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Răspunsul la datele CPI determină o creștere a fluxurilor săptămânale de active digitale cu peste 600% ETF-urile criptografice din zonă ar putea să nu merite hype-ul, deoarece 82,5 milioane de dolari sunt scoși din Hong Kong. Chiar dacă a crescut puțin față de săptămâna anterioară, volumul total al ETF-urilor globale a fost totuși mult mai mic decât ceea ce sa observat în martie și aprilie. După ce un indice al prețurilor de consum (IPC) din SUA a arătat o creștere a inflației mai slabă decât se aștepta săptămâna trecută, criptoactivele au înregistrat o creștere de 600% a intrărilor nete, potrivit sondajului săptămânal Coinshares privind fluxurile de active digitale. Aproape 1 miliard de dolari în fluxuri de active digitale Datele de la Coinshares arată că fondurile de active digitale au continuat să înregistreze intrări săptămâna trecută, cu intrări nete de 932 de milioane de dolari, o creștere de 619% față de 130 de milioane de dolari în săptămâna precedentă. O regulă generală este că mai mulți bani care curg într-un activ indică mai multă încredere din partea investitorilor, ceea ce ar putea duce la o creștere a prețului. SUA au declarat miercuri că indicele prețurilor de consum (IPC) a urcat cu 0,3% mai puțin decât se aștepta, ceea ce sugerează progrese către obiectivul de 2% al Rezervei Federale, care a determinat fluxurile mai mari. În cele trei zile de la publicarea datelor IPC s-au înregistrat 89% din totalul fluxurilor. Cu aproximativ 942 de milioane de dolari în intrări, Bitcoin a contribuit major la fluxurile totale. În total, Solana a primit 4,9 milioane de dolari, în timp ce Chainlink a primit 3,7 milioane de dolari. Cu toate acestea, din cauza sentimentului negativ de săptămâna trecută cu privire la aprobarea ETH ETF spot, Ethereum a avut retrageri de aproximativ 23 de milioane de dolari. Cu toate acestea, averea activului digital s-a îmbunătățit în această săptămână, din cauza speculațiilor că SEC va aproba ETF-urile la timp pentru termenul limită de 23 mai. Statele Unite au primit aproape 1 miliard de dolari, ceea ce o face cea mai generoasă regiune. Aproximativ 17 milioane de dolari au părăsit sistemul financiar al Canadei pentru a doua săptămână consecutiv. Cu 82,5 milioane de dolari părăsind orașul, se pare că lansarea ETF-urilor Bitcoin și Ethereum în zonă nu a meritat. #ETHETFS #BinanceLaunchpool #BTC $BTC $ETH

Răspunsul la datele CPI determină o creștere a fluxurilor săptămânale de active digitale cu peste 600%

ETF-urile criptografice din zonă ar putea să nu merite hype-ul, deoarece 82,5 milioane de dolari sunt scoși din Hong Kong.

Chiar dacă a crescut puțin față de săptămâna anterioară, volumul total al ETF-urilor globale a fost totuși mult mai mic decât ceea ce sa observat în martie și aprilie.

După ce un indice al prețurilor de consum (IPC) din SUA a arătat o creștere a inflației mai slabă decât se aștepta săptămâna trecută, criptoactivele au înregistrat o creștere de 600% a intrărilor nete, potrivit sondajului săptămânal Coinshares privind fluxurile de active digitale.

Aproape 1 miliard de dolari în fluxuri de active digitale

Datele de la Coinshares arată că fondurile de active digitale au continuat să înregistreze intrări săptămâna trecută, cu intrări nete de 932 de milioane de dolari, o creștere de 619% față de 130 de milioane de dolari în săptămâna precedentă.

O regulă generală este că mai mulți bani care curg într-un activ indică mai multă încredere din partea investitorilor, ceea ce ar putea duce la o creștere a prețului.

SUA au declarat miercuri că indicele prețurilor de consum (IPC) a urcat cu 0,3% mai puțin decât se aștepta, ceea ce sugerează progrese către obiectivul de 2% al Rezervei Federale, care a determinat fluxurile mai mari. În cele trei zile de la publicarea datelor IPC s-au înregistrat 89% din totalul fluxurilor.

Cu aproximativ 942 de milioane de dolari în intrări, Bitcoin a contribuit major la fluxurile totale. În total, Solana a primit 4,9 milioane de dolari, în timp ce Chainlink a primit 3,7 milioane de dolari. Cu toate acestea, din cauza sentimentului negativ de săptămâna trecută cu privire la aprobarea ETH ETF spot, Ethereum a avut retrageri de aproximativ 23 de milioane de dolari.

