CoinMarketCap crypto heatmap showing all red indicates that the overall cryptocurrency market is experiencing a bearish trend with short liquidations dominating.

Here are the key points:💥🔨

➡️ A crypto heatmap is a visual tool that provides an at-a-glance view of the relative strengths of different cryptocurrencies across multiple timeframes.

➡️The colors on the heatmap represent the performance of each crypto asset.

➡️Green indicates the asset is above the prior bar's high, showing strength.

➡️ Red indicates the asset is below the prior bar's low, showing weakness.

➡️The darker the red color, the more bearish the price action. If most cryptocurrencies on the heatmap are displayed in dark red, it suggests an overall bearish market trend.

➡️ Short liquidations occur when traders who have bet on the price of an asset going down are forced to close their positions due to the price moving against them.

➡️ When short liquidations dominate across multiple cryptocurrencies, it indicates that the market is experiencing a bearish phase where prices are declining.

So in summary, the CoinMarketCap crypto heatmap showing all red tiles suggests that the cryptocurrency market is currently in a bearish state, with short liquidations exceeding long liquidations across most major crypto assets.

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