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⛏️ Vă prezentăm Ethena (ENA) pe Binance Launchpool Ethena este un protocol revoluționar pe Ethereum, conceput pentru a oferi o alternativă cripto-centrată la sistemele bancare tradiționale. Acesta își propune să ofere un instrument de economii accesibil universal, denominat în dolari, cunoscut sub numele de „Internet Bond”, permițând astfel independența financiară în sfera cripto. 💰 Native Token - $ENA 📊 Metrici de simboluri - Tip token: ERC-20 - Total Aprovizionare: - Oferta inițială circulantă: 1.425.000.000 - Alocarea Binance Launchpool: 300.000.000 🔎 Introducere protocol Ethena este un fond de acoperire deschis care oferă 1,3 miliarde USDe, utilizând ETH garantat cu lichidități ca garanție pentru a scurta o sumă egală de ETH, stabilind astfel un portofoliu cu o deltă de 0. Asigurând că valoarea netă a activelor deținute de Ethena rămâne stabilă, în ciuda faptului că fluctuații ale valorilor activelor suport. Simultan, generează venituri din finanțarea din garanția ETH și din poziția scurtă. Deoarece ETH gajat poate fi acoperit perfect cu o valoare nominală egală a pozițiilor scurte, USDe poate fi bătut cu un raport de garanție de 1:1, asigurând că Ethena atinge o eficiență a capitalului comparabilă cu monedele stabile susținute de active în USD (cum ar fi USDC și USDT). În plus, evită dependența de activele provenite de pe piețele financiare tradiționale. 👀 Avantaje și riscuri Avantaje 1. Scalabilitate 2. Stabilitate 3. Rezistența la cenzură Riscuri 1. Decuplarea riscului de garanție 2. Riscul ratei de finanțare 3. Riscul de contrapartidă 4. Risc de integritate 🔭Prognoză de preț Pe baza precedentului Binance Launchpool, unde randamentul mediu anualizat a fost de 120%. Calculând pentru o perioadă de exploatare de 3 zile, prețul jetonului ENA ar fi de 0,42 USDT. Prețul minim garantat ar fi de aproape 0,18 USDT. Cu o aprovizionare totală de jetoane de 15 miliarde de jetoane, când prețul ajunge la 0,45 USDT, Evaluarea completă diluată (FDV) ar fi de 6,75 miliarde USD. Cu toate acestea, tranzacționarea curentă înainte de piață pe Aevo cu un preț mai mare de aproximativ 0.65 USDT. #Launchpool #ethena #ENA #priceprediction #BinanceLaunchpool

⛏️ Vă prezentăm Ethena (ENA) pe Binance Launchpool

Ethena este un protocol revoluționar pe Ethereum, conceput pentru a oferi o alternativă cripto-centrată la sistemele bancare tradiționale. Acesta își propune să ofere un instrument de economii accesibil universal, denominat în dolari, cunoscut sub numele de „Internet Bond”, permițând astfel independența financiară în sfera cripto.

💰 Native Token - $ENA

📊 Metrici de simboluri

- Tip token: ERC-20

- Total Aprovizionare:

- Oferta inițială circulantă: 1.425.000.000

- Alocarea Binance Launchpool: 300.000.000

🔎 Introducere protocol

Ethena este un fond de acoperire deschis care oferă 1,3 miliarde USDe, utilizând ETH garantat cu lichidități ca garanție pentru a scurta o sumă egală de ETH, stabilind astfel un portofoliu cu o deltă de 0. Asigurând că valoarea netă a activelor deținute de Ethena rămâne stabilă, în ciuda faptului că fluctuații ale valorilor activelor suport. Simultan, generează venituri din finanțarea din garanția ETH și din poziția scurtă.

Deoarece ETH gajat poate fi acoperit perfect cu o valoare nominală egală a pozițiilor scurte, USDe poate fi bătut cu un raport de garanție de 1:1, asigurând că Ethena atinge o eficiență a capitalului comparabilă cu monedele stabile susținute de active în USD (cum ar fi USDC și USDT). În plus, evită dependența de activele provenite de pe piețele financiare tradiționale.

👀 Avantaje și riscuri


1. Scalabilitate

2. Stabilitate

3. Rezistența la cenzură


1. Decuplarea riscului de garanție

2. Riscul ratei de finanțare

3. Riscul de contrapartidă

4. Risc de integritate

🔭Prognoză de preț

Pe baza precedentului Binance Launchpool, unde randamentul mediu anualizat a fost de 120%. Calculând pentru o perioadă de exploatare de 3 zile, prețul jetonului ENA ar fi de 0,42 USDT. Prețul minim garantat ar fi de aproape 0,18 USDT.

Cu o aprovizionare totală de jetoane de 15 miliarde de jetoane, când prețul ajunge la 0,45 USDT, Evaluarea completă diluată (FDV) ar fi de 6,75 miliarde USD. Cu toate acestea, tranzacționarea curentă înainte de piață pe Aevo cu un preț mai mare de aproximativ 0.65 USDT.

