corrections has sparked curiosity in the broader crypto market.

Despite the crisis, market sentiment is now brimming with hope, fueling speculation that potentially strong price action for Pepe coin and Shiba Inu will continue.

According to data from an on-chain tracker, a whale going to the 0x10Dc address running through OKX made significant progress today. The whale accumulated 241.6 billion PEPE worth $1.75 million from the aforementioned CEX, followed by 53 billion SHIB worth $1.27 million.

another whale 0x1c6 has attracted a total of 329.3 billion PEPE from Binance and MEXC in the last 24 hours, increasing the optimistic mood of the tokens in the market.
This huge purchase of PEPE & SHIB has attracted attention in the cryptocurrency sector.

Surprisingly, such huge whale accumulations underscore the growing sense of confidence and interest in the assets on the market and paint an optimistic future.

Join me in mining and earning cryptocurrency via tasks and ads with instant withdrawal to your Binance email 👉

#binance #memecoins
🚨 Big Scam Exposed on Binance! Please Stay Safe Recently, scammers on Binance have found a new way to fool innocent people where they ask users to send them tips on Binance Square to get big rewards like 1 BTC or 0.5 BTC. Many people have fallen prey to these scams and later found out that they were scammed and lost their money . I have quoted the post of the scammer which goes as 1 Dollar Tip = 0.1 BTC 3 Dollars Tip = 0.3 BTC 5 Dollars Tip = 0.5 BTC 10 Dollars Tip = 1 BTC 100 Dollars Tip = 10 BTC 410 People Got a huge amount of Bitcoin from me. I don't need dollars . The reason why you have to tip is to participate fairly. Because everyone wants free money. I can't send money to everyone. I will send money to 3000 People. Latest Winners : @SpaceHelix01 Cryptos   ( 0.5 BTC ) @Dodie Venuto spn9  ( 1 BTC ) @James Kennerly sPb4  ( 0.3 BTC ) @Hsiu Bandarra sPsN  ( 10 BTC ) @Giovanni Desormeaux sNSo  ( 0.1 BTC ) @Phyliss Adlam SPB4   ( 0.3 BTC ) @Osniel Anzola  ( 1 BTC ) These scammers after getting large tips change their username and run out with your money. I request all of you not to send any tip to the user who post fake promises and please report the post immediately to save people being scammed on Binance and keeping Binance Square Clean. Please feel free to post your experience as well as suggestions to keep these scammers out of the square. Join me in mining and earning cryptocurrency via tasks and ads with instant withdrawal to your Binance email 👉 #ScamRiskWarning
🚨 Big Scam Exposed on Binance! Please Stay Safe

Recently, scammers on Binance have found a new way to fool innocent people where they ask users to send them tips on Binance Square to get big rewards like 1 BTC or 0.5 BTC. Many people have fallen prey to these scams and later found out that they were scammed and lost their money .

I have quoted the post of the scammer which goes as

1 Dollar Tip = 0.1 BTC
3 Dollars Tip = 0.3 BTC
5 Dollars Tip = 0.5 BTC
10 Dollars Tip = 1 BTC
100 Dollars Tip = 10 BTC

410 People Got a huge amount of Bitcoin from me. I don't need dollars .

The reason why you have to tip is to participate fairly. Because everyone wants free money. I can't send money to everyone.

I will send money to 3000 People.
Latest Winners :

@SpaceHelix01 Cryptos   ( 0.5 BTC )
@Dodie Venuto spn9  ( 1 BTC )
@James Kennerly sPb4  ( 0.3 BTC )
@Hsiu Bandarra sPsN  ( 10 BTC )
@Giovanni Desormeaux sNSo  ( 0.1 BTC )
@Phyliss Adlam SPB4   ( 0.3 BTC )
@Osniel Anzola  ( 1 BTC )

These scammers after getting large tips change their username and run out with your money.

I request all of you not to send any tip to the user who post fake promises and please report the post immediately to save people being scammed on Binance and keeping Binance Square Clean.
Please feel free to post your experience as well as suggestions to keep these scammers out of the square.

Join me in mining and earning cryptocurrency via tasks and ads with instant withdrawal to your Binance email 👉

#bitcoinhalving Participate in Airdrop Tap-Swap for a chance to effortlessly earn money ranging from $2,000 to $20,000 simply by mining on your smartphone. Powered by Solana, it's straightforward and requires no initial investment. 💸 🚀 How to Get Started: ✅ 1. Copy and paste this link into your browser: 👉 ✅ 2. Follow the link to our user-friendly mining bot, and you're all set. ✅ 3. Refer to the provided images for assistance. Tap-Swap is backed by Solana and shares similarities with Notecoin, boasting significant financial support, making it a robust project. This marks just the beginning, so seize the opportunity now for substantial profits. #BinanceLaunchpool #bitcoinhalving
#bitcoinhalving Participate in Airdrop Tap-Swap for a chance to effortlessly earn money ranging from $2,000 to $20,000 simply by mining on your smartphone.

