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😱😱😱Va schimba El Salvador legile Bitcoin pentru împrumutul de 1,4 miliarde USD al FMI? #ElSalvador solicită un împrumut de 1,4 miliarde de dolari de la Fondul Monetar Internațional (FMI), iar în schimb, organismul dorește ca țara din America Centrală să-și revizuiască legea Bitcoin (#BTC ). Solicitări de împrumut El Salvador și Solicitare FMI Negocierile privind împrumuturile sunt în desfășurare de ceva timp pentru a ajuta El Salvador să-și achite urgent angajamentele financiare și plățile datoriilor. În special, cererea FMI a rămas aceeași în această perioadă: să faceți o reformă a legii criptomonedei din Salvador. Cu toate acestea, președintele El Salvador Nayib Bukele nu are de gând să dea curs acestei cereri. Cel mai recent avertisment al FMI a venit prin directorul de comunicații al Fondului, Julie Kozack, care a vorbit acum câteva zile despre riscurile asociate cu BTC. Se pare că, dacă El Salvador nu face modificările dorite în legea Bitcoin, Fondul nu va lua în considerare recursul la împrumut de 1,4 miliarde de dolari. Această solicitare din partea FMI nu este surprinzătoare, întrucât instituția financiară este în special împotriva El Salvadorului în ceea ce privește utilizarea BTC ca mijloc legal. FMI a decis să folosească negocierea împrumutului ca o altă modalitate de a cere El Salvador să-și reconsidere poziția Bitcoin. FMI pune presiune asupra El Salvadorului pentru adoptarea Bitcoin Cel puțin din septembrie 2021, FMI s-a opus utilizării de către El Salvador a monedei ca mijloc legal de plată. Instituția financiară crede cu tărie că utilizarea acestei criptomonede de vârf reprezintă o amenințare la adresa stabilității financiare și a sănătății economice, având în vedere natura sa extrem de volatilă. Vicepreședintele El Salvador, Felix Ulloa, a subliniat angajamentul neclintit al guvernului și a mers până acolo încât a citat recent aprobarea spot Bitcoin ETF din partea Comisiei pentru Valori Mobiliare și Burse (SEC) din SUA ca un factor important. Având în vedere cât de important este împrumutul de 1,4 miliarde de dolari pentru țara din America Centrală și cât de importantă își menține strategia Bitcoin, nu este încă clar dacă El Salvador se va pleca în fața cererii FMI. #NayibBukele #binance

😱😱😱Va schimba El Salvador legile Bitcoin pentru împrumutul de 1,4 miliarde USD al FMI?

#ElSalvador solicită un împrumut de 1,4 miliarde de dolari de la Fondul Monetar Internațional (FMI), iar în schimb, organismul dorește ca țara din America Centrală să-și revizuiască legea Bitcoin (#BTC ).

Solicitări de împrumut El Salvador și Solicitare FMI

Negocierile privind împrumuturile sunt în desfășurare de ceva timp pentru a ajuta El Salvador să-și achite urgent angajamentele financiare și plățile datoriilor. În special, cererea FMI a rămas aceeași în această perioadă: să faceți o reformă a legii criptomonedei din Salvador. Cu toate acestea, președintele El Salvador Nayib Bukele nu are de gând să dea curs acestei cereri.

Cel mai recent avertisment al FMI a venit prin directorul de comunicații al Fondului, Julie Kozack, care a vorbit acum câteva zile despre riscurile asociate cu BTC. Se pare că, dacă El Salvador nu face modificările dorite în legea Bitcoin, Fondul nu va lua în considerare recursul la împrumut de 1,4 miliarde de dolari.

Această solicitare din partea FMI nu este surprinzătoare, întrucât instituția financiară este în special împotriva El Salvadorului în ceea ce privește utilizarea BTC ca mijloc legal. FMI a decis să folosească negocierea împrumutului ca o altă modalitate de a cere El Salvador să-și reconsidere poziția Bitcoin.

FMI pune presiune asupra El Salvadorului pentru adoptarea Bitcoin

Cel puțin din septembrie 2021, FMI s-a opus utilizării de către El Salvador a monedei ca mijloc legal de plată. Instituția financiară crede cu tărie că utilizarea acestei criptomonede de vârf reprezintă o amenințare la adresa stabilității financiare și a sănătății economice, având în vedere natura sa extrem de volatilă.

