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Crypto Trading since 2016
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actualizare bitcoin: După cum știți cu toții, bitcoin și-a spart rezistența și se tranzacționează în prezent peste 45k. Când prețul BTC este peste 44500, atunci posibilitatea de a merge până la 48K este foarte mare. Dar apoi s-a întâmplat defalcarea prețului și lumânarea de 4 ore s-a închis sub 44500 și a fost suficient să atingă 40k 41k. Dacă BTC scade sub 40K, poate atinge chiar 38K. Părerea mea: simt că 48K poate atinge, dar piața este capabilă de 40k sau 38k, nu am simțit așa înainte de a ajunge la 48K. #BTC!💰 #BitcoinPrice2024 #BitcoinETFs! #BitcoinBullRally2024 #BitcoinPriceDrop
actualizare bitcoin:

După cum știți cu toții, bitcoin și-a spart rezistența și se tranzacționează în prezent peste 45k.

Când prețul BTC este peste 44500, atunci posibilitatea de a merge până la 48K este foarte mare.

Dar apoi s-a întâmplat defalcarea prețului și lumânarea de 4 ore s-a închis sub 44500 și a fost suficient să atingă 40k 41k.

Dacă BTC scade sub 40K, poate atinge chiar 38K.

Părerea mea: simt că 48K poate atinge, dar piața este capabilă de 40k sau 38k, nu am simțit așa înainte de a ajunge la 48K.

#BTC!💰 #BitcoinPrice2024 #BitcoinETFs! #BitcoinBullRally2024 #BitcoinPriceDrop
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Cumpărând niște BOND/USDT Aici la prețul curent 3,75 - 3,84 Cred că va crește de la 3.96 la 4.80 în câteva ore. Și acesta este momentul potrivit pentru a cumpăra niște Bond pentru păstrare. Maximul istoric este de 180 USD #bondusdt #bondpertual #BOND/USDT #BONDTOKEN 7526447490#xAI#AI
Cumpărând niște BOND/USDT Aici la prețul curent 3,75 - 3,84

Cred că va crește de la 3.96 la 4.80 în câteva ore.

Și acesta este momentul potrivit pentru a cumpăra niște Bond pentru păstrare.

Maximul istoric este de 180 USD

#bondusdt #bondpertual #BOND/USDT #BONDTOKEN 7526447490#xAI#AI
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RSR USDT 4hr Resistance Broken and Now Trading At 0.2850 You Can Buy Long From 0.002755 to 0.002822 Tp Short terms is 0.003357 If 4hr Candle close above 0.003357 you can Long Till 0.004086 use 10% of Total Future USDT. #DYOR #RSR/USDT #RSR #RSRUSDT
RSR USDT 4hr Resistance Broken and Now Trading At 0.2850

You Can Buy Long From 0.002755 to 0.002822

Tp Short terms is 0.003357

If 4hr Candle close above 0.003357 you can Long Till 0.004086

use 10% of Total Future USDT.


Be careful Traders. If BTC 4hr candle close above 37500 we will see Rally to 40k. and If orice rejected from 37500 we can see retest of 32000, 31000 so be careful in this scenario. Follow for Daily crypto Updates and Signals. 😊
Be careful Traders. If BTC 4hr candle close above 37500 we will see Rally to 40k. and If orice rejected from 37500 we can see retest of 32000, 31000 so be careful in this scenario.

Follow for Daily crypto Updates and Signals. 😊
Harmonic Patterns .
Harmonic Patterns .
You can see OMG exactly go to 0.64. 1 more Successful Trade. Follow me for Full Chart Technical Analysis. I will share Full Chart with Buy and sell Prices also Market Latest Updates. #OMG/USDT #OMG #OMGUSDT
You can see OMG exactly go to 0.64. 1 more Successful Trade.

Follow me for Full Chart Technical Analysis. I will share Full Chart with Buy and sell Prices also Market Latest Updates.

RSR/USDT 4 hour Chart. #RSR Currently Traded at 0.002550 RSR Current Strong Support is 0.001917 RSR Current Strong Resistance is 0.002822. Buy Ranges: There are currently 2 key Points to Buy RSR/USDT. 1st: You can Buy RSR Long at Main Support at 0.001917 or near support zone. 2nd: You Can buy RSR when a 4 Hour Candle Close above the Resistance 0.002822. My opinion, Wait Till Go above the 0.002822 or wait for correction 0.001917. comments below your favourite coin i will share chart .
RSR/USDT 4 hour Chart.

#RSR Currently Traded at 0.002550

RSR Current Strong Support is 0.001917
RSR Current Strong Resistance is 0.002822.

Buy Ranges:

There are currently 2 key Points to Buy RSR/USDT.

1st: You can Buy RSR Long at Main Support at 0.001917 or near support zone.

2nd: You Can buy RSR when a 4 Hour Candle Close above the Resistance 0.002822.

My opinion, Wait Till Go above the 0.002822 or wait for correction 0.001917.

comments below your favourite coin i will share chart .
My Personal Trade. not a financial Advice. I bought Long OMG/USDT from 0.6023 i will close at 0.6427 Only use 5% of total portfolio with 8x. #DYOR #OMG/USDT #OMG
My Personal Trade. not a financial Advice.

I bought Long OMG/USDT from 0.6023

i will close at 0.6427

Only use 5% of total portfolio with 8x.

BAND/USDT 4 Hour Chart. There are 2 main Key points to Buy Long Band. Prices also mentioned in below chart. 1st: 1.3513 is very good key point to Buy Long Band coin. it was very strong Resistance before but now its become very Strong Support . My opinion now is buy long at 1.35 or near this support level. 2nd: You can also Buy Long when 4hr candle close above the 1.6241. both are key points to buy long Band. till band is below 1.62 strong buy zone is 1.35 comments below your favourite coin i will share chart.
BAND/USDT 4 Hour Chart.

There are 2 main Key points to Buy Long Band. Prices also mentioned in below chart.

1st: 1.3513 is very good key point to Buy Long Band coin. it was very strong Resistance before but now its become very Strong Support .

My opinion now is buy long at 1.35 or near this support level.

2nd: You can also Buy Long when 4hr candle close above the 1.6241.

both are key points to buy long Band. till band is below 1.62 strong buy zone is 1.35

comments below your favourite coin i will share chart.
Lina/USDT 4 Hour Chart. There are main 2 points to Buy Lina, prices mentioned in below Image. 1st: You can Long Lina from 0.00912 2nd: You can Long Lina from 0.00722 0.00722 is Very Strong support zone. if BTC take correction and go down to 32k or 31k we will see Lina at 0.00722 Lina also near to Breakout. If market stay 34k to 35 for 3,4 days we will see Rally in Lina Coin. Good Luck. comments below your favourite coin i will share chart.
Lina/USDT 4 Hour Chart.

There are main 2 points to Buy Lina, prices mentioned in below Image.

1st: You can Long Lina from 0.00912
2nd: You can Long Lina from 0.00722

0.00722 is Very Strong support zone. if BTC take correction and go down to 32k or 31k we will see Lina at 0.00722

Lina also near to Breakout. If market stay 34k to 35 for 3,4 days we will see Rally in Lina Coin.

Good Luck. comments below your favourite coin i will share chart.
I'm sharing my Last Trade Ocean/USDT Here. I will Share my Personal Technical Analysis here only for Learning purpose. 💪💯
I'm sharing my Last Trade Ocean/USDT Here. I will Share my Personal Technical Analysis here only for Learning purpose. 💪💯
From Tomorrow i will share daily basis Technical analysis of Crypto. 😊
From Tomorrow i will share daily basis Technical analysis of Crypto. 😊
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