let's introduce you new thing .


Certainly! Let me introduce you to the Manta Network, a fascinating multi-modular ecosystem for zero-knowledge (ZK) applications. Here are some key points about Manta:

Manta Pacific: This is the first EVM-equivalent ZK-application platform within the Manta Network. It offers scalability and security through Celestia DA and Polygon zkEVM. Developers can build and deploy ZK applications and dApps on Manta Pacific using Solidity. The network leverages Celestia’s modular data availability, resulting in blazing-fast infrastructure at a fraction of the cost of monolithic Layer 2 solutions1.

Universal Circuits: Manta Pacific provides Universal Circuits, a ZK library that allows developers to easily call ZK-enabled contracts for their existing Solidity smart contracts and dApps. These circuits include zkContracts like zkShuffle, which is useful for on-chain gaming1.

Low Fees, High Scalability: Manta Pacific combines Celestia and a modified OP Stack to deliver an infrastructure with extraordinary scalability and low gas fees. This makes it an excellent environment for building and deploying ZK applications1.

Developer-Friendly, App Agnostic: Manta’s multi-modular approach allows developers to leverage private identity tools across chains and web2 environments (including mobile apps). Manta’s SDKs and proof keys make integrating on-chain identity straightforward with just a few lines of code1.

Non-Invasive Compliance: Manta Network’s zkSBTs (zero-knowledge Single Block Transfers) enable trustless, decentralized verification without exposing sensitive details. For example, zkBAB and zkGalxe Passport provide seamless on-chain KYC verification without scanning passports or entering personal information1.

Growing Ecosystem: Manta aims to bring the best experience and value to real users across various domains, including DeFi, gaming, and social applications. Their Ecosystem Grants Program encourages new use cases that address real-world pain points1.