Vicepreședintele El Salvador, Felix Ulloa, a subliniat angajamentul neclintit al guvernului și a mers până acolo încât a citat recent aprobarea spot Bitcoin ETF din partea Comisiei pentru Valori Mobiliare și Burse (SEC) din SUA ca un factor important. Având în vedere cât de important este împrumutul de 1,4 miliarde de dolari pentru țara din America Centrală și cât de importantă își menține strategia Bitcoin, nu este încă clar dacă El Salvador se va pleca în fața cererii FMI.

#NayibBukele #binance

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🔥💥El Salvador continues to accumulate 1 BTC every day #ElSalvador relies on Bitcoin for its economic future. September paying off: In September 2021, El Salvador made history by becoming the first country to recognize #Bitcoin as a legal means of payment alongside the U.S. dollar. Since then, the government has redoubled its efforts to integrate BTC into the national economic structure Decrying the reservations expressed by the IMF. The " 1 Bitcoin per Day " program, launched in November 2022, embodies El Salvador's intention to create BTC reserves in the long term. Bitcoins received on a daily basis are stored in the same wallet that was recently used to secure a significant part of the country's BTC assets. For security reasons, the government of El Salvador recently transferred a significant part of its Bitcoin assets to a cold wallet and stored them in a physical safe on national territory. Thanks to this regular buying strategy, El Salvador has benefited from the recent increase in the Bitcoin price. the country where 5,748 BTC is held, representing more than $ 360 million, is currently recording a capital gain of $ 57 million. Although El Salvador's BTC reserves remain modest compared to other governments or companies such as MicroStrategy, the country believes that Bitcoin is an asset that will gain value and use in the future. The recently launched blockchain researcher by the National Bitcoin Office (ONBTC) further confirms El Salvador's commitment to transparency regarding BTC transactions. El Salvador's unwavering commitment to Bitcoin, embodied by its daily purchases and ambitious goal, reflects the country's belief in the potential of cryptocurrency. Although it is still being adopted at a limited level among the public, the government insists on its strategy, convinced that Bitcoin will be the driving force of economic Deceleration for the country. #BTC #binance
🔥💥Will Meme Coins Like PEPE, FLOKI and BONK Give A 2x Surge? As the crypto market bounces back, with the Bitcoin price surpassing the $65,000 barrier overnight, the meme coins seem slightly under the weather. Under a healthy correction, they are awaiting their next massive jump. #PEPE Price Retest Preps Another Spree One of the best-performing meme coins in 2024, PEPE price action shows a falling wedge breakout rally completing a rounding bottom reversal. The uptrend exceeds the $0.000010 psychological mark but showcases retest in action. With the VI lines in a positive alignment and the uptrend in ADX, the DMI indicator shows a bullish trend in action. The underlying demand for the PEPE meme coin shows a high likelihood of a price jump. In case of a bullish trend, the PEPE price could reach the $0.000019 mark. On the flip side, a drop under $0.000010 could test the $0.00000925 support. Uptrend In Floki Eyes $0.00042 With a bull run in motion, the #floki price action shows a falling wedge rally gaining momentum with a double bottom. As the meme coin exceeds the neckline at $0.00019, the resistance at $0.00021 leads to a retest of the bullish breakout. Currently, the FLOKI price consolidates within two crucial Fibonacci levels and awaits a surge in buying pressure. A bullish trend will pump the meme coin to the 1.618 Fibonacci level at $0.00040. However, a slip under $0.00019 will nullify the breakout and dump it to $0.00016. Solana’s Meme Coin Preps Double Bottom The biggest meme coin in the Solana ecosystem, the BONK price action displays a wedge pattern breakout. Further, similar to Floki, it attempts a double bottom reversal for additional momentum. As the meme coin takes support at the 50D EMA and the 38.20% Fibonacci level, the uptrend chances are improving. However, the lack of RSI divergence questions the uptrend. Considering that the broader market will improve, the #BONK price could surpass the neckline at $0.000028. In such a case, the breakout rally could reach the $0.00003786 mark. #MemeWatch2024 #binance
