Greetings, bitsCrunch Community!

Are you an adopter interested in contributing to the future of early-stage crypto projects?

bitsCrunch, an AI-enhanced data network that delivers high-quality #NFT analytics and forensic data, is running a phased incentivized testnet to test all aspects of the protocol as it progresses towards decentralization.

Today, we are calling all eligible users in our community to join “Task 3” of bitsCrunch’s incentivized testnet!

Complete the required activities on the bitsCrunch's UnleashNFTs platform and earn rewards for your contributions

Announcing bitsCrunch’s Incentivized Testnet

Our Testnet is now live, allowing users to participate and earn rewards. Participate now and be among the early adopters of Advancing Transparency in #NFTs and Digital Assets 💪💡

🔊 Participate in Task 3 on the UnleashNFTs by bitsCrunch platform!

🛰️ Test the performance, stability & scalability of bitsCrunch network API.

💎 Complete activities, earn points & be eligible for token rewards.

Participate Now, Earn Rewards! Visit UnleashNFTs by bitsCrunch for more details.

Entering Task 3, where we shift our focus towards testing the performance, stability, and scalability of the bitsCrunch network API.

Participants will engage in daily activities on UnleashNFTs by bitsCrunch

✍️ Offering Feedback,

🐛 Finding Bugs,

📝 Contributing Content,

🧐 Browsing Pages,

👨🏻‍💻 Participating in Marketing Tasks

🏆 💵 Earn points and Qualify for Token Rewards.

This Testing phase will allow us to fine-tune our API in a real-world scenario, and ensure that it can seamlessly handle and aim for a reliable experience for all users.

Prerequisites to participate in Task 3

  • Accept the cookie banner when opening the UnleashNFTs by bitsCrunch for the first time

  • Connect an Ethereum wallet $ETH (eg: Metamask) to the platform

  • Supported browser: Google Chrome

  • Certain jurisdictional limitations apply, as outlined in our Terms and Conditions ‘Eligibility for Testnet’ section


Users must meet the following criteria to be eligible for Task 3 participation:

  • Certain jurisdictional limitations apply, as outlined in the 'Eligibility for Testnet' section of the bitsCrunch Terms and Conditions.

  • Participants will need a device with a basic internet connection.

  • A non-custodial Ethereum wallet (e.g., via Metamask) is required to connect and engage with the UnleashNFTs by bitsCrunch platform.


Task 3 of the bitsCrunch testnet began July 1st and last through the end of August. Users will be able to earn points by completing a number of tasks that will be updated daily or weekly at any time during this period. Additional information on the subsequent Tasks will be made available as the testnet progresses.

Leaderboard for Task 3

Navigate to the UnleashNFTs website to find the leaderboard and find your rank and score along with ongoing activities, upcoming activities, and the FAQ.