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#bitcoinhalving 📣 Co-fondator DeepMind: AI Hype care ascunde „Noua Renaștere” Vorbind pentru Financial Times (FT) duminică (31 martie), Demis Hassabis a spus că fluxul de bani în companii și produse generative de #artificial intelligence (AI) amintește de zgomot similar în jurul criptomonedelor. „Unele dintre acestea s-au revărsat acum în $AI , ceea ce cred că este puțin nefericit. Și întunecă știința și cercetarea, ceea ce este fenomenal”, a adăugat el. „Într-un fel, inteligența artificială nu este suficient de entuziasmată, dar într-un anumit sens este prea entuziasmată. Vorbim despre tot felul de lucruri care pur și simplu nu sunt reale.” #BinanceLaunchpool #Memecoins #cpi


📣 Co-fondator DeepMind: AI Hype care ascunde „Noua Renaștere”

Vorbind pentru Financial Times (FT) duminică (31 martie), Demis Hassabis a spus că fluxul de bani în companii și produse generative de #artificial intelligence (AI) amintește de zgomot similar în jurul criptomonedelor. „Unele dintre acestea s-au revărsat acum în $AI , ceea ce cred că este puțin nefericit. Și întunecă știința și cercetarea, ceea ce este fenomenal”, a adăugat el. „Într-un fel, inteligența artificială nu este suficient de entuziasmată, dar într-un anumit sens este prea entuziasmată. Vorbim despre tot felul de lucruri care pur și simplu nu sunt reale.”

#BinanceLaunchpool #Memecoins #cpi

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Michael Saylor: Senate Wants Bitcoin The passage of a resolution to nullify the SEC's controversial SAB 121 rule has been celebrated as a major legislative victory for the cryptocurrency industry #MicroStrategy co-founder #michaelsaylor has taken to the X social media network to celebrate the cryptocurrency industry's recent Senate win.  "Wall Street wants Bitcoin, the House of Representatives wants Bitcoin, and now the Senate wants Bitcoin," he posted on the X social media network.  Earlier this Thursday, the Senate voted 60 to 38 to kill the controversial "SAB 121" bulletin introduced by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-New York) as well as several Democrats joined the Republicans to shoot down the SEC guidance.  The Digital Chamber, the leading blockchain trade association, was "thrilled" to celebrate the passage of the resolution to nullify SAB 121. Compound Labs Robert Leshner described this as "the first of many" legislative wins for the cryptocurrency industry.  The controversial rule requires banks that safeguard #Cryptoassets should record them as a liability on their own balance sheets. Critics argued that it would make it impossible for banks to provide custodial services for digital #assets .  According to Austin Campbell, the founder and managing partner of Zero Knowledge Consulting, the rule, which was unilaterally adopted by the SEC, would possibly damage the rights of crypto holders. "There is no economic rationale for holding capital against assets a firm does not own, and it was clearly done simply to block regulated financial entities from providing custodial services," he said. He further noted that this guidance benefits non-regulated custodians.   As reported by @WISE CRYPTO NEWS , the US House of Representatives voted to shoot down the guidance on May 9.  #GME
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