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Dobânda deschisă la Ethereum crește cu 50%, președintele SEC spune că lansarea ETH ETF va dura mai mult timp ETF-urile Ethereum „va dura ceva timp” înainte de a fi lansate, potrivit președintelui SEC. Interesul deschis al ETH asupra burselor a crescut cu 50% până la un nou maxim istoric după întoarcerea SEC către ETF-urile ETH. Noile adrese acumulate care dețin 10-10K și 10K-100K ETH au crescut constant după aprobările ETH ETF 19b-4. Prețul Ethereum (ETH) s-a situat în jurul valorii de 3.860 USD miercuri, după ce președintele Comisiei de Valori Mobiliare (SEC) Gary Gensler și-a exprimat opinia că lansarea ETF-urilor ETH la vedere ar putea fi amânată. Între timp, produsele derivate Ethereum de pe burse au înregistrat o creștere a interesului deschis (OI). Motive zilnice ale pieței: ETF-urile ETH întârzie, creșterea interesului deschis, creșterea acumulării de noi adrese Într-un interviu acordat miercuri la CNBC, președintele SEC, Gary Gensler, a spus că ETF-urile ETH spot „ar dura ceva timp” înainte de a intra în funcțiune pe burse, indicând că aprobările S-1 nu sunt iminente. El a menționat că agenția sa lucrează în continuare la măsuri de dezvăluire cu burse.

Dobânda deschisă la Ethereum crește cu 50%, președintele SEC spune că lansarea ETH ETF va dura mai mult timp

ETF-urile Ethereum „va dura ceva timp” înainte de a fi lansate, potrivit președintelui SEC.

Interesul deschis al ETH asupra burselor a crescut cu 50% până la un nou maxim istoric după întoarcerea SEC către ETF-urile ETH.

Noile adrese acumulate care dețin 10-10K și 10K-100K ETH au crescut constant după aprobările ETH ETF 19b-4.

Prețul Ethereum (ETH) s-a situat în jurul valorii de 3.860 USD miercuri, după ce președintele Comisiei de Valori Mobiliare (SEC) Gary Gensler și-a exprimat opinia că lansarea ETF-urilor ETH la vedere ar putea fi amânată. Între timp, produsele derivate Ethereum de pe burse au înregistrat o creștere a interesului deschis (OI).

Motive zilnice ale pieței: ETF-urile ETH întârzie, creșterea interesului deschis, creșterea acumulării de noi adrese

Într-un interviu acordat miercuri la CNBC, președintele SEC, Gary Gensler, a spus că ETF-urile ETH spot „ar dura ceva timp” înainte de a intra în funcțiune pe burse, indicând că aprobările S-1 nu sunt iminente. El a menționat că agenția sa lucrează în continuare la măsuri de dezvăluire cu burse.

Declinarea răspunderii: Include opinii terță parte. Acesta nu este un sfat financiar. Poate include conținut sponsorizat. Consultați Termenii și condițiile
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$BTC #BTC NYSE president commends Bitcoin ETFs amid skeptical views from financial advisors Lynn Martin, the New York Stock Exchange group president, says you can't argue with the success of Bitcoin ETFs. US financial advisors remain skeptical of Bitcoin ETFs amid market enthusiasm. An interview conducted by CNBC suggests that advisors are not recommending Bitcoin ETF investments, citing clients' safety as a reason. Five months after the approval of Bitcoin ETFs, financial investors still show restraint in recommending the largest digital asset. However, Lynn Martin, President of the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), praised the ETFs' resounding success in an interview on Friday. Lynn Martin, the president of the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), commended Bitcoin ETFs' current successes in an interview with CNBC on Friday. "I think you can't argue with the success of Bitcoin ETFs and the liquidity it has brought to the underlying markets," Lynn said. Lynn had earlier revealed her views on digital assets on Wednesday, stating her openness to cryptocurrencies and the NYSE's consideration for trading them if only the crypto market had clearer regulations. Meanwhile, US financial advisors still have skeptical views on investments in Bitcoin ETFs. Despite the enthusiasm surrounding Bitcoin ETFs, including its recent feat of hitting 1 million BTC in assets under management (AUM), these experts still hold reservations about the number one cryptocurrency. According to a CNBC report, most advisors stated that they are "neither initiating conversations nor fielding client inquiries about the ETFs." CNBC had surveyed a dozen members of an advisor council, including Baker. The results pointed out two major concerns of these individuals: volatility and regulatory uncertainties. Before the launch of Bitcoin ETFs, these advisors had previously cited Bitcoin's high volatility as a reason for their skepticism. However, many of these advisors believe that consistent inflows in the ETFs over the years would lower Bitcoin's volatility, making it more adoptable.
Bitcoin is gathering its strength Market picture The crypto market added 1.3% in 24 hours to $2.58 trillion. This is roughly the area where trading has been centred for the last week, despite attempts by speculators to rock the market. Volatility in the market has decreased, with prices of the major coins varying between -1.3% (Toncoin) and 3.3% (Solana), while Shiba Inu shot straight up 15% to its highest since early April. Bitcoin continues to hover near the upper edge of the descending range, building up strength before the next move. All we have to do is reiterate that an exit above $70K will break this bearish pattern. Until then, the classic development is a pullback to the lower boundary, but we see this as an alternative option, suggesting a further breakout after consolidation. According to CoinShares, net inflows into crypto funds totalled $1.05bn last week, up from $932m a week earlier. Bitcoin investments were up $1.01bn, Ethereum was up $36m, and Solana was up $8m. News background Cumulative ETF investments since the beginning of the year rose to a record $14.9 billion. The total AuM of crypto funds reached $98.5 billion. Weekly trading volumes rose 28% to $13.6 billion.  CoinShares noted that sentiment is becoming generally positive, which is likely due to investors interpreting the FOMC minutes and recent macroeconomic data as slightly dovish. MicroStrategy founder Michael Saylor pointed out that 32 cryptocurrency ETFs have accumulated more than 1 million BTC (~$70bn)—or about 5% of all asset issuance. According to SoSoValue, the largest ETF is still Grayscale's GBTC, with $20bn in assets under management (AUM), almost caught up by its closest competitor, BlackRock's IBIT. Medical technology specialist Semler Scientific announced the purchase of 581 BTCs worth $40 million. According to the company, BTCs are now "the Treasury's primary reserve asset" because they are "a reliable store of value and an attractive investment." Semler Scientific shares jumped 28%.
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