🔥💥Is Floki (FLOKI) Price Ready for an All-Time High? FLOKI is currently trading at the level of $0.0002144 and has gained 0.49%, 19.88% and 48.24% in the past day, week and month, respectively. with a market value of $ 2.05, the 24-hour trading volume was recorded as $ 485.48 million and 53rd in the market. he took his turn. Although the Floki Inu token reached an all-time high of $0.0003437 on November 4, 2021, it fell by 37.15%. Factors That Could Push the #FLOKI Price to an All-Time High Various factors can push the Floki Inu token to an all-time high. 1. New Listing and Strategic Partnerships An important milestone for #floki is its recent listing on Binance Thailand. This latest addition opens up new opportunities for investment and extends the visibility of the coin to a wider group of people. In addition, thanks to the strategic cooperation with Revolut Business, the largest neobank in Europe, FLOKI is able to reach its target audience of more than 40 million users in more than 150 countries. This collaboration is an important part of FLOKI's plan to establish itself as a popular cryptocurrency and increase its use by using Revolut's large number of users. 2. Strong Community and Strategic Developments FLOKI has a vibrant social media presence with almost 600,000 followers on X (previously known as Twitter). The recent DAO vote for the burning of 15 trillion FLOKI tokens reflects positive thinking, revealing the active participation and support of the community. This reduction in circulation, which was adopted by 99.84% of voters, could reduce the supply in circulation and possibly improve the value proposition by increasing the price of the token. In addition, FLOKI has made remarkable progress by being offered for continuous futures trading on Kraken, one of the leading cryptocurrency exchanges in the United States. The upcoming version of the Valla application aims to improve the accessibility and functionality of FLOKI, integrate it more deeply into users' daily lives, and simplify on-the-go operations with FLOKI. #memecoins #binance
🔥💥Investors are turning to these 5 Altcoins: Uptrend! Which projects have the trend increased after Bitcoin (BTC) jumped above $ 65 thousand? 1- Pepe (#PEPE ) PEPE, the memecoin that is by far the strongest in recent times, has recorded a 7.50 percent increase in the last 24 hours.Dec. The popular coin, which makes a big difference not only to its category, but also to the altcoin market, has placed in the first place of the list. The 2024 memecoin trend looks like PEPE will take shape at work. 2- Wormhole (W) W, which created a lot of chaos as soon as it was launched, has experienced a 3.50 percent rise in the last 24 hours. The popular coin W of the Solana ecosystem, which has seen sales pressure with the airdrop distribution, seems to be gradually recovering. 3- Arweave (AR) Decried as one of the potential altcoins of the 2024 bull, AR has shown a performance of 3.20 percent in the last 24 hours. AR, which is almost never affected by the BTC Decays, continues to attract attention with its strong stance. AR investors, on the other hand, are curious about the next price Deceleration. 4- #Floki (FLOKI) FLOKI, one of the important names of memecoins, recorded a 1.70 percent increase in the last 24 hours. FLOKI, which has a better stance compared to most memecoins, made the investor's face smile. 5- Internet Computer (#ICP ) ICP, which once shook the market with its sharp rises, has experienced a 1.20 percent rise in the last 24 hours. The popular altcoin, which managed to survive the retreats in Bitcoin, has already given hope for the bullish process. In particular, the rise of Internet technology to prominence may pave the way for major upsurges in ICP. #altcoins #binance
😱🫨New transfer from the company that attracted $5 billion to the stock markets during the bull rally Crypto trading company #Cumberland which published a report last year that it expected an increase in cryptocurrencies and largely kept the forecasts here, withdrew $ 20 million from the Tether Treasury. The company, which has not made any shots in the last 12 days, is known for moving more than $5 billion of USDT to the stock markets this bull season. A remarkable transfer has come from Cumberland, a trading firm known for its transactions in cryptocurrencies. The company's wallets, which have not made any movements in the last 12 days, have made $ 20 million withdrawals from the Tether Treasury and sent them to the stock exchanges. It seems that Cumberland has sent $ 10 million to the OKX exchange and the same amount of USDT to #Binance . Such companies usually send USDT, the most widely used stablecoin in crypto purchases, to exchanges to make new purchases. they moved $ 5 billion As it is known, the cryptocurrency world experienced noticeable increases, especially after November. Prices, which had been rising sharply until the day the SEC approved Bitcoin spot ETFs on January 10, continued their rally later, although they retreated briefly after the approval came. During this period, the Cumberland company sent billions of dollars of USDT to the stock exchanges and made new purchases. The firm has made a total of $5.5 billion of USDT transfers to the stock exchanges since October 20, 2023. #altcoins #BTC
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