
Dear BINANCe users, my appologis for being little mad, but I hate scammers, fauds...and I will expose as much of them as I can on social media, here too .

So, to start

#mememcoinseason2024 , As I can see more and more people are investing in different #meme coins.

I don't feel confident to predict which ones will be sucesfull, but I am pretty sure that a lot of them , also a lot of new #GameLaunch tokens and coins will turn into shitcoins, or even more likely scams. Social media promising airdrops of gigantic proportions if you just send them your $SOL wallet , or TON wallet , if you pay just a small fee of such-and - such #eth they will send you huuuge airdrops on 48 h. Just enough for you to forget where did you sent your address , then sorry, we don't work in your country, or you warent fast enough, even if you send it 2min after the post is up and only 5 people send address before you. Don't fall for this scams, you will get your social media locked out of and left with nothing. Use only trustworthy sources of you are serious. Sick of, sick of ,sick of... time has come to payyyyy.✊🏻