ZKasino, a blockchain-based gambling project, has started a 72-hour '2-step bridge back process' to refund investors following accusations of a $33 million scam. The project announced on May 28 that investors can bridge back their ETH at a 1:1 ratio. Despite concerns about the legitimacy of the process, ZKasino reassured investors of their commitment to the project's success. Investors who opt for a refund will forfeit allocated ZKAS tokens and future releases. The refund process requires sending back ZKAS tokens to the original address, with a claim portal opening after data verification. While some doubt the process, ZKasino aims to regain trust after the controversy. The project faced backlash for diverting funds to staking instead of returning ETH, leading to accusations of an 'exit scam.' Dutch authorities arrested a suspect linked to the incident, with funds partially returned to ZKasino. The project denied allegations of wrongdoing and emphasized its dedication to delivering on promises. Read more AI-generated news on: https://app.chaingpt.org/news