#Launchpool #ethena #ENA #priceprediction #BinanceLaunchpool

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⛏️ Introducing Renzo (REZ) on Binance Launchpool Renzo is a protocol that simplifies staking complexity for users and facilitates seamless collaboration with EigenLayer node operators and Validated Services (AVSs). ezETH is Renzo's liquid restaking token that provides users with exposure to restaking while retaining liquidity. 💰 Native Utility & Governance Token - $REZ $REZ will be utilized for voting on governance proposals concerning matters related to the Renzo protocol, including critical operational measures. 📊 Token Metrics - Token type: ERC-20 - Total Supply: 10,000,000,000 - Initial circulating supply: 1,050,000,000 (10.50%) - Binance Launchpool Allocation: 250,000,000 (2.50%) 👀 Key Highlight After restaking ETH, there can be an issue of liquidity being locked up. Renzo's solution is to use a derivative token called ezETH to unlock liquidity from restaked ETH. As the number of EigenLayer Validated Services (AVS) increases, different validation configuration strategies will offer varying returns and risks. Renzo can leverage its algorithm to dynamically balance returns and risks in real-time, replacing the need for users to make complex configuration choices and assisting them in achieving stable, high returns. 🔭Price Prediction Based on previous BNB Launchpools, and assuming an APR of 90% for this mining period duration of 6 days, the token price is projected to be 0.8 USDT. With a conservative estimate derived from a minimum yield rate of 70%, the price is estimated to be approximately 0.6 USDT. However, considering the average market capitalization of Binance Launchpool projects to be in the range of 400M to 500M, the floor price is anticipated to reach 0.5 USDT. ⚠️ Binance will be the first platform to list the token. Any claims to offer this token for sale before the stated timeline are false advertising. Please do your own research to ensure safety of your funds. #BinanceLaunchpool #priceprediction #RENZO #Megadrop
⛏️ Introducing Saga(SAGA) on Binance Launchpool Saga is a Layer 1 protocol enabling developers to effortlessly create VM-agnostic, parallelized, and interoperable dedicated chains known as "Chainlets." These Chainlets offer applications infinite horizontal scalability. Saga enables developers to initiate Chainlets with just a click, utilizing automated CI/CD deployment pipelines standardized across any type of blockchain virtual machine, leveraging shared security and state-of-the-art validator orchestration. 💰 Native Token - $SAGA 🔧 Token Utility - Chainlet Activation Fee: Developers remit $SAGA to network validators for initiating and maintaining their Chainlets. - Participatory Governance: Users can partake in voting for network governance matters. - Staking Incentives: By contributing to network security, participants earn rewards in $SAGA and tokens from projects utilizing the Saga protocol. 📊 Token Metrics - Token type: Native Cosmos token - Total Supply: 1,000,000,000 - Initial circulating supply: 90,000,000 - Binance Launchpool Allocation: 45,000,000 👀 Chainlets Features - Cost-Efficient Transactions & Predictable Chain Fees - Interoperability & Rapid Bridging - Highly Customizable Stack - Infinite Horizontal Scalability - Automation 🔭Price Prediction Based on previous BNB Launchpools, and assuming an APR of 90% for this mining period duration of 4 days, the token price is projected to exceed 2 USDT. With a conservative estimate derived from a minimum yield rate of 70%, the floor price is estimated to be approximately 1.5 USDT. However, considering the average market capitalization of Binance Launchpool projects to be in the range of 400M to 500M, the token price is anticipated to reach 5 USDT. ⚠️ Binance will be the first platform to list the token. Any claims to offer this token for sale before the stated timeline are false advertising. Please do your own research to ensure safety of your funds. #Launchpool #SAGALAUNCHPOOL #priceprediction #Cosmos
⛏️ Introducing ($ETHFI) on Binance Launchpool is a non-custodial liquid restaking protocol for Ethereum. With, users retain control of their keys while participating in staking. By harnessing Eigenlayer technology, deposited ETH is seamlessly restaked, fortifying external systems like rollups and oracles. This innovative approach not only enhances security but also amplifies yield for ETH stakers. 