Cu toate acestea, averea activului digital s-a îmbunătățit în această săptămână, din cauza speculațiilor că SEC va aproba ETF-urile la timp pentru termenul limită de 23 mai.

Statele Unite au primit aproape 1 miliard de dolari, ceea ce o face cea mai generoasă regiune. Aproximativ 17 milioane de dolari au părăsit sistemul financiar al Canadei pentru a doua săptămână consecutiv. Cu 82,5 milioane de dolari părăsind orașul, se pare că lansarea ETF-urilor Bitcoin și Ethereum în zonă nu a meritat.

#ETHETFS #BinanceLaunchpool #BTC $BTC $ETH

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Shiba Inu pricing signals buy, 25% surge anticipated Shiba Inu pricing broke a two-month consolidation, signaling a shift. Investors should anticipate SHIB to rise 25% to $0.0000315 resistance. A daily candlestick closing below $0.0000210 will invalidate the bullish premise. Shiba Inu (SHIB) price has swung bullish with the crypto market and broken significant barriers, suggesting a rise. Before the meme currency soars, investors may buy SHIB. Lower lows and lower highs have followed the Shiba Inu price's March 5 local peak of $0.0000457. A trend line linking these swing points reveals a decreasing trend line that was broken on May 20. Buyer pressure increased with this daily candlestick closure above the descending trend line and horizontal support level of $0.0000253. SHIB should create a base above $0.0000253 and launch a 25% rebound rally to $0.0000315 resistance. The dog-based meme currency may retest $0.0000355, the middle of the $0.0000253 to $0.0000457 range, in a bullish scenario. Bullish momentum is shown by the Relative Strength Index (RSI) flipping the 50 mean level into a support floor. The Awesome Oscillator (AO) also rebounded above zero mean. With bullish momentum rising and SHIB passing technical levels, a breakout rally is imminent. The last two months' consolidation was an excellent accumulation zone, according to Santiment's Whale Transaction Count indicator. After a fall or consolidation, this on-chain statistic may indicate investor accumulation. Instead, if this index surges following a gain, these investors may sell. The Whale Transaction Count indicator spiked amid falls from April 12 to May 21, indicating institutional investor accumulation. This supports the technical bullish argument. Shiba Inu pricing is positive, but investors should beware about a crypto market drop. If SHIB has a daily candlestick close below $0.0000210 due to selling pressure, it would undermine the bullish argument. SHIB might fall 20% to $0.0000168, the next critical support level. #SHIB $SHIB #buythedip #altcoins
3 Greater Crypto Buys Than GME PepeCoin: Pepe the Frog wins crypto fans and makes them wealthy. Shiba Inu: Ecosystem expansion boosts deflationary tokenization. Dogecoin: The meme coin leader is set to replicate the bull rise' successes. PepeCoin PEPECOIN, created last year, floated among cheap tokens until December. Trading volume reached tens of thousands of dollars every day. It prohibited us from addressing significant market interest. End of 2023, rising demand spurred investment activity, changing everything. Trading rose to $6.5 million and the token price rose from $0.01 to $0.15 in two days. Before the $7.51 April peaks, this trek was training. This cryptocurrency capitalized on the meme coin craze and grew to almost $0.5 billion. Shiba Inu In 2020, “Ryoshi,” the unknown inventor, could not have seen Shiba Inu . It released 1 quadrillion tokens. But their number has been diminishing and is presently just over 500 trillion SHIB. There were many steps, including a 40% currency burn and token exchanges. Shiba Inu also survived the spring 2024 negative pressure, confirming its stability versus other meme assets. Over the last month, prices have fluctuated between $0.000021 and $0.000028,. Between big cryptocurrencies and meme coins, investors have a few days to acquire them for their portfolios. Dogecoin Compare meme stocks and meme coins starting with their most notable members. Even among top crypto assets, Dogecoin stands apart. Since its inception, it has led meme coins. This cryptocurrency conducts $1 billion transactions. Most currencies on the crypto community's radar want such behavior. Dogecoin's price rose despite the large number of tokens in circulation. It is gaining power to increase with the market after the latest dip and did not go below $0.12. A bull run in the past showed the coin's beneficial behavior. DOGE has grown from $0.003 to $0.73 in the first half of 2021, multiplying investors' wealth. #PEPE #DOGE #SHIB $PEPE $DOGE