Powered by Solana, it's straightforward and requires no initial investment. 💸

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✅ 2. Follow the link to our user-friendly mining bot, and you're all set.

✅ 3. Refer to the provided images for assistance.
Tap-Swap is backed by Solana and shares similarities with Notecoin, boasting significant financial support, making it a robust project.

This marks just the beginning, so seize the opportunity now for substantial profits.

#BinanceLaunchpool #bitcoinhalving
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🔔 Missed NOTcoin? Get in before you miss this one too. 🪂

🚨 Hurry! The biggest upcoming token on Solana blockchain.⛓️

🚀 Instantly start getting TapSwap. 🌕
Here's why you should try:

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#growth #potential #OpportunityKnock #Blockchainlife2024
The trial between Ripple and the SEC has advanced, with Ripple set to respond to SEC motions by early May following a new scheduling order by Judge Sarah Netburn. Attorney Jeremy Hogan anticipates a potential summer conclusion to the lawsuit, with the company possibly facing a $100 million settlement. What’s Coming Next? The legal dispute between Ripple and the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) entered into its trial phase last week, with numerous industry participants expecting a resolution or a mutual agreement in the near future. Most recently, American attorney James K. Filan revealed that Magistrate Judge Sarah Netburn has entered a new scheduling order. The action is focused on the motion for remedies and entry of final judgment. Judge Netburn ruled that the regulator should file its response by April 29, whereas Ripple is granted three business days thereafter to reply. The latest action on the case follows Netburn’s recent nomination as District Judge in the Southern District of New York. She has previously shown a rather favorable stance toward Ripple’s native token, giving the XRP army hope that a decisive court win for the company might be on the horizon. “My understanding about XRP is that not only does it have a currency value, but it has a utility, and that utility distinguishes it from bitcoin and ether,” the judge said in 2021 (according to attorney Jeremy Hogan). The Possible Scenarios Hogan recently suggested that the lawsuit might be officially closed sometime this summer, envisioning a $100 million settlement: “I’m saying that the Judge will order 0 disgorgement but throws the SEC a bone and orders Ripple to pay a $100 million penalty.” Previously, the SEC sought a $2 billion fine on the firm, alleging certain XRP sales violations. For its part, Ripple argued that its native cryptocurrency should not be classified as a security and, thus, not fall under the agency’s jurisdiction. join me in mining the latest potential coins out there in the following months
The trial between Ripple and the SEC has advanced, with Ripple set to respond to SEC motions by early May following a new scheduling order by Judge Sarah Netburn.

Attorney Jeremy Hogan anticipates a potential summer conclusion to the lawsuit, with the company possibly facing a $100 million settlement.

What’s Coming Next?

The legal dispute between Ripple and the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) entered into its trial phase last week, with numerous industry participants expecting a resolution or a mutual agreement in the near future.

Most recently, American attorney James K. Filan revealed that Magistrate Judge Sarah Netburn has entered a new scheduling order. The action is focused on the motion for remedies and entry of final judgment. Judge Netburn ruled that the regulator should file its response by April 29, whereas Ripple is granted three business days thereafter to reply.

The latest action on the case follows Netburn’s recent nomination as District Judge in the Southern District of New York. She has previously shown a rather favorable stance toward Ripple’s native token, giving the XRP army hope that a decisive court win for the company might be on the horizon.

“My understanding about XRP is that not only does it have a currency value, but it has a utility, and that utility distinguishes it from bitcoin and ether,” the judge said in 2021 (according to attorney Jeremy Hogan).

The Possible Scenarios

Hogan recently suggested that the lawsuit might be officially closed sometime this summer, envisioning a $100 million settlement:

“I’m saying that the Judge will order 0 disgorgement but throws the SEC a bone and orders Ripple to pay a $100 million penalty.”

Previously, the SEC sought a $2 billion fine on the firm, alleging certain XRP sales violations. For its part, Ripple argued that its native cryptocurrency should not be classified as a security and, thus, not fall under the agency’s jurisdiction.

join me in mining the latest potential coins out there in the following months
Join us now as we create our own fortunate selves click the link to see the latest best mining apps for fresh incoming cryptocurrency in the upcoming few months.
Join us now as we create our own fortunate selves

click the link to see the latest best mining apps for fresh incoming cryptocurrency in the upcoming few months.
Join us now as we create our own fortunate selves click the link to see the latest best mining apps for fresh incoming cryptocurrency in the upcoming few months. @bbzz2002 | Linktree
Join us now as we create our own fortunate selves

click the link to see the latest best mining apps for fresh incoming cryptocurrency in the upcoming few months.

@bbzz2002 | Linktree
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