💰 Native Token - $ETHFI 🔧 Token Utility - Protocol Governance - treasury - Protocol upgrade  - Protocol fees & distribution 📊 Token Metrics - Token type: ERC-20 - Total Supply: 1,000,000,000 - Initial circulating supply: 115,200,000 - Binance Launchpool Allocation: 20,000,000 🔎 Protocol Features 1. Delegated Staking - Node Operator Bidding  - Deposit and Auction Mechanism - Encryption of Validator Key - Validator Launch - Exit Command and Recovery - Slashing Insurance and Responsibility - Monitoring Validator Performance 2. Liquidity Pool & eETH  - Minting and burning eETH - Bond-holders and minting new T-NFTs and B-NFTs - Exiting validators 3. Node Service - Enrolling nodes into services - Node client - Billing 🗺️ Roadmap - Delegated staking with self-custody of keys ✅ - Solo node operators integration phase 1 ✅ - DVT integration phase 1 ✅ - Permissionless minting and redemptions of eETH✅ - DVT integration phase 2 ✅ - DAO Governance & TGE 🔥 - Contracts ossification 🔭Price Prediction Based on previous BNB pools, the average annualized return rate for the past eight launchpools is 135%. Assuming that the annualized return rate for this mining period is also 135%, and considering a mining duration of 4 days, the token price would be above $8 USDT. Using a conservative estimate based on minimum yield rate of 70%, the floor price would be nearly $4.60 USDT. ⚠️ Binance will be the first platform to list the token. Any claims to offer this token for sale before the stated timeline are false advertising. Please do your own research to ensure safety of your funds. #Launchpool #ETHFI #priceprediction #HotTrends
⛏️ Introducing Aevo ($AEVO) on Binance Launchpool Aevo is a decentralized derivatives exchange platform specializing in options and perpetual trading. Built on the Aevo Chain, users can seamlessly transfer funds from the exchange. 💰 Native Token - $AEVO 🔧 Token Utility - Governance: $AEVO holders can vote on network upgrades, new listings and general DAO governance - Staking: Staking $AEVO will get discounted trading fees on the Aevo exchange and boosted rewards on Aevo’s trader reward program 📊 Token Metrics - Token type: ERC-20 - Total Supply: 1,000,000,000 - Initial circulating supply: 110,000,000 - Binance Launchpool Allocation: 45,000,000 🔎 Key Highlight 1. Off-chain Order Book and Risk Management Engine 2. On-chain Settlement 3. L2 Architecture 4. Liquidation Mechanism 5. Stable asset - aeUSD 🗺️ Roadmap - Launches with ETH Options Trading ✅ - Launches Perpetual Futures Trading ✅ - Launches Pre-Launch Futures Trading ✅ - Launches aeUSD Stablecoin ✅ - Launch and airdrop $AEVO - Ongoing 🔥 - Launch Aevo Strategies - Launch spot and derivatives RFQ Platform - Ecosystem Building for Aevo L2 🔭Price Prediction Currently, there is no $AEVO available in the pre-launch market. However, at Whales Market, the floor price stands at 4.6 USDT per token. Based on previous BNB Launchpool performance, averaging an annualized yield of 135% over the initial eight periods, assuming similar performance for this mining phase, the token's price is projected to reach approximately 3.71 USDT over a 5-day mining period, aligning closely with the Whales Market's order price. Calculating with a minimum yield rate of 70%, the floor price would be around 1.92 USDT. Considering a token supply of 110 million, the floor market capitalization would reach 211 million USD, nearing the 2.5 billion USD valuation of A+ round financing. ⚠️ $AEVO is built by the team that launched Ribbon Finance. As such $RBN holders are able to convert their $RBN to $AEVO at a 1:1 rate, which requires a 2-month lockup. #Launchpool #Aevo #priceprediction #TrendingTopic
⛏️ Introducing @Portals (PORTAL) on Binance Launchpool Portal is a revolutionary cross-chain gaming platform designed to streamline the discovery and enjoyment of Web3 games. With a unified account system, mainstream gamers can effortlessly dive into the vast ecosystem of Web3 games, enjoying a seamless experience. 💰 Native Token - $PORTAL 1. Transaction: $PORTAL enables users to acquire in-game items and various gameplay experiences across the network. 2. Cross-chain fee: Users have the option to utilize $PORTAL for covering fees associated with cross-chain transactions. 3. Staking: Users can stake $PORTAL to gain access to Tokens and NFTs through the Portal launchpad. 4. Nodes: Users have the opportunity to buy Portal nodes to aid in network validation. 5. Consensus: Users can amplify their network validation contributions by staking $PORTAL into nodes. 📊 Token Metrics - Token type: ERC20 - Total Supply: 1,000,000,000 - Initial circulating supply: 167,134,615 - Binance Launchpool Allocation: 50,000,000 🔎 Key Highlight - Top-tier Advisors and Contributors: With luminaries such as Jamie King (Rockstar Games Cofounder), Matt Dixon (Global Director of Platform EA Games), Adrian Lai (Newman Group CEO), and John Yao (CEO Team Secret) on board. - Vibrant Community: Boasting a staggering 500k members across various social channels and platform pre-registrations. - Successful Fundraising: Having raised an impressive $29,000,000 through private and public sales, the project allocated 33% of the token supply towards fueling platform and ecosystem growth. - Blockchain Integrations: Leveraging the capabilities of Solana, Avalanche, Kalyton, Base, and Polygon. 🗺️ Roadmap - Portal Ecosystem launches ✅ - Cross-chain partnership ✅ - Partnership with Magic Eden & LayerZero ✅ - Raising $29,000,000 Private & Public sale ✅ - $PORTAL TGE - Ongoing 🔥 - Portal foundation - Portal staking & Node - Discovery platform - Portal launchpad #Portalcoin #Launchpoool #PixelPricePrediction #Write2Earn #Portal

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