The Cardano founder reveals the US presidential election winner. Cardano creator Charles Hoskinson has discussed cryptocurrency's regulatory and political issues. Hoskinson, frustrated with the US government, has pushed crypto aficionados to oppose anti-crypto presidential candidates. Hoskinson expressed worries about the US administration's anti-crypto position in a YouTube broadcast. He cited US President Joe Biden's promise to veto the House of Representatives' opposition to the SEC's contentious crypto asset accounting rules. Hoskinson called Biden's anti-crypto policies "garbage," saying the government was purposely slowing the crypto business. The Cardano creator highlighted that China and Europe have actively nurtured their crypto industries, creating clear rules and implementing less antagonistic policies and regulations for digital asset developments. Hoskinson expressed displeasure and irritation with the US SEC and Biden government's recent measures against the digital asset market, claiming the government plans to destroy and seriously hurt the American bitcoin business. Cardano's inventor advised crypto enthusiasts to vote against Biden in the US presidential election to oppose a government that inhibits the crypto industry's growth. Hoskinson concluded by urging viewers to “vote crypto,” saying that “a vote for Biden was a vote against the American crypto industry.” More crucially, it might damage cryptocurrencies' decentralized core, restricting the financial liberty and security of millions of US crypto users and mandating measures against positive individuals in the crypto field. As of 2022, 258 million Americans were 18 or older. If 50 million American crypto users vote against Biden in the next elections, 19.38% of US adults will reject him. The percentage might shape the next US president. Crypto enthusiasts like Donald Trump and Robert F. Kennedy are running for president on November 5. #altcoins #cardano #ada $ADA #buythedip
The Crash of Dogwifhat: What Gives? The price of dogwifhat (WIF) has dropped 45 percent from its March highs, and investors are wondering why. Last seen at $2.68, the WIF price has fallen precipitously from its all-time high of $4.86 in March. Additional losses may be forthcoming, according to the WIF chart. Bears seem to have the upper hand in this market as it is trading below both its 21-day and 50-day moving averages. In addition, a rapid retracement to $2.0 is probable in the event that it ruptures its present rising trend channel. A new artificial intelligence meme currency is attracting investors' attention as dogwifhat (WIF) faces a possible price decline in the near future. A new artificial intelligence meme currency is attracting investors' attention as dogwifhat (WIF) faces a possible price decline in the near future. Quotation from TradingView Amidst a wider consolidation period in the cryptocurrency market, the WIF price has plummeted from its all-time high. Since reaching an all-time high of about $74,000 in March, Bitcoin's price has remained stagnant in the $60,000s. Significant retracements have been seen in a number of different altcoins and meme currencies. It's possible that WIF may return strongly. Gains of more than 5-10x during current bull market are very improbable, however, given the company's market size of around $2.7 billion. It's no surprise that people are looking for meme currencies with more potential for profit. #altcoins #buythedip #WIF $WIF
This Might Result in a Doubling of The Price of Shiba Inu Shiba Inu (SHIB) formed a bull pennant on its daily chart last week, indicating a price gain. While retesting the breakthrough level, SHIB's price is at a key point. If successful, this retest might provide big profits. Bull pennants usually indicate a strong upswing after consolidation. A bull pennant forms on SHIB/USD's daily chart. After a large price rise, two converging trend lines create a little symmetrical triangle. The pole reflects the first rapid climb from late February to early March, while the pennant developed from March to May. The higher pennant trendline generally offered resistance, while the bottom trendline often gave support. SHIB is retesting the upper trendline after breaking it last Wednesday. This retest is essential to verify the breakout. A price retest at the pennant's upper border might confirm the uptrend. Price should be monitored at $0.00002350. Resistance levels at $0.00002482, the 0.236 Fibonacci retracement level, $0.00002881, $0.00003204, $0.00003527, and $0.00003987 are also crucial to watch. The 0.382, 0.5, 0.618, and 0.786 Fibonacci retracement levels are crucial if the upswing continues. $0.00002220, the recent pennant's bottom border, is a key support level. The 200-day EMA at $0.00001854, and the 0 Fibonacci retracement line at $0.00001836, the consolidation phase's bottom, provide further support. SHIB must also watch the 20-day and 50-day EMAs at $0.00002399 and $0.00002418, the next resistance levels. SHIB is trading above its 20-day EMA but below its 50-day EMA, showing mixed short-term momentum. #memecoin #SHIB $SHIB #buythedip #altcoins

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