In a shocking turn of events, sources close to the Trump family have revealed that Melania Trump may not return to the White House if her husband, Donald Trump, wins the presidency again. This bombshell news has left many wondering what could be behind the First Lady's decision.

According to a handful of "Melania-ologists," the First Lady plans to spend most of her time traveling between Palm Beach and New York, where her son Barron Trump may attend New York University. She will only attend special events at the White House, making her the first First Lady in history to ditch her duties in such a way.

This move is a significant break from tradition, as the role of the First Lady has always been seen as a vital part of the presidency. From hosting state dinners to supporting the President at public events, the First Lady has always been a prominent figure in the White House. But Melania Trump seems to be distancing herself from her husband and the Washington political scene.

Many speculate that Melania's decision is a result of her husband's numerous scandals and controversial behavior. From his public trial regarding his affair with a porn star to his growing fascist tendencies, Donald Trump has become a polarizing figure in American politics. And it seems that his wife has had enough.

"Melania does what Melania wants," said Mary Jordan, a Washington Post editor who wrote a book about the First Lady. "She's distancing herself even more from her husband and from the Washington social political scene."

Kate Andersen Brower, who has written numerous books about First Ladies, agreed. "I mean, she clearly hated being in Washington."

The simplest explanation is that Melania has been humiliated one too many times by her husband's actions and wishes to distance herself from him. But this move could also be seen as a sign of deeper issues within the Trump family.

Meanwhile, President Biden's relationship with his wife Dr. Jill and his family has never been stronger. The Bidens are a tight-knit family who genuinely care about each other and the country they serve. In contrast, the Trumps seem to be falling apart at the seams.

As the news of Melania's potential absence from the White House spreads, many are calling for her to denounce her husband and join the growing movement on Tribel, a new pro-democracy social network that is exploding in popularity. Will she take a stand against her husband's fascist behavior and join the fight for democracy, or will she continue to stand by him despite his controversial actions? Only time will tell.