🗣I regret to inform you that I have fallen victim to a scam while using the peer-to-peer (P2P) feature on Binance. Here is a detailed account of how I lost $740:

Upon accessing the Binance app, I navigated to the express P2P section and placed a sell order for a portion of my BTC. The system automatically matched me with a buyer, and assuming the legitimacy of the platform, I proceeded to execute the order. The buyer requested that I release my cryptocurrency and remain online for five minutes, during which time they assured me they would send the fiat currency. However, once I released my cryptocurrency, no payment was received.

Subsequently, the buyer ceased all communication, and I discovered that my cryptocurrency had been removed from my P2P wallet. It was only after this ordeal that I was able to access the individual's profile and review their transaction history, which revealed a pattern of incomplete orders and reports of similar scams targeting multiple users.

As a first-time user of Binance's P2P service, this experience has had a significant financial impact on me, leaving me deeply disheartened and facing financial repercussions.@Binance Risk Sniper

#ScamRiskWarning #P2PScamAwareness