Hey everyone,

Let's share our experiences and what we've gained and lost so far in the crypto world. I started trading last July with only 50 USDT in spot by following others. Over time, I deposited more money and reached $1,000. I gained knowledge about how things work, and my confidence grew. So far, I've invested around $1,800 and made a net profit of $800.

I've made some awful mistakes, as we probably all do when starting something new. I was impatient and missed many good chances to double my portfolio. For instance, I had $600 worth of $REI in my portfolio, which I sold at break-even after holding for more than a month. Then, it jumped around 10×—my biggest mistake. The same scenario happened with $FIDA ; I sold it early, and it pumped 2× right after I liquidated it.

But now, I've learned one thing: don't sell at a loss and don't check your portfolio repeatedly. It's a mind game, and only the patient ones are going to make it.

Please share your thoughts and experiences; it would be appreciated. Your previous advice has mattered a lot.

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