

### Beginner's Guide to Crypto Trading

Cryptocurrency trading has gained immense popularity due to its potential for high returns and 24/7 market availability. This guide provides a concise roadmap to get you started on your crypto trading journey.

#### Understanding Cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrencies are digital or virtual currencies that use cryptography for security. The most popular example is Bitcoin, but there are thousands of others, such as Ethereum, Litecoin, and Ripple.

#### Key Concepts

1. **Blockchain**: A decentralized ledger that records all transactions across a network of computers.

2. **Wallet**: A digital tool to store your cryptocurrencies securely.

3. **Exchange**: Platforms where you can buy, sell, and trade cryptocurrencies.

#### Steps to Start Trading

1. **Choose a Reliable Exchange**: Popular options include Coinbase, Binance, and Kraken. Ensure the exchange has good security measures and user reviews.

2. **Create an Account**: Register on the exchange, verify your identity, and set up two-factor authentication for added security.

3. **Fund Your Account**: Deposit fiat currency (like USD, EUR) or another cryptocurrency to start trading.

4. **Research and Select Cryptocurrencies**: Analyze the market and choose cryptos based on your research. Tools like CoinMarketCap can help track prices and market trends.

5. **Place Your Trade**: Decide whether to buy or sell based on your analysis. You can start with market orders (buy/sell at the current price) or limit orders (set your desired price).

Trading Strategies follow next 2/2

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