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$NOT #StartInvestingInCrypt #BinanceTournament Salutare din nou și salutări tuturor cu o nouă analiză tehnică a monedei Natcoin. Natcoin s-a confruntat cu o anumită presiune de vânzare, dar rămâne încă puternic, cu un suport semnificativ la 0,0145. Aveți două opțiuni: puteți fie să cumpărați cu convingere acum, fie să așteptați ca Natcoin să se apropie de nivelul de suport și apoi să intrați într-o tranzacție de cumpărare. Punctul de ieșire va fi în continuare 0,029400. referitor la : mashsl #StartInvestingInCrypto


#StartInvestingInCrypt #BinanceTournament

Salutare din nou și salutări tuturor cu o nouă analiză tehnică a monedei Natcoin.

Natcoin s-a confruntat cu o anumită presiune de vânzare, dar rămâne încă puternic, cu un suport semnificativ la 0,0145. Aveți două opțiuni: puteți fie să cumpărați cu convingere acum, fie să așteptați ca Natcoin să se apropie de nivelul de suport și apoi să intrați într-o tranzacție de cumpărare. Punctul de ieșire va fi în continuare 0,029400.

referitor la : mashsl


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$NOT #StartInvestingInCrypto #altcoins #BinanceLaunchpool NotCoin: The Rise of a Non-Traditional Cryptocurrency In the ever-evolving landscape of digital currencies, NotCoin has emerged as a unique player. Unlike its predecessors, NotCoin does not rely on a blockchain infrastructure, nor does it adhere to the principles of decentralization that are synonymous with cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum. Instead, NotCoin operates on a centralized network, managed by a single entity, and uses a traditional database system to record transactions. The Concept and Functionality of NotCoin NotCoin was created with the intention of providing a digital currency that could be used for online transactions without the complexities and fluctuations associated with traditional cryptocurrencies. Its centralized nature allows for faster transaction processing and the ability to reverse transactions in cases of fraud or error, which is not possible with decentralized cryptocurrencies. Security Measures and Concerns One of the most significant concerns regarding NotCoin is security. The centralized system poses a higher risk of hacking and data breaches. However, NotCoin’s developers have implemented robust security protocols, including advanced encryption and continuous monitoring, to mitigate these risks. Market Reception and Criticism Since its inception, NotCoin has received mixed reactions from the market. Some users appreciate the stability and user-friendly nature of the currency. Future Prospects The future of NotCoin is uncertain. While it has the potential to attract users who are intimidated by the complexity of traditional cryptocurrencies, it also faces stiff competition from established digital currencies and new entrants that offer similar benefits while maintaining a decentralized approach. Conclusion NotCoin represents a bold experiment in the digital currency space. when NOT break 0.029400 then will go to the original target = 0.034 as shown in hourly time frame,thr green line on the graph shows good support. ✈